Assetto corsa ,,,,


I run Rfactor2 sim, I find the Force feedback very good and the physic's are also very good; Same with Project cars , but to a lesser degree.
Both these sim gives me a physiologic feeling of connection to the front tyres and to a lesser extent the rear tyres.
What I mean is that if I overdo a corner entry I have a feeling of slowing and hanging on to the car ready for it to let go. A feeling that is like real life of focusing on the the front and rear tyres ( hope I have explained myself correctly )
I obviously realise with a sim you are missing out on some very important bits of information,
Physical injury,
Senses of motion.
But that said, I find both the above sims very realistic considering.
This a long winded way of coming to this point:-
I have run Assetto Corsa for some 7 months and just cannot get away from a very floating experience with this sim and virtually no connection to the front tyres.
I have even modified the circuits I drive on , and although it will stick better it still has a floaty feeling. Although I must say from my point of view there are some very good points to this game.

Is it me!

( Or do I need some sort of adjustment to make GT3 cars feel as good as they should do. )
What wheel are you using?

I only ask this as I use a G25. My opinion is: rF2 is the class leader for FFB, physics and handling. The amount of detail I get mid corner allows me to push the limits of the car and drive much faster. Added to the advanced tyre model, it is without doubt the best handing sim at the moment. AC is good, BUT only feels as good as rF1 with RealFeel. You get lots of feedback, but it lacks what rF2 has. Project Cars doesn't actually feel like driving a car at all. It's ok when you drive slowly, but when I try to push to find the limit the car feels unresponsive and unrealistic. I get hardly any feel mid-corner, it's difficult to feel the tyres starting to lose grip, and once it's gone there is little chance to regain control. I find I'm faster if I drive with 'ham-fists' and make very clumsy deliberate corrections, usually the complete opposite of what I'd do in rF2. I have no feeling of connection to the front or rear axle in Project Cars, or any connection to anything else for that matter.

The strange thing is, other people who I race with rant and rave about how good Project Cars and AC is. So I'm beginning to think that it's my wheel which is my problem. The only thing with that theory is: why can rF2 (and rF1) feel so good with my G25?
ok then......
I doubt that it has something to do with the wheel, or the FFB that the wheel produces.
You can even with no FFB at all, easely tell that pcars is like you discribed, because of the feel that you have through visual feedback alone.
Same goes for AC. I dont own but been driven a few hours at a friend with G27. FFB there is a wonky mess, artificially imposed on a physics-model that is a big bug in itself. (version before last update)
My 2 Euros on that.
AC is good enough ... the driving is convincing enough. Online is pretty entertaining for the most part.

Project Cars is not good ... its ok if you take it for what it is ... its a game ... like Forza Motorsport or Gran Turismo. Its just good for some quick pop-in fun races but not much else. It is quite pretty but that is all. The driving can be very frustrating as it doesn't really convince me that I'm in a car. Some of the cars are better than others. But that seems to be true throughout racing games and sims. The problem with pCars is that the cars that are not so good are really bad.
Interesting comments, I obviously was not going to ask this question in the AC forum, and generally speaking rfactor 2 is a good forum to ask advise in.

I have quite a reasonable setup i7 PC , triple screens and Fanatec CSW stuff.

It seems different people get different things from a sim, I find project cars to be pretty good especially GT3 cars ( not all of them )

The statement about rf1 and AC I agree with, but AC to me seems like a washed out version. Like it has been aimed at road cars and not cars with sticky slick tyres.

I am going to dump one of my sims, and I just wondered what other people thought on the subject. It may be something in my setup although I have tried most things. AC does have some very good points but not enough compared with rfactor2 and Pcars.

Reading all your comments on Pcars , I get what you are all saying I just don't always agree with the perceived degree of opinion.
So i must assume it is my personal thought and I cannot use other people's perceptions of a sim to answer my question.

