Assetto corsa ,,,,

No thats all on the AC forums.

just went to give it a go again to see these game changing changes. changed alright , wont even start. broken ,kaput, shezzanogtony.. for sale one slightly used (32hrs) 'game'

Invalid user!

I haven't been a part of the sim community as much as a lot of you l. But its pretty sad to read how people belittle other Sims for personal pleasure l mean its proper sad really.

I like all Sims and I have problems with each of them and I go to the relevant forums to get assistance. Normally ends up in a negative way in some sort.

Shouldn't we be glad there's all,this choice. They are al good in their own way Sims are like children they all shine but they each have their pitfalls.

I just don't get why people have to go around like a religion saying that there sim/religion is miles better than others. This ain't Syria!

You will do your self a favour if you just ignore most of those ranting self righteous imbeciles that for some odd reason hates an inanimate object enough to exhibit symptoms of irrational paranoia.
Example: "There is a danger that more people like the other game more than my game, I must get them to understand that mine is better and join me." This kind of thinking and behavior usually falls under missionary religions... and schizophrenia.
Theres a thread about the general gaming forum conduct, never fails... not even with these "smart" ones.

As Maug so generously presented the "power point" page, from the Thinking column there is only one thing that people use regularly - Critique. 90% of the time it's not even good critique, it's just being critical for the sake of saying something. The need to belong is a powerful emotion, and since these folks in question are merely trying to sell their own subjectivity, it is up to you are you buying or not.

As Confucius use to say:
"The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell."
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Pretty much nailed it Minibull.

A few years ago, car and bike forums were a good place to get information from experts and/or mechanics. These days forums are filled with opinions of people who 'mostly' don't know their stuff.

AC in my 'opinion' is a lot better than Project CARS, which lacks so many features and has strange or dumbed down handling which makes for some very unrealistic behaviour. AC feels good to me, well some cars anyway (try the Alfa GTA at Nords) but it still lacks the features to make it a usable sim, as Steve points out.

Project CARS is for people who like racing games, using an XBox controller, and like their games to look amazing so they can show off to their mates... In my opinion.

AC is for guys who are probably a bit more serious, maybe 50/50 play with controller/wheel, also like their games to look good, perhaps more into hotlapping, casual racing, drifting online with mates. My opinion again.

rF2 is for the serious, hard core driver who likes to simulate a full race weekend properly, have full control over adjusting pretty much anything. 99% of racers will use a decent wheel, and enjoy how the game feels, handles, and enjoys the detailed feedback and depth of the physics engine. Graphics doesn't matter to these people as much as they are rewarded instead by what comes through the wheel. Again, my opinion.

My Dad has made a good observation recently: "The world is full of idiots. The internet now gives them a voice." With that in mind you can ignore all of my above post as it's only an idiots opinion :)
My Dad has made a good observation recently: "The world is full of idiots. The internet now gives them a voice." With that in mind you can ignore all of the above as it's only an idiots opinion :)

I like your dad!
Lol I knew someone would quote that bit! Just to clarify I edited it quickly as I was implying that I am an idiot with an opinion, as opposed to everyone else! :)
AC is for guys who are probably a bit more serious, maybe 50/50 play with controller/wheel, also like their games to look good, perhaps more into hotlapping, casual racing, drifting online with mates. My opinion again.

rF2 is for the serious, hard core driver who likes to simulate a full race weekend properly, have full control over adjusting pretty much anything. 99% of racers will use a decent wheel, and enjoy how the game feels, handles, and enjoys the detailed feedback and depth of the physics engine. Graphics doesn't matter to these people as much as they are rewarded instead by what comes through the wheel. Again, my opinion.
But that's because you're having the stereotype that in AC people only drift and play public mp, and hotlap offline. However there are plenty of racing leagues with weekly race events (practice, qualify, race). And that's it, at its core, racing against other drivers. And in leagues everyone uses a wheel. Everyone as in without accounting for punctual exceptions. Yea it may not simulate false starts, put car in gear before start, or safety car, and so on. It doesn't simulate any specific racing series with their rules and features, like for example nascar, or adac, dtm, blancpain, f1. It just has the cars from those series, and then is people racing against people in a racing simulator. So it is not f1 simulator, blancpain simulator, nascar simulator. Despite not having advanced-specific features some people want, league racing in AC is as hard/realistic/competitive as in rf2 or any other sim game.
Ac definitly deserves more respect imo. Even if it isnt to rf2s fidelity to motorsport, its still a good alternative. Saying that even RRe, gsce and iracing are all good alternatives.
I'm not knocking AC. I tried the Alfa GTA at the laser scanned Nords and had a lot of fun. It did feel more like a track day though, instead of a race weekend. Where is the warm-up session? It's the little things like that which bug me, and a few others it seems. They have a lot of potential, but just seem to have focused on the wrong areas. This is fine though, as it's obviously making them more money.

