Assetto Corsa additional to my game collection

Interesting that you don´t even mentioned rF2!
But you are always around here in the forum...:confused:
But that phenomenon was already comented by others.

Dirt2 and Codie´s are not SIMcade but ARcade titles by the way.
DIRT2 and the F1 games are simcade in my eyes as are the SHIFT games and pCARS etc, they simulate real world motoracing just dumbed down, far from arcade. They just lack the fidelity of the PC focussed sims. Outrun is arcade, Mario is arcade, both titles mentioned are far from these games.
AC promised us a public demo, but that hasn´t happened. SO when i saw it today on Steam for 23,29 euro, i bought it......

The visuals are more eye-pleasing in my mind, but i don´t feel connected to the road like i do in RF2, and it looks slooooow when driving, compared to RF2.

My first thought was: Gran Turismo on PC.

My second thought was: 23,29 euro lost...........

This is MY opinion, which is what the OP asked for, so don´t barf back at me :rolleyes:
AC promised us a public demo, but that hasn´t happened. SO when i saw it today on Steam for 23,29 euro, i bought it......

The visuals are more eye-pleasing in my mind, but i don´t feel connected to the road like i do in RF2, and it looks slooooow when driving, compared to RF2.

My first thought was: Gran Turismo on PC.

My second thought was: 23,29 euro lost...........

This is MY opinion, which is what the OP asked for, so don´t barf back at me :rolleyes:

Those are my exact sentiments but I paid 29.99....
Does have some nice features tho and if you persevere with settings it does get better but it's no rf2

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-more features
-more racing cars
- great physics
- poor performance (ATI)
- a bit inconsistent graphics

- less features (even when it will be ready)
- great solid graphics and performance
- great physics (though different to RF2)
- more sports cars and less racing cars
- right now is discount 33% on steam

If You can, have both cause they are the only current gen racing games that are worth playing in my opinion. And are still a bit different and complete each other. Especially cars selection is totally different and make it worth to have them both.
-more features
-more racing cars
- great physics
- poor performance (ATI)
- a bit inconsistent graphics

- less features (even when it will be ready)
- great solid graphics and performance
- great physics (though different to RF2)
- more sports cars and less racing cars
- right now is discount 33% on steam

If You can, have both cause they are the only current gen racing games that are worth playing in my opinion. And are still a bit different and complete each other. Especially cars selection is totally different and make it worth to have them both.

- No multiplayer

- No multiplayer


Edit: I must have said "Oh yes I am exaggreting after the problems with current build and making a joke here" before this went in a completely wrong direction. However trying to find a server that I can join for the last couple of hours, keeps failing..
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AC is just a bunch of hype photos from a hype car game that looks good. LOOKS not-equal to HANDLES.
Its impossible to even compare both titles. If AC mess it up when online comes (and we all remember NKPro) then what it will be like? What all this people going to say?
Anybody in their perfect sense believes that online will arrive at AC and it all goes well in first release?
RF2 staff has the knowledge from years and years of RF1 and somethings still mess up like in 494.

People complaint about unfinished features in RF2. And AC? What features are fully implemented? AI´s? RealRoad? Damage system? Multiplayer? Or you all talking about that stupid/annoying driving lines in race track (a must have in a realistic sim)?

This fórum definitively needs some moderators. Theres allways 10 threads to talk about same things over and over (not only this issue but others too).
I must be tripping pretty sure I had a couple of fun races online today. One server you could use any historic car so about 8 types of car to choose from, was on there for a couple of hours, then had a nice race with GTRs vs Corvettes. No CTD or drama, just fun. To say rF2 has no multiplayer is just insane.
I must be tripping pretty sure I had a couple of fun races online today. One server you could use any historic car so about 8 types of car to choose from, was on there for a couple of hours, then had a nice race with GTRs vs Corvettes. No CTD or drama, just fun. To say rF2 has no multiplayer is just insane.

rF2 has its issues after the last update. For me not alot of MP races since 382, so imo the MP is lacking. Hope they get it fixed soon.

