rF2 vs Assetto Corsa multiplayer compared

same old silly discussion. it was so nice without this rF2 AC what ever compare discussion. there is nothing to compare in a serious way. AC MP is in a alpha status ^-^
todays discussed points are maybe tomorrow obsolet. Kunos has released three or four patches in one day (good move :) )
IMO waiting until AC has changed the status to 1.0 would made more sense.
Rf2 will get unbeatable for online when solves several issues.

1) Filters for server. Repair them. We want to see unpassworded servers and use the rest of the existing filters AS IN THE FIRST BUILD.

2) Damage and collision model. You cannot perceive a car has had an accident until some part is missing. It kills immersion.

3) RAIN it just does not look right. Not the wet track color nor general illumination which is too dark.

4) Realroad with dust, grass, oil, gravel. I hope soft particles can help on this. Real roads have all those. Review also grip and visual effects when wet. Permit modifying the realroad build up speed.

5) Now that realtime weather has been implemented, a real random weather is already possible. The problems impeding cloud coverage when not raining should be solved to complete the experience.

6) Wind effects. The last thing to have a full dynamical system where all races would be different.

enviado mediante tapatalk
I never said it was a bad thing ?

Why do people always put crap in my mouth here ?

I am saying if anyone are still unhappy 2+ years on with something like GET MOD which we all know won't change ( as it is the best way to be rid of mismatches ...period ) then why waste your life here, move on, go to AC whatever. ?

It is a fair assumption and question. ?

So you don't want rF2 to improve at all, small changes could make it a lot better but you just want to send people away if they think rF2 can be improved.
So you don't want rF2 to improve at all, small changes could make it a lot better but you just want to send people away if they think rF2 can be improved.

How did you get that from that. ?

I want people around here are positive seems the guy does not like Get Mod is in the wrong place to me. ?

I do not care if people whine, that is not it ......... I can give them as much as I take. lopl

No, I am thinking of them personally.

To be in forums, not just once, but day after day doing this is over and over, to what end ? to make it a better sim ? you kidding right.

I rather wish they have a better sim-life experience is all.
That is being human.
How did you get that from that. ?

I want people around here are positive seems the guy does not like Get Mod is in the wrong place to me. ?

I do not care if people whine, that is not it ......... I can give them as much as I take. lopl

No, I am thinking of them personally.

To be in forums, not just once, but day after day doing this is over and over, to what end ? to make it a better sim ? you kidding right.

I rather wish they have a better sim-life experience is all.
That is being human.
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AC is the best sim.
AC is the best in damage model
AC is the best on dinamic grip on track.
AC is the best on weather changes.
AC is the best while racing on wet.
AC is the best while racing at night.
AC is the best while racing against AI´s.
AC is the best while racing online.
AC is the best in endurance racing.
AC is the best in everything, only thing where its not the best is on the hype....


Rf2 will get unbeatable for online when solves several issues.

1) Filters for server. Repair them. We want to see unpassworded servers and use the rest of the existing filters AS IN THE FIRST BUILD.

2) Damage and collision model. You cannot perceive a car has had an accident until some part is missing. It kills immersion.

3) RAIN it just does not look right. Not the wet track color nor general illumination which is too dark.

4) Realroad with dust, grass, oil, gravel. I hope soft particles can help on this. Real roads have all those. Review also grip and visual effects when wet. Permit modifying the realroad build up speed.

5) Now that realtime weather has been implemented, a real random weather is already possible. The problems impeding cloud coverage when not raining should be solved to complete the experience.

6) Wind effects. The last thing to have a full dynamical system where all races would be different.

enviado mediante tapatalk


One would add one thing, ability to create a server with the cars and tracks you want a fast and simple way and that anyone can come to have content that is being used at the time.

VMOD is a great system for leagues, but a nuisance to public servers, fast games ... In rFactor i created servers often to play with friends, on RF2 have not created any yet. If not easy or hard, just know it is a big hassle and i see completely unnecessary, as need the content to enter a server.

Yesterday i had the first feeling when you enter the online AC was envy. 357 server and most of them full, over 1000 people playing all day , with an average of nearly 2000 people and a maximum of 2700.

