R9 390/X vs Fury X


as the title suggests. I'm looking for a new GPU. Currently I'm running 2 (Crossfire) R9 280's on a 3440x1440 screen from AOE.
And yes I know that someone will come in and suggest Nvidia instead but since I'm the kind of enthusiast that would hate AMD to go away since it would cripple inovation I wanna support them by buying their stuff.
And yes I do no the R9 390/x is a new revision of the R9 290/x. but it clocks much higher then the old revision.
I'm looking to keep my FPS at over 60 but currently the 2 280s struggle with that. At least when it comes to league races in MP with 15 to 25 others on track.
So anybody that can provide some possible 290s or even 390s numbers both for single card and possible crossfire use?
I wonder also if anybody has has a Fury X yet and was able to run rfactor 2 with it but I doubt it.
What draws me to the Fury is also that the higher the res goes it actually beats out some 980 ti's.
So anybody can help with any numbers possibly?
I'm the kind of enthusiast that would hate AMD to go away since it would cripple inovation I wanna support them by buying their stuff.

Don't bs a bs'er.

You are a AMD fanboy, admit it.

hehehe ;)

Nice card btw...jealous. :)
Which card did you end up getting? Im looking at 390x cf or a fury x or a 980 ti
Which card did you end up getting? Im looking at 390x cf or a fury x or a 980 ti

That is why a comprehensive test like that pCars one would be cool. ;)

I mean there is more to it then fps hey, overall graphics quality and 3 screen compatibility are just as important.
If your objective is to play sims like rFactor 2 and if you want that the money that you'll invest be rewarded you have to buy Nvidia... Period!

If money its not a problem you must buy a 980 Ti.

If you play other games and you are happy playing rfactor 2 with halp FPS than a Nvidia card in the same segment you must but a Fury X.

Right now what you have, when crossfire works well, its the same as 290X or 390... and, don't let internet fool you, 390X its only 10/12% faster than a 290X...

So, as you can see, that's a very simple choice :)

Note: Just like you I'm more red than green but, we need to be wise and see what we expect from hardware we are buying :)
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I currently have a 7990 hd so cf setups doesnt bother me..i dont mind spending time to tweak game settings...dont even know if i should wait another year or 2 to upgrade..the 7990 and 2500k is still a capable combo. As for the 290x i thought its been discountinued?

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