As folks are saying AC is lacking in the MP department. However before they implement the MP I certainly hope they do some optimation before releasing because you can't run anymore than 10 to 15 cars in SP, so it would be a big disapointment. This is my opinion though.
Will defo try it out as soon as it has MP. I like all sims and racing games, heck, I remember how I wished for the first Gran Turismo to come to the PC :)

AC is just a bunch of hype photos from a hype car game that looks good. LOOKS not-equal to HANDLES.
Its impossible to even compare both titles. If AC mess it up when online comes (and we all remember NKPro) then what it will be like? What all this people going to say?
Anybody in their perfect sense believes that online will arrive at AC and it all goes well in first release?
RF2 staff has the knowledge from years and years of RF1 and somethings still mess up like in 494.

People complaint about unfinished features in RF2. And AC? What features are fully implemented? AI´s? RealRoad? Damage system? Multiplayer? Or you all talking about that stupid/annoying driving lines in race track (a must have in a realistic sim)?

This fórum definitively needs some moderators. Theres allways 10 threads to talk about same things over and over (not only this issue but others too).

>impossible to even compare both titles
Starts comparing immediately

>definitively needs some moderators. Theres allways 10 threads
After contributing to such a thread

I must be tripping pretty sure I had a couple of fun races online today. One server you could use any historic car so about 8 types of car to choose from, was on there for a couple of hours, then had a nice race with GTRs vs Corvettes. No CTD or drama, just fun. To say rF2 has no multiplayer is just insane.

I have both, and have spent a bunch of time with AC. Ended up getting bored. Just my opinion, but for me rf2 is a more immersive experience. And even though I'm not much of a driver yet, I find nailing a line through a corner much more satisfying in rf2. For me, I just feel more connected to the car and track. Having said all that, I do think AC is targeting a market on the PC that hasn't been tapped, the console convert. easy to use and slick looking, lots of guys disillusioned by forza 5 will be immediately impressed. I'm an ex forza guy too, but I was looking to step up to a more realistic sim experience. just opinions.....
I Like AC specially some classic road car . when they release a car or a track like the last one, the Nurburgring-gp I use it for 2 days, but I'm got bored and went back to rfactor2 and rfactor2 doesn't bore me at all! I have spent the last 4 days driving the URD's Porsche every day for hours and hours doing hot laps and trying to improve the car setup. I think that I will use AC to do some offline driving every while and rf2 will be my main SIM for League races!
interesting about some here getting bored of AC,
same here it seriously lacks depth to me's driving experience seems simplified, it's a good "game" but it's not like being immersed in driving a racing car (as close to hardware can you to it anyhow) unlike rf2 is to me

depth is something that rf2 has & I think that's why it ( like rf1 before it) has lasting appeal
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assetto corsa. Ac. I don't know why you're saying as.

We aren't bound to have one or the other, there's no need to argue about which is better. We're here, so we have rf2, maybe some of us only have rf2, maybe those with both prefer rf2 or ac. Who cares.

Unfortunately a thread like this will very quickly turn into another 10 pages of **** with people going off at each other. Just try ac, if you think you could enjoy it then get it. It's your money, your decision.

bada bing!

Opinions are like ass holes......everyone has one.
Its really not which is better, but what the user wants. I support all sims out there. I have alot of them on my pc right now and enjoy them all. Its really about what makes YOU happy, the End User, simracer. They all give me satisfaction for whatever reasons.

See Pic RC ;)

Like when EA F1Challenge lovers told me
" your GPL is dead for sure !!! "


Yet here I am 11 YEARS LATER waiting for the new Historically Correct Spa to get my bum in the Eagle !
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I have a love/hate relationship with rFactor2 but there is something about it that keeps me coming back for more. Assetto Corsa feels a little sterile by comparison.
Interesting that you don´t even mentioned rF2!
But you are always around here in the forum...:confused:
But that phenomenon was already comented by others.

