Assetto Corsa Respectful Comparison

THAT happens when you push a road car in RL like you do in AC (or even less):
Minimum breaking the axle/suspension.
Clearer now?

What is clear, cristal clear, is that these guys didn't have even the minimum idea on what they are doing on that track!:D
Anyway fun video :cool:
Well, after runnning every car, I can say two things:

1) There has to be some sort of driving aid still on even when they are all apparently off. The purposely dulled throttle response and the "hand of God" that keeps the car straight even when it shouldn't be straight smack of driving and traction aids that would be perfectly fine for a beginner (or console game) setting.

2) If I am wrong about #1, then AC is so far off a realistic sim that we really don't need to do direct comparisons with rF2. They would not be in the same category at all.

I'm happy to give it more time, but the current release is shocking in how immature it is versus the hype and rhetoric from Kunos.

rF2 has been more than frustrating in many ways since its release, but from day 1 the strength of the basic physics and FFB was always evident. It's the only reason anyone would put up with the slow and disorganized development quite frankly. AC is much more polished on its release (though it was supposed to be a final, not the beginning of an extended beta period) in every way except the ones that matter most--physics and FFB. In that regard, it is identical to pCARS. Afraid we'll have to wait quite a while to see if either of them catches up to rF2.

Fully agreed about RF2, and indeed AC Physics is immature (don't know if there's some hidden aid to avoid scare casual gamers, good point). But I think your judgment was a bit harsh, let's see next chapters.
It is work, we can all get better and faster with practice but as Matt eloquently said, you can't dance with the car in AC. And you certainly can't be that sloppy with inputs and get away with it like the 458 vid. I do hope they improve this at the beta matures.

You mean like this?

Clearly too much grip, and no 'balancing' and dumbed down.

That 458 is a blast, really like the street cars :)

The GT2 is fun too, even if its a bit too planted But what do i know. :D
Now I've tried Assetto Corsa for the first time. My first impression is not good at all but I need to find out if there are more settings before i judge it too hard.

I want to make sure I have the best settings for my G27. Right now the FFB is only a strong constant spring effect with absolutely no variations at all. All I can feel is when it tells me it's time to countersteer when I loose the rear (not very easy to do anyway) and when the car is standing still there is no restistance at all in the wheel. So... I've kept my Logitech Profiler settings that I use for rf2 as well: spring and damping effects to 0%. In-game, I wonder if there are any settings I should touch? I use default right now: Gain: 100%, Filter: 0%, Damping: 0%. I also have some "Steering Settings" on the right side, with "Gamma" and "Filter" settings? I don't expect it to be at the same level as rf2, because I've already read some comments about it... But it must be better than what I can feel now? :(

Graphics wise it reminds me a bit of iRacing. Maybe it's the trees, tracks overall, cockpits. I'm not that impressed to be honest. It's a nice lighting (especially in cockpits) and nice models, not much more. The antialiasing is terrible.
It seems like they have spent more time with the graphics and the car physics comes second, opposite to rf2.

Engine sounds are boring and dull. Especially the Lotus 49, compared to iRacing.

Finally, I can barely find any control options at all? Only a few... But the CTRL+A and CTR+T to turn off traction control and ABS, I found out thanks to this thread.
No settings for FOV? HUD?

My first impression is that this game is arcadish... Everything from how the cars drives to UI, HUD, driving views (chasing views are always arcade but this really reminds me of some console game), car setup screen, time attack mode (checkpoints? seriously?).
It looks like they try to attract both arcade gamers and (semi)sim gamers.

Hey Hedlund, have you tried turning gain down to around 50/60ish? i was getting less detailed ffb with high gain, turn it down and it feels better. :)
Guys this software is beta and its the first run. So a bit more patience wouldn't hurt anybody. Go an tell the guys your findings if you seriously intrested and i'm sure everybody is but where is the need of deep analyses when there are fundamental issues like bugs and such. After all it makes no sense to analyse driving dynamics when the very basic the steering physic/ffb is useless or flawed because of beta status or whatever reason. Its like you guys rating a car with 3 wheels and compare it still to a performance car with 4 wheels. Yes the vehicle dynamics are to an extent off but not far away from very good. The question is will they understand or find the wrongs.
You mean like this?

