Assetto Corsa Respectful Comparison

Intresting :) No it's just possible under same conditions and environment. Would mean, matching up settings and use the same car and track.
When Build 49 came out, we were lucky enough to be compared to other sims (iRacing mainly, released 4 years before rF2 first was) in the same way AC is now being compared to rF2 after 2. Which shows exactly how silly this all is. I haven't see a single sim to sim comparison in a forum that really had any base in fairness or even really that considered enough aspects to make sense, because it's not possible. So why do people do it? Absolutely no idea. :)

AC is AC.
rF2 is rF2.

They'll grow at different rates, they'll have different features, you'll possibly like one more than the other, someone will feel the opposite to you. There, I think I summed it up in a single sentence. ;)

How dare you apply reason and logic to this, or any, forum discussion!! The nerve!! :cool:
When Build 49 came out, we were lucky enough to be compared to other sims (iRacing mainly, released 4 years before rF2 first was) in the same way AC is now being compared to rF2 after 2. Which shows exactly how silly this all is. I haven't see a single sim to sim comparison in a forum that really had any base in fairness or even really that considered enough aspects to make sense, because it's not possible. So why do people do it? Absolutely no idea. :)

AC is AC.
rF2 is rF2.

They'll grow at different rates, they'll have different features, you'll possibly like one more than the other, someone will feel the opposite to you. There, I think I summed it up in a single sentence. ;)

It's people's nature to compare everything with everything, happens in different game genres too, also in sports and everything. "hey this muay thai is completely useless against xyz, oldschool boxer would kill him"

Often those comparisons lack any sense yes :)
When Build 49 came out, we were lucky enough to be compared to other sims (iRacing mainly, released 4 years before rF2 first was) in the same way AC is now being compared to rF2 after 2. Which shows exactly how silly this all is. I haven't see a single sim to sim comparison in a forum that really had any base in fairness or even really that considered enough aspects to make sense, because it's not possible. So why do people do it? Absolutely no idea. :)

AC is AC.
rF2 is rF2.

They'll grow at different rates, they'll have different features, you'll possibly like one more than the other, someone will feel the opposite to you. There, I think I summed it up in a single sentence. ;)
please close this stupid comparison threads.all of them.
I don't think closing these threads is needed. Just that readers should not take any of them seriously lol
I actually don't recall that many physics bugs in rF2 on the first build. Aside from some collision bugs causing cars to fly in the air when contacting other cars or objects or bottoming on a curb. A lot of those problems were actually netcode prediction problems. But cars didn't float around the track without the wheels turning. Or when locking the brakes and doing a burn out the front wheels didn't magically slide sideways. Cars didn't pivot on the center as if it was a boat. Cars couldn't continue to turn even when the front wheels were blocked.
It seems the physics of the brothers are good anyway, otherwise the brothers would already resting. :)
I actually don't recall that many physics bugs in rF2 on the first build. Aside from some collision bugs causing cars to fly in the air when contacting other cars or objects or bottoming on a curb. A lot of those problems were actually netcode prediction problems. But cars didn't float around the track without the wheels turning. Or when locking the brakes and doing a burn out the front wheels didn't magically slide sideways. Cars didn't pivot on the center as if it was a boat. Cars couldn't continue to turn even when the front wheels were blocked.

You bring up some good points. I won't defend the things that are wrong with AC, as there is no rational defense. Just it's too early to really judge it, in my opinion. Lets see how it turns out in the long run. These sims are pretty damned cheap price wise, so I can find no reason not to buy them and use them as they are.

For me though rF2 gets the least of my play time in sims...
AC is AC.
rF2 is rF2.

They'll grow at different rates, they'll have different features, you'll possibly like one more than the other, someone will feel the opposite to you. There, I think I summed it up in a single sentence. ;)

Thank you!