Kunos pays me 40cents/hour to promote AC, so when I have the urge to buy a 30cent ice cream from Mcdonalds, I race over here and earn my money....great thing about Kunos is he's very prompt with payment{though he still owes me 80cents from a few ytube comments I made a few weeks ago}
AC is just a bunch of hype photos from a hype car game that looks good. LOOKS not-equal to HANDLES.
Its impossible to even compare both titles. If AC mess it up when online comes (and we all remember NKPro) then what it will be like? What all this people going to say?
Anybody in their perfect sense believes that online will arrive at AC and it all goes well in first release?
RF2 staff has the knowledge from years and years of RF1 and somethings still mess up like in 494.

People complaint about unfinished features in RF2. And AC? What features are fully implemented? AI´s? RealRoad? Damage system? Multiplayer? Or you all talking about that stupid/annoying driving lines in race track (a must have in a realistic sim)?

This fórum definitively needs some moderators. Theres allways 10 threads to talk about same things over and over (not only this issue but others too).

Since i get often misunderstand, i will keep ironic mode of and say that i completely agree with this post.

And to be fair, the only thing i can say that can be compared to rf2 (since i´m too poor to buy another game and AC Corsa doesn´t have a Demo to offer) is graphics.

But since graphics isn´t the major feature you do have to analyze when choose a race simulator to play, but cannot completely discharge, from you tube videos, i would say that AC has better graphics than rf2. But again: pCars has better graphics and i will only buy this another racing title.
And that is because i´m old and brain damaged and can´t handle too many different UIs from game to game.

ps: in fact, i doubt i will be able to learn pCars secret settings either because rf2 drained all my intellect dealing with plr files, modmanager, setting FOV and ini files. If pCars don´t have a click an play button saying that i don´t need the configure any **** anymore, i won´t buy either.

ps: now i see that you said that AC looks good.
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I own most of the sims both current and days gone past starting around NR2003. I think many here hit the nail on the head when they said AC and RF2 cater to different markets.

I believe AC caters to a much wider, more general audience than RF2. In it's current state, I would agree that AC is more simcade than simulator (especially comparing to RF2) and I think this is their target market. RF2 has raw simulator coursing through it veins but is being choked by the aging platform, e.g., DX9.

I do enjoy both depending on my mood. For RF2 I need to be much more serious and focused. AC can be just a quick romp when I don't have a lot of ambition.

At the end of the day if I could only own either RF2 or AC the choice would be very very easy. RF2 all the way. The physics and advanced features in RF2 will keep me coming back for many years to come.

I will say this though, all of this "Pay to Preview" crap the industry has adopted needs to stop. Kickstarters too. Too often once these companies start seeing the cash roll in product development suffers. Some of that drive to survive goes out the window and things often slow to a near standstill. Lazieness sets in if you will.

I am not saying this is necessarily the the case with ISI or even Kunos, but I have had my fill with other half baked products that I paid to only watch in disgust as the product ceases to evolve in any reasonable time-frame.
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Well , with so many opinions on this subject , some biased opinions some unbiased opinions and some logical opinions I have a couple of opinions myself .

Opinion 1 . Unless , in my opinion , you buy it , you will only ever have other peoples opinions and never an opinion of your own . Then the next time one of these opinion threads open comparing games you can add your opinion . :(

Opinion 2 . A little OT , but an opinion , you really should have used 'Da' instead of 'The' in your profile name , as it really doesn't go with the misspelling thingy you got going there . Just my opinion :p Maybe someone else has an opinion on that ? :rolleyes:
They're both great and I've not regretted either purchase.

The highs of rF2 are higher than those of AC, but its lows are lower.
It always baffles me why people have to pick a side..... ?

Anyway, I tend to jump around, playing as many sims as I can get my hands on. I find both rF2 and AC immensely enjoyable.

Literally the only Issue I have with rF2 is the mods and how they work. It's so, so annoying thinking "I'm going to jump on to rF2 for some quick online action....wait, no I'm not, I need this mod and that mod....where can I get them?!". Though, I accept, that's the nature of how rF2 works but the lack of a central location for content can be somewhat annoying. I know, for a fact, this has put people I know personally off from continuing with rF2, they just don't "get it".

