it seems that on some tracks the road or the race track sticks out of the skyboxi. Furthermore the horizon geometry just covers a small area of the track around the origin. My understanding is that the whole track is supposed to be inside (or better under) the skyboxi and the be surrounded by the horizon?!
Is there a recommendation how big / hight he skyboxi should be?
And how can I changed the gmt-File? Tried it with 3DSimEd but when I export to rFactor only the _output file is written.
Thanks in advance.
it seems that on some tracks the road or the race track sticks out of the skyboxi. Furthermore the horizon geometry just covers a small area of the track around the origin. My understanding is that the whole track is supposed to be inside (or better under) the skyboxi and the be surrounded by the horizon?!
Is there a recommendation how big / hight he skyboxi should be?
And how can I changed the gmt-File? Tried it with 3DSimEd but when I export to rFactor only the _output file is written.
Thanks in advance.