RF2 is that you never have these numbers, but right now there are very few people playing online . Some leagues and two or three public servants with 5/15 persons each, nothing more . It is truly sad, and a big problem. It is clear that something is wrong and ISI has to do something to fix it. Either remove VMOD or make them completely invisible to the user, but a solution to this problem is needed before it is too late if it is not already .
gui, the reason AC cannot simulate real life racing is that it simply lacks the features necessary. Without realroad, flat spotting and weather AC just lacks the tools to be a sim. In this generation of racing sims the bar has been raised. That is why AC can't be considered anything more than simcade in its present form. Even the Codies F1 sim cade games have weather. IMHO AC is less of a sim than those games.

guy (funny that we only need to change one letter :p)
AC still simulates the proper grip on the line and it will also off the line, at varying levels according to how it's run. Currently it's set to maximum. Visually it isn't dynamic, very worth noting. A great advantage is actually having a track look worn and raced on, with marks on kerbs etc.

I can't say I've come across that and I don't think it's in, but tire wear is and for this I can't quote Kunos but it'd be a bit off from them if they were not planning on having that feature implemented for v1.00 or shortly after launch.

Also read it is planned, not in yet. Having rain or wet track never stopped rFactor (1), iRacing, or other games from being a sim. GTR2 then would have been the only sim until 2 years ago.

You're mixing simcade (like Codemasters target games) with a sim that simulates events and is presently lacking a few others. It's also in Early Access phase with an alpha multiplayer (which is pushing it too tight since it's officially v.9.4) so it's just like folks judging pCARS. rF2 still has a few unfinished features that are in the pipeline and some that are only implemented in the most recent content. That doesn't remove the simulation aspect of the game a single bit.
gui, the reason AC cannot simulate real life racing is that it simply lacks the features necessary. Without realroad, flat spotting and weather AC just lacks the tools to be a sim. In this generation of racing sims the bar has been raised. That is why AC can't be considered anything more than simcade in its present form. Even the Codies F1 sim cade games have weather. IMHO AC is less of a sim than those games.

So basically rFactor, GSC, iRacing, NetKar, AC, etc all of them are simcades.

By the way, having more features doesn't equal to more realistic. Maybe rF2 offers real road, good tire temperature sensitivity. But what if a tire from, let's say, GSC is more close to the real one than in rF2? Let's say the cornering stiffness, lateral/longitudinal forces vs slip angle/ratio, load sensitivity, vertical stiffness... Or car inertias, aeromaps, etc... Would you still say that rF2 is more realistic because of those other features?

Edit: Just to be clear, because there are too many sensible people here; I'm not saying that GSC tires or physics are better, or more accurate. I simply do not know. Neither any of you, most likely.
AC is a simcade for ease of driving, their simple and scripted physics, their aid in the background, its exaggerated grip .... not even get wet when it rained i would be better simulator.

Just like RF2 no would be less simulator if it had rain. Would offer less chance, but the simulation of car behavior would be the same, that's what matters.
Hi all,
It is interesting to read some of the comments that relate to actual comparisons, and the value that people put on the features of the game. Thanx chaps for the comments.
I have not installed the game as yet.
I feel that without a plan or path of development, which is published ahead of the introduction of a feature, or an indication as to the level of complexity/reality of a feature we will always be talking about comparisons with the way others have implemented a similar feature. We will be always talking about what they have done, not where it’s going. Ok there are "wish lists" and as such it would be fantastic if there was a way to formalise comparisons with other computer driving applications , a plus or minus 1 -10, so as to get a priority or direction of future focus and development. But then again there would be people that just can’t see the big picture and comment on other people’s valuations.
If AC is so good why are you still here? If Rf2 doesn't offer you what you need then find something that does. Just stop coming on here and moaning about this games does this and that and yours don't. You know what Rf2 has to offer so why keep on moaning?

Totally agree, this is an RF2 forum, not a my dick is bigger than yours forum.
Lets just stick to the game at hand and ban any more rf2 vs whatever game comparisons because we know what will happen in the end, all the bitching and bickering will get the post closed anyway.
I really wish people would stop bringing the Holocaust in dumb arguments like this, it's a f***ing video game. Really tasteless.

On the topic, if the difference continues with MP population then rFactor 2 might be dead.
But I think there are things rF2 can focus on like better AI racing and series with all the custom ability and awesome FFB/physics.
I really think that their is a market gap for really good physics and AI with a killer career mod like F1 2013 has.
Graphics would be nice to add to that but we don't live in a perfect world...

On AC, yea I wasn't able to join a MP race after 25 minutes of trying but the kinks would be ironed out eventually, especially with that fan base.
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