Re-encouraging track modeling


Have a question :rolleyes: ... Which is the best way to make kerbs ??

Like those :


Thanx :D

There's a lot of ways. I like the bevel modifier applied onto a line which allow you to type directly the offsets and heights.
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Yep, that's what I was thinking, but I am going to leave it for now, I need to let it all sink in before I move on :D

@Satangoss, I reckon you could get that by using 'Bump Cube Specular map add alpha reflect t1'. On the diffuse texture, make the alpha channel match the bump map with the high parts(the rubber) a light shade of grey and the low non rubber parts black.
I did a quick rough experiment to see for myself if it works and it does, with some work on the textures it would look nice.

Hi Miniak,

After some regular shaders experiments, I reckon there's no way to simulate that effect. So I tried SimRacers Poland and with fresnel reflect I think that's better.

I make a strip of *meters of kerbs, one left handed and one righthanded. (be sure that all vertex are welded 0,001mt , you need one element)
I pick the edges on the road and i create a shape from selection (linear)
Then, i pick the Path Deforming tool, pick the object, the shape, move it until is very close to match the road geometry.
It's a messy modifier sometimes, don't give up :D.
When converted in poly, i connect and adapt the kerbs to the road geometry, no holes or overlapping meshes.
Works like a charm.

That path deforming technique is nice, I use array with it to make things like tires and fences, then used soulburn scripts 'Attach selected Objects' to join them all together. With the tires, I used a random transform to rotate them before I joined them together.

*This is probably not the best way to make walls on a banked track, it's just a quick example of what I'm talking about.

is there any reason you don't just loft the walls? that's what your basically doing but in a very long winded manor!
I loft the walls too, the technique mianiak shows has some advantages though - if you need/want them. It allows you to have control about the exact length of the segments. It allows you to have the model and texture seams/edges lined up perfectly.

I have never built a street circuit but with their more clearly defined wall elements it could prove useful. However, having said that, a quick google image search seems to indicate most street circuits have gone with curved elements already so it might not be that widely useful as I though. First photo on this page shows the Toronto hairpin:
It's most obvious on the left of the photo for the straight elements.
Yeah Alex that's right, this really has nothing to do with making walls, I just did that as a simple example, I didn't think fast enough, I should have made cylinders and did it like tire stacks.

I remade the video this time using Cylinders.

Path Deform and Array to make tire barriers.
Soulburn scripts, Attach selected objects, object detacher, transform randomizer.
The reason why I attach them all together then re-detach them is because it makes it easier to collapse the stack from the path deform, otherwise you have to do it single object at a time.
Also lofting - altho I do it slightly different. But it's good for showing the basics.

Very good little videos by Manolo
haha, thanks Alex :D, I had seen the spacing tool used before but couldn't find it in the tools menu on my version of max, I thought it wasn't included and I didn't bother to look further. They have moved it to a toolbar, anyway, I found it just now.
Do any of you have any tips for making road to grass transition textures? I am struggling to make one that looks good.
I usually create a texture with both the road and grass as seperate layers, then use masking to control the the actual transition. You can then control the hardness of the overlaying effect with how hard the edge in your masking layer is. It also allows you to cast a (small, set to multiply) shadow from the mask for a bit of embossing one or the other.

I thought I saw it implied in some other thread or here that 3ds max's texture "transitioning" (forgot its actual name) might be supported too, maybe someone can pick up on that or tell me I misread?
Wonderful thread! :D

I had imported a Google SketchUp file (.SKP) into Max, then I created the track using spline cage method and cross section modifier.

Now, my question is, is it possible to make the spline points snap automatically to the terrain plane underneath it? I want to make use the elevation data that comes with the SKP file. I had to do this manually by lowering the spline points one by one. If there was a snap function, it would be a big helper.
I did a similar thing with sears when I had to make it narrower, what I did was draw the track out with a spline (both sides), then extrude it down and boolean (cut) it into the existing mesh. After its cut into the terrain you can create shape from selection and so on. Just make sure you don't de-select the selected edges left over from the boolean, otherwise it will take forever to reselect them to make the shapes.

On script spot, look up an alternate normalise spline script (I think it's called normalise spline 2), it works with a certain vert count, instead of distance. so you can make both splines (that you created from the cut) have exactly the same amount of verts, then extrude one spline and push it over a bit, then use Alex's verts to spline script to merge the verts to the other spline.

[ED] make sure to back up your project before you do this :D
Thanks for the tip mianiak.