Clearly too much grip, and no 'balancing' and dumbed down.

According to some ppl here the car should had spun when they went over the curbs in the real video. I wonder if people got used too much to RFACTOR 2 WORLD and now they are finding weird anything else that divert from that. I repeat the ferrari provides a good feeling and it reminds me a lot the same feeling (excluding g forces) that i had in real life. Sure there are still a lot of work to be done but AS PROGRAMMER i can say that this is just a matter of code. If the engineering work is done correctly add functions is nothing impossible.
I wonder why some people here had been so patience when rfactor 2 was plenty of bugs (DING IT STILL HAVE A LOT OF BUGS OR BAD IMPLEMENTED FEATURES IF NOT IMPLEMENTED AT ALL, AND IT IS OUT MORE THAN A YEAR NOT A DAY) and now AC cannot afford any beta phases.
Just "en passant" comment: I'm amazed how biased the judgments are. Some people run AC software for 15 minutes (don't even learn the keyboard shortcuts) and they're done to judge it as "arcadish", other try to prove is easy to spin based on a girl who spun a FWD car at 50 kmh (lol), so RF2 is correct. Honestly...

In contrast, they're up to accept any RF2 issue with the beta / in development small talk.

A bit of fairness, please! Lol

Edit - Talking about fairness, thanks to ISI to permit this discussion taking place here, even having nothing to do with RF2 itself.
You mean like this?

Clearly too much grip, and no 'balancing' and dumbed down.

I don't have Assetto Corsa yet but plan to acquire it when i'll be able to.

However in your post F60 in the first video i see an experienced driver driving with finesse a car that has a dynamic behavior. The car is responsive to the driver input, it does feel like it has a pretty much neutral behavior, with a little natural understeer and some fairly good natural oversteer. You can clearly see the lift off oversteer in the video. Thing that doesn't happen int he second one. I see an understeer machine that only goes in a slide using a power oversteer. The second video is showing a driver fighting understeer all the time. No lift off oversteer. The driver is swinging the wheel so hard i'm expecting it to oversteer, compared to the input in the first video. But it doesn't because of that understeer.

F60 you registered here only to defend your precious?
What is clear, cristal clear, is that these guys didn't have even the minimum idea on what they are doing on that track!:D
Anyway fun video :cool:

I wouldn't go that far, sh*t happens sometimes. But the same can be said for simracers. You see the same bad driving in sims.
That second vid i made :) just having some fun getting side ways and 'trying' to drft :p
I don't have Assetto Corsa yet but plan to acquire it when i'll be able to.

However in your post F60 in the first video i see an experienced driver driving with finesse a car that has a dynamic behavior. The car is responsive to the driver input, it does feel like it has a pretty much neutral behavior, with a little natural understeer and some fairly good natural oversteer. You can clearly see the lift off oversteer in the video. Thing that doesn't happen int he second one. I see an understeer machine that only goes in a slide using a power oversteer. The second video is showing a driver fighting understeer all the time. No lift off oversteer. The driver is swinging the wheel so hard i'm expecting it to oversteer, compared to the input in the first video. But it doesn't because of that understeer.

F60 you registered here only to defend your precious?

Alonso was finessing the car was he? i think you need glasses. he was thrashing its pants off, and the only time it had oversteer was on the throttle just like the AC video. They look exactly the same, they even sound the same. The car is sliding all over the place and over curbs and Alonso is laughing. He is a great driver but you do not need to a great driver to power slide a car.

I registered to discuss anything I feel like. btw I drove rf1 for 4 years and done many more laps than you ever did I'm sure.
However in your post F60 in the first video i see an experienced driver driving with finesse a car that has a dynamic behavior.

The fact that he thinks those two videos are the same behavior makes it a losing argument to begin with. I do agree AC is worth buying, lets see what they can do with it.
@F60 Yadda yadda.