Having said that, AC is looking to go down the same route with its modding and how online works. It will be interesting to see how they deal with this particular issue.

For me, the driving in both sims is great. I really don't subscribe to the "simcade" opinion of AC because I have just as much fun with that as I do rF2 in terms of driving and feeling.

Bottom line they're both great. I say support the industry, quit whining and enjoy the fact we have so many talented teams providing us with brilliant ways to pretend we're driving gods :)
It always baffles me why people have to pick a side..... ?

Anyway, I tend to jump around, playing as many sims as I can get my hands on. I find both rF2 and AC immensely enjoyable.

Literally the only Issue I have with rF2 is the mods and how they work. It's so, so annoying thinking "I'm going to jump on to rF2 for some quick online action....wait, no I'm not, I need this mod and that mod....where can I get them?!". Though, I accept, that's the nature of how rF2 works but the lack of a central location for content can be somewhat annoying. I know, for a fact, this has put people I know personally off from continuing with rF2, they just don't "get it".

Having said that, AC is looking to go down the same route with its modding and how online works. It will be interesting to see how they deal with this particular issue.

For me, the driving in both sims is great. I really don't subscribe to the "simcade" opinion of AC because I have just as much fun with that as I do rF2 in terms of driving and feeling.

Bottom line they're both great. I say support the industry, quit whining and enjoy the fact we have so many talented teams providing us with brilliant ways to pretend we're driving gods :)

Agree 100 %
This is the problem.


A quirky installation process
...followed by endless installations of single mods which all have to be updated manually (in case you found the download links at all)
...followed by fiddling around with an uninspired menu which looks like a 5 year old made it.
...followed by checking the right FFB settings (F2 and Civic.....) till the end of time
...followed by setting up the graphics to get rid of the immense flickering and aliasing
...followed by the frustration that the sim looks like a 10 year old game and still runs like crap
...followed by not being able to join a server because ,get mod' does not work
...followed by spending more time on the forum than on track to get a solution for any problem


Start Steam

Hee-hee, not entirely wrong here...

But when rF2 delivers at peak, nothing beats it, which is why I hate to love rF2.

I have AC, but I haven't launched it since .3 update... When there's multiplayer I will launch it again :) Just like rF2, can't wait to race a friend casually again!
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The way everything works in rf2 isn't too complex if you have time to follow this forum. You also have to use the product regularly so that you don't have to tweak things too often.

AC isn't too simplified either. It's a good addition to your collection at least with the price they have sold it so far.

Also rf2 can get boring if you race only offline but maybe that only depends on your mood.

It might be easier to access online in AC in the future than in rf2 but I wonder how will racing etiquet be like in AC when "casual gamers" find their way there. Can get messy and that is a turnoff.
if MP works i'm pretty sure public racing will suck and community racing will be great :)
It always baffles me why people have to pick a side..... ?

Anyway, I tend to jump around, playing as many sims as I can get my hands on. I find both rF2 and AC immensely enjoyable.

Literally the only Issue I have with rF2 is the mods and how they work. It's so, so annoying thinking "I'm going to jump on to rF2 for some quick online action....wait, no I'm not, I need this mod and that mod....where can I get them?!". Though, I accept, that's the nature of how rF2 works but the lack of a central location for content can be somewhat annoying. I know, for a fact, this has put people I know personally off from continuing with rF2, they just don't "get it".

Having said that, AC is looking to go down the same route with its modding and how online works. It will be interesting to see how they deal with this particular issue.

For me, the driving in both sims is great. I really don't subscribe to the "simcade" opinion of AC because I have just as much fun with that as I do rF2 in terms of driving and feeling.

