Can AI use different tire compounds?


If I have more than one compound available in a tbc file, how do the AI choose which compound to use?
Is there a simple way to make them use a soft tire for qualifying, and other compounds for the race?
Is there also a way that they will choos a random strategy of hard or soft compounds for the race?

Please, if you know how to insert this in gdb or a track config file, please let me know,

thanks :)
You can choose for ai one compund for qualification and one for race. Go to TBC file and delete all compund(except you want to use tha ai).
Philip00, it would be great to be able to do this, could you explain more please. Is there somewhere I can see an example of the TBC file set up for this, or could you cut and paste the relevant lines?
I would really like to be able to do this. I have created a tire that is soft for qualifying (and only lasts 6 laps or so), and a harder tire for the race, but have not been able to get the AI to use them in the correct sessions
Many thanks
You can choose for ai one compund for qualification and one for race. Go to TBC file and delete all compund(except you want to use tha ai).

What do you mean? Delete all components in tbc???
And then the AI can use different compounds?? Nonsense!

Like I said: not possible!