@Baked bean: i'm not criticising your driving, just comparing the car behavior and drivers input. Don't misunderstand me.
As I said before, not all curns are equal. You can hit some in real life and it will seriusly upset the car, others have no effect at all. You know the ones to watch out for and then ones you need to hit for a good lap. Same goes for rF2. You can hit plenty of curbs without upsetting the car, others not so much. My experience with AC is most curbs have minimal impact on the car but the fact that it has no impact on the FFB is probably what is causing people to point it out so much.

People have more patience with rF2 because it had very good physics from the first build. Around here physics are number one. If you get that right people will stick around. If you get that wrong, people are going to jump ship quick. pCARS is the same way. Most people wrote it off right away. It has evolved a ton physics wise (still has a long ways to go) but most people probably haven't bothered to test it again. First impressions are a bitch.

Personally the number one problem with pCARS and AC is input lag. Until that is resolved it is pointless to bother with. What trips me out is reading the comments on AC and pCARS videos where people say "Oh wow you have zero input lag". But you can clearly see they still have a ton. I don't think people realize what zero lag really looks like.
he was thrashing its pants off, and the only time it had oversteer was on the throttle just like the AC video.

You need to rewatch because there was very clearly lift oversteer in the first video. You are right, he was thrashing the car. He was diving in to unload the rear, it starts to rotate, then he exaggerates it with the power. The slides start with the aggressive lift and yank of the wheel though.

BTW, not what I saw in the AC video. It looked like push push push and then WOT after the apex to sling the rear.
Hey Hedlund, have you tried turning gain down to around 50/60ish? i was getting less detailed ffb with high gain, turn it down and it feels better. :)

Thanks. I'll give this a try.
I've tried to increase gain but it became worse.
You can clearly see the lift off oversteer in the video. Thing that doesn't happen int he second one. I see an understeer machine that only goes in a slide using a power oversteer. The second video is showing a driver fighting understeer all the time. No lift off oversteer.

0:50. Let'f see if you can see it now. In that corner you have lift off oversteer easily if you carry a bit too much speed, happened to me quite a lot of times.
You need to rewatch because there was very clearly lift oversteer in the first video. You are right, he was thrashing the car. He was diving in to unload the rear, it starts to rotate, then he exaggerates it with the power. The slides start with the aggressive lift and yank of the wheel though.

BTW, not what I saw in the AC video. It looked like push push push and then WOT after the apex to sling the rear.

Tell me exact moments in the video where he gets oversteer without throttle. Look at 4.25 onwards, and how much he turns the wheel to turn into the corner he is understeering a lot. he only rotated under power.

btw I notice the argument has changed from 'too much grip' 'too easy to drive' to arguing only about life off oversteer, which the game has anyway?

0:50. Let'f see if you can see it now. In that corner you have lift off oversteer easily if you carry a bit too much speed, happened to me quite a lot of times.

Do you know what lift off oversteer is? In that video at 0:50 the driver is coming hard, braking hard and downshifting twice and turning. That must surely not upset the car balance at all. It must be the throttle lift...
Tell me exact moments in the video where he gets oversteer without throttle. Look at 4.25 onwards, and how much he turns the wheel to turn into the corner he is understeering a lot. he only rotated under power.

btw I notice the argument has changed from 'too much grip' 'too easy to drive' to arguing only about life off oversteer, which the game has anyway?

Search this thread. You will see everyone complaining about too much push (regardless of set) and no lift oversteer. The argument has always been about it not reacting to inputs like a real car does. It's the AC defenders that keep bringing up the whole "hard <> real" argument. It really isn't about easy vs. hard. It is about reacting to inputs the way a real car does.
Search this thread. You will see everyone complaining about too much push (regardless of set) and no lift oversteer. The argument has always been about it not reacting to inputs like a real car does. It's the AC defenders that keep bringing up the whole "hard <> real" argument. It really isn't about easy vs. hard. It is about reacting to inputs the way a real car does.

