Assetto Corsa additional to my game collection


I've been a long term RF2 player since dabblings in RF1 many moons ago. I Absolutely love the physics and it's a fantastic game that is also a hair losing experience when it comes to setting up / tweaking.

I've been considering AS primarily as it would appear to benefit from out of the box gameplay sans-faffing/tweaking as having children do not get much time to play games but when I do get the opportunity do not want to spend 10 mins tweaking to get the best fps/experience.

However RF2 is just so good when it works. Would I be disappointed with AS? I'm not one for a polished looking game in respect to photo visuals, just a good challenging realistic simulator?

Opinions, AS as good as RF2?
If you are looking for a game, AC is pretty damn driveable. If you're looking for a sim, stick with rF2.
It pretty far from rF2 standards physics wise imo. I was hugely let down when I actually bought AC, mostly because it was hyped up to be something it'll never be.
One last AC commentary from me:
From all the videos IĀ“ve seen and related to all the bug-reports
in AC-forum, the AC physics is one big bug!
Car-movement without tyre-movement, car donĀ“t roll down a hill,
whacky oscillating in stillstand etc, etc.

Once you have tweaked rF2 (in which people here in forum helps much if needed)
you donĀ“t have to touch it again! So: whereĀ“s the problem?
PC is no console!
IĀ“m sure in AC you have to tweak too in the beginning, for the "nice" graphics donĀ“t
run from nothing! DonĀ“t know what system you have though...

Last sentence:
If ISI (rF2) would have such physics-bugs that AC have, world would rant ISI to death (or so)!

However RF2 is just so good when it works.

This is the problem.


A quirky installation process
...followed by endless installations of single mods which all have to be updated manually (in case you found the download links at all)
...followed by fiddling around with an uninspired menu which looks like a 5 year old made it.
...followed by checking the right FFB settings (F2 and Civic.....) till the end of time
...followed by setting up the graphics to get rid of the immense flickering and aliasing
...followed by the frustration that the sim looks like a 10 year old game and still runs like crap
...followed by not being able to join a server because ,get mod' does not work
...followed by spending more time on the forum than on track to get a solution for any problem


Start Steam
This is the problem.


A quirky installation process
...followed by endless installations of single mods which all have to be updated manually (in case you found the download links at all)
...followed by fiddling around with an uninspired menu which looks like a 5 year old made it.
...followed by checking the right FFB settings (F2 and Civic.....) till the end of time
...followed by setting up the graphics to get rid of the immense flickering and aliasing
...followed by the frustration that the sim looks like a 10 year old game and still runs like crap
...followed by not being able to join a server because ,get mod' does not work
...followed by spending more time on the forum than on track to get a solution for any problem


Start Steam

Installation could not be less flawless!! DonĀ“t know what you mean!?
All the mods have to be installed, yes! IĀ“m curious if (later) mods in AC will install easier, what I doubt, because itĀ“s easy as poop in rF2!
DonĀ“t know how an UI can be sorted after age? OK itĀ“s less intuitive.
Looks like 10 year old?? Get you a proper GFXcard and monitor!
MP-problem will soon be solved.
Spending more time in forum than ingame? What problems?
This is the problem.


A quirky installation process
...followed by endless installations of single mods which all have to be updated manually (in case you found the download links at all)
...followed by fiddling around with an uninspired menu which looks like a 5 year old made it.
...followed by checking the right FFB settings (F2 and Civic.....) till the end of time
...followed by setting up the graphics to get rid of the immense flickering and aliasing
...followed by the frustration that the sim looks like a 10 year old game and still runs like crap
...followed by not being able to join a server because ,get mod' does not work
...followed by spending more time on the forum than on track to get a solution for any problem


Start Steam

Wow... Just wow. Talk about exaggerating things.

All you have to do is ask for help on this forum, and you'll get it.
I had a few problems myself last year when I bought rF2, but christ it's such a huge and complicated sim, I didn't expect otherwise.
Every problem I had, the community helped me solve in a matter of hours.