Like what you like. Play what you like. Let others do the same.
Just it's too early to really judge it, in my opinion. Lets see how it turns out in the long run.
Yep. It's a very interesting discussion here but sometimes it turns into to much offensive argumentation. Yes there are many things to solve but on the other hand they work hard and in my opinion
try to do as fast and good as it is possible. Maybe I've missed something that justifies this from time time harsh tone ^-^ ? I enjoy this forum and I'm every day here to read what's going on. Over the time I noticed here are many users with a professional background and in all ok most :) posts they act like this. So I'm really surprised that the discussion here is done so emotional :confused:
I want not believe some guys here mean it in the same way as it sounds. So please stay cool and professional as always. It is still enough room for two simulations. If things turn in the right direction, why should it not possible that all have an advantage?
All = racers and Devs / Publishers
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Without discussion, forums would not exist. If only logic was allowed they would also be mostly empty :D Personally, I like forums and lots of discussion.
Without discussion, forums would not exist. If only logic was allowed they would also be mostly empty :D Personally, I like forums and lots of discussion.

And it's one of the most amusing ways of free entertainment available on the internet :D
I've been doing some more driving today. I think I managed to find ok FFB settings. Lowering the gain gave me a little more feel but it added a huge dead zone in the ffb in the center. I tried to increase spring and damping effect in logitech profiler, from 0% to 80%, and it reduced the "dead zone" feel.

Still can't enjoy lapping with any of the cars in AC though... I have no fun. I don't know how to express it (escpecially not in english), all I can say is that there is something that doesn't feel natural to me. I've been watching some replays too and seen some strange car behavior when going over curbs very careless and I've also watched some videos in this thread showing strange car behavior.

My brother tried a few laps too (Lotus Elise at Imola) and his reaction was "wow I thought I was going to spin" when he made a mistake in the corner entry where he threw the car in very carelsess but was not punished by the car.

Well... at least I've purchased it, so I hope I can enjoy it sometime in the future. Right now I can't see one single reason to spend my time with AC when I have rF2.
I've seen some pics of a very good looking Ferrari 312T F1 at least.. ;) (but I'm very disappointed in the Lotus 49 so my expectations are not very high)
Hedlund, I've read from the AC forum that to counter the deadzone they advise you to use the ingame damping and set it to around .15 (offcourse tweakable for your own feeling). Have you also tried that?
Don't know how it scales compared to the Logitech Profiler damping offcourse but just an idea :)
I purchased Assetto Corsa a couple of days ago--hell, maybe it's already been a week by now--but my overall impression is, I simply love it. It's a joy to drive. My favorite car to drive, by far, is the BMW M3 GT2. My favorite course is the 1966 Brianza. rF2 also has Brianza in three configuration, one of which is roughly the same configuration as the Assetto Corsa' 1966 Brianza. So naturally I wanted to conduct my own, highly non-scientific comparison of the two courses.
So I started off in Assetto Corsa's Brianza, driving the BMW and was immediately struck by how bright and spacious these circuit was. That was the first thing I noticed. The second was a true sense of speed--it felt like I was actually going someplace in that BMW.
Then I tried the rF2's Brianza in the Nissan 370. The first thing I didn't like--and have frankly never liked about rF2's Brianza (even BEFORE the release of Assetto Corsa)--is having to start at the 'backside' of the garage area, making that tight-ass right turn onto the pit, then, if you haven't run into anything, get out onto the circuit and do some driving. But once you do, it's fun as hell. rF2's Brianza feels tighter, it's somewhat darker, and it's claustrophobic as hell. Plus, I didn't get that same sense of speed that I got while driving the BMW on Assetto Corsa's Brianza. (Then again, it might be my car choice between the games, but I don't think so.) Besides my lap times between the two different games and different cars were roughly the same.
So, while I thoroughly enjoyed driving on the brilliantly lighted noon time race in Assetto Corsa's Brianza; I had just as much fun driving the Nissan 370 on rF2's Brianza (once I got out of the garage area). And as I think about, maybe it's more fun to cruise around a circuit with A.I. competing for the racing line with you--something that Assetto Corsa is currently lacking. Cruising alone can get boring after 20 laps.
So that's my non-scientific, highly dubious comparison. I love BOTH sim platforms: rFactor2 and Assetto Corsa. Assetto Corsa can only get better, right? Same with rFactor2. What the hell, I love Marvel AND DC, Star Wars and Star Trek . . . So, it would only make sense that I'm enjoying both of these sims . . .

So, is anyone going to start a thread about Simbin's Raceroom Experience? :)
Spent 7.5 hrs with it last night and another 2 today, the more I play it the more I get disappointed and bored with it's physics.

