Hi everyone,
I'm sure this topic comes up more often than not, but I am looking to upgrade my video card for rFactor 2 and would like some buying advice. My budget is about $300 CAD before taxes, and rFactor 2 is the only game I play.
The things I really need to know:
AMD or Nvidia? From what I've researched here, Nvidia cards seem to be the preferred choice for performance. So far I've been considering an AMD R9 290x or a GTX 760. What are the pros and cons of the different manufacturers?
How much video ram? Tracks like Nordschleife are pretty thirsty for memory. Will 3GB suffice?
I've been pretty happy with my current build for a while. It runs most newer games quite nicely, although rFactor 2 gets pretty choppy/ stuttered on max settings. I don't run with anti-aliasing, and generally have to drop texture settings to high or medium to get a decent framerate. I use a single screen for rFactor 2, which is usually a 1080p tv.
Current specs:
AMD Phenom II QUAD 940 Black Edition
Asus M4A78-E
Sapphire Radeon 5950 1GB
4GB DDR2 ram (@1ghz I think)
Thanks for the help!
I'm sure this topic comes up more often than not, but I am looking to upgrade my video card for rFactor 2 and would like some buying advice. My budget is about $300 CAD before taxes, and rFactor 2 is the only game I play.
The things I really need to know:
AMD or Nvidia? From what I've researched here, Nvidia cards seem to be the preferred choice for performance. So far I've been considering an AMD R9 290x or a GTX 760. What are the pros and cons of the different manufacturers?
How much video ram? Tracks like Nordschleife are pretty thirsty for memory. Will 3GB suffice?
I've been pretty happy with my current build for a while. It runs most newer games quite nicely, although rFactor 2 gets pretty choppy/ stuttered on max settings. I don't run with anti-aliasing, and generally have to drop texture settings to high or medium to get a decent framerate. I use a single screen for rFactor 2, which is usually a 1080p tv.
Current specs:
AMD Phenom II QUAD 940 Black Edition
Asus M4A78-E
Sapphire Radeon 5950 1GB
4GB DDR2 ram (@1ghz I think)
Thanks for the help!