Rfacror2 is still the best but I could not say that on a AC forum.
Tu n'es pas le seul ne t'inquiète pas. J'ai cette sensation de flottement aussi.
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thought it was just my own weird sense of reality.

I do run Nordschleife tourist circuit in all three sim's and do pretty similar times in all three.
Yeah right Pete , it is a normal place to talk about F1 conspiracy and drivers have passed away.

Like why does Tim bother to make a REAL RACING forum. p

I have run Assetto Corsa for some 7 months and just cannot get away from a very floating experience with this sim and virtually no connection to the front tyres.

Get used to it !

rF2 is simply better, you are feeling this through your butt cheeks. lool

It is not in your head, it is not placebo, it tangable not floaty. ;)

Acually floaty is not a bad description , AC and pCars yeah I feel like I am on one of those security blankets you used to suck your thumb with. lol

hehehe jk jk

EGT / URD physics leave a bit to be desired as yet. ( if that what you meant by GT )

These series will need chassis and tyre work to get there.

Still head and shoulders above anything else.
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Yes i like EGT Series of GT3 cars.
I particularly like the latest Nissan GTR 1.6 release.
Choose whichever sim suits you best... no one else's opinion matter but your own.
Choose whichever sim suits you best... no one else's opinion matter but your own.

Goes without saying or most things I say must sound really condescending. hehehe ;)

Saying rF2 is head and shoulders above the rest or it is night and day is nothing more then a figure of speech.

He asked if what he feels between AC and rF2 is tangible or is it in his head.

My opinion is it is tangible, nothing more. ;)
He asked if what he feels between AC and rF2 is tangible or is it in his head.

My opinion is it is tangible, nothing more. ;)

I'd agree with this too. For me I have found AC is far more accessible compared to rF2. What do I mean by accessible? Note here I may not be using the correct word. I can jump into just about any car in AC and immediately go balls to the wall flat out, nailing good (for me) lap times. Some cars are an exception - the F40 for example - because of the way the game handles gears and clutch according to what I have plugged into the usb ports. This is actually one area that AC is miles ahead of RF2. In comparison, rF2 requires patience, and I can normally make sense of what the car is doing as long as I am driving with the road and tyres condition in mind. You can't just jump in and go balls to the wall flat out straight away.
FFB there is a wonky mess, artificially imposed on a physics-model that is a big bug in itself.

Back on Earth....

Dom Duhan (Manager of Team Redline) talking about Max Verstappen:

"He has AC - and many of our team do, in fact we are big fans of AC's physics overall - the on track feeling is fantastic."

For the record he said they drive "iRacing, AC and rF2".
Back on Earth....

Dom Duhan (Manager of Team Redline) talking about Max Verstappen:

"He has AC - and many of our team do, in fact we are big fans of AC's physics overall - the on track feeling is fantastic."

For the record he said they drive "iRacing, AC and rF2".

Maybe a matter of taste and setup. Like I said, it was an older build, but common: cars arent rolling down the hill?? Seriously?
And I will not retract the FFB-comment. Its artificial and feels like all canned!
Heard sometimes of sources I have faith in, that physics on the edge can be good though,- well, ive had really not that impression when I tested it.
But that might be a "feeling"-thing. For me the whole feeling and feedback that this game gives me, makes absolutely no sense!
I really dont know what the game want to tell me.
I like to roll back the years.

I remember listening to people waffle on about the other 2 sims on release, ie: V1.0 .................... how ISI was a WIP , never finished.

Now 3 years later here we are and people complain that they both have flawed physics, tyres , Ai among other things..........these 2 sims that were rated so perfect and made rF2 a WIP !@!@!

Okay then..........

