Assetto Corsa additional to my game collection

loll at some of you here! that was I think the last of 15 laps of run:rolleyes: with the tires already done, so you here the tires sound, because they were done and I was always loosing the fronte!

So you weren't pushing it, just wanted to show how good the physics are on roadcars (unlike the race cars which have too much grip and understeer) by showing your 15th lap with understeer and scrubbing front tyres? Ok...
So you weren't pushing it, just wanted to show how good the physics are on roadcars (unlike the race cars which have too much grip and understeer) by showing your 15th lap with understeer and scrubbing front tyres? Ok...
Yea this!
With the road cars you can push and make slides and still control the car!
Ps: the replay system in AC is done bad, because it doesn't register all the sessione laps, but parte of them!
I think that I had only the last 4 laps of 15laps, so I uploaded the last one!
However, I'm very agrressive on the fronte tires with my driving style, but I have never have tires wear issues in my league races! and I'm fairly fast(not alien but good)!
I was actually being slightly sarcastic, because a few of the things you said seem to contradict each other.

My observations on your driving were simply that you're turning the wheel too far. Whether you do that on new tyres or worn tyres it doesn't help anything, even if wear isn't a factor it sets you up for exit oversteer because your wheel is turned too far.

If you do that on less forgiving tyres (like in a race car) it'll make it harder to catch; whether this is the reason you don't like the race cars in AC is pure speculation, but it probably wouldn't help. If you're only doing this because your tyres are worn (usually a good reason to NOT scrub the tyres, but you never know) then obviously ignore it.

None of this is a reflection on AC physics; as I said above I don't think you can judge that with videos anyway. Doesn't stop people trying of course.
I was actually being slightly sarcastic, because a few of the things you said seem to contradict each other.

My observations on your driving were simply that you're turning the wheel too far. Whether you do that on new tyres or worn tyres it doesn't help anything, even if wear isn't a factor it sets you up for exit oversteer because your wheel is turned too far.

If you do that on less forgiving tyres (like in a race car) it'll make it harder to catch; whether this is the reason you don't like the race cars in AC is pure speculation, but it probably wouldn't help. If you're only doing this because your tyres are worn (usually a good reason to NOT scrub the tyres, but you never know) then obviously ignore it.

None of this is a reflection on AC physics; as I said above I don't think you can judge that with videos anyway. Doesn't stop people trying of course.
I have said, this is my driving style and I drive the same way in rf2
And I'm fine with it and it is just a game, remember one will call me to race in a real racing team!
A race car shouldn't/doesn't have to be difficult to drive, this idea that difficulty = realism is rudimentary. By the way AC's dynamic racing line isn't implemented yet, Kunos said currently the whole course is set to optimal grip.

Hardly explain with my poor english, but i didn´t say difficult = realism.
Like Lazza said before: "So you weren't pushing it, just wanted to show how good the physics are on roadcars (unlike the race cars which have too much grip and understeer) by showing your 15th lap with understeer and scrubbing front tyres? Ok..."

Btw, if Kunos said that, i´m continue surprise how come this 2 pieces of software in completely different stages of development could be compared.
And saying this, also applies to rF2. How come people could say if car behavior is completely realistic with so many features yet to be finished which will affect car behaviour?

Like Honda rollover physics episode: a lot of people proving how that could be easily achieved on real life.
And now it´s seems it will get updated. And when real road get finished, will affect this behaviour too. So with the tire model. A lot of things will change on upcoming updates but people keep saying every build release "wow its perfect" and then on the next release: "wow, its beyond perfect now..." How is that possible?

Thats why i like more free mods. The good ones are made to be realistic, not to sell more.
None of this is a reflection on AC physics; as I said above I don't think you can judge that with videos anyway. Doesn't stop people trying of course.

Could you tell in a video if someone throw a ball in the air and it stays at highest point for 2s thats is something wrong with the physics? Or the ball?
A race car shouldn't/doesn't have to be difficult to drive, this idea that difficulty = realism is rudimentary. By the way AC's dynamic racing line isn't implemented yet, Kunos said currently the whole course is set to optimal grip.

Btw, do you imagine how complex must be to get an modern f1 car in correct temps (brakes, tires,...) to do fast laps? Do you imagine that FISI is getting close in simulate this?
I think that this discussions is useless! if you go to iR forums, you will find that " iRacing has the best physics ever", her e the same thing and if you go to, for them AC is the God of driving experience and if you try to make bad comment about AC physics, you be eaten alive!
I have never driven a real race car and I don't understand in physics, but I can tell you what I feel, road cars feel good to me in AC..Race cars have too much grip for me! that's it:)
