Create a New F1 MOD...Please Help


Hi everyone. I am newbie here.. I am a fan of Modders for Rfactor and i want to congratulate everyone for the excelente job that they have done and are doing to turn this amazing game each mutch more and better with their fantastic job!! I want to start and do a new MOD for Rfactor but i need help and Tips for how and what i have to do. My idea its to build a F1 Mod using F1 Cars since 1993 until this corrent year 2013. For exemple build a MOD with the greatest F1 cars with Ferrari(1993 and 2004), Williams Renault (1993 and 1994) Benetton (1994) Mclaren Mercedes (1998) and much more... Please someone help and give me some Tips and Guides or ideas to help me to build a kind of thing like that;)
To build any mod.

3D Modeller,
Someone who can put this in game. Not all modeller can do this.
Make sounds,
Artist for car textures and car liveries.
Someone who can work with rF1 physic.

Just to give you some idea on it. 1 car model to build in 3D program could take around 3 months depending on how much time can be put in per day. Most people have to work in the real world for money so modelling is a hobby. This is just the clay model, no textures. Then as a new mod you'll need a new driver, Helmet, Garage or showroom if you want it beside the ISI default one.

For what you've listed above it's not a one man job, simply because one person wouldn't be able to do a good job of all the elements needed to create the mod.

It's a nice dream but that's all it is.

If you want to work on something to help contribute to rF and/or rF2 you'll need to show what area you can do and hope that a mod group can use you.
D.Painter Thanks for a reply and for explanation about that ;) I know thats a really really hard job the modders have. Hobbie or not its very hard spending a lot of time of their lives doing this.. I have no idea exactly how hard and complicated its this. My idea was to for exemple i have some mods installed with for exemple the f1 sr 93, 94, wcp 1997, 1998, 1999, rvr2000, 2001 rmt etc.. and if i pick the folders of cars i want from each them and put in a new folder doing after that the physics file its my idea..not doing a new new from zero Mod. It will be possible to do? If it is i will neeed some lights of how and what are the rights steps to do it because In the modding área i am a total noob. But i can help the others giving my opinions about others mods or test some of them if someone ask for that.. i could test things to help the other people without any problem and i stay very appreciate if i can help if something:)
