Fuel change in Race (Fuel fixed after qualification)


Hi, I have Little question..

I'm editing one mod for myself, and I need to edit something in setup

After qualification, mod saving setup and in race I can not change it... in qualification if I choose setup with 2-3 laps fuel, then in race I can not change fuel... It's not realistic, can I fix it? and how? what file need to edit...

Only want to allow fuel change in race, nothing more...
If you can make changes before qualy, but not after qualy, then you have encountered the "Parc Ferme" rules setup by the modder.
These rules would be listed in the .rfm file.
You can alter them manually but you will get an .rfm mismatch if you go online.
Thanx GFraser1965

I made some changes in rfm file

Now rfm settings I have like this:

ParcFerme = 2
ParcFermeFuel = 0.0
ParcFermeTires = 0
ParcFermeSetup = 1
FreeSettings = 247

Now, after qualification I can change - fuel, front wing, engine boost and tyres...
All other setup is fixed

I need to fix Tyre changes (I dont want to enable tyre change, after quallification)

what need to change? I tried tu change ParcFermeTires = 0 to 1, but no effect
OK I found something like this

As soon as you apply parc ferme you can only unlock following:
// 1 = steering lock
// 2 = brake pressure
// 4 = starting fuel
// 8 = fuel strategy
// 16 = tire compound
// 32 = brake bias
// 64 = front wing
// 128 = engine settings (rev limit, boost, and engine braking)

According to this instruction I edited RFM file:

ParcFerme = 2
ParcFermeFuel = 0.0
ParcFermeTires = 0
ParcFermeSetup = 1
FreeSettings = 68

With this settings I managed what I wanted: to enable starting fuel change and front wing, and tyres fixed

but in race, when I entering in pitstop, I have not secon compound, only one... I need Secon compound, but no idea how to enable it
Are you sure a second compound exists in the mod? Check the tbc file and see if there is more than one compound.
Yes, ofcourse, there are 6 compounds... If I disable ParcFerme, then I can choose 2 compounds in Pitstop, but when ParcFerme is enabled, then I have one compound, only
