Size of SkyBoxi



it seems that on some tracks the road or the race track sticks out of the skyboxi. Furthermore the horizon geometry just covers a small area of the track around the origin. My understanding is that the whole track is supposed to be inside (or better under) the skyboxi and the be surrounded by the horizon?!

Is there a recommendation how big / hight he skyboxi should be?

And how can I changed the gmt-File? Tried it with 3DSimEd but when I export to rFactor only the _output file is written.

Thanks in advance.
The skybox object moves with the player, and it's drawn first so everything else is in front of it. So it doesn't matter that it's smaller than the track. I've never tried adjusting the size of the sky/horizon so I can't comment on that.

And how can I changed the gmt-File? Tried it with 3DSimEd but when I export to rFactor only the _output file is written.
The required steps depend on what you're trying to do. If you opened an scn and resized an object (or moved/roated), or changed LOD numbers, going to rFactor > Save Objects is all you need to do. All the loaded gmts will get updated. The track's scn file is just a list of what objects to load, and _output.scn is a list of currently loaded objects in your 3dSimEd window, so if you didn't add or remove any objects, nothing else needs to be done.

It's only when you change tag attributes, or add/remove objects, that you need to update the scn. LOD is stored in the gmt, and I think Pivot Point is too. The others* are saved in the scn, so if they are changed you need to go to Export > rFactor > Update SCN or TRK. The alternative is to copy _output.scn into 'track name'.scn, but _output does not have any info on the sky dome.

*Not sure about 'reflected'. That might be an rF2 thing.
Hi, here are 2 Screenshots from the ISI original Essington track.
As you can see, the Sky/Skyboxi don't have to cover the whole track.
I think the important thing is, to center it at the X/Y coordinates.
And i would put both down so far that they stick threw the ground of the track.

And to manipulate them, i would suggest to unpack the *MAS-file which contains the sky.gmt and the skyboxi.gmt and then work with them as single *.gmt.
When you load the track with the *.scn file, you get all *.gmt as objects. And if you then copy the sky.gmt and skyboxi.gmt, paste them into a new file and safe them as objects, you'll only get the skyboxi.gmt exported, i guess.

View from above


View from bottom

I think the important thing is, to center it at the X/Y coordinates.
And i would put both down so far that they stick threw the ground of the track.

OK. But if it does not need to cover the whole track - what size is it supposed to be? Are there any guidelines - or is just everyone copying the skyboxi from another track?!

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No, i would not say "just copying".
I think that everybody is customizing the sky/skyboxi to his own needs.

And i would also say that there is no default size or a formula how big is has to be, depending on which track you want it for.

I would suggest to make it that big, that it covers the whole length or width of the track (that one that is shorter) and modify it then, if necessary.

Here is another Version of sky/skyboxi (from the Ring 2007)


I have seen many different versions......

I think you'll always have to test how big and how high/low the sky.gmt and skyboxi.gmt have to be that it looks good in game and that there are no points, when you look around on track from different positions, where the sky don't shows up.

And give both objects a high enough value of "lod out" (10000 have the most) when you export them.