Bottom line they're both great. I say support the industry, quit whining and enjoy the fact we have so many talented teams providing us with brilliant ways to pretend we're driving gods :)

You must live inside my head.
These are my feelings exactly.
I don't know what all the fuss is about.
I still own just about every sim since GP2.
Some were great (GPL,GP3/4, F1C), some were just plain junk....but at least I tried them all with an open mind.
I think rF2 as does AC have a place on most of today's computers. Knocking either is pointless.
It is not about having two products, it is about put them in same category ( at this time).
For now i´m feeling. about trying 10 or more times, online service in rF2 could be compared to AC.
Also rf2 can get boring if you race only offline but maybe that only depends on your mood.
No way, I spent the last year playing RFactor 1 offline, with no A.I. and on one and only one track, Toban Short regular direction.

I went through every stock ISI car, placed them all in order from slowest to fastest (according to power to weight ratio), not only every car, but every upgrade package version of each as well, GT4, GT3, GT2, GT1, etc, different models with different engines (some of the panoz prototype ones had different power plants and weights) etc., and drove them in order (slowest to fastest according to power-to-weight ratio) so that I could a huge list of each car's laptime...For what reason? No reason lol, I just love comparisons and gathering data lol (im weird I know).

The rule was it had to be 100% default setup (except for steering ratio according to my real-life wheel's degrees of rotation obviously, and the same amount of fuel for every car) regrdless of how good, bad, suited, or unsuited I thought that setup was.

For over a year thats all I did in rFactor 1. No opponents (real or human), 1 track/track config, no touching setup, just hot-lapping with a ton of different cars to gather data regarding each ones relative lap-time.

Once you feel really tuned into a sim and if the sim's physics are deep and dynamic enough then, like real-life, hot lapping alone hardly gets boring, well at least for me. It's not heart-pounding exciting/nervous as racing against opponents (especially online), but it's a different kind of extreme satisfaction.
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Did you run stock ISI FFB or use the realfeel plugin. I found the original ISI cars to be very good, better even than Historix & Enduracers, once I put in realfeel & Leo'sFFB in 50:50 combination. I really only had 3 Leo's ini's, all a compromise as i only really needed it for the low speed stuff as realfeel gives plenty of information at higher speeds.

Sacrilege i know, but that was my experience. I did run with AI though.
Hey john, I used to run a mix of RealFeel and standard FFB (edited settings), but after I reinstalled RFactor 1 I havent bothered redownloading Realfeel yet, just the edited standard FFB on it's own. I still haven't tried Leo's FFB, if you say it helped with low speed stuff that RealFeel wasn't providing you then maybe I should try it.
Regarding Assetto Corsa...

I have lots of fun with AC however I do feel like there is something buried deep in the core physics / tyre model that has some over-forgiveness to it. Overall I still consider it a sim though.

There seems to still be some weird oversteer where it looks like the game is being over forgiving as if, at a certain point, the game is slowing the rotation of the spin down or almost holding it for you and saying "come on player, hurry up and correct the car better, I can't wait all day for you how much bloody time do I gotta give you". Also, once you get into a half spin the car sometimes acts as if some magic hand would come into play to aid the car in going straight and stopping it's rotation, as if the tyres magically gained 200% traction or the car gained 200% downforce or something. You still need to work to save it obviously, but it just seems....I don't it's 3/4 you and 1/4 the game doing it for you, rather than all you. So hard to explain.

Still seems like there is a layer of over-forgiveness, as if it's 90% sim with that last little bit of 10% being "softened-up" or "video-game-ified" or whatever you want to call it. I've noticed this since the Tech Demo, while it's still WIP, and while it's physics continue to change/improve from build to build, at some point or another this phenomenon that seems to come into play when things go wrong or start getting tricky, seems to always show up no matter what build version or car, it's as if it's buried deep in the sim's core physics / tyre model (sort of like some RFactor 1 tyre issues that cannot fully disappear no matter how good people work the physics / tyres, including the best mods and Game Stock Car).

P.S. I consider Dirt, Grid, Shift, Codies F1, etc. arcade. Gran Turismo and Forza simcade (or maybe semi-sim). Games like Need For Speed, Burnout, Midnight Club, Dirt Showdown, etc. don't even register on the list for me, they are just "pick up and play for a half hour or so over a few beers when a friend comes over just for a laugh" type of games.
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