Go.........try Build 60 with Historics I dare ya. !@!
HDR brilliant (Back then all Historics looked nice )
Feels brilliant
Drives brilliant
Onlined brilliant
Ai races brilliant

Now go try V1.00 of pCars and AC ( how ? ....I dunno download it I guess , roll eyes ) maybe reality would bite you in the butt. hehehe

lol p
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i personally dont think AC is as bad as some of you make out, it has a good feel driving a car. Sometimes i feel its better than rf2 in some areas. Just because its going to console doesnt mean its arcade. I dont think theres much in all these sim these days anyway. They are all pretty realistic as far as a pc game goes.

theres a few people (no names mentioned) that belittle ac physics engine and when torn to bits shows flaws in its data. but im even sure rf2 has issues thats in its engine too, but ay we keep quite about them dont we!\

Fanboyism at its peak here
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They are all pretty realistic as far as a pc game goes.

Fanboyism at its peak here

Problem is they are not equal in every ones eyes, not even in the same ways, from driver to driver.

You just have to learn to accept others beliefs no matter what yours are.

If someone thinks AC looks and feels better I have no issue with that, why do you. ;)
i agree but its the "ones we dont speak of" that go to every sim forum and spread their BS about other sims, that get s me.
i agree but its the "ones we dont speak of" that go to every sim forum and spread their BS about other sims, that get s me.

I agree they all good, for me it's like Tiger Woods 2008 ? wot ? lol , yes it's dated, not the best physics or visuals but I still like a flog :p now and then (.... that's golf spelled backwards btw ) lol

Okay okay I tell the truth, I still need the trophy ball for a albatross ( 3 under ) damm albatrosess $%#%. hehehe.

My point being, either way ......after 9 holes I had enough and wish I never booted it up. ;)

Don't listen to me mate, I just embellish the truth for impact. p

Anything to pull in a few more peeps for ISI, even if their intent is to prove me wrong, more then not they will end up liking it.

lol :)

I still waiting to hear back from David ( Wright) and his thoughts on the Cobra and Atlanta in the "up to date demo" has changed his views any.
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You're such a hater.

Bit harsh and what he says is the truth brought on by petty things or pride.

So many people seem to do it though.

Personally I never posted at SMS or Kunos but I can't speak for you lot !

p lol ;)
I have AC any1 know how i can give it away and who wants it ? Its shiit plain and simple, its a car game not a sim so i don't need or want it in my collection it should be a console game IMHO.
i personally dont think AC is as bad as some of you make out, it has a good feel driving a car. Sometimes i feel its better than rf2 in some areas. Just because its going to console doesnt mean its arcade. I dont think theres much in all these sim these days anyway. They are all pretty realistic as far as a pc game goes.

theres a few people (no names mentioned) that belittle ac physics engine and when torn to bits shows flaws in its data. but im even sure rf2 has issues thats in its engine too, but ay we keep quite about them dont we!\

Fanboyism at its peak here

You mean DurgeDriven (who actually has started to find a civilized self of late, maybe he quit drinking, who knows), Associat0r (the man on a mission, could start a religion about the topic.) peterchen (has no glue what he's talking about, doesn't even talk out of experience, just regurgitating opinions of others.), hexagramme (who gets himself banned from every site he steps in to by lacking the finesse of his comrads, also is more about copy/paste than forming his own thoughts.)?

Unfortunately this orchestra isn't only a quartet, the list goes on... considering that you msportdan seem to function with the wind, I remember you trying your "critics" shoes on as well before finding your place in the sim community and the taste of things.
These people are just the proverbial old dogs that refuse to learn new tricks, that is actually the sad part, the happy part is that it kicks up lively conversations where anybody can kick the old dog around if they feel like it since they are so damn predictable. "hear ye hear ye, practise your debating skills, kick the old dog."

I do not understand the floaty comment about Assetto Corsa. There is absolutely nothing you cannot feel while driving in AC, which has not always been that way, but has improved over the duration of it's existance, just like rF2 has improved when it comes to translating whats going on in the rear of the car to the FFB wheel.
rF2 and AC have more incommon than not, when it comes to the feel of it all. As I use rF2 as the measuring stick on many aspects, I am happy to say that AC ticks the important boxes and we have entered into the world of finer detail.
1.3 is quite exciting patch, gonna see what all that brings in.
ive just been back n forth comparing the gtr in both rf2 ad ac, and I was surprised to see how easy it is to save the gtr in AC. I could save almost every difficult situation I got myself in by countersteering, it almost seemed to easy. If you could say rf2 was 100% realistic physics I think I would class AC in the 80s maybe.

