That long italian track...


Targa Florio - GPL Conversion

Yes, it´s the Targa Florio for rfactor.

Originally created for GPL.

I thought i might as well open a thread over here,
maybe some track modders gain interest in this project :)

We are currently looking for guys willing to help putting the finishing touches.
If you´re interested dont hesitate to contact us.

More previews and infos can be found here:

Full lap onboard video:
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That's just sick Georg... In a very positive way. :)
I remember trying the "70km experiment" by LKWfan for GTR2, but Targa is absolutely a whole new level. I never thought that good ol' rFactor would be able to handle tracks with this size and detail. What's the current filesize of the project? Any numbers? :)

Greez Rob
It´s currently about 800 mb (unpacked).
We are not using mas archives at the moment though.
800 mb :eek: biggest one i have is a private raceon conversion, which has 300 mb unpacked. and it brings my pc to its knees, when driving it with full details. so i guess targa will produce a single digit framerate on my crappy rig :(

amazing screenies and video :) keep up the good work.

markus ;-)
Older rigs will struggle, but you won't need a killer pc to run this track. A great deal of work has been done to optimize the LODS.
I have a question, seeing as I am doing a lot of research on building tracks and getting them to a standard, I'm curious why you want someone else to finish it?
I think it looks great and I think you guys have the talent to finish it. That's why I am curious as to why you want someone else to have a go.

We are a very small team and as real life priorities change, some of us no longer have the time available to devote to the project. As you can see from the video, most of the heavy lifting is done but there are some small issues (which arise from the conversion) that must to be fixed. Like very small gaps on the mesh on a few places, coplanar faces, some uv mapping issues, some object placements, etc.

Granted a lot of these things would go unnoticed by most, but they need to be fixed. And that's why we're reaching out to the community to help us wrap up this project.


Ahh ok, that makes sense :D. It's a pity I have so much going on, cause I'd love to offer to help. I think I would be capable of doing those sort of things you speak of, it would be a perfect situation for me to get my head into a well done track and learn. But I have a track and a car mod I'm working on atm, plus being a dad and all that at the same time I wouldn't have the time to do it.

Anyway, gl with finding someone :)
LODs may not help in overall because rF will try to load all textures at once. 800MB of textures may be handled only by gfx cards with such amount of vram. Of course you may allocate some RAM as vram but it will be slower. If not, rF will rescale all textures down (see double ctrl+f indicator).
However epic project.
The LODs helped a lot for the overall performance.

And it´s not 800 mb textures only.
Textures are about 300 mb.
@6e66o: are there visgroups in the SCN for different detail settings?

markus ;-)
Yes there are.
If you lower track details there will be less spectators for example,
which gives you a lot more fps.
Hey Georg, will there be a trainer like in GPL? I mean different start/finish sectors to choose from where you want to start in a testing session?
I did it! I finally beat the lap record from Leo Kinnunen (using the same car - 908/3) :D

Nice! (but now we know why the track isn't finished!) XD 163 laps??
Haha, thats only one rfactor installation.
Overall it must be at least 300 laps by now :p
7+ full days of driving-I'm not sure I have that much mileage on the Ring in rFactor (and I drive it obsessively)...
I cant believe its allready 1,5 years since we started working on this track.
It really became an obsession over that time.
Reminds me of the time when i started to learn the Ring using the GTR mod in F1 2002,
and how much fun that was.


If anyone wants to help out putting the finishing touches to this epic project,
you´re still welcome to contact us.

I seriously want all of you to enjoy this track before rf2 comes out,
and it´s a pitty "small details" keep it from being released at this point.
All I would be good for is going out and finding bugs (something I'm pretty good at FWIW).
Someone mentioned a trainer program; the way such an animal might work would be to devise a special AIW with 44 starting spots, each c. one mile apart, and then design a little program which will swap the starting points around (i.e. in and out of the first one). Run a race (no qual) with you the human at spot #1, and off you go.
I'm really looking forward to learning this track! Thanks for all the work you're putting into it. It looks excellent.
Are we still waiting for rF2? Is there any extra optimization being done that rF2 can take advantage of? If not I see no point in waiting.
I'm working on the theory that rF2 is being held back while they wait for the jewel in the crown - this track.

Yes, I'm desperate!
Ok, so taking into count that 3 was posted yesterday, and 2 was posted today, that makes it exactly 1 day in between 3 and 2, so if my calculations are correct, 1 will be tomorrow.

What matters is, is 1 the launch or is 0 the launch? It could be 1 day away, or 2 days away.
FOOL.. 3+2=5 and five is the number of digits on the human foot.. And it is said that Italy is a boot. So that means the poison is in the goblet closest to you. And everyone knows not to bet against a Sicilian when death is on the line.. HAHAHA.. hahaha.. HA..............................
OKOK.. I think its going to be the 1969 Vette.. (this one)


Most likely with damage set to 10%.. normal tire wear, no mechanical failures and probably no fuel usage..

Do all the HistorX cars make the 72Km run on full tanks?

Oh and it will be done with as many people I can get on the vent.. Info - port 8645

Most I ever had was 8 and a mix of noobs and racers.
You can see how well that went. I'm aiming for a dozen on the Floria run.

I cannot wait. I will be in that group driving one of my all time favorite cars.


If anyone is interested, the server Zeos is talking about will be named TheHaitianTriangle.
I changed my mind. Decided I want to learn to model and code then model and code in an Alfa Romeo Type 33 Stradale..

Wink Wink. HistorX2... nod nod..

