Hallo Com,
first of all,sry for my bad english.I will try to explain as good as i can what help i need.
I am working on a rf mod since ~3 years.Most things are finished.In my mod every team/driver has his own showroom.
With own movies/Pitcrew/Gridgirls asf.
In Carlos Spotter is a function which make it possible to play a Drivername.mp3 on an event ingame. The needed files are in a extra folder called DRIVER.
For anybody how dosen`t know.The Spotter (programmed) looks in the Driver.veh file for the name of the Driver, example
Team RaceDepartement
Racedepartement.veh inside file = Driver="Race Departement"
The spotter looks for a mp3 File in the DRIVER Folder of the Spotter which must have the exact name as the used DRIVERname,that means
DRIVER/Race Departement.mp3
If the Spotter find the file,it plays the file on an Event in game. Like Driver "Race Departement" is 2 sec. infront of you...
Spotter use FMOD from fmod.org for advanced audio libary
So what i wanna to do is like the example in spotter, write in c++ or other easy language a litte .dll or tool which make something like this.
Things that have to be created first:
A new Extrafolder called DRIVERMUSIK, must be in Gamedata/Sounds/Pit or Ambient wherever possible.
The Mod Musikfolder Gamdata/Musik contains only one mp3 File,no musik,just a self made ambient.mp3 which is played(looped like in rfactor standard) in Background of Showroom.
U here not musik,just fans/crowdsound and some enginesound of cars drive true,mixed together in this ambient.mp3 file.
This is impotrant for don`t hear two musikfiles at the same time in Spinner.
The little tool search in Driver.veh for the name of the Driver,than check up the DRIVERMUSIK folder for a compatible Driver.mp3, in my example "Race Departement.mp3" play the mp3 looped only in the showroom/Spinner of the Mod.
If you switched to an other team or driver, RaceDepartement.mp3 stops playing, and other driver.mp3 starts play.That means
An other Team called
R Factor
rfactor.veh = Driver="R Factor"
DRIVERMUSIK(Folder) R Factor.mp3
play sound
Every driver get an own mp3 File in the DRIVERMUSIK Folder which have to be played by chose the team/driver.
The most important thing is that the plugin/tool/script looks for the drivername in .veh
If you chosed a Team/Driver in Showroom and go to Track, the actually used Driver.mp3 stops to play.Like the ambient.mp3 two.
The Mod is an (must be) stand alone mod.Thats important to don`t get chrashed with other mods which use spotter.
but i dont know how to write this commands,and which is the easiest way,with Fmod or only Visual Basic.I hope u understand what i mean.Sorry for the long text.
Pls, i need some help in coding this right.
first of all,sry for my bad english.I will try to explain as good as i can what help i need.
I am working on a rf mod since ~3 years.Most things are finished.In my mod every team/driver has his own showroom.
With own movies/Pitcrew/Gridgirls asf.
In Carlos Spotter is a function which make it possible to play a Drivername.mp3 on an event ingame. The needed files are in a extra folder called DRIVER.
For anybody how dosen`t know.The Spotter (programmed) looks in the Driver.veh file for the name of the Driver, example
Team RaceDepartement
Racedepartement.veh inside file = Driver="Race Departement"
The spotter looks for a mp3 File in the DRIVER Folder of the Spotter which must have the exact name as the used DRIVERname,that means
DRIVER/Race Departement.mp3
If the Spotter find the file,it plays the file on an Event in game. Like Driver "Race Departement" is 2 sec. infront of you...
Spotter use FMOD from fmod.org for advanced audio libary
So what i wanna to do is like the example in spotter, write in c++ or other easy language a litte .dll or tool which make something like this.
Things that have to be created first:
A new Extrafolder called DRIVERMUSIK, must be in Gamedata/Sounds/Pit or Ambient wherever possible.
The Mod Musikfolder Gamdata/Musik contains only one mp3 File,no musik,just a self made ambient.mp3 which is played(looped like in rfactor standard) in Background of Showroom.
U here not musik,just fans/crowdsound and some enginesound of cars drive true,mixed together in this ambient.mp3 file.
This is impotrant for don`t hear two musikfiles at the same time in Spinner.
The little tool search in Driver.veh for the name of the Driver,than check up the DRIVERMUSIK folder for a compatible Driver.mp3, in my example "Race Departement.mp3" play the mp3 looped only in the showroom/Spinner of the Mod.
If you switched to an other team or driver, RaceDepartement.mp3 stops playing, and other driver.mp3 starts play.That means
An other Team called
R Factor
rfactor.veh = Driver="R Factor"
DRIVERMUSIK(Folder) R Factor.mp3
play sound
Every driver get an own mp3 File in the DRIVERMUSIK Folder which have to be played by chose the team/driver.
The most important thing is that the plugin/tool/script looks for the drivername in .veh
If you chosed a Team/Driver in Showroom and go to Track, the actually used Driver.mp3 stops to play.Like the ambient.mp3 two.
The Mod is an (must be) stand alone mod.Thats important to don`t get chrashed with other mods which use spotter.
but i dont know how to write this commands,and which is the easiest way,with Fmod or only Visual Basic.I hope u understand what i mean.Sorry for the long text.
Pls, i need some help in coding this right.