Assetto Corsa Respectful Comparison

Faster than yours. By the way, my pb at Silverstone with the F2 in rF2 is 3 full seconds faster than best qualy lap there in real life, does it mean it is also overgrippied and unrealistic? I found it to be one of the best cars in the sim :) and I can also do Silverstone T1 flatout with the F1 and full tank, when F1 drivers need to lift there clearly. So what?

Because one thing Kunos claimed... is the times compared to real life, he said to match real times you had to work sooo hard and their team also had alien players testing that, and the truth is are really easy to improve. I don't see something wrong improving real lap times, you can push more because the lack of fear, you can do 10000000 laps at the same track at same conditions, in rF2 for now you can rubber the track to full with "few" laps... but in rF2 I get good times practicing and working, and in AC... just in few laps and demonstrating Kunos was mistaken about his times affirmation.

And yes maybe there are things you can see in vids we can't see in rF2 or AC... but I didn't see for now something in a simple YT video not possible in rF2. And for now I saw lots of things from AC that does not match, including some Kunos claims...
Fair point, maybe in KS they have to improve their skills a bit then :D

So why they affirm they have alien skills drivers testing It? and that their telemetrys match real ones when It's clear not?

Do you see? AC driving It's fine, I like It too, and recreate greatly the driving sensation, but does not simulate accurately in some situations to achieve this feeling. So simple. And you will see when they release more cars and tracks to compare with other sims or real situations...

I'm waiting two real driver friends to test AC to give me their impressions (for now I only received impressions from other league mates that said the same I think about AC), one was F3 tester and last year DRIVEX F3 team engineer (and before competed in karting for long time), and other raced with some minor GT classes like Mini champs and won a free (for good results) entire championship test with a Porsche GT3. Both agree that rF2 is really great, and F3 guy even more (my teammate in some league races :) ) because he knows how to read telemetrys, is a beast with MoTeC :) I like to have him as teammate for setups :eek:
I'm getting a little agreed with Rueda that since day one is telling us how impossible is to upset the Fabarth but then you're also saying how easy is?

Did you noticed the wild corrections Costa made on Variante alta exit (1:28)?

Maybe the rear of his "bad simulated" FAbarth is bouncing all the way out of the curb?

Just want to clarify what I was talking about. You're conflating two separate issues, which might have been because I was unclear. The main thing I was talking about is that I can't get the car finely balanced and then control it on that edge the way I do a real car. It's either understeering or OMG-do-something-quick oversteering, and very, very rarely in that beautiful zone of yes-I'm-balanced-and-going-quickly. However I definitely did not say it was "impossible to upset the F Abarth." I can absolutely upset it, on curbs or off, if I try to.

The OTHER issue, which I was referencing to illustrate that having data doesn't make everything right, is that if you drive the line that Costa takes in that chicane at a decent speed you'll find that the sim car bounces like mad when it comes back down off the curbs. Esteve has been referencing this a bunch of times but unfortunately I don't know of any videos that illustrate it yet. If you've ever driven the Radical in iRacing you'll know what I mean. It's often called "pogo'ing" with that car. In other words it's an oscillation, caused either by insufficient damping in the suspension or the tires, that causes the car to take far too long to settle after hitting a bump or a curb at speed.
I'm suprised that when I check my fps it was only 55-70... much lower than with rf2. Something wrong here?


View attachment 10774 (last setting is 6)

my pc specs in my profile (AA is controlled by software in Nvidia control panel)

Turn cubemap to low... that should give you more FPS. The cube map is very very heavy.
Guys, there's a billion reasons why sim times and real times might not match up at times. If that is your basis to judge AC -or- rF2, then it isn't the right approach in every case. Hell, we even had someone when the Marussia was released asking how he was so much faster than the real times, and the answer was: Because it was raining during the time the real guys were running, and he was comparing dry times. There could be tire differences (even in the same tire, listen to what F1 drivers say, NASCAR drivers say "that set of tires weren't as good as the previous ones"), there could be track grip differences (for lots of reasons, dust, rain, incompatible rubber, compatible rubber), there could have been wind in a specific direction to a turn that made them have to lift, you don't know, and you can't ever know. So, please, the "I'm faster so it means x" comments go nowhere, so there's no point getting riled up when someone posts about time differences, or to question a sim because of them.
The problem is when a developer says It matches in the sim... and they tested It with alien drivers (I can't find now the post, but they literally said the had drivers with alien skills, refering to top simracing drivers). I think It is just to lie, not to believe yours is better, just lie. Lap times doesn't really matter in any sim, only as guide, but not as objetive.
I can see this thread heading downhill so I'm going to bow out. But before I do I'll leave you with another story, which some of you might find amusing (or possibly offensive) as well as interesting.