I think each sim has it's own uses, and it's own niche customer. For me it's rF2. Nothing is close to it at the moment... "in my opinion" :)

One selling point of AC was the laserscanned Nords, but I have that in rF2 now so there's not much that entice me to use it anymore.
Listen to this:
He is implying that it's a GT/Forza like for PC, it's the "fans" that misunderstood the goal of the game. Maybe the only mistake kunos did, was advertising it as "the most realistic simulator" on PC, you could say that on console like GT did, not on PC.
After a little more time my opinion is that AC's biggest issue of inability to naturally rotate the vehicle has been solved or at least is greatly improved. AC is nowhere near rF2 in feel especially information coming through wheel, though. Additionally, on power wheel spin is dramatically under-represented. Cars that should be able to cook the rears in second gear and even third can barely achieve wheel spin in second during a turn even on a slow track. That is a very objective and measureable and comparable thing. Has anyone responded to that issue?
After a little more time my opinion is that AC's biggest issue of inability to naturally rotate the vehicle has been solved or at least is greatly improved. AC is nowhere near rF2 in feel especially information coming through wheel, though. Additionally, on power wheel spin is dramatically under-represented. Cars that should be able to cook the rears in second gear and even third can barely achieve wheel spin in second during a turn even on a slow track. That is a very objective and measureable and comparable thing. Has anyone responded to that issue?

I'm sure if such issue would exist, there would be reponses as well.

Considering how much easier AC is to figure out than rF2, I just find it plain 'ol odd that there is so many people that play rF2 and cannot get AC to work for them.
As for me, it felt (last time, months ago) like there's only one rear wheel, like if the differential setting had no effect.
One of the thing that make me stick with rF2 is that theyre connected to the guys who doing it for the F1 teams. So they know what theyre doing.

Instead of being curious while driving abt the physics or wutnot, I just trust the engine and concentrate more on nailing that apex!

While doing other titles, I will question everything abt my drive. Why, who are the devs, is this suppose to be like this bla2.

With ISI behind the title, i have zero worry abt the drive. In fact, driving-wise, Im a happy guy since the BETA day one, driving the brabham in classic monaco because it was a total new dimension compared to rf1 that ive been driving for 5 years prior to that.
And i couldnt believe that others are talking about how the trees are pixelated....AND THEY CALL THEMSELVES RACERS! looking at trees!????

Ive learned to just ignore simcade boys bashings on rf2 coz their opinion means nothing. Only ISI team's opinion matters to me.
One of the thing that make me stick with rF2 is that theyre connected to the guys who doing it for the F1 teams. So they know what theyre doing.

Instead of being curious while driving abt the physics or wutnot, I just trust the engine and concentrate more on nailing that apex!

While doing other titles, I will question everything abt my drive. Why, who are the devs, is this suppose to be like this bla2.

With ISI behind the title, i have zero worry abt the drive. In fact, driving-wise, Im a happy guy since the BETA day one, driving the brabham in classic monaco because it was a total new dimension compared to rf1 that ive been driving for 5 years prior to that.
And i couldnt believe that others are talking about how the trees are pixelated....AND THEY CALL THEMSELVES RACERS! looking at trees!????

Ive learned to just ignore simcade boys bashings on rf2 coz their opinion means nothing. Only ISI team's opinion matters to me.

bit of a neive look on sims most sims have had input from race drivers etc, RRe gsce. iracing... not sure about ac vo lol! ISI not perfect either as they have made mistakes, but ay we all learn from our mistakes nuthin wrong with that!
bit of a neive look on sims most sims have had input from race drivers etc, RRe gsce. iracing... not sure about ac vo lol! ISI not perfect either as they have made mistakes, but ay we all learn from our mistakes nuthin wrong with that!

