Looking for Rfactor 1 DTM mod


Hello All,
I have downloaded numerous DTM mods (most recently 2014 DTM) and everything looks great until I click "Drive" and the track begins to load. It always stops and when I press "Enter" the progress bar will move and the track will load, but when it changes to the Garage view, there is no car. It's just a generic "box car" with "Temp" on the side.
I have tried downloading several DTM mods and all have the same result.
Can anyone recommend a complete mod that will load the cars or possibly a fix for the problem I am having where it will not load the cars on the track?
Thank You
Post a Link of a Mod where that happens, i will help you solving the Problem.
Problem solved?

Well, I found a mod that works called "T5" but the quality isn't great. I was hoping for a mod that has the
actual car brands and paint schemes of 2015-2016
Any recommendations?
Thank You.
If the "T5" is the Payware mod from URD, it should be the best one available for rFactor 1.
Yes, it is the payware mod from URD. I like the mod a lot, but I was just hoping to find a newer skin pack to update it.
No big deal. Thank You for your help!