When I was young and stupid I had far too little supervision and too much testosterone. And so I wrecked a lot of street cars by going too fast on public roads. They were all single car accidents and I was never injured since I had the good sense to wear a seatbelt (this was the 80's, so it was actually uncommon) and I endeavored to avoid doing it in trafficked areas. The cars were nothing fancy, but that makes it even more relevant. Most of them were front-wheel-drive cars.

To hear some people tell it, pretty much the only way to wreck a street car when going too quickly is by understeering off. How I wish that were true, because most of my accidents involved oversteer and 180 degree spins where I backed it off the road. Speeds were usually in the neighborhood of 50-80mph. Yes, I was very lucky. In several instances I'm still amazed to this day how I could have traveled so far off road, into brush and wooded areas, and not struck a tree. Very lucky.

But the point of this story is that most of the time I did not plow off into the woods. I went off backwards, having spun a full 180 degrees shortly after the car left the road. In the one instance where I managed to flip a car (an '82 Trans Am which yes, gives you an idea of just what brand of idiot I was), it spun 90 degrees before going off and digging into the earth. ALL of these spins were caused by lifting off abruptly while turning. One was in a Honda Accord. Another in a CRX. Those are "safe" front-wheel-drive cars. I spun my Miata once the same way, lifting off too abruptly while turning. I spun a Civic Si the same way. Those last two were AFTER I had attended racing school and had a decent idea what I was doing!

So when I hear people talk about how safe and understeery and hard to spin a street car is, I always wonder, how many times have they wrecked or lost control of one? I suspect the answer is often none, because I was enough of an idiot to actually take cars up to the limit of adhesion. But if it's none, then how can they be so certain?
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I can see this thread heading downhill so I'm going to bow out. But before I do I'll leave you with another story, which some of you might find amusing (or possibly offensive) as well as interesting.

When I was young and stupid I had far too little supervision and too much testosterone. And so I wrecked a lot of street cars by going too fast on public roads. They were all single car accidents and I was never injured since I had the good sense to wear a seatbelt (this was the 80's, so it was actually uncommon) and I endeavored to avoid doing it in trafficked areas. The cars were nothing fancy, but that makes it even more relevant. Most of them were front-wheel-drive cars.

To hear some people tell it, pretty much the only way to wreck a street car when going too quickly is by understeering off. How I wish that were true, because most of my accidents involved oversteer and 180 degree spins where I backed it off the road. Speeds were usually in the neighborhood of 50-80mph. Yes, I was very lucky. In several instances I'm still amazed to this day how I could have traveled so far off road, into brush and wooded areas, and not struck a tree. Very lucky.

But the point of this story is that most of the time I did not plow off into the woods. I went off backwards, having spun a full 180 degrees shortly after the car left the road. In the one instance where I managed to flip a car (an '82 Trans Am which yes, gives you an idea of just what brand of idiot I was), it spun 90 degrees before going off and digging into the earth. ALL of these spins were caused by lifting off abruptly while turning. One was in a Honda Accord. Another in a CRX. Those are "safe" front-wheel-drive cars. I spun my Miata once the same way, lifting off too abruptly while turning. I spun a Civic Si the same way. Those last two were AFTER I had attended racing school and had a decent idea what I was doing!

So when I hear people talk about how safe and understeery and hard to spin a street car is, I always wonder, how many times have they wrecked or lost control of one? I suspect the answer is often none, because I was enough of an idiot to actually take cars up to the limit of adhesion. But if it's none, then how can they be so certain?