No doubt abt race drivers inputs. It good marketing points for the devs to go hoo haa abt it.

But to translate the race drivers input into sim is a different thing. And ISI has a major advantage and experience in that and thats why they are the best in the business now bar none.
All sims are far, overall, from real-life. They (sims) are only good/bad relative to eachother. Compared to real-life, most sims have their own particular areas of vehicle behaviour and vehicle behaviour moments/situations which are quite close to real-life. As a whole though - particulars aside - they're all mediocre because they all fall apart in different vehicle behaviour areas and moments/situations of each sim's engine.

The vehicle behaviour in some sims may not be as "hardcore" and "fidelic" - and in that sense isn't as detailed and dynamic to drive - as others but may still exhibit more true-to-reality vehicle behaviour in certain areas and moments/situations. But it works the other way too; the vehicle behaviour in some sims fall apart in certain areas and moments/situations but during others they almost take your breath away with their fidelity and "rawness".

In short, it works both ways. All sims have areas of vehicle dynamics and kinematics that are, both, quite close to real life, and a joke from real life (this can sometimes make things easier and more simplified than real life, more difficult than real life, or neither but rather just wrong).

Play what you like. The top few sims all have great vehicle behaviour qualities but also screwed-up ones. So, add-up the frustrating/unrealistic/bad vehicle behaviour areas/moments with the breath-taking/realistic/great ones to decide which one/s you like best.
All sims...even the $10m one I fix and fly everyday for a living, compromise on some minor detail.
One of the thing that make me stick with rF2 is that theyre connected to the guys who doing it for the F1 teams. So they know what theyre doing.

Instead of being curious while driving abt the physics or wutnot, I just trust the engine and concentrate more on nailing that apex!

While doing other titles, I will question everything abt my drive. Why, who are the devs, is this suppose to be like this bla2.

With ISI behind the title, i have zero worry abt the drive. In fact, driving-wise, Im a happy guy since the BETA day one, driving the brabham in classic monaco because it was a total new dimension compared to rf1 that ive been driving for 5 years prior to that.
And i couldnt believe that others are talking about how the trees are pixelated....AND THEY CALL THEMSELVES RACERS! looking at trees!????

Ive learned to just ignore simcade boys bashings on rf2 coz their opinion means nothing. Only ISI team's opinion matters to me.

Why would it surprise you, those nobs call it dated the very first video released.

As a racer the only opinion should matter is what your bum tells you.

rF2 no 2 laps are ever the same.

As for ambiance what looks better then Longford at 8am ? You can feel it.

ProjectCars initial rush of ambiance is great but after a few laps for mine its contrived.

AC ambiance feels engineered, it has no life or soul. p

Lovely fog and clouds in AC remind me of REX in FSX it looks great but it has no depth no sense of being looks artifical
Why would it surprise you, those nobs call it dated the very first video released.

As a racer the only opinion should matter is what your bum tells you.

rF2 no 2 laps are ever the same.

As for ambiance what looks better then Longford at 8am ? You can feel it.

ProjectCars initial rush of ambiance is great but after a few laps for mine its contrived.

AC ambiance feels engineered, it has no life or soul. p

Lovely fog and clouds in AC remind me of REX in FSX it looks great but it has no depth no sense of being looks artifical

I know rite!!!

Hes my vid when the BETA was released....I was having the time of my sim life! Great FFB, Great physics...the car was alive!!1 (still is and more)

But now u see the mass are more excited abt improved rain graphics!!! blasphemy!!!
Every time u see ppl post abt rf2 u will see one or two goons asking 'WHERE ARE THE STOCK CARS!!??'
Now the stock cars are out they are asking "WHERE ARE RAIN ON THE WINDSCREENSSS!!??'

I used to answer these ppl and try to give them correct information abt wuts going on and stuff...but they never listen! so i have a biiggggg long ignore list to these kinna crap i see everytime rf2 is the topic.

Select the resolution in the game video options. If you haven't played since v1.2, means the update reset your resolution to a very low one, 640*480, so select your native res and then you can get on track.

Thankyou Sir, fixed it ! improved for sure but a different league, kinda like a development series compared to V8 supercars ,looks ok but aint got the buzz
Well... In 1.3 the new M4 is quite fun to drive. Also the Elise\Exige have improved sensibly.

