I would say that the easiest way to solve that is, to edit the *.rfm file (can be found in the ..\rFm folder) of that mod in the following way:
But notice: any changes of the rfm file will cause online mismatches!!
So if you want to use the mod online, make a backup of the original file.
- open the file "OBS_DRIFT_MOD.rfm" with a text editor
- put 2 slashes (//) in front of the line "OptionsDir=UIDATA\OVERSTEERUIData\"
- save the file
Now the mod should use the original rFactor UI.
And to choose another car/mod simply choose another series in the Menue at "CUSTOMIZE/PLAYER/Racing Series"
And that you cannot buy any upgrades, is that caused by too less money or experience?
If yes, take a car of the mod and join a testday, no matter which track.
When you are on track in the garage, write
ISI_BABYFACTORY into the chat window and press enter.
Leave the track.
Now you get all you need