Spot on!
I've destroyed 4 cars the same way and lost them plenty of times before I destroyed them.
Had an E30 and this car was so easy to loose when acting like race driver with 18 years without any proper knowledge about driving, no matter the speed. Not the best tires, RWD and just over little 100 :eek: HP.
If it's any consolation Matt ive wrote of few cars myself, rolled a nissan bluebird and a vauxhall nova, smashed up a ford orion, vauxhall astra GTE, a Ford fiesta or 2 and a austin montego. Now who's the idiot :p :D
The problem is when a developer says It matches in the sim... and they tested It with alien drivers (I can't find now the post, but they literally said the had drivers with alien skills, refering to top simracing drivers). I think It is just to lie, not to believe yours is better, just lie. Lap times doesn't really matter in any sim, only as guide, but not as objetive.
I think that's a pretty strong word for what you're describing, to be honest. It sounds like a pretty open description (I haven't seen the quote to which you refer), something 'matching' to me, might be different to you. :)
If it's any consolation Matt ive wrote of few cars myself, rolled a nissan bluebird and a vauxhall nova, smashed up a ford orion, vauxhall astra GTE, a Ford fiesta or 2 and a austin montego. Now who's the idiot :p :D

Considering those brands and makes, you made a service to human kind :)
But the point of this story is that most of the time I did not plow off into the woods. I went off backwards, having spun a full 180 degrees shortly after the car left the road. In the one instance where I managed to flip a car (an '82 Trans Am which yes, gives you an idea of just what brand of idiot I was), it spun 90 degrees before going off and digging into the earth. ALL of these spins were caused by lifting off abruptly while turning. One was in a Honda Accord. Another in a CRX. Those are "safe" front-wheel-drive cars. I spun my Miata once the same way, lifting off too abruptly while turning. I spun a Civic Si the same way. Those last two were AFTER I had attended racing school and had a decent idea what I was doing!

So when I hear people talk about how safe and understeery and hard to spin a street car is, I always wonder, how many times have they wrecked or lost control of one? I suspect the answer is often none, because I was enough of an idiot to actually take cars up to the limit of adhesion. But if it's none, then how can they be so certain?
The BTCC car is quite sensitive, and we're going to have to write a long description of why (car construction and physics), simply because I know some will question it. The car is also very easy (for me at least) to have a massive slide, very, very sideways, and ultimately correct when you get things very wrong (and those who watch BTCC and think it took skill, maybe not?) and yep, front wheel drive... :) Unfortunately, knowledge and experience like yours doesn't penetrate with those people it needs to.
I'll also quickly add: In only TWO instances did I go off-road, out of control, and nose first. In one case (the afore-mentioned Accord, poor car) I had the brakes completely locked up and in the other I genuinely understeered off, but it was in the wet in an Olds '88. So...yeah. That was it. Two out of more than I want to count.
Guys, there's a billion reasons why sim times and real times might not match up at times. If that is your basis to judge AC -or- rF2, then it isn't the right approach in every case. Hell, we even had someone when the Marussia was released asking how he was so much faster than the real times, and the answer was: Because it was raining during the time the real guys were running, and he was comparing dry times. There could be tire differences (even in the same tire, listen to what F1 drivers say, NASCAR drivers say "that set of tires weren't as good as the previous ones"), there could be track grip differences (for lots of reasons, dust, rain, incompatible rubber, compatible rubber), there could have been wind in a specific direction to a turn that made them have to lift, you don't know, and you can't ever know. So, please, the "I'm faster so it means x" comments go nowhere, so there's no point getting riled up when someone posts about time differences, or to question a sim because of them.
Well! I have them both and imho they can't actually be compared because they are different! One in advanced beta, the other one in early phase! So don't go too fast with judgements! Let simply the time go... For sure, they are both excellent! I like them both and I wouldn't be able to choose between one or the other!
too much chit chat, not enough racing going on here! seeing as this is ACs first release and we're on page 21 then that must be good, right?!
If it's any consolation Matt ive wrote of few cars myself, rolled a nissan bluebird and a vauxhall nova, smashed up a ford orion, vauxhall astra GTE, a Ford fiesta or 2 and a austin montego. Now who's the idiot :p :D

I'm sure I'm not alone around here. :)
Considering those brands and makes, you made a service to human kind :)

lol Johannes, I try to do my bit ;) It was a while ago, my brother used to sell me these old part exchange bangers from the car lot dirt cheap, which reminds me, add a vauxhall cavalier sri to that list too, the 1 with the recaro seats, they never lasted long but did we had some fun down that riverbank waste ground. :)
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I think that's a pretty strong word for what you're describing, to be honest. It sounds like a pretty open description (I haven't seen the quote to which you refer), something 'matching' to me, might be different to you. :)

