Plugins - Can I use /clr when compiling ?


I want to develop a .DLL plugin for rFactor and compile it with the /CLR option so I can then have it call a C# .DLL. My question is: will rfactor run a C++ .DLL plugin compiled with the /CLR option ?

There is a reason for this configuration and it's not something that's real time critical.
I have wondered this myself but haven't had a chance to try. Have you tried it yourself?
I'm getting ready to try it. Just found a bug in VS2008 that was driving me nuts. I was using Batch Build and it doesn't Compile/Link with /clr so it was giving me an error. For some reason (probably out of frustration) I happen to press Build/Rebuild and it compiled/linked fine and ran.

Just want to make sure everyone knows about this bug cause I spent over 4 days trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.

I should be able to test this in rFactor by early next week.
Using /clr with a C++ .dll in rFactor as a plugin seems to work fine. Now the next step is getting the C++ .dll to call the C# .dll.