I showed a video comparison which is a carbon copy of AC. Alonso was under steering without throttle. Most of the cars in the game are street cars which naturally understeer. The Gt2 does not understeer and turns very sharp, so what are you on about?
So much words for nothing, really. Don't know anybody and it might be possible it's because the one is just a driver, the next a fast driver and the next is a technician and driver, but i can tell you there is no need for a pro technician to test the software for hours and days just to find out there is something wrong. No offense here, i just try to explain why some people don't need intense testing to rate or realise a error on vehicle dynamics and the first i feelt is the wrong interpreted forces on the steering wheel, followed from a flawed suspension geometrie letting cars bounce like a ball. This and more i catched up after some minutes. So i could all the findings postet and stretched over tonns of thread sites in the very first post but for what reason, just to show anybody that i'm able to point my fingers on errors of a beta software in a competitor forum ? I have the feeling some people which are participating with rf2 are happy to find some errors to justify the existence of rf2 in its current state.

Again go and tell the responsible how wrong there software is.

It's a bit childish what's going on here imho.
So much words for nothing, really. Don't know anybody and it might be possible it's because the one is just a driver, the next a fast driver and the next is a technician and driver, but i can tell you there is no need for a pro technician to test the software for hours and days just to find out there is something wrong. No offense here, i just try to explain why some people don't need intense testing to rate or realise a error on vehicle dynamics and the first i feelt is the wrong interpreted forces on the steering wheel, followed from a flawed suspension geometrie letting cars bounce like a ball. This and more i catched up after some minutes. So i could all the findings postet and stretched over tonns of thread sites in the very first post but for what reason, just to show anybody that i'm able to point my fingers on errors of a beta software in a competitor forum ? I have the feeling some people which are participating with rf2 are happy to find some errors to justify the existence of rf2 in its current state.

Again go and tell the responsible how wrong there software is.

It's a bit childish what's going on here imho.

Do you know what lift off oversteer is? In that video at 0:50 the driver is coming hard, braking hard and downshifting twice and turning. That must surely not upset the car balance at all. It must be the throttle lift...

A bit better now?
The cars just have to much grip, pointless spins doesn't prove that isn't true. Even a train jumps out of it's rails when going to fast if you get what I mean.
As said the small FWD Abarth is the most accurate car in AC IMO and yes, the Ferrari is also much fun but after that comes the universe and then the other cars.

Side note joke. ;)
Now I get why the Ferrari F1 team has it's problems and the car lacks speed and grip cuz the simulator shows just way too much grip with the data compared to RL.
I know a bit evil , isn't it, but just way to funny. :p
well, i just paid the 35€ and after 3 hours of testing this is my sum up:

-nice graphics, ui
-stable and good fps
-ffb is "boring" and doesnt give me the information i need, rf2's ffb is like two classes better
-physics seems good, cant complain
-quality content, better than rf2
-after playing 3 hours, i'm already bored, no AI, no races, no rain, just cruising around
-rf2 is much, much, much more fun, the dynamic stuff, the ffb
-kunos must work hard to get the fun level of rf2, then it's an amazing product

as soon as there is a multiplayer, i will try it again
The car was unsettled. You think once a car is unsettled it automatically loses all stability and spins?
You misunderstood.
Curbs can unsettle the car. This does mean car will spin automatically. It will be unsettled - nothing more, nothing less.
Now if the car spins or not - that depends on what were you doing with it, while it was unsettled and on design/balance of the car.

More on the subject here: LINK

Impossible., If that was true there would be people spinning everywhere all the time.
"Being possible" doesn't imply "happening all the time" :)
Some users showed videos with Abarth oversteering (street cars are not an issue, I'm talking allways about competition cars), and I said lots of times that you can oversteeer the car! but not in the limit, to get that you have to force It, with setup, and driving... and with time loss. Yo can't do that in "racing" conditions, you can't play with that. And for now are laps 2.5 seconds faster that Nicolas Costa Imola times, and in Costa onboards you can clearly see how he has to "play" sometimes with the rear end, and in AC laps that are 2.5 secs faster the car is totally planted, just brake and then full throttle.

As I said, It's not the impossibily to slide, It's the stuff you have to do to achieve It. And not, again, It's no hard to spin at 80km/h if you are doing things wrong. AC looks OK, but only "looks", you can reproduce most of racing situations, but you do not need to the the same to achieve It. It's so easy to stay planted, so hard to slide.

