Assetto corsa ,,,,

I always disable post processing and never use SweetFX. Those are things that get processed after the image has already been rendered and is therefore ready to be viewed on, and sent to, the monitor but it then get's held for "after processing". Add input lag for a bit of prettier graphics - NO THANK YOU.

In-order to prevent an increase in input lag, please do all the image processing during the actual processing/rendering phase rather than "holding" a ready-to-be-sent-image - thus adding input lag - in-order to apply "after effects" (post-processing).
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Where can we see a test like this for rF2 and AC please

Project Cars, my stock 4690/H97 is a few hairs off a overclocked i7.

30% fps loss in the rain. p

4690-GTX970 looks best bang for buck @1080 there imho lol .... don't need a Z board or K chip, fast ram or overclocking so you can save on cooling as well.
In looking at those results, I wonder how many times guys overclock for all out CPU/GPU cycles and end up with negative results by pushing just that little bit too far.
Pushing components to the point where throttling and other heat related issues occur, will always negate what could have been potential gains.
I run RF2, AC and a whole list of sims with good results on a three year-old X79 board with I7-3820 and a GTX970.
A few years back, I figured I'd concentrate my effort on just optimizing what was there... and in some cases not being used to full potential.
Instead of going for all out overclock, I did things like getting the videocard to work properly at PCI-e 3, instead of 1.1 or 2.0.
That's huge for RF2 and AC.
I went for things like better hard-drive and case cooling...better case flow..better software integration, etc...
The result is a better gaming experience all around.
The one massive by-product was all around smoothness.
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on a three year-old X79 board with I7-3820@3.8GHz and a GTX970.

Wow, this is some old crap! :rolleyes:

But all in all you are surely right! Only that with your hardware you don´t have to stretch you anyways.
However, your 480p vid is not really the way to proof this! LOL!
Wow, this is some old crap! :rolleyes:

But all in all you are surely right! Only that with your hardware you don´t have to stretch you anyways.
However, your 480p vid is not really the way to proof this! LOL!

It's there to show smoothness running with older hardware if it's properly optimized.
Three years old in computer speak is a whole other world in terms of development.
Since SB-e we've seen Ivy-Bridge, Haswell/Devil's Canyon and now Skylake.
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As someone that has ran toasters for all my life I say calling an i7 3xxx (specially the 3820!!!)and a GTX970 "old" to justify some stuff is pretty stupid. But that's just my opinion
Heck I've seen i7 from first generations that are still kicking butts lol
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As someone that has ran toasters for all my life I say calling an i7 3xxx (specially the 3820!!!)and a GTX970 "old" to justify some stuff is pretty stupid.
Heck I've seen i7 from first generations that are still kicking butts lol

He was just havin' a go ( joking) ;)


I wonder how many times guys overclock for all out CPU/GPU cycles and end up with negative results by pushing just a bit too far... instead of going for sheer optimization.

....and spend $100's more on hardware doing it. ;)

I have forever battled people in threads that spec some poor guy on a budget a 4770K , Hi end mobo, cooler and ram oh and you must have a SSD ( lmao ) .........all they do is sacrifice GPU grunt.


I have a bone to pick with Spin. hehehe

I got a Samsung EVO for my OS and main sims
He said they are AWESOME.

It is barely faster then a black Caviar when it comes to regards of sim loading !

Even the gain over old slow worn 60GB Force3 corsair as a OS are barely noticeable. !@!

It does not even load Windows faster. !@!

I am shattered , serious it is one of the worst bang for buck things I have EVER brought for a PC. :( :( :(


One article is done in a lab with 15 video cards and processors.

That is a owners rig.

I appreciate it but like I said first asked where is a PROPER review like the pCars one.

That tests 15 cards , CPU from 2.5 to 4.5 Ghz etc etc

It was a simple straight forward question ? :)

All these compare tests at rF2 are OLD, even one above is 6 months old but has usable understandable info.