But yeah, AC is pretty easy to start up, I'll give you that... Just too bad there isn't much reason to do so, at least for the moment.

If Kunos could just forget about being the "most beautiful" sim on the market, and instead put some real efford into physics, ffb and AI, maybe I'll give a shot in the future.

That whole project is just so incredibly overhyped and I really can't understand why people are tripping so much. A racing sim must be about the sensations and excitement of racing, right?
Well if the physics don't make sense, ffb is wonky and the AI drive like sleep deprived children on meth... Can't really be "king of sims" now can it? ;)

I've spent 30 hours with AC at this point, and I must say that with the state it's in/has been in, I'd really like those 30 hours back.
Out of the box gameplay says it all really. Boot it up, hook up your gamepad, misinterpret the grip levels as you being an ace driver, you are good to go. Really all they have to do is add some championships where you win money and can then buy non existent prototype vehicles (like you do in real life) and it will be complete.

I don't tweak rf2 everytime I play. Once you have it setup right why would you?

My opinion is they are not even the same genre, so there is no point comparing them.
Rf2 looked completely garbage on my pc until I updated to the very latest drivers (nvidia)

Now rf2 looks very nice on my pc

Sounds strange but I'm sure some of the higher graphical settings not only make things look much better but in some cases allow the software to run better too ( am now using resolution 900x4900 )

Use no or very low AA (level 1 on multi sample) otherwise lots of fps lost
Its really not which is better, but what the user wants. I support all sims out there. I have alot of them on my pc right now and enjoy them all. Its really about what makes YOU happy, the End User, simracer. They all give me satisfaction for whatever reasons.
Its really not which is better, but what the user wants. I support all sims out there. I have alot of them on my pc right now and enjoy them all. Its really about what makes YOU happy, the End User, simracer. They all give me satisfaction for whatever reasons.

Bingo, nail on head.
Wow... Just wow. Talk about exaggerating things.

All you have to do is ask for help on this forum, and you'll get it.
I had a few problems myself last year when I bought rF2, but christ it's such a huge and complicated sim, I didn't expect otherwise.
Every problem I had, the community helped me solve in a matter of hours.

But yeah, AC is pretty easy to start up, I'll give you that... Just too bad there isn't much reason to do so, at least for the moment.

If Kunos could just forget about being the "most beautiful" sim on the market, and instead put some real efford into physics, ffb and AI, maybe I'll give a shot in the future.

That whole project is just so incredibly overhyped and I really can't understand why people are tripping so much. A racing sim must be about the sensations and excitement of racing, right?
Well if the physics don't make sense, ffb is wonky and the AI drive like sleep deprived children on meth... Can't really be "king of sims" now can it? ;)

I've spent 30 hours with AC at this point, and I must say that with the state it's in/has been in, I'd really like those 30 hours back.

Exaggerating? Yes but he still tells the truth in my opinion.

I don't know if AC or rF2 is better because that is everyones own opinion and I enjoy both.

Maybe you have spent 30 hours in AC and want that time back... I've spent way more time fixing bugs, updating, downloading mods from stupid slow filehosters, fiddling around with the settings in rFactor 2 or crashing to desktop after an update.
Being a PC and not a console game is not an excuse for a system to be as complicated and user unfriendly as it currently is.
I love rFactor2, I love to drive it, I love realroad, I love the tyre physics, I love to watch it (even with those outdated graphics), I love to talk about it and I love to test new stuff with it BUT I also think that rFactor 2 is technical wise total garbage.

And it doesn't help that everytime someone suggests feedback is getting told by the community that this is a SIM and not arcade which is made for the elite PC and not for console kiddies and feature XY isn't needed because I didn't need it in 1998 and stuff like that. rFactor 2 could be way better if some people wouldn't be so arrogant.