I also found an interesting video, here it is:

Yep, that's what I was thinking, but I am going to leave it for now, I need to let it all sink in before I move on :D

@Satangoss, I reckon you could get that by using 'Bump Cube Specular map add alpha reflect t1'. On the diffuse texture, make the alpha channel match the bump map with the high parts(the rubber) a light shade of grey and the low non rubber parts black.
I did a quick rough experiment to see for myself if it works and it does, with some work on the textures it would look nice.

I've tried this several times for a dirt track but, each time that I've tried it the game crashes and it gives me an error message saying that it can't load the cube map. I'm using the car cube map from ISI's jacksonville track so, I don't think that the texture should be an issue. However, I have several different material names applied to the track surface and I'm using the same texture for each material (I do this so that I can apply different grip levels from the inside to the outside of the's an oval ect. ect...) and I'm wondering if this could be causing a conflict somehow?
Error message saying it can't load the cube map, or a cube error in the trace file?

Missing a cube map, if its in the folder with all the other textures it should be fine. Or, if it's named or the texture doesn't need to be in the tracks folder as it will get it from cmaps.mas[EDIT: I got that wrong, it should be commonmaps.mas] (make sure to include cmaps.mas[EDIT: commonmaps.mas] in the scn file).

Cube error, means the search paths are wrong in the scn file.

The error would not be caused by using same textures for multiple materials.
It gives me an error loading the car_cube texture and then gives me an error loading the global material. I have the texture in a mas file with the rest of the textures. If I go back and use a basic t1 without the cube map on the same objects then the game will load up and let me onto the track. I have even went so far as to drop the texture into the track folder as well as the gmts and have them sitting there loose along side of the mas files to make sure that they're in there and I still get the error messages. I don't have cmaps in my scn file but, I do have the name of the mas file for my gmts, textures and the sky.mas.

I've literally built 100 tracks for this sim (I was the modeler for the track that you helped Bill with earlier in this thread as an example...) and I've never encountered this problem before and it has me very confused.

I'm using the latest version of 3dsimed to make my gmts as well. I'm not sure if that would make any difference.
hmm,, only thing that comes to mind right now, is the cube map is an actual cube map? or just a texture. did you make it yourself or got it from somewhere?
It's the car cube from the Jacksonville track that comes with the game. I've used the same cube map when I've made a couple of mods and it works perfectly with the cars. I'm going to try to add the cmaps line in the scn file after I return from work this evening. I'll report back.
Sorry I got cmaps wrong, thats for cars, commonmaps.mas is for tracks.

I just had a look at Jacksonville and the only cube map I can find is, there is no car cube in there.
My apologies. It was taken from Orchard Lake Oval.

Yes, I have that line in my scn file. The top lines of my scn file are basically identical to those in all of the ISI scn files. It must be something fairly simple as these things usually are but, it's just eluding me.
Hi Guys,
This is a fantastic thread.
I am self taught with 3d max and would LOVE to learn your tricks.
I can basically create a track it is the buildings and grandstands that I have troubles with and shaders.

I had Abu Dahbi circuit 60% complete till the guy doing the buildings and grandstands quit so my first scratch built track was put in the file cabinet. :(

Thanks to everyone who started and contributes to this thread

Steve B
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IMHO the lack of any feature to cut / merge / weld one track to another is the biggest problem of BTB. Doesn't seem be acceptable to join tracks by moving points of two independent GMTs without at least any SNAP helper. The lack of any cut tool to cap the tracks in any direction is a bit disappointed aspect too. In BTB, all track panels must be parallel including its ending… Thus, you have to hide the rest of the track underneath the second one, without any coincident points… Not a good solution. Try to imagine create the track joints as below using BTB… it seems to be like bend over backwards to me…

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i think there is a tutorial for btb on how to merge two tracks, by piddy
BTB developing is back now. and there is a few new ways to merge tracks now with the Aid of 3dsimed 3.i also agree that most of the original BTB wasn't always up to scratch in the texture animations styles' personally I had a lot of problems merging tracks , can't really blame the modders for that, has btb was stop in mid process of development.but hopefully piddy will stay this time, and sort out his personal issues, and continue with BTB

Video by R soul was created on how to use 3dsimed and btb track merging. I won't put it here has I think that should be up to the original creator to added them also they may be too big in MegaBytes size. but if you need the Content please pm me.and I upload them to a private site.
I'm quite happy for you to link to the video. Since I made that, we have a new version of 3dSimed, and I started using Blender to do the merging. Between Blender and 3dSimed there's a bit of faffing around with materials, but it's worth trying.