Maybe Kunos did a good job in making going around a corner at fairly high speeds nice and natural, but driving a car hard and all it's micro movements and dynamics is 1000000x more dynamic in reallife and in RFactor, than Assetto Corsa. Even Kunos' previous title, Netkar Pro, felt more high-fidelic and dynamic/"free" in it's physics than Assetto Corsa, it's not pure sim-cade, but it's not a true 100% hardcore sim.

I can see why most ppl think it's the most amazing thing ever though (just read all the other forums and Youtube comments), SADLY.
Probably not. The general consensus is that it's really not as good as expected.

Considering it uses slightly modified Race07 tire model and physics.... it's not that great. A lot of people don't believe that is does, but think about race07 next time you play it. The feeling and look of how the cars behave is just about identical. Also they said that it is gmotor2 physics engine in a vid or online a while back. I think simbin made a terrible mistake with not going all out and creating a next gen GTR 3.
Spent 7.5 hrs with it last night and another 2 today, the more I play it the more I get disappointed and bored with it's physics.

Maybe Kunos did a good job in making going around a corner at fairly high speeds nice and natural, but driving a car hard and all it's micro movements and dynamics is 1000000x more dynamic in reallife and in RFactor, than Assetto Corsa. Even Kunos' previous title, Netkar Pro, felt more high-fidelic and dynamic/"free" in it's physics than Assetto Corsa, it's not pure sim-cade, but it's not a true 100% hardcore sim.

I can see why most ppl think it's the most amazing thing ever though (just read all the other forums and Youtube comments), SADLY.

How do you have so much time to drive AC :D (I only have total of 4-6 hours per week for sims)

Imo no point in using that much time testing this early version of AC... wait few updates and then do the test again... more fair that way.
From Assetto Corsa's Facebook page...
Assetto Corsa on Steam Early Access - A successful launch!

In the launch weekend, the new PC racing game "Assetto Corsa", produced by KUNOS Simulazioni and distribuited on Steam Early Access has reached the top seller rankings on Steam, just behind Call of Duty Ghosts, keeping the top five position for all the weekend, and it conquered the first position in the racing genre. This first beta version has been very well welcomed by gamers and simracers, who have shared great feedback, very positive comments and suggestions. A result that exceeded the best expectations of the Assetto Corsa dev team, that is already working on the next release, ready to be launched on November 22th, and that will include updates, new features, 3 new cars and 2 new tracks.
if somebody starts posting the Rfactor 2 physics errors in build 49 the list could be kilometric.

if somebody starts posting the Rfactor 2 graphycal errors in build 49 the list could be mulargametric.
the thing is, that something makes me think that we will not have to wait two years to see Asseto corsa in all his glory.

You know what bugs me? Have a look at the tabs of the two web sites:

"rFactor|The Future of Race Simulation" vs "Assetto Corsa | Your racing simulation. The most realistic PC racing simulation."

See? Whereas ISI is somewhat modest AC claims to ALREADY BE the most realistic simulation. Obviously false claims as it stands now.
Before the release they kept advertising by showing mostly screenshots, nevertheless in the minds of people the game became the "Holy Grail". The notion of a full release was kept alive until BOOM there was the "beta". And all people say is "Just wait how good this sim will be!"
To me AC is the "sim with the most promises yet to be fulfilled".
AC has the graphics front and have a wider public, then it is quite normal that the rest is waiting.

ISI highlighted physics, FFB, AI, multiplayer and graphics later, as they were also announced.

The two there will be advanced so patience :)
rFactor2 is before two years, the comparison is not credible to me.

So as I say, everyone has expectations.

Me is the multiplayer missing, then no purchase for now :) see the price / quality ratio.
Hedlund, I've read from the AC forum that to counter the deadzone they advise you to use the ingame damping and set it to around .15 (offcourse tweakable for your own feeling). Have you also tried that?
Don't know how it scales compared to the Logitech Profiler damping offcourse but just an idea :)

I guess it's the same as adjusting in Logitech Profiles, because as I said I got rid of the deadzone by doing so :) But of course I can try the in-game damping too. Thanks.
I guess it's the same as adjusting in Logitech Profiles, because as I said I got rid of the deadzone by doing so :) But of course I can try the in-game damping too. Thanks.
Both has to be enabled. Dampening in the profiler does nothing without commands from the game and the commands from the game are doing nothing when dampening is disabled in the profiler.
Both has to be enabled. Dampening in the profiler does nothing without commands from the game and the commands from the game are doing nothing when dampening is disabled in the profiler.

