Waypoints for pit- and gridspots not being generated


I have an issue that I can't find a solution for and would appreciate any help/suggestions.

I have a track with 36 garage and grid spots, plus 18 pitspots. I need the track to have 42 spots and there is enough space for some extra garages & pitspots in the pitlane. So I created new garage-, pit- and gridspots using ISI's AIWCAM editor. These instructions (which I think is what was released by ISI as an .rtf document at the time) say that after creating garage-, pit- and gridspots and saving waypoints one should leave the track (go back to main menu) and that upon reloading the track new waypoints for pit- and gridspots are created automatically. These should then be saved by clicking 'save waypoints' once more.
IMPORTANT: before your tracks is ready for public distribution, you must save your waypoint path, leave the game (out to the main menu, NOT the track monitor), and then re-enter your track. Upon re-entering the track, the program will generate waypoints for pit locations and start locations that the AI will need to use. Once you are back in the real-time, save one last time so that the program doesn't need to generate these waypoints every time someone enters the game.

This is exactly what I do, but new waypoints are not generated. :( Using the show/hide menu, I can see the spots are saved where I placed them, they just don't get a waypoint created.

Any suggestions? Do I do something wrong?

If this of relevance: I'm on Win7 64bit, rF is installed in partition D:\Games\rF-Editing so UAC write protection or whatever you want to call it should not be an issue.
Do you miss the green crosses?

Don't worry, Pit- and Garagespots are only created as entries in the *.AIW -file and not shown as green crosses on the track.

As long as you can see them shown up as numbers in the editor, everything is OK.

Just test it with a raceweekend with 41 AI's.
Or simply look into the *.AIW file if they are there.
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which version you are using? 382 or 494?
1.255. That's why I posted in the rF1 Forum. ;)

Do you miss the green crosses?

Don't worry, Pit- and Garagespots are only created as entries in the *.AIW -file and not shown as green crosses on the track.

As long as you can see them shown up as numbers in the editor, everything is OK.

Just test it with a raceweekend with 41 AI's.
Or simply look into the *.AIW file if they are there.
Yes, the green crosses. And I am pretty sure AIs do need them (for pitspots at least - and probably for gridspots aswell in case you want to run a formation lap with standing start), and they have to be connected to the waypoints describing the pitlane driving line. Otherwise the AIs have not idea how to get from pitlane to pitspot. I mean all the other pitspots must have their own waypoints for a reason.
I have added pit-locations, garages and grid-locations to so many tracks that had less than 40 garages and never had problems.

To be honest, i did only tested always (with me and 39 AI) if all 39 AI's stood in their garages and found their grid position with standing start, just to see if all positions work.

The reason is, that we use the tracks for online-driving only, so the AI don't matters for us.

But i am sure that AI will work normal without the green crosses too. :)

Just give it a try with race-weekends with the amount of AI -1 as much garage- and grid-spots you'd created and with all kind of starting procedures.

EDIT: By the way, the grid positions should show up with the crosses.
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The added gridspots had no waypoints generated for them either. And even though I modify the AIW for online use in the first place I want to do it properly. I know of a few guys in our league who practice full race distances with AI, so pitstops should definately work.

Anyway, I found a solution. I recreated all gridspots instead of just adding 6 more to the 36 already there (using Auto grid gen following main). And after that, saving as described in the documentation I linked to earlier, all the previously missing waypoints were generated, including those for pitspots. Not sure why the original grid prevented new waypoints from being generated, but it sure does work now. :D
Good to hear that you find a way that satifies your expectations. :)

... but i don't think that these crosses are elementary important.

Think about, you only can see them because you have the DEVFILES folder where they are included.

And i think that they only have been created to make it possible to do some manipulation at corridors, cuttrack, paths...

But i think that the entries in the *AIW will be the same, no matter if there are crosses shown in the Editor or not.
But they make the work in the editor-mode much easier.

Maybe an ISI-member can spend some light here? ;)
I've experienced the same thing DocJones mentions.
When you add additional pitspots a waypoint doesn't get generated.

These new waypoints though are only important if you actually want the AI to make a pitstop.
Without the pitbox(waypoint) the AI cannot get to that pitstop location.

Anywhere you want the AI to go they need a waypoint to get there.
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