Free Face Tracking

Update 5 has been released, I haven't tried the released version yet, but assume it'll work ok for my setup. I'll come back maybe with some settings that I am using or what not if anyone wonders.
Well, it works... thanks for tutorial. However I'm about to say that's impossible to lap a decent time with this.
FaceTrackNoIR v1.6 will soon be available for everybody. I lacked the ability to use FaceTrackNoIR on ovals at first, until I got it tweaked right, and now I use it for both oval and road courses. With most tracking systems like this, or at least with FaceTrackNoIR and FreeTrack and from what I've been told, there is a big learning curve, so patience is key. Every computer reacts differently to FaceTrackNoIR, so no one will probably have the same settings used, but it's a good starting point. I still have never messed with the PLR file for FaceTrackNoIR to work, and will probably never need to because of the way it works for me. Once you have used it a while in the right conditions, you will get steady and reliable movement when you need it.

When v1.6 does get released, those of you with the newer Intel Core i series computers will be able to use it.
I installed this, and the Face API, it tracks in the program, but when i try it with rfactor, no tracking. I start rfactor, then tab out, start the program, wait for it to initialise, then go back to rfactor, select a track, click "Race" and no tracking, i checked to make sure i have the rfactor track ir plugin, and I do, am i missing something? is there a key i have to hit to make it start working once i get back into the game?
I usually start FaceTrackNoIR before rFactor, but I'm not sure that has anything to do with it. Make sure you have FakeTrackIR selected under Game Protocol. I can show you my setup below.



I'll have to try starting Facetrack first, thanks for the info!! BTW, I installed it on Win XP, think that makes any difference? I have a dual boot system with Win 7 also, but decided to try it on XP first, in case it messed something up, haha
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I don't think Win XP is a problem, but I am unsure as to how the dual boot system works exactly, but there again, not sure that would be the problem either. If you can see your face, like in the video, you should be good to go. It could just be that you have your settings set too softly. You should not have to change your rFactor .PLR file, as suggested at the beginning of this thread. I have never changed it to help FaceTrackNoIR out. A lot has changed with FaceTrackNoIR since the beginning of this thread also. I believe you do not need to install anything other than the FaceTrackNoIR software anymore.

I failed to look at the original post, and noticed he had changed his Controller.ini file too. That too, I have never changed. So if you can, stay away from changing these if you can. The reason I suggest this is, with each new version of FaceTrackNoIR, your changes may be hindering it to function properly, in other words, the changes may be working against FaceTrackNoIR.

I tried installing on Win 7 too, same result, i see it tracking me in the program, but in rfactor, nothing...

Edit: It works in NKPro, and LFS, although in LFS, it is WAY too exaggerated, but NKPro is not bad at all.
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You may want to ask v4friend at the forums there at the FaceTrackNoIR SourceForge site, he will most likely be able to get you fixed. Make sure you include your computer spec's so he has a base to start asking questions to get you running. It may just happen to be something simple.

Maybe try also, in the Options click Keyboard Shortcuts. Then assign values to at least the Center shortcut key and maybe also the Start/Stop shortcut as well.
I finally came accross a thread that was the solution to my similar problem. FaceTrackNoIR was working in other sims except rFactor for me, so here's what I tried...

"Got it all working this morning, and everything seems to be okay. rFactor works good (though I need to make some final adjustments), and FSX is working okay again too. With FSX, I may have fixed the "not being able to sit in the right spot in the cockpit" problem by selecting a different aircraft, then reloading the original aircraft that was having problems. With rFactor though, I guess I just needed to start from the begining again, but this time, I installed v1.4 Update in between FaceTrackNoIR v1.3 & v1.5 Update, which I had not been doing the last couple of days.

So all is GREAT again in my simulator world.

Hope that might help somebody, it worked for me with the FaceTrackNoIRv1.6 alpha.
[NAR]Steve, did you ever get FaceTrackNoIR working? I found out from v4friend, that all a person needs to do when installing for the first time is install v1.3, then v1.6, nothing more is needed. Hope you got it working.


Edit: I tried all morning yesterday to recreate the problem I had, but I just could not get the program to NOT work. So I may be out of suggestions, other than you going to the site forums yourself to have v4friend figure it out. They are pretty good at fixing things over there.
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I may be wrong about installing v1.3 first, as per the following statement from v4friend...

"It should not be necessary to install every version from v130 up. If you have already installed v130 (with any fixes or updates) it may be smart to un-install everything (via Control Panel) and then install v160. Please backup you INI-files..."

But I am finding out, to be absolutely sure for you (AND me).
I never did get it working in rfactor, I will mess with it again sometime....Thanks for all of your help!!
Yep, found out I was wrong about installing v1.3 first. All a person needs is the v1.6 installed.

[NAR]Steve, have you tried it with other mods and/or tracks?
I have not, so do I need to install JUST version 1.6? Or do I need the other software too? The Facetracking API?
I'm about 99% sure that all a person needs is v1.6. The reason I say that is because if the faceAPI thing is installed, maybe that's another test to see if FaceTrackNoIR is working right or wrong. But yes, I do believe all you may need is v1.6 installed.

Meanwhile, I did some checking tonight and noticed I saved a few installs with differant names, so maybe I can make heads or tails out of it and not get too confused. And just maybe, I can get this figured out what was going on at the time. It's definitely got a good timeline of events leading me to getting it working for me.
Okay [NAR]Steve, I was able to recreate my problem at least after about 5 hours of work on it today. In the end, all I did was make sure I had uninstalled all FaceTrackNoIR versions via the Uninstall a program function of the computers Control Panel. Then install FaceTrackNoIR v1.3, and then install v1.6, and now I finally got it back working on my computer. I will let v4friend know about this just in case it comes up again.

I know you were trying to use it on Windows XP, but can you give this another shot so I can give the info to v4friend?

So i need to install both versions? do NOT uninstall V1.3 before installing V1.6?
At least for me, this is the way it worked. So...

1) Make sure there are NO versions installed
2) Install v1.3
3) Install v1.6

That's how I got it working, I know it sounds simple, but it workied for me.
At least for me, this is the way it worked. So...

1) Make sure there are NO versions installed
2) Install v1.3
3) Install v1.6

That's how I got it working, I know it sounds simple, but it workied for me.

That did it !! Thanks, now to learn what settings I have to invert, left to right look is backwards, haha, and up and down too. But,. it IS working now.....
GREAT NEWS!!! I will contact v4friend with the info, and maybe something can be done about it in the future. Thanks for trying it!

@sf4JC and @[NAR]Steve

Thanks mates!!! Your solution is working!

I too was having trouble with rFactor and FaceTrackNoIR 1.6. Didn't even know that this thread is existed (and I am a member of this forum, doh), and I got this thread from Google!

So, this is what I did:
- uninstall FTNoIR 1.6 (the uninstaller didn't uninstall intel PPI app though)
- install FTNoIR 1.3
- reinstall FTNoIR 1.6 to the same directory as FTNoIR 1.3 (will overwrite some files I think)
- done
- launch FTNoIR 1.6
- launch rFactor and voila, it's working!

Some minor problem: Now in Windows Control Panel I see two FTNoIRs, v1.3 and v1.6. Not good I think, because when I uninstall one of them, it may corrupt the installation.

@sf4JC your FTNoIR setting rocks! :eek:
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