Reminds me a bit of rre handling and ffb.
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I have AC any1 know how i can give it away and who wants it ? Its shiit plain and simple, its a car game not a sim so i don't need or want it in my collection it should be a console game IMHO.

It's not possible to give away Steam games once you've played them.

"Go.........try Build 60 with Historics I dare ya. !@!
HDR brilliant (Back then all Historics looked nice )"

So true ...
heres a few people (no names mentioned) that belittle ac physics engine and when torn to bits shows flaws in its data. but im even sure rf2 has issues thats in its engine too, but ay we keep quite about them dont we!\

Fanboyism at its peak here

No thats all on the AC forums.

just went to give it a go again to see these game changing changes. changed alright , wont even start. broken ,kaput, shezzanogtony.. for sale one slightly used (32hrs) 'game'
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I haven't been a part of the sim community as much as a lot of you l. But its pretty sad to read how people belittle other Sims for personal pleasure l mean its proper sad really.

I like all Sims and I have problems with each of them and I go to the relevant forums to get assistance. Normally ends up in a negative way in some sort.

Shouldn't we be glad there's all,this choice. They are al good in their own way Sims are like children they all shine but they each have their pitfalls.

I just don't get why people have to go around like a religion saying that there sim/religion is miles better than others. This ain't Syria!
I don't need to justify anything to you msportdan, but I will tell you why I have so few hours in AC and you might be surprised it really doesn't have much to do with the way it feels, FFB, the way it drives, physics or the way it looks.
Kunos are liars, they promised a "racing" simulator and the game even has the tagline "your Racing simulator" They delivered a hotlapping car collecting game.
I sussed them out when they ran the poll for which track the community would like them to licence and put the Nurburgring up against lots of other tracks... a lot less popular tracks, it was obvious which would win the poll... Allegedly they already had the licence in place and conned us all with a fake poll to try and make out they put what the community wants first, they haven't done much listening since then have they ? ( Race dept open letter etc )

How can they label something a racing simulator when you cant even put the car in gear on the start line or jump the start, there is no way of mapping buttons to a button box, no weather, a stupid canned grip level on the tracks, flag rules are crap, no formation lap, no on the fly pit menu, no custom skins unless its prebooked or some BS, no safety car, no night time, Ai leaves a lot to be desired, default tracks are lifeless, lack of server admin tools...... Should I go on ?

The AC devs say only 15% of their total sales go Online!! So Online is not important....ha ha ha ha ha Maybe its because Online is so bad, or just maybe there are a lot more people like myself and Bwana out there who are so disappointed with the result of 3 years of BS hype about the arrival of such an advanced Simulator that its just gathering dust on our Hard drives, with the occasional start up to see if the key areas have been improved...... But it seems with every update or DLC all we get is some more exotic street cars.
No thats all on the AC forums.

just went to give it a go again to see these game changing changes. changed alright , wont even start. broken ,kaput, shezzanogtony.. for sale one slightly used (32hrs) 'game'
Select the resolution in the game video options. If you haven't played since v1.2, means the update reset your resolution to a very low one, 640*480, so select your native res and then you can get on track.
I haven't been a part of the sim community as much as a lot of you l. But its pretty sad to read how people belittle other Sims for personal pleasure l mean its proper sad really.

I like all Sims and I have problems with each of them and I go to the relevant forums to get assistance. Normally ends up in a negative way in some sort.

Shouldn't we be glad there's all,this choice. They are al good in their own way Sims are like children they all shine but they each have their pitfalls.