Also a history lesson for anyone not familiar.

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******************Targa Florio - GPL conversion for rFactor*******************

*******Thanks to Ginetto and his team for creating this great GPL track*******
************and for allowing us to convert it to our favorite sim.************
*************Please read GPL.txt for the original track credits.**************

During our conversion of the Targa Florio we encountered some significant bugs,
as we went along pushing the limits of ISI's engine. (read the FAQ for more info)

Because of this, we were going to hold off the release and wait for rF2.
But after much consideration we decided (with Ginetto's blessing)
to release the track 'as is' for you guys to enjoy in rF.

We hope you like it!

If you want to convert the track to another platform,
please contact us on our forum:

Targa Florio conversion team.

Targa Florio Home


Unpack to your rFactor main folder and overwrite! Enjoy!



-Dynamic skybox
-Multiple road bump levels
-Added treelines, terrain to cover gaps in the mesh
-Historical Grid
-60 cars support
-Multi-materials throughout
-Billboard trackside objects
-New double-material foliage
-Movable objects with mass (will damage your car if you hit them)
-Visgroups for best performance


GPL Team:

Mauro Alcamisi

John Bradley

Jay Beckwith

Shaun Collins

Richard Cooke

Bill Cooper

Phil Flack


Mauro Licciardello

Greg Liebzeit

Sergio Loro

Carsten Meurer

Richard Neville

Nigel Pattinson

Jim Pearson

Remy Roesz

Svend Seegert

Paul Skingley

Ferdinand Sommederer

Paul Thurston

Stefano Zampredi

Robert Zeugin


kuato - GPL conversion, mesh work, max scripts

6e66o - lead artist, road bump levels

Thor - cams

Deadeyeski - mesh work, multi-materials, flying objects

Baule - 3d object placement, historical grid

Beni C - mesh work, additional terrain

Bud Lucas - AIW

TICTOC - mesh work, 3d objects

manolo - additional terrain


HistorX Team: Rantam, YoShImUrA, Hugh Jarse, gonzas (beta server)

Max Angelo & Micki


Virtua_LM - permission to use flying objects

Hudson Kerr - sky texture



Loading times:
First time loading the track takes longer then usual. rFactor needs to create a HAT file.
After that loading will be much quicker.
If you are using a multicore system try to add "+fullproc" and/or "+highprio" to destination of your rfactor desktop shortcut.

How to improve performance/FPS:
Start with turning off blurred shadows.
Turning down shadow quality from maximum to high will replace all dynamic shadows with static shadows.
Turning down shadow quality from high to medium will get rid of tree and building shadows (huge fps improvement).
Cars will still cast shadows.

Turning down track details to low will get rid of a large part of the spectators (huge fps improvement).
Dont worry, all the rest will still look as good.

Amount of spectators:
Maximum amount of spectators is only visible in warmup and race session (except at low track details).
On a test day the track is a lot less crowded, like in real life.

Flickering shadows:

-in track cam:
This is a ISI engine issue with large tracks. Nothing can be done about it as far as we know.
For viewing replays we recommend using medium shadow quality, or disabling them.

-in cockpit view:
Adjust clipplanes in file.
Open cam file with notepad, search for this section and change the marked line:
Fov=(55.000000, 55.00000)
Color=(164, 218, 249)
ClipPlanes=(0.100000, 500.000000) <-
Size=(1.000000, 1.000000)
Center=(0.500000, 0.500000)
RadiusLimits=(0.000000, 0.000000)
OrientationRate=(35.000000, 35.000000, 25.000000)
PositionOffset=(0.000000, 0.00000, -0.3000000) //(Left-Right, Up-Down, Back,Forward)
OrientationOffset=(-0.070000, 0.000000, 0.000000)

Also make sure LODMultiplier is set to 1, that will prevent scenery drawn in the distance, where it shouldnt.

Track cam:
rfactor has a limit of 128 cams. (300+ cams are needed for this track but once you go past cam 128 they stop tracking)

No race groove:
The AIW editor provided by ISI was not able to save our aiw with racegroove.
But as Targa Florio was held on public roads, you wouldnt see that much rubber on tarmac as on other permanent race tracks anyway.

Historical vs. regular grid version:
In the regular version you start the race like on any other race track.
But in real life cars at the Targa Florio started the race in 30 sec intervalls, slowest first - fastest last.
We tried to simulate this with the historical version, where the pole setter starts last, and the slowest after qualifying starts first.
Note that the track supports 60 cars on the grid, which means if you only load f.e. 30 cars on the historical version, the slowest car will still start on P1, which however in that case is not at the start/finish line, but is in fact the 30th starting spot.
This is due to the fact that we simply switched the starting spots (60=1,..., 1=60).
Also keep in mind that the timing/positions in rF HUD will only show correct standings after you crossed the finish line once.
Not sure if it is possible at this point but maybe in an update could you can make it so there are different starting points. Kinda like save points 25% 50% 75% then one that reverses it so we can drive it all backward!
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Congratulations on a magnificent piece of work! It was an amazing experience to drive around. I found myself looking more at the fantastic scenery than the road at times. Everything is as polished as it can be, and the textures blend amazingly well with the backgrounds. Definitely the most realistic looking track I have ever had the pleasure of driving.
Simply marvelous!
Of course, there are some glithes, like in many places, when you accidently went off the road you might never come back ;-) but overall it feels just great! I had a few runs in Opel 1900 GT and after tweaking its setup is a pleasure to drive! Highly recommended for learning the road :)