Apart from that, AC lacks proper tyre behaviour over the limit.
Why would it surprise you, those nobs call it dated the very first video released.

As a racer the only opinion should matter is what your bum tells you.

rF2 no 2 laps are ever the same.

Wow, cool statement ! That's the reason why I like rf2 more then others racing sims !
You can feel the road and every lap something is changing (tyres, road, etc) and the driver has to react to this new conditions.

After driving a lot in rf2, Assetto Corsa is very easy to drive.
The new AC release 1.3 is very good und Barcelona is looking great, but AC has still problems with slow corners.

For me the main difference between rf2 and AC is the quality of drivers in MP.
In AC most people try to win the race in the first corner :confused:
Well... In 1.3 the new M4 is quite fun to drive. Also the Elise\Exige have improved sensibly.

Apart from that, AC lacks proper tyre behaviour over the limit.

How exactly should the tyre behave when its over the limit??
Hahahah. It was not my intention Tuttle.
I should have listened to myself and rephrased the question.. :)

I didnt mean it to be AC vs RF2, I meant it to be general question, as Lestrat seems to know how it should behave and I just wanted to know how it should be done...
How exactly should the tyre behave when its over the limit??

Well, first of all, I have to point out that my experience over the limit is just with my Opel GT (Saturn Sky redline in the US) on Michelin Pilot Supersport tyres. I have driven fast a lot of different sports cars (911, 924, Cayman, Gallardo, M3, RS4...) but not stressing the tyres over their limits.

My car's behaviour is much more predictable and intuitive when tyres are sliding than what happens in AC, I would say more rFactor2-like. Although AC tyres have improved a lot and tyre model 5 is quite good, it's still lacking the feel.
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Oh no please, not again.... AC Vs rF2...:D

Hmm, competition is always good !
If you compare things you can learn how to improve your product.

I play a lot of different sims: RRE, pcars 1 and 2, AC , GT legends, Dirt Rally, Next Car Game, BEAM NG, History and Glory Mod 3.1, GSC ...

Every sim has one thing very good. Would be great if ONE producer can do something like "cherry picking" and create the one and only sim
with makes everybody happy :rolleyes:

Graphics: Project Cars
Sound: RRE
Cars: GT Legends
UI: Assetto Corsa
FFB: Dirt Rally
Physics: rf2

So its good to look to the right and left. Maybe other companies have also good ideas.
Kunos said: He don't tried other sims, but in one video he said, that he really enjoyed to drive the rf2 Barber car.
In the AC forum a rf2 thread was closed after one hour, because the dont like to have discussion about other sims :mad:

So, ISI dont make the mistake to ignore other sims. If you ignore then, they are still their :cool:

In terms of MP: In AC you find every time a MP session with some players. Thats very good.

The MP lobby in rf2 is difficult. Really miss a filter. A lot of servers, but some have:
- different version
- no players
- full
- private
- a mod which I dont have installed
- running the race

Maybe its a good idea to get some inspiration from others.
We take inspiration from reality, not another game. (and for sure not from a comparison thread) :)

iRacing took inspiration from you guys for Dynamic (Real) Road ;) no harm in seeing what the others are doing and ways to do it yourself and make it better :)
Infact we are not iRacing. :p

I still see no harm in playing other Sims and seeing what they've done and then implementing it yourselves, many good points of other Sims that would make RF2 (even) better and not all necessarily from "reality" either :)
I still see no harm in playing other Sims and seeing what they've done and then implementing it yourselves, many good points of other Sims that would make RF2 (even) better and not all necessarily from "reality" either :)

I never said anything like that. I have all sims out there.

I said in my opinion physics comparison between different products are pointless. That's it. Have fun comparing. :)
Coming from an ISI engine forum, LOL

Well, compared to my real life experience, although not perfect, it feels more consistent.

Of course those are my thoughts, I don't want to convince anyone, just play what you enjoy most.
I never said anything like that. I have all sims out there.

I said in my opinion physics comparison between different products are pointless. That's it. Have fun comparing. :)

Sorry Tuttle but I don't see you mention physics above apart from in this post, your initial response was to RaceDoedel where he clearly talks about other aspects of other Sims which is when I chimed in :)

Good to know you meant physics though, of that part I agree!