I'm sure most of drivers in this video are far from push the car:

Or... AC feels so different from rF2 (and other sims) while pushing, but for sure rF2 (and also iRacingg I think) reproduce fine this "weird" situations:

After this second video, how can be both correct? rF2 I compared, and also with telemtry some cars, that matchs great with real cars, but AC feels different (despite looking OK sometimes), who is mistaken?

And some extra videos, when someone suffer this in rF2, not all, but some guys says rF2 It's wrong:

This seems ICE, or they had a mistake? (like lots in sims):

This is almost impossible to see in AC although you are driving like a monkey, and this car is similar to F Abarth (I know there is an elevation, as in AC, in AC in elevations the car is not harder to drive):

This is not so valild because of cold temps, but see the behaviour of the car:

Edit: Slick tyres and downforce does not mean cars glued to road... the car is glued when the hands are good (in rF2 I repeated lots of times you can get high G force cornering, as in real life, just working with the car and knowing It and the setup you are using). When you do not see any spin in a race Its because they are proffesionals and in some cases even they are just driving "safe" (in lots of GT amateur and national categories). They are proffessionals, and make It looks easy and grippy (FIA GT1 official videos are awesome), but only because they are driving fine, I just searched for few mins to found the previous videos... cars losing control when not driving properly, even under limit conditions. Ah... when I recover my rF activation I will show how in rF2 you can get both drivings, aggressive and slippery, and totally grippy as FIA GT1 videos with GTR :), I tried It before, but I need to wait for rF2 reactiavation :(
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I'm suprised that when I check my fps it was only 55-70... much lower than with rf2. Something wrong here?


View attachment 10774 (last setting is 6)

my pc specs in my profile (AA is controlled by software in Nvidia control panel)
I'm sure most of drivers in this video are far from push the car:
Surface seems slippery. I'd advise to keep suc hvideos out of this discussion, as Assetto Corsa does not have weather yet, so you can't compare.

I'm suprised that when I check my fps it was only 55-70...
Similar to what I was getting on my GeForce 450 GTS in Tech Demo.
I had all settings on maximum except for cubemap resolution. On maximum cubemap resolution I had 2 FPS. Anything below max was fine.
Surface seems slippery. I'd advise to keep suc hvideos out of this discussion, as Assetto Corsa does not have weather yet, so you can't compare.

Oops, fail :) I thought was simply dry.

This in rF2... OH, ICE!:

It's so easy to find this situations, more than thought!
And this is what the E30 M3 is supposed to be able to do (especially 2nd part of the lap :p )
There is a bit too much grip (or gears are too long, or engine not enough power) to be able to do that.
And this is what the E30 M3 is supposed to be able to do (especially 2nd part of the lap :p )
There is a bit too much grip (or gears are too long, or engine not enough power) to be able to do that.

Yes, you can in AC do something similar, but not in the same way, you have to "throw" the can and you will begin to slide, but is so hard to maintain the slide playing with throttle. I didn't tested It so much, but feels as you said, with lack of power, long gear ratios, or too much rear grip. You can't power slide easily, you only can throw hard the car.

Maybe is the setup, so I can be mistake, but the feeling I always have when driving AC is there too.
The whole afternoon testin AC. I don't like it.

For me the physics look ok, in fact they might be great or even the best but ffb doesnt give any car behaviour info, car doesn't answer as you might expect to your inputs, and tyre simulation is not there... and these facts themselves destroy the whole gameplay experience.

At least for the moment rF2 is far better.
Some users showed videos with Abarth oversteering (street cars are not an issue, I'm talking allways about competition cars), and I said lots of times that you can oversteeer the car! but not in the limit, to get that you have to force It, with setup, and driving... and with time loss. Yo can't do that in "racing" conditions, you can't play with that. And for now are laps 2.5 seconds faster that Nicolas Costa Imola times, and in Costa onboards you can clearly see how he has to "play" sometimes with the rear end, and in AC laps that are 2.5 secs faster the car is totally planted, just brake and then full throttle.

No, I don't agree. I've had pretty big slides with the Abarth with "good-setup-to-achieve-good-laptimes", even my best lap at Vallelunga includes one big powerslide, just because I was on power too early.