Oh, right, sometimes I exagerate :eek:
Well! I have them both and imho they can't actually be compared because they are different! One in advanced beta, the other one in early phase! So don't go too fast with judgements! Let simply the time go... For sure, they are both excellent! I like them both and I wouldn't be able to choose between one or the other!
That's very cool, but I have no idea how that relates in any way to what was posted. :)
I though my GTX 680 could handle it :s

Also you should know that 6x FXAA only works if you have HDR turned on. To get great image quality turn all NVinspector settings to default for AC.exe Then in the AC video.ini file in your my documents folder, add 8X to AA samples, and add 6 to FXAA. Save the file and you should have great fps and image quality. If you want even more and your pc can handle it. In NVinspector turn on enhance application settings for AA and set transparency AA to 2X or 4X sparse grid supersampling. :)
Also you should know that 6x FXAA only works if you have HDR turned on. To get great image quality turn all NVinspector settings to default for AC.exe Then in the AC video.ini file in your my documents folder, add 8X to AA samples, and add 6 to FXAA. Save the file and you should have great fps and image quality. If you want even more and your pc can handle it. In NVinspector turn on enhance application settings for AA and set transparency AA to 2X or 4X sparse grid supersampling. :)

You can see my pc specs by clicking the coloured square below my avatar.

I have never changed anything in Nvidia settings...
You can see my pc specs by clicking the coloured square below my avatar.

I have never changed anything in Nvidia settings...

The AF is a fps killer ive got mine on x4 and cube map on medium, faces per frame is on 4 and im getting 150 up to 180fps some places Tig. 680 here too :)
After testing all the cars in AC, i feel that most of them have in common a lot of understeer!
The AF is a fps killer ive got mine on x4 and cube map on medium, faces per frame is on 4 and im getting 150 up to 180fps some places Tig. 680 here too :)

Thanks for the info bean. I hope that doesn't make it look much worse.
Thanks for the info bean. I hope that doesn't make it look much worse.

Also i forgot to say ive got HDR off too, as it seems to make every thing too bright at the moment ,imo it looks better with it off :)

I'll also quickly add: In only TWO instances did I go off-road, out of control, and nose first. In one case (the afore-mentioned Accord, poor car) I had the brakes completely locked up and in the other I genuinely understeered off, but it was in the wet in an Olds '88. So...yeah. That was it. Two out of more than I want to count.
25 here and I have to admit, it seems I'm a bit of a Sentell when it comes to crashing cars :p
First E30 320, incredibly stupid. Had been practicing for like 2 weeks on parking lots etc, wanted to drift it around a nice turn among farms etc on a wet tarmac. But the car said no, and just pulled its nose up and went forwards into a ditch.
2nd E30 325, I went out with my boss during the midday break to get some sandwiches, was a car on yellow Koni's and tires who were just on the limit of still being legal. Was going around a turn at 60kmh with a huge bump in the middle (not even trying to go quick), inside wheel spun up insanely quick and the car snapped sideways when it came down again, the front dug in some fences that stood on the inside so that was sadly a write off.
My current MB 190E, was drifting around backroad in the snow on those bumpy Belgian roads (those very slippery square stones) and in the middle of the corner there was a spot of ice so obviously instant 180° since i was doing like 40kmh. While I was going backwards I tried to turn it around again by doing a J-turn but the tree on the outside also said no :p Steering arm & front fender and back in business aha

Also almost crashed my corsa on a highway onramp during a huge storm, lifted the throttle at 110kmh or so in a quite shallow turn (on a very small crest) and the rear of the car was gone. But that was easy to save, just mash the throttle but this was my first car so it was a good lesson to not do that in the rain.

You have to buy better tires Matt, stuff only happens in the wet here :D Luckily the 2 tracksdays I did on Spa and the... I think it were 3 on Zolder have always been dry
ALL of these spins were caused by lifting off abruptly while turning.

#1, Sigh. Impossible in the dry, it must have been wet, icy, and tires balder than Mr. Clean. I know this because I lift abruptly when pulling into the starbucks drive-through in our SUV, nothing happens! Possible half-shaft failure or your CV joint locked up and it just happened to go down when you lifted.
#2, =You can't drive, if it was me, I'd catch the slide, drift, get on the gas, drift some more, crack the window, let the mullet air out (you were driving a trans am in the 80s so don't deny it), then bring it back in and do it again on the next turn. It is not that difficult, I'll make a video with the AC beta to show you how it is done.
Guys, for whatever reason AC is caped to 60fps on my computer. NVidia control panel all default, No vsync in game, and capped to 60fps. I can make fly my rF2 or pCARS if I remove the adaptive vsync in NVCP, but AC don't want to go upper than my monitor, whatever I try. Something max it at 60, possibly in some INI file?

