There is a lot involved in all that eh, probably a bit too much than what I was looking for. Maybe I used the wrong wording, but what I'm mostly after is to customise existing shaders.
For a start, I want to remove the bump map from this car shader [Bump Cube Specular Map Add Alpha Reflect T1] I want to change it to [Cube Specular Map Add Alpha Reflect T1]
That is not so hard to do. In fact I made this very shader, but if you look for example at the fresnel shader and ISI supplied shaders you can work this out if comfortable with code without too much understanding.
This stuff is not easy mind as said to take it to the next level. If you want to learn an interactive way I found shaderFx to be useful too. In a way these graphical representation programs like render monkey and ShaderFx are very useful, as you can make the basis of any shader, recompile/debug and see the result in a viewport, play around with the lighting formulae and see how it effects the results, so you develop a feel.
If you are math comfy a lot of these things you can almost visualise from the formulae after some time, at least the simpler cases, BUT ultimately these programs are not a replacement in the hope that you can just plug and play shaders, optimisation and efficient shaders are important, and for that learning to code they are not a substitute, well, not for strictly realtime stuff anyway IMHO.
It is also useful to delf in the DX SDK work through the samples and learn HLSL that way, to see how your app calls shaders and its interaction with the application, namely DX in this case.
If you know C anyway as I did already it helps a lot with the learning curve, even with that, personally coming more from a completely non-graphical background from many moons ago, you know, old school text based interfaces with your own makefiles and early versions of UNIX when vi and emacs were the kings of editors

I find this a lot of work and hefty change with new stuff to learn, perhaps I am getting a bit old and my head is not as quick as it once was ^^
I suspect it will be a few years before I can say I am anyway fluent in this stuff yet, all a learning process, though I find it fascinating. As long as you don't expect immediate results tomorrow and enjoy learning, great stuff
I also found this book a very good buy,
Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, A Programmers Guide
but that may be my view and background, it may not be the right book for everyone, but I almost always prefers the math algorithm explanation of something as supposed to the programmers explanation that tend to skim the math and theory. Good bedtime reading, though it uses glsl as base but that doesn't change the underlying theory.
All in all, there is a lot of actual physics & math behind that helps to learn and understand it. Jut for your interest, in my case a long way back I decided that 3D is the area of interest for me in rF over physics, that whilst the car physics ( unfortunately, but understandably ) in the engine is fixed in terms of code ( No, I am not ignoring the plugin interface, but you know what I mean), for the artist there is no such limitation with rF to extend it through code with its shader based approach, and I can't afford rF Pro to play around with