I have been trying to change some skyboxes and other stuff on some tracks to play at night, the skyboxes work fine but I encountered a problem with a few of the tracks. The headlights of the cars are not illuminating the road and other objects of the track. Here's a picture that show the issue:
On top, a track that works fine, on the bottom one of the track that has the issue, you can see the man being illuminated but the wall and road is not. I checked the object material of both track and they both use the same shader and properties, and in the .scn file they both appear like this:
What could be causing this problem?

On top, a track that works fine, on the bottom one of the track that has the issue, you can see the man being illuminated but the wall and road is not. I checked the object material of both track and they both use the same shader and properties, and in the .scn file they both appear like this:
MeshFile=filename.gmt CollTarget=True HATTarget=False ShadowReceiver=True
What could be causing this problem?