Bottom line or if you don't want to read everything:
If you love rFactor 2 you don't have to hate every other sim or game. Look at them, take the good parts and suggest them for your beloved sim to make it even better. Or do people really think that rFactor 2 would be worse if you could install mods and join servers with only one click?
besides of all that stuff, i find the current track selection of AC a big letdown.
Since you just don't feel as much detail in tha cars behaviour, compared to RF2, it gets very boring very quickly, to run around one of those flat racetracks.
The only real fun thing is joux planes, but the track has three big holes in its mesh and no catch fences, so you spend most time flying off the track and restarting.
Also whats really annoying are these forced slow-downs which i just can't manage to shut off, even by tweaking that one .ini

So i would say invest a few hours into rf2 and then have an awfull lot of fun. I spent a few hours on setting up rf2 when it first came out, and since then i nearly spend no time on fiddling with it...i don't get what some people are talking about here :confused:
I just download mods, install them and run them....what's the problem?
I love rFactor2, I love to drive it, I love realroad, I love the tyre physics, I love to watch it (even with those outdated graphics), I love to talk about it and I love to test new stuff with it BUT I also think that rFactor 2 is technical wise total garbage.

That's a pretty contradictory statement.

It isn't arrogant to say that rF2 works best on elite PCs. It is a statement of fact. Furthermore even if you bought the best hardware currently available you could not run this software to its full potential. rF2 will be getting better for about the next 3 years I would guess. By then I expect the only current driving game, sim or whatever you want to call them that rF2 will be being compared to will be iRacing. Maybe by then someone from the community will have created a one click mod installer.... you never know.
Thank you for the feedback. AS not rolling down hills is a bit short sighted.

I have since found a kinda Sweetspot with RF2 capping FPS in the plr file and compromising with adaptive v-sync.

AS is 33% off till Monday hence post. Its a niggling itch that I've scanned YouTube forums etc looking for an unbiased opinion as I think RF2 will take some beating.
Exaggerating? Yes but he still tells the truth in my opinion.

Opinion? Mh, for me this is NOT true!
Maybe lotĀ“s of people have different experiances, but FOR ME at least
it was all flawless!
OP said he used rF1 too, so he should be OK with UI and tweaking.

Assetto Corsa. AC. I don't know why you're saying AS.

We aren't bound to have one or the other, there's no need to argue about which is better. We're here, so we have rF2, maybe some of us only have rF2, maybe those with both prefer rF2 or AC. Who cares.

Unfortunately a thread like this will very quickly turn into another 10 pages of **** with people going off at each other. Just try AC, if you think you could enjoy it then get it. It's your money, your decision.
Yeah if they had a try before you buy or refund policy, you probably wouldn't get these threads I guess.
OP if money is too tight to run the risk of trying AC and deciding whether it was a waste or not, maybe wait until it's not classed as pre release still.

The only people who frequent THIS forum are obviously going to think "rF2>AC" unless they are just looking for a keyboard punch-up.
The only people who frequent THIS forum are obviously going to think "rF2>AC" unless they are just looking for a keyboard punch-up.

Yep lol

Bit like if you went to the AC forum and said "I have rF2, how does AC compare?" you'd end up with mostly 'fanboy' rantings and an argument. If you went and asked what AC has to offer, without mentioning anything else, you might end up with a largely peaceful discussion. Then again, probably not.
Opinions, AS as good as RF2?

In some ways yes, in others no. Imo ac has better selection of cars and tracks and I also prefer the way cars drive in ac, but then again ac does not have real road, rain, night racing and all the other cool features rf2 has.. But really you should get them both and play the one you prefer.
In some ways yes, in others no. Imo ac has better selection of cars and tracks and I also prefer the way cars drive in ac, but then again ac does not have real road, rain, night racing and all the other cool features rf2 has.. But really you should get them both and play the one you prefer.

Thanks :)

I maybe should have worded my OP better as compare is a better way of putting it.
Assetto Corsa. AC. I don't know why you're saying AS.

