Assetto Corsa Respectful Comparison

Hate Budweiser because you dislike the beer -- not because it claims to be the King of Beers.
Indeed, any developer/company will place its product as better/more advanced/tastier/next gen/future/more buttons/elite/etc.

It don't say anything about the product and if advertising is the thing peeps go by then they deserve to be disappointed :p

I see your reasoning. To stay in the analogy, Budweiser at least IS beer (isn't it? ;) ), just as advertised. AC is claiming to be but is missing all the necessary ingredients except water. I wouldn't mind advertising, even boasting, if the product delivered. In case of AC: Not just another "beta" but the full release they have been anouncing *shrug*

Oh, and just to clarify: I haven't been hyped prior to release.
It's ok to disagree guys, no one is necessarily wrong just different options etc,

I'm hoping AC turns into a top sim -updates & time will tell one way or the other
if it does I think it will be good for rf2 / Iracing , it will help attract more in to the hobby & like me want to try another sim to have a small collection of sims

I'm actually banned from the AC forum. ( have been polite but I think mild sarcasm can be seen as badly I guess)

Gosh I've never been banned from anything for anything

I believe Kunos needs a second Tim Wheatley. :D
Most computer nerds, aka developers have no idea how to handle different opinions. Sorry guys, nothing personal, but I believe Gjon made a good decision some time ago.

Intresting, since yesterday i get issues with my account there. Once i try to log in the drama starts and i can't enter the forum. Sometimes it works but than every action i do on the forum causes a never ending loading time which ends sometimes with an empty side. The browser trys to load the side but nothing happens or just laggy, and there is no way to use the forum as provided. I test it with different browser and cleared the cache of and than the side and forum runs fine but once i have the log in data saved or try to login , no matter if automatically or manually, everything is becoming worse.

And to ensure i'm right with my guess that i'm getting bojcot there, i tryed another account on the same machine and what did you guys think happens ? It works.

That about the behaviour of some.
If your banned

Their forum software takes about 2 minutes to load each page then slowly grinds to a halt

It's their forum I guess & they can ban as many as they want
I connected AC with Simvibe now they updated it to handle AC. It's great as it add some effects which was missing in my wheel (at least I didn't felt them pretty well like "Road texture"). This and adding few Damping (0.15) and I have a more interesting feedback from wheel and buttkicker. Far from perfect, anyway, far better.

Graphically speaking, when watching replay I'm not amazed by track quality, but grass, grass is cool, good looking. And the car have something special I can't catch, something good I mean, crisp, shiny, perhaps reflection, I don't really know, but I love to watch those cars during replay.

They don't have lot of experience on AI AFAIK so I'm curious to see how they will handle AI cars...
I dont understand wanting a refund when its early beta what do you expect it to be a perfect finished game , dont you feel they will not improve it over the next year ? I drove it for a few hours and wont drive it again until its next update , I did the same with RF2 and Arma 3 . I buy into early betas to support the Dev teams and because I know I will buy the finished game so why not get a discount and have an early peak at the game .

I think people are too judgemental on betas , its not done until the fat lady sings give the Dev teams a chance to get things right .

because kunos wrote "The Early Access program allows you to purchase Assetto Corsa some weeks before the final version is released" i thought it's pretty near to the final product, so yes, i dont feel they will improve it.
and i bought rf2 beta with its first build, i know how to judge a beta.
maybe AC is kinda cool and i dont get it but i played so many different games and was always pleased in some way.

retrospective the refund claim was acted too quickly, i hope my fellings will change as soon i can race AI or MP.
because kunos wrote "The Early Access program allows you to purchase Assetto Corsa some weeks before the final version is released" i thought it's pretty near to the final product, so yes, i dont feel they will improve it.
and i bought rf2 beta with its first build, i know how to judge a beta.
maybe AC is kinda cool and i dont get it but i played so many different games and was always pleased in some way.

retrospective the refund claim was acted too quickly, i hope my fellings will change as soon i can race AI or MP.

but just like RF2, AC wont be finished at v1.0, they will continually improve the game the same way ISI are doing. Agreed you'll get a better perspective when MP/AI are released but also other cars too...and tracks...there's still a lot to come before v1.0 :)
If your banned

Their forum software takes about 2 minutes to load each page then slowly grinds to a halt