Probably true... I had the in game damping to 0.15 so that's probably why the changes to logitech profiler made a difference. Now I have increased in game damping to 0.50 and the feeling is much improved. Thanks.
You know what bugs me? Have a look at the tabs of the two web sites:

"rFactor|The Future of Race Simulation" vs "Assetto Corsa | Your racing simulation. The most realistic PC racing simulation."

See? Whereas ISI is somewhat modest AC claims to ALREADY BE the most realistic simulation. Obviously false claims as it stands now.

Hate Budweiser because you dislike the beer -- not because it claims to be the King of Beers.
Indeed, any developer/company will place its product as better/more advanced/tastier/next gen/future/more buttons/elite/etc.

It don't say anything about the product and if advertising is the thing peeps go by then they deserve to be disappointed :p
so, day 3 with AC and i just asked steam support for a refund on obligingness, but they declined. i'm really unhappy with this product. the cars have no soul, one feels equal to the other, ffb doesnt communicate anything to me, physics seems kinda random. i know it is "early access" but it's so far away from what i've expected that i doubt AC will ever satisfy me. my computer can run rf2 better looking than AC so even the graphical benefit is nonexistent.
maybe my expectations were just too high. maybe i expected the same "wow"-effect i had with rf2.
two aspects are significant better than rf2: UI and loading times. and the grass is better looking.
everything else equal or less good.

i would even say pCARS is better. (my opinion)
"one feels equal to the other"
this statement "undermines" your speech

Really for you is all equal? I can think you have to improve your sensibility! (this is a little bit absolute affermation!)
(and without offence!)
The guys lose the more and more sympathy with me. I don't like as the peoples reports on the forum are treated, many acts are with an excessive arrogance and ignorance imho. In my opinion there is no reason. If this is based just because of some steam racer wowed, then i can just use the head shake.
so, day 3 with AC and i just asked steam support for a refund on obligingness, but they declined. i'm really unhappy with this product. the cars have no soul, one feels equal to the other, ffb doesnt communicate anything to me, physics seems kinda random. i know it is "early access" but it's so far away from what i've expected that i doubt AC will ever satisfy me. my computer can run rf2 better looking than AC so even the graphical benefit is nonexistent.
maybe my expectations were just too high. maybe i expected the same "wow"-effect i had with rf2.
two aspects are significant better than rf2: UI and loading times. and the grass is better looking.
everything else equal or less good.

i would even say pCARS is better. (my opinion)

I dont understand wanting a refund when its early beta what do you expect it to be a perfect finished game , dont you feel they will not improve it over the next year ? I drove it for a few hours and wont drive it again until its next update , I did the same with RF2 and Arma 3 . I buy into early betas to support the Dev teams and because I know I will buy the finished game so why not get a discount and have an early peak at the game .

I think people are too judgemental on betas , its not done until the fat lady sings give the Dev teams a chance to get things right .
I dont understand wanting a refund when its early beta what do you expect it to be a perfect finished game , dont you feel they will not improve it over the next year ? I drove it for a few hours and wont drive it again until its next update , I did the same with RF2 and Arma 3 . I buy into early betas to support the Dev teams and because I know I will buy the finished game so why not get a discount and have an early peak at the game .

I think people are too judgemental on betas , its not done until the fat lady sings give the Dev teams a chance to get things right .

No RodBarker, people are not too judgemental.....they are too childish.
It's ok to disagree guys, no one is necessarily wrong just different options etc,

I'm hoping AC turns into a top sim -updates & time will tell one way or the other
if it does I think it will be good for rf2 / Iracing , it will help attract more in to the hobby & like me want to try another sim to have a small collection of sims

I'm actually banned from the AC forum. ( have been polite but I think mild sarcasm can be seen as badly I guess)

Gosh I've never been banned from anything for anything
I'm actually banned from the AC forum. ( have been polite but I think mild sarcasm can be seen as badly I guess)

Gosh I've never been banned from anything for anything

I believe Kunos needs a second Tim Wheatley. :D
Most computer nerds, aka developers have no idea how to handle different opinions. Sorry guys, nothing personal, but I believe Gjon made a good decision some time ago.