We aren't bound to have one or the other, there's no need to argue about which is better. We're here, so we have rF2, maybe some of us only have rF2, maybe those with both prefer rF2 or AC. Who cares.

Unfortunately a thread like this will very quickly turn into another 10 pages of **** with people going off at each other. Just try AC, if you think you could enjoy it then get it. It's your money, your decision.

Sorry I'm dyslexic :) AC

Unfortunately you cannot trial AC. I was soliciting feedback from others hence post.
We aren't bound to have one or the other, there's no need to argue about which is better. We're here, so we have rF2, maybe some of us only have rF2, maybe those with both prefer rF2 or AC. Who cares.

Unfortunately a thread like this will very quickly turn into another 10 pages of **** with people going off at each other. Just try AC, if you think you could enjoy it then get it. It's your money, your decision.

I think we (or most) are bound to one or the other. somehow humans can't resist picking a side and then go out of their ways and beyond to prove their side is best. its the same everywhere whether its simracing, football, politics, music, etc.
Because picking a side implies not listening to others anymore because they're wrong. even if we know they're probably not. it becomes a quest of forcing opinions in an atmosphere where everybody refuses to even consider those.

And this has been the case since humanity left the caves so there must be something pretty fundamental lying underneath this strange behaviour.
So much so that I think saying 'we are not bound' is just not true because we somehow are. so you are wrong Lazza and obviously I am right.

Edit: Crap....I fell for it as well :-(
I think this "strange" behaviour has something to do with "being part of..."!
Everyone wantĀ“s to be a part of a group somehow, needs advise and leading.
That is human nature....

I love when this forum goes philosophic...:eek:
I own both, we are talking about ā‚¬ 35 each, in my opinion, for this price are both more than Bargain.
I think this "strange" behaviour has something to do with "being part of..."!
Everyone wantĀ“s to be a part of a group somehow, needs advise and leading.
That is human nature....

I love when this forum goes philosophic...:eek:

Yeah it probably has multiple reasons, for example the need to be right is strong in us as well. because if not, we're wrong. can't have that can we? especially when we have spend countless of hours/days/weeks/years convincing ourselves on any given subject.

The convincing part is very strong as well. take FFB in any given sim. as soon as we 'decided' a sim does it bestest we will go look for clues, hints, tips and opinions from others which enforce our own opinion and at the same time marginalize points that oppose our own. At one point we simply don't want to know and have come convinced beyond help on the subject.

And the biggest benefit of that is you're always right about it. how cool is that?
All you need to do now is try and persuade others to follow you in being right.

Assetto Corsa. AC. I don't know why you're saying AS.

We aren't bound to have one or the other, there's no need to argue about which is better. We're here, so we have rF2, maybe some of us only have rF2, maybe those with both prefer rF2 or AC. Who cares.

Unfortunately a thread like this will very quickly turn into another 10 pages of **** with people going off at each other. Just try AC, if you think you could enjoy it then get it. It's your money, your decision.

Perfectly said!!
I have both. AC is just solid and runs smooth and nice everytime. Updates by it self. Imo physics are very good and watching replays is a Real joy. The ai is not good by now and multiplayer not in yet. I recommend it without a doubt though. RF2 is a deeper experience because of Real Road and weather and if you hit the sweet spot its brilliant to say the least. But you have to hit the sweet spot which is too small atm imo. Too much time spent on fiddling around with everything. I dont enjoy watching replays in RF2 so much. To sum it up get both you wont regret :D
If Kunos could just forget about being the "most beautiful" sim on the market, and instead put some real efford into physics, ffb and AI, maybe I'll give a shot in the future.

That whole project is just so incredibly overhyped and I really can't understand why people are tripping so much. A racing sim must be about the sensations and excitement of racing, right?
Well if the physics don't make sense, ffb is wonky and the AI drive like sleep deprived children on meth..