It's their forum I guess & they can ban as many as they want

Really ? I'm not aware of something wrong i did, as i don't get a single reply on my posts from any responsible just on the report i did where one of the responsible recommend me to get in contact with a email and before i could reply the thread was closed and leaved with the basic message. It's a joke Tim would have done it in the shortest time if it was a technical issue. To biting the hand is paying you and offers support and help it's a very wrong behaviour.
Tried damper settings as adviced here: didn't notice much difference. In game setting was 0.15 and I tried both 15% and 100% wheel profile settings. What should this damper do? Never had it on with rf2. T500RS wheel here.
0.15 is not very much, so it may not be obvious to you. Dampening adds resistance to the steering wheel. So turning it is harder and movements initiated from the game are slower. For example if you´re getting into a drift and your wheel turns into opposite lock, it does this slower which may help you to get the right amount of countersteering/correction.
You can try to set it to 0.99 in the game and 100% in the profiler, just to see if it works. The effect should be very clear now.
By adding just a little bit of dampening you can finetune the feeling for the car. And no problem if you think it works better without additional dampening.
I can see this thread heading downhill so I'm going to bow out. But before I do I'll leave you with another story, which some of you might find amusing (or possibly offensive) as well as interesting.

When I was young and stupid I had far too little supervision and too much testosterone. And so I wrecked a lot of street cars by going too fast on public roads. They were all single car accidents and I was never injured since I had the good sense to wear a seatbelt (this was the 80's, so it was actually uncommon) and I endeavored to avoid doing it in trafficked areas. The cars were nothing fancy, but that makes it even more relevant. Most of them were front-wheel-drive cars.

To hear some people tell it, pretty much the only way to wreck a street car when going too quickly is by understeering off. How I wish that were true, because most of my accidents involved oversteer and 180 degree spins where I backed it off the road. Speeds were usually in the neighborhood of 50-80mph. Yes, I was very lucky. In several instances I'm still amazed to this day how I could have traveled so far off road, into brush and wooded areas, and not struck a tree. Very lucky.

But the point of this story is that most of the time I did not plow off into the woods. I went off backwards, having spun a full 180 degrees shortly after the car left the road. In the one instance where I managed to flip a car (an '82 Trans Am which yes, gives you an idea of just what brand of idiot I was), it spun 90 degrees before going off and digging into the earth. ALL of these spins were caused by lifting off abruptly while turning. One was in a Honda Accord. Another in a CRX. Those are "safe" front-wheel-drive cars. I spun my Miata once the same way, lifting off too abruptly while turning. I spun a Civic Si the same way. Those last two were AFTER I had attended racing school and had a decent idea what I was doing!

So when I hear people talk about how safe and understeery and hard to spin a street car is, I always wonder, how many times have they wrecked or lost control of one? I suspect the answer is often none, because I was enough of an idiot to actually take cars up to the limit of adhesion. But if it's none, then how can they be so certain?

Front wheel drive cars do have natural off throttle oversteer characteristics. We are talking about RWD cars here.
Front wheel drive cars do have natural off throttle oversteer characteristics. We are talking about RWD cars here.

RWD can oversteer off throttle. High compressions and/or high revs etc will cause the rear to break away quite easily. Have you seen the Skip Barber video?

I spun my BMW with lift off oversteer :)
I seen 4 ppl spin in 1 lap, on the same lap lol in a skip barber school type car, the slower detuned softer version with street tyres. These weren't super fast drivers driving on the edge, they were just normal ppl who don't expect cars to move around so much, and so they go pretty fast, then get scared or just lift for whatever reason and bam lift off spin.

I exited off the freeway in a bonestock mid 2000s Toyota Corolla a couple weeks ago, bone stock other than slightly higher performance and wider tyres (I think 205 instead of 185). The freeway exit speed limit was 60 km/h, upon turn in I was doing around 135-150. I had tyre screech almost on initial turn in at very, very little steering lock (rather than only near the apex once you crank the wheel which is much easier), so I was definitely somewhere around the limit area. About 1/3 of the way to the apex I was like WOWWW, I felt the rear wanting to rotate, I instantly stopped applying more lock, gave it some throttle (maybe 25% or so) and went around the corner.

I had completely forget just how dynamic and lively even safe family cars can be when driven hard. Most sim, and sim players seem like they consider this the harder doesn't equal more real approach, but I just experienced harder = more real, in real life.

So many think cars are supposed to be so planted and simplified, when even a bonestock corolla can move around and "kill" you when you really push it, depending on your technique.
I never played AC but I have been looking into it a bit, including browsing through the forums to see the feedback and what kind of issues people are having or what they don't like about it. I can say looking on their forums has helped a lot with my decision to NOT get AC. The main thing that got me was how the devs respond to people issues. It seems 9/10 times they try dismissing issues saying they're normal or that's how it's supposed to be. These are things where obviously something is wrong and it's like they try and blow everyone off. I do not like that attitude. Almost like, now we got your money and we can just sit back and collect more. Like they don't care about bettering the sim but rather pushing it out quickly so they can make more money. Thanks devs at AC for helping me decide not to buy your sim!
I never played AC but I have been looking into it a bit, including browsing through the forums to see the feedback and what kind of issues people are having or what they don't like about it. I can say looking on their forums has helped a lot with my decision to NOT get AC. The main thing that got me was how the devs respond to people issues. It seems 9/10 times they try dismissing issues saying they're normal or that's how it's supposed to be. These are things where obviously something is wrong and it's like they try and blow everyone off. I do not like that attitude. Almost like, now we got your money and we can just sit back and collect more. Like they don't care about bettering the sim but rather pushing it out quickly so they can make more money. Thanks devs at AC for helping me decide not to buy your sim!