Only way to do tests comparing hardware is to run everything to the Max

Not with reduced settings or NV Inspector.


Has anyone tried this build running their GTX970 with no NV profile and ISI Level8 / FXAA ?

You may get a pleasant surprise...........
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As someone that has ran toasters for all my life I say calling an i7 3xxx (specially the 3820!!!)and a GTX970 "old" to justify some stuff is pretty stupid. But that's just my opinion
Heck I've seen i7 from first generations that are still kicking butts lol

I'll just give you the benefit of doubt, as I suspect you just did not read the entire topic.
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In my system rF2 would run maxed out with a better GPU. The rest of my PC is fine, it's always funny seeing some of the specs that folks recommend.
In my system rF2 would run maxed out with a better GPU. The rest of my PC is fine, it's always funny seeing some of the specs that folks recommend.

Your system absolutely would.
One of the biggest gains I saw, was getting the videocard to run at PCI-e 3.
I just couldn't believe one setting could make such a huge difference.
I'll sometimes glance over during a track session with both AC and RF2 and the scenery is just 'fluid' for lap after lap.
I installed a couple of TRI-cool fans in the front of my Antec case and the temps went way down on everything.
Every bit of optimization helps to improve the gaming experience...not just 'chucking' money at a box.
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If they don't like it, Steam offers refunds. Without a publisher controlling us, we're making what we want to make. Should be pretty thankful for that really, unless you wanted another crappy racing game clone.
Durge, my benchmark is dated now, but it was a "legit" test. I didnt mess around with NV Inspector with regards to all sorts of weird settings that would have given skewed results or anything like that.

And a lot of game loading is CPU dependant/bottlenecked not SSD/HDD because the CPU is uncompressing all sorts of game loading filed and such. It deoends on the game. Some games, though, make a massive difference with an SSD and it should make a huge difference with any sort of storage activity including day-to-day stuff, Windows, etc.


It's there to show that you can still have smooth running with old hardware...if it's properly optimized...and it is old hardware.
Three years old in computer time is a whole other world in terms of development.
Since SB-e we've had Ivy-Bridge, Haswell, Devil's Canyon, Broadwell and now Skylake.
Devil's Canyon pretty much is Haswell, and Broadwell seems like it's going to be skipped for the higher end stuff and going straight to Skylake.

Sandy is honestly hardly old. SB --> IB --> Hswl/DC all only had like, what, 5%, 10%, gains from one-another?

As long as you're running full PCI-E 3.0 @ 16x then there's not going to be much difference between a 6 core, 12 thread 3930k, 4930k, and 5930k.
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Has anyone tried this build running their GTX970 with no NV profile and ISI Level8 / FXAA ?

You may get a pleasant surprise...........

I tell you why I asked................. this is reprint from NG.

Still can't believe it :)


Yarn about me fixing a mates milling issues with PC and software, did a few days work for him for on/off only 1 block from house.
Cleaning and replacing old comms around the factory, backups, etc etc

I would only take $50 he tried to give me more, a lot more.
( I am pensioner so I can't and won't take the risk)

We were looking at specs in his office for USB/serial converters before we left
for shop and I happen to show him the Gigabyte GTX970 G1 I would like one day.

I also build gaming PC for his son so I was comparing how this one cost double of his boys, that was all the intent.

So few days later he asked me to come to shop again to select parts and build the HTPC we talked of ( to give me a few dollars I presumed )

When we got to shop he gave me $10 and asked if I could get coffee for us.

When I got back on counter is yep ........ the G1 with his order.

I went to open my mouth but nothing came out........ ( almost dropped the coffee )
" No no no pee-tah (Peter) ..... no no I do this, save us much money the other day ..........."
and started to shake his head angry .....No no no. In case I tried to say anything but thank you.

So now I have GTX970 and as a gift it does not affect pension.

So when I got home I tested existing OS driver uninstall reinstall yadda and never enabled NV Inspector just yet.