Muaaah LOL :DDD incredible funny and ironic :)

Now serious. AC install process via Steam works easy and good because Steam is
solid and stable platform.
AC and rF2 aim to complete different goals (in my opinion) . Compare the both at this point is not serious possible due the different development goals and progress.

But why compare ? Have them both and my chance to get new features ore content is now doubled :D
Think it's important and good for all (studios and customers) that rF2 has a challenger and vice versa but at the moment it looks for me that rF2 and AC follows different strategies. But as I said have them both and both are every cent worth.
For now I prefer rF2.
ISI sell a simulation and I've got what I've bought :) Very easy :D
I have a couple of sim titles for most of them are also mods available some of them have integrated Dev Mode. None of this titles (ARMA2, ARMA3, OpenFalcon, MS Flightsimulator...) is "super easy" to handle (it's a sim and not a game no need to be easy, it must be hard and difficult as in real life :D)
Again this topic? A threat about new AC features is ok but a threat about direct confront is kind useless under all point of view. There will always be haters and defenders and among of them just a few unbiased.
My point of view is that both are non finished product, if you really want to compare anything then wait for the final version to see which one met all expectations and got closer to real life in general. AC is totally under construction and you cannot judge anything there with a final sentence because a month of hard work dedicated to negative area might result in a game changer. On the other hand we have rf2 which is clearly still on beta for me but according to someone here it is not, it is just a software in progression (b******t for me, iracing is a game in progression not this one), so since they tag themselves as out of beta, opinions (pro or cons) are more justified for rf2.

Sure things are that ISI is aiming to pure CAR SIMULATOR instead of a full RACING SIMULATOR so as i already said no racing weekend simulation, no connection between sessions(weather, stints, engine wear, gearbox wear, etc..), no connection for AI drivers among sessions (there is no linear progression for AI, they are just random but they hide themselves behind the excuse of same car bla bla so so silly), no weekend racing excitement (the idea of knowing that the race starts on friday and as you get closer to the racing, mistakes hit harder thus leading to a higher tension), etc.. etc... etc.....
So i really don't know what AC will offer but i surelly know that since ISI already let us know that they don't intent to implement any of these features and if we take physics out of rf2 we will find ourselves with RFACTOR 1.1 because all these lacks come from rfactor 1 so we still have the same adding the physics patch it becomes rfactor 1.5.
I enjoy this game physics but i get very bored after 2 hour because of unfinished features and lacking features. I try to race online but c'mon rooms are just empty and i surely don't want to get the responsibility to be a member of a league (cannot guarantee my presence). The offline mode just SUCKS, honestly if i have to race offline i prefer to dust out GP 4 and add mods, no doubt that it would provide me more entertainment.
To be fair AC is boring too, much more than rF2 (for me no doubt) but they already said that they want to offer a better RACING SIMULATOR and if i have to pick between a car simulator or a racing simulator, sorry i pick the second one.

However rf2 together other games taught me a lesson, which is stay out of beta or you might get really disappointed.

PS: BY AC offerring a better racing simulator i don't mean that they will offer everything but against someone that barely want to offer a championship even a s***t is more realistic
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Personally much prefer rF2 on and over the limit in race cars but much prefer the slow stuff in AC, a marriage of both would be perfect, GSC2013 is basically it but feels a little dated in comparison now in terms of features. Still today with a T500 rF2 feels weird in the slow stuff for me, but it's seriously still the most engaging sim on and over the limit IMO. Again though it's personal taste with things like this, AC has alot of hype right now and understandable IMO with the road cars but as a race sim i still feel rF2 is far more engaging.

If you can afford both then own both, they are both awesome, simples! Lola and Longford, say no more, best sim combo out there bar none.
As others have said both are strong titles, AC certainly does have a strong marketing angle of which does help and being on steam makes it ultra accessible to anyone.

I have both, I enjoy both in their own ways. rFactor 2 is my defacto choice when it comes to racing, I like the feeling of the cars the dynamic nature of the tracks and the people around the product. It allows my community to have creative freedom over what we run and how.