Also, does one of you have T500RS and can share settings? FFB is more than correct with default settings (but Gain set to 75%) and I have a FFB dead zone right in the middle I can heavy feel when going from one side to the other. It's just an FFB deadzone, wheel in game react pretty well (with a pretty well big lag too). So if one of you was able to have better settings for T500rs thanks to share! ;)

AA is awfull, I'll try the tips to turn AAx8 and FAAx6 in ini file (in game they are exclusive).

For my first 2 hours of trying AC, I can say that's boring to be alone doing laps after laps ;) I pretty like it, some cars more than the other. Overall I see lot of rooms for improvement, but a very good start. Sound are binaries like NKpro, I hope they will improve that. By binary I mean if you go on the sand you have immediately the sand sound turned on max volume, until you leave it and the sound go away immediately (from max volume to zero). same for kerbs, here, and not here, 1, 0, without any variation in volume. I like the FFB, it lack some effect I agree, but I like to feel the weight of the car, feel kerbs, and feel when I lose the rear for example. Nothing near what I greatly feel with rF2, but not bad and I feel I can do with it if they improve it a little more. Cars are really shiny during replay, crisp, possibly too much, but that's make pretty nice replay. I agree something is odd with physic as that's the first time I can drive a modern open-wheeler without spending my time in the sand searching where the road is (even without TC and ABS thanks to CTRL A and CTRL T). But it's fun to drive, and that's what I'm searching, casual fun! ;) and if Devs say it's a Sim and it's realistic, I even have more fun keeping that in mind ;)

Overall feeling I'm happy, I can't wait to see how they will improve it :)

Welcome in my Beta Folder AC! ;)
Hey guys are there any way to change FOV or at least move seat forward?
Lol, maybe I should google it but I trust you...
Open assetto corsa.ini, change enable_dev_apps to 1
Ingame hover over the app bar on the right and choose Onboard settings.
FOV and seat adjustments, saveable per car
Guys, for whatever reason AC is caped to 60fps on my computer. NVidia control panel all default, No vsync in game, and capped to 60fps. I can make fly my rF2 or pCARS if I remove the adaptive vsync in NVCP, but AC don't want to go upper than my monitor, whatever I try. Something max it at 60, possibly in some INI file?

When you choose your screen resolution in game settings, there are options for screen refresh rate... You have multiple options for each resolution, like:

1920x1080 59hz
1920x1080 60 hz
1920x1080 99hz
1920x1080 119hz

wierd... because with all different resolutions we have a very long list.

Probably you already know this but anyway... :p Otherwise I don't know
You'll probably have to go to steam/steamapps/common/assetto corsa but I used steammover to move it to my 2nd SSD

Oh, magic fortune teller Durge Driven, what else can you tell me?

Someone talked to me like that in a pub you get a liverpool kiss straight off, keep your handjobs to yourself douche bag.
Don't hide behind a keyboard and antagonize people with your childish comments and pics, grow up.

Do you see me personally attack people here because of their beliefs. ?

One thing I never did was put people down for liking another sim for having a opinion, we are individuals.

When I say people are kidding themselves about a sim it is not personal, I saying don't get so tied up in what something may or may be like in 2 years time.
Its the here the now that matters for me. :)

But it is easy to tell some home truths bite because why are you interested in what I have to say, why would you waste your time digging out one of your reply pictures.

What I do know is I think rF2 Historics are the best cars ever to be put in a sim and that did not take a whole lot of soul searching.

You do not agree, tough titties my frieind. lol ;)
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I went off backwards, having spun a full 180 degrees shortly after the car left the road. In the one instance where I managed to flip a car (an '82 Trans Am which yes, gives you an idea of just what brand of idiot I was)

Spot on!!! ;);):D

Seriously: can happen.
Never had an accident in 20 years (only RWD), because I just know physics! LOL!:cool:;):D
(don´t take it offensive, just kidding,- BUT: true.)

P.S. and don´t crash your cars in RL! It hurts! LOL


Edit: somehow this thread went from war to funny!
Seriously: I like to talk about physics!