I'm sure most of drivers in this video are far from push the car:

Slippery track conditions.

Or... AC feels so different from rF2 (and other sims) while pushing, but for sure rF2 (and also iRacingg I think) reproduce fine this "weird" situations:

I have never lost the the Skippy in rF2 in such conditions of few steering and constant low throttle. With iRacing in older tire models maybe, but luckily it is much better now.

After this second video, how can be both correct? rF2 I compared, and also with telemtry some cars, that matchs great with real cars, but AC feels different (despite looking OK sometimes), who is mistaken?

What's the point of talking about car's telemetry or different feeling if that exact car isn't on AC?

This is almost impossible to see in AC although you are driving like a monkey, and this car is similar to F Abarth (I know there is an elevation, as in AC, in AC in elevations the car is not harder to drive):

Looking at the sky I wouldn't be surprised if the track was also a bit slippery. Car setup is also important. Who knows, maybe it can explain such behaviour.

This is not so valild because of cold temps, but see the behaviour of the car:

Correct, it's not valid.

Edit: Slick tyres and downforce does not mean cars glued to road... the car is glued when the hands are good (in rF2 I repeated lots of times you can get high G force cornering, as in real life, just working with the car and knowing It and the setup you are using). When you do not see any spin in a race Its because they are proffesionals and in some cases even they are just driving "safe" (in lots of GT amateur and national categories). They are proffessionals, and make It looks easy and grippy (FIA GT1 official videos are awesome), but only because they are driving fine, I just searched for few mins to found the previous videos... cars losing control when not driving properly, even under limit conditions. Ah... when I recover my rF activation I will show how in rF2 you can get both drivings, aggressive and slippery, and totally grippy as FIA GT1 videos with GTR :), I tried It before, but I need to wait for rF2 reactiavation :(

Slick tires and downforce, if the engine power isn't impressive, means a lot (if track/tire conditions are good). Real drivers are very skilled, but there are also tons of very skilled simracers that they also know how to drive (and also lots of terrible drivers who drive the Ferrari using twice the steering needed, ofc).
No, I don't agree. I've had pretty big slides with the Abarth with "good-setup-to-achieve-good-laptimes", even my best lap at Vallelunga includes one big powerslide, just because I was on power too early.


What time? I did 1 second faster than Costa for now, after around 45 laps at the same track, Vallelunga. 1:32.250 for now. Bit edited setup, never felt like playing with grip.

About the exact car in AC... just because Skip Barber looks identical to real life with this tyre model and physicis, and talking about telemetrys and AC overall feeling It's in other world. And I can't see the same behaviours in AC high spec cars than in real equivalents... Abarth can't be right begining in the weird bouncing suspensions and the imposibility to play because to break grip you have to work in It, and should see in the other way, work to find It. GT2... you can see LOTSof videos of GT2, and even GT3 (less power) losing grip in really weird situations, and other just playing with grip as I can do with GT rF cars. I can't in AC.

The slippery conditions... just see the rubber marks, intact, the smoke when spin... the track It's ok ;)

And what about Ferraris and these cars loing grip in low speed turns in perfect conditions?

GT3, even less power than GT2, but the same kind of tyres:

HE "dance" with the car, he can be in the edge of grip just pushing a little more the throttle pedal when he want.

Or this:

Edit: just watch my other three videos, the previous post... slippery conditions? rain? I only see great conditions, and driver isn't finding the grip car can gives him. Repeat, you have to work to find the grip, not to work to find the grip break.
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What time? I did 1 second faster than Costa for now, after around 45 laps at the same track, Vallelunga. 1:32.250 for now. Bit edited setup, never felt like playing with grip.

Faster than yours. By the way, my pb at Silverstone with the F2 in rF2 is 3 full seconds faster than best qualy lap there in real life, does it mean it is also overgrippied and unrealistic? I found it to be one of the best cars in the sim :) and I can also do Silverstone T1 flatout with the F1 and full tank, when F1 drivers need to lift there clearly. So what?

About the videos, really, we can spend our whole lifes finding things that we don't see in our sims (including rF2, but in other areas) or that they look somewhat different.