I've been watching the forum too but I don't see what you see. To me they seem very eager to listen to people and if there is an actual issue they say they are working on it. They plan to release DLC up to 2018.... so I guarantee they will be adding many more features till then, as they have said they would. I think you are really missing out by not getting it. There are issues but it is very much worth getting IMO.
RWD can oversteer off throttle. High compressions and/or high revs etc will cause the rear to break away quite easily. Have you seen the Skip Barber video?

I spun my BMW with lift off oversteer :)

Thats a skip barber. Different type of car which has off throttle oversteer because of the differential. You saw in the Alonso ferrari 458 vid he had mostly off throttle understeer so it depends. The street cars in AC are far from easy and quite challenging to drive fast. Only real debate is about the arbarth.
I never played AC but I have been looking into it a bit, including browsing through the forums to see the feedback and what kind of issues people are having or what they don't like about it. I can say looking on their forums has helped a lot with my decision to NOT get AC. The main thing that got me was how the devs respond to people issues. It seems 9/10 times they try dismissing issues saying they're normal or that's how it's supposed to be. These are things where obviously something is wrong and it's like they try and blow everyone off. I do not like that attitude. Almost like, now we got your money and we can just sit back and collect more. Like they don't care about bettering the sim but rather pushing it out quickly so they can make more money. Thanks devs at AC for helping me decide not to buy your sim!

I've been watching the forum too but I don't see what you see. To me they seem very eager to listen to people and if there is an actual issue they say they are working on it. They plan to release DLC up to 2018.... so I guarantee they will be adding many more features till then, as they have said they would. I think you are really missing out by not getting it. There are issues but it is very much worth getting IMO.

A brother of me as a master bachelor and manager of a big company has study as a plus something to learn understand how and why people behave different from diff nations. Nothing offensive just natural of human but the behaviour of those i don't like. I said why but we could well missunderstand there acting because of different views.

But i tend to agree with TMoney, especially everything going deeper in physics or any dislike will be greatly ignored and if not there is a breathtaking arrogance to read. Acting against adults as against kids by handling themself like kids. Even Nick H. was getting ignored yesterday, i don't know if he get a reply now. I have the impression they just using people while letting themself payed for by just realising bugs.

edit: the impression of very high confidence comes up but too much of it can be unhealthy and often leads to fail. Anyone who thinks to know it already all and everything, learns nothing more.
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Wow those KILL BILL videos are pretty alarming about of AC physics. I have never ever witnessed such anomalies with rF1 / rF2. But it could also be that the AC physics engine is solid in the end, but the cars are made completely wrong. This can be done in rF simulations as well, some odd values to physics files and everything becomes very interesting.

Good thing is rF2 is clear of bugs, right?

Good thing is rF2 is clear of bugs, right?

Wow, if that would have been official ISI content I would be so mad :p And no, off course rF2 isn't perfect. But for me out of all sims I tried, rF2 is the one that gets closest to perfection IMO. (Allthough I must admit I haven't tried to many of them ;) )
Good thing is rF2 is clear of bugs, right?

LOL. And what are you trying to prove? He was talking about AC physics and you post a video showing a very known problem with a converted track (that the author doesn't seem to care to update)? :confused: It's a problem with the track, I've seen it myself several times.
That's a cheap ripped off track, not in any way official. There are bugs in RF2 but showing a badly implemented private mod as proof is not a good choice.
useless because if you can't at least see the wheel you cannot try to understand the input/reaction behavior
I'm done with this, finally people calling me a rf2 fanboy and acting like kids there, incl. some responsible and i was still defending these gentlemen. I feel so bad to have support them, really. Prefering to talk and listen to some steam kids instead to deal with pro's and allow to attack and call a adult with pro background anything by some, while it's granted by mod's.

LOL. And what are you trying to prove? He was talking about AC physics and you post a video showing a very known problem with a converted track (that the author doesn't seem to care to update)? :confused: It's a problem with the track, I've seen it myself several times.

Oh, really?

The kerb and grass materials are both correctly assigned in TDF, the reactions are correct, both are assigned as HAT and collide, there's no wrong vertices or invisible objects over there and, last not least, the vertical gap between kerb and grass is exactly like the real eau-rouge, so tell me about track issues.

I'm not the track converter by the way, but I'm able to check files and 3D.