I just don't get why people have to go around like a religion saying that there sim/religion is miles better than others. This ain't Syria!

wow thats a lot of justification for hate towards a sim.....!

When you are posting on public forums with anonymity, you are going to see personal opinion everywhere. As much as your opinion is to love all the sims and embrace them all. That's cool, I ain't gunna s*t on you for that (I'll s**t on you for flip flopping all the time, jk XD)

For what I want, which is as close as possible to a racing experience I see in motorsports, certain sims don't fill that need. AC has some lovely cars and some beautiful modelling, some great features, but enough issues for me that outweigh the good. Much like we are pretty much all set in our ways and are looking for confirmation of our pre-established opinions. How many times have you actually seen someone in a "forum arguement" actually accept the other persons viewpoint and have it change their outlook...
From earlier today on a bike forum:
"Thinking of buying some tyres, heard the Michelin Pure is a good one. Any ideas guys?
"Yeah, they are ok, the Bridgestone S20's are pretty decent too, great experiences with them"
"Oh nah, Bridgestones are too hard, I don't like them, and their MotoGP tyres don't seem to work that great, lol"
"Conti Road Attacks here, great tyres, blah blah"
"Never heard of them, are they cheap charlie ones? Tread pattern looks weird"
Their SBK tyres have many issues, as do their F1 tyres, they seem alright though I guess"
"Yeah, their road tyres seem to score really well in the bike mags with the fast riders"
"Yeah...nah all good, thanks"

This carries on until someone finally drop the Michelin name and says they were good
"Oh awesome, cool, thanks man! Right, I'll go with the Michelin Pures"

And in that same vein, I'd expect hardly any of what is said here to actually influence any of us, lol!

Then on the odd occasion, because I have said that I prefer to sim in rF2, I always see someone take that to mean I think rF2 is flawless and is the god sim. Heck no, lots of issues there too, they just don't have the same bearing on me. Much happier being able to jump the start with crappy ass rain effects, than not be able to jump the start in sunny conditions only. That sort of thing.
I sussed them out when they ran the poll for which track the community would like them to licence and put the Nurburgring up against lots of other tracks... a lot less popular tracks, it was obvious which would win the poll... Allegedly they already had the licence in place and conned us all with a fake poll to try and make out they put what the community wants first, they haven't done much listening since then have they ? ( Race dept open letter etc )
How come they lied about the tracks poll? They wanted to know people's preference and that's what happened. First of all, Nordschleife was Marco's personal dream of laserscanning Nordschleife into a game, before even AC had a tech demo or arriving to steam as early access. And the poll just confirmed peoples preference.
According to that poll, from the European tracks, they focused on the ones people wanted. Brands Hatch, Zandvoort. Other tracks like lemans/monaco are too expensive, and they said lemans it wasn't possible for them. I bet if they wouldn't do the Nords, they could afford Lemans. About Barcelona, there were other europeans tracks with more percentage, but is also dependent on devs taste and cost of the license.

But I think you went over the top with your "lying" and "rip off" accusations to Kunos/AC. For example there are many people who took for granted that there would be rain and night racing, or even an advanced damage model. But Kunos never promised that, and even said couple times that certain features aren't possible for them in that/this year.

Imo, the only thing that failed in "your racing simulator" was maybe the AI quality, even though you can race them and complete. Even if sometimes some cars will end up retiring. Other times people don't keep their lines and cross in front of the AI too soon too close. But other times the AI has to back up.

But you can race offline and online. Nothing is broken. It is a racing simulator. However they never promised a lot of extras. They just want people to focus on driving the cars. So no false starts and extras like that. Yea for some it may sound like much needed, but if that's your thing, there are games that do it. The fact that they took another approach to "your racing simulator" doesn't justify your crusade.
I don't have a crusade. I just believe "racing" and Motorsport in general should have certain key elements and Kunos haven't delivered them, hence making the "Your RACING Simulator" Laughable.
