ATI and NVIDIA updates

I cant set up triples as I only have 2 options in NVidia control panel the top 2 on the list. any1 got ideas on how to fix ???????????????? I have tried everything I know of.
I downloaded new nvidia drivers and no problems here. Single screen user.
I've installed the latest Nvidia drivers and no issues to report. All is good. :)
DL'd todays NVidea driver and no issues with rF2. Can't comment on performance as I've had my frames capped at 130 for quite sometime now. GTX780 user.
Did they add that 'Clamp' thing that everyone has been poling for?
These are the smoothest drivers (in a long time) for me in iRacing and rF1. It's silky smooth... no micro-stutters. I may stick with these drivers for a while unless future revisions perform substantially better in rF2
When I get home I will update. Looking forward to install Shadow Play too and capture Indycars at Historic Monaco.


View attachment 13088

Version 3.0.0

Ported to new VC++ compiler, new core and skin engine libraries with better extendibility

Added Bonaire, Curacao and Hawaii graphics processors family support

Added core and auxiliary VDDCI voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON R9 290/290X series graphics cards with IR3567B voltage regulators

Added core voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON R7 260/260X series graphics cards with NCP81022 voltage regulators

Added core voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON 7790 series graphics cards with NCP81022 voltage regulators

Added NVIDIA GPU Boost 2.0 technology support for NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan graphics cards:
◎ Added slider for temperature limit adjustment
◎ Added option for linked power limit and temperature limit adjustment
◎ Added option for temperature limit prioritizing
◎ Added maximum voltage adjustment

Improved NVAPI access layer architecture with better extendibility
Improved AMD ADL access layer with Overdrive 6 support to provide compatibility with future AMD GPUs

Added NCP4206 voltage regulators support to provide compatibility with future custom design MSI graphics cards
Improved voltage control layer architecture provides better compatibility with automatic voltage control on NCP4206 voltage regulators
Improved hardware monitoring module architecture with better extendibility

Added voltage control mode selection option to the "Compatibility properties" section in "General" tab. Now you can toggle between reference design, standard MSI and extended MSI voltage control modes

Added "boost edition" / "GHz edition" GPU type selection option for reference design AMD RADEON 7970 and AMD RADEON 7950 based graphics cards to "AMD compatibility properties" section in "General" tab

Added GPU usage averaging algorithm for Overdrive 6 capable AMD GPUs. Now displayed GPU usage is being averaged by sliding window to smooth GPU usage artifacts occurring due to bug in AMD ADL API on AMD Sea Islands GPU family

Added optional unified GPU usage monitoring path via D3DKMT performance counters. You may tick "Enable unified GPU usage monitoring" option in "AMD compatibilities properties" in "General" tab as a workaround to replace native AMD GPU usage monitoring if it is working improperly (e.g. broken GPU usage monitoring in AMD ADL API for AMD Sea Islands GPU family)
voltage regulators
I'm going to try this new afterburner...

I use EVGA Precision-X because of it's great KBOOST feature which removes 95% of all the stupid NVIDIA GPU-boost stutter-causing, framerate-dropping, dynamic throttling crap (worst feature in the history of GPUs).

The problem is that the card's (EVGA 780 Ti Superclocked, reference style) BIOS limits Precision-X from allowing me to set the power limit to more than a pathetic 106% (or +6%). So even with KBOOST on, I can still eventually reach/go over 106% power usage from trying higher overclocks, more voltage, higher in-game framerates, etc. and therefore I'll still get stupid GPU throttling to save a fraction of a penny's worth of power. The only way around this power limit problem is to download a custom BIOS, which I don't want to resort to, yet.

I really hope the new Afterburner has found a way around the ridiculous max +6% power limit of many GTX 780 Ti cards out there.
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I just realised I`ve downloaded 3.00 a few days ago but not installed it :p

Yeh D, all all I`s dotted and T`s crossed mate, ;)

Sweet... :)

Spoiled sod haha...

What speed do you run the cards fans at when driving rf2 though? Just curious...

I notice it`s at 33% in that screen capture.
Yeh D, all all I`s dotted and T`s crossed mate, ;)

Sweet... :)

Spoiled sod haha...

What speed do you run the cards fans at when driving rf2 though? Just curious...

I notice it`s at 33% in that screen capture.

Yeah that was a new OS I think, I been playing with GPT partitions and win8.1 waste of time

Usually I set fan monitoring and raise it 10C along the graph so it ramps up slightly more....... 50% -60% is okay with mine not too loud.

All depends on ambient temperature.

BTW with fan monitoring it will run in auto okay ( as long as user mode is ticked )

Pity they do not offer changes in overclocking profiles ie: 1. browsing 2. watch movie 3. RF2 etc

That is more like how I set mine for long online session barely sees 60C


PS I never lapped because I trying to get Ari there to d/l Orchard Lake Oval as we speak ... lopl
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Ok, good stuff. I usually just up the fan speed to about 60% (maybe 70%... well it is summer up here :p) when I start up rf2 and temps are always good, 55c maybe a bit more...

Cheers D. :)

Added core voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON R9 295X2 series graphics cards with NCP81022 voltage regulators

Fixed hardware database for reference design AMD RADEON HD 7990 and AMD RADEON HD 290X series graphic cards

Fixed GDI resource leak when tray icon monitoring mode is enabled

RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to version 6.1.2
Someone also having a problem with the newest AMD-drivers when you use crossfire? I get heavily flickering, sow heavy you can't drive properly.
Installed with no issues here in rF2 land. They just added some optimization for some new games I've never heard of.
Hi Jamie when are they going to do it for RF2 ? i have not seen anything yet in there driver details for rf2.......
I've never seen rF2 in Nvideas release notes of new drivers. I know they have worked with ISI in the past but I wouldn't hold my breathe on a small title like this one making Nvideas release notes.

I use single screen with a first gen. gtx780 so my performance has been more than acceptable for quite sometime now.
i have asked nvidia when they are going to optimize rf2 they have not answered yet but will post every day i told them until they give me a answer. they can call it spamming. i call it getting an answer.
What's wrong? No issues here although it did change my sound card settings believe it or not. Sounds weird but it's true.
Hi Jamie 2nd time in 18 months I have gotten a blue screen when trying to install new driver just like last time had to do a reformat all good now but bloody painful. will ask for ppls help b4 I do a reformat next time.