Now as AC does not have MP currently it cannot be judged to the same point, however AC does look very pretty and has some great cars. It's also quite fun to drive around in, but for me hot lapping currently has little interest. Once MP is out no doubt i'll try and host races/leagues as there will be a market there for it. I paid about Ā£20 for AC so in that case its great value for money.

I think we will see AC fit into a different segment of the market than rF2. AC i think will become the first GT/Forza like PC game, of which will suit many people but rF2 remaining more "hardcore" in comparison.

It's a shame that so many feel the need to bash another product, but unfortunate that's the internet of today. Just look at the BF vs COD arguments either though they actually cover different areas of the war gaming scene.

There will be a demo of AC at version 1.0 so my advice would be if you are unsure, wait. It's only a little while, if you don't mind spending and supporting a publisher buy it, its worth Ā£20 as it stands.
I have both too (and pcars if you want to know). At first it felt more polised and smoother than tFactor. Some cars are ok to drive and feels nice at first try.

Then I spent a few hours playing with it. I feel the lag in the wheel input and the control itself is less precise than rF2, sometimes it goes to slow-mo instead of lowering FPS, and the way some cars drive is just awfull. Now, with the last rF version (since 393 if you count the betas) rF2 is way smoother and the graphics are on par (mostly high settings, not max, in rF2) in my PC.

The UI is shiny and feel more professional than ISI's (sorry guys, it is the truth), but it is confusing too: sometimes I find myself trying to find the option I am looking for (I don't think it is intuitive at all).

There are some things I really love: If the real car have H pattern, you must use it too. Same with TC and ABS. They are on if the real car have them.
And there is something that really pissed me off: They said "no discounts before the final version is out" and it is the 2nd time they have one. They LIED to me.

Wich is better? The one you use more. I think a few hundred hours in rF2 and about 10 in AC (BTW the amount of time I spent in pCars is about 1 or 2 hours max). This says it all.
My summary of available titles (just my own view)

Rf2 & Iracing both super undisputed simulators
-Both tremendously good ( both have strengths & weakness's ) both feel very different to each other due to having different approaches to driving physics & ffb,

rf2 big strength is the dynamics of sounds/track surface/lighting & superior ffb.
These things are not available in any other sim

Iracing strength is easy to setup/fairly optimised & consistent, organised online competition

I get a lag free experience (no noticeable lag) at frame rates above:

iracing 110fps (I lock at 121 & fps dosnt fall below)
Rf2 55fps (sometimes fps falls below)


Rf1 & Some ISI (rf1) based titles are still very good too (but becoming dated) GSC2013 currently seems to be some peoples main sim

I get a lag free experience (no noticeable lag) at frame rates above:

Rf1 55fps
-pretty much same for other ISI based titles


AC to early in development to make any firm judgements but I suspect (due to trying it myself) that it falls somewhere between "simcade" & simulator , I think it will be successful as this seems to appeal to some (not to me) -a lot on the Iracing forum who complain about no grip in iracing ( I find plenty of grip in iracing so no problem to me ) seem to like AC

I get a lag free experience (no noticeable lag) at frame rates above:

170fps (I lock at 200fps & fps stays at 199 rarely falls below)


Pcars -graphics looks impressive (I've not tried this title) reading many peoples opinions it seems to lack simulator physics so I suspect this title is arcade or maybe towards the simcade level (again this only based on opinions of others)

Never had this title on my PC
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AC is actually getting better all the time, and I think they're closing in on "sim".....slowly but surely many of the cars are receiving their share of attention and are improving.

Cars like the GT3 Maclaren make an incredible first impression and it's a sheer delight to watch those types of sleek machines in replay.

AC is miles away from being a simcade game like Dirt2/F1 20xx etc, but I prefer the driving models of GTR EVO, GSC, netkar and FVA.