I tested rF2 A C and pCars in game settings they were all lovely , rF2 has never looked as good, obviously because of increased settings
but I just can't for the life of me see why I need a profile, jags, fps and smoothness is lovely.

I still don't like HDR with my F3 ........ going to be fantastic at night but. :)

Friend up road I fix PCs for nothing brought me new headphones ( mine broke ) MatF1 brought he best thing I ever had ( GT2 ) now a GTX970. I am so humbled you got no ideas.
Durge, my benchmark is dated now, but it was a "legit" test. I didnt mess around with NV Inspector with regards to all sorts of weird settings that would have given skewed results or anything like that.

And a lot of game loading is CPU dependant/bottlenecked not SSD/HDD because the CPU is uncompressing all sorts of game loading filed and such. It deoends on the game. Some games, though, make a massive difference with an SSD and it should make a huge difference with any sort of storage activity including day-to-day stuff, Windows, etc.

Devil's Canyon pretty much is Haswell, and Broadwell seems like it's going to be skipped for the higher end stuff and going straight to Skylake.

Sandy is honestly hardly old. SB --> IB --> Hswl/DC all only had like, what, 5%, 10%, gains from one-another?

As long as you're running full PCI-E 3.0 @ 16x then there's not going to be much difference between a 6 core, 12 thread 3930k, 4930k, and 5930k.

I only having a go at you Spin. lol

Love the new hardrive Evo 250GB , I could only afford because the guys son brought my GTX670 and PSU I had would run it for 150 and drive was 149 ( remember aussie dollar ) I advertised it here hoping to raise enough cash for GTX970.

I said as far back as I can remember it is processes you wait for yeah :)

Like opening a movie in sata archive which opens VLC on SSD ;)

I can't afford space for my backup partition on Black to SSD ( apps /drivers/docs/downloads / photos / wallpapers yadda ) and really I do not think any of that stuff would gain enough to warrant it.
May save like 5-10 minutes in a fresh OS back to sim ready status which is cool.

I miss out because I do not run everyday stuff like you say Spin, I bet Word would open in a micro second. lool ;)

Good thing now is I have Spare 60GB corsair I could slot in between SSD and Black as my Backup partition or use it for W10 GTX970 tests so I don't have to mess about swapping images. See if I can get rid of that W10 rF2 stutter. I have hopes of a sort. hehehe

P.S. Spin

So thanks it was honestly your thoughts on samsung made me get one and please don't go on about how I get the crapper model. lool ;)
One article is done in a lab with 15 video cards and processors.

That is a owners rig.

I appreciate it but like I said first asked where is a PROPER review like the pCars one.

That tests 15 cards , CPU from 2.5 to 4.5 Ghz etc etc

It was a simple straight forward question ? :)

All these compare tests at rF2 are OLD, even one above is 6 months old but has usable understandable info.

Only way to do tests comparing hardware is to run everything to the Max

Not with reduced settings or NV Inspector.


Has anyone tried this build running their GTX970 with no NV profile and ISI Level8 / FXAA ?

You may get a pleasant surprise...........

Sorry...was drinking and thinking of ISI forumso end up posting crap.
Sorry...was drinking and thinking of ISI forumso end up posting crap.

Would not give it a second thought ;)

Just be nice to have these ProjectCars test guys go one step further and do all new gen sims together.

I am not saying their results are correct but they pretty creditable bunch and I found a things like under clock and rain interesting.

Also the in game settings with pics was handy.

But yeah take it step further and add 3 screen and multi GPU tests for sure

Would make a fantastic article.
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Some of the pCARS guys are great and very diligent. One guy, Jussi, was one of the helpful ones with tech tests and such.
Being a long time AC player I just bought rf2, spend hours tweaking it so it'll run smooth, nearly gave up, glad i didn't...only tried a few laps on old spa with the nsx..even though i have no ffb on the crappy g290 wheel it drives's a different drive from wise i think it looks great, bit worried after reading reviews the general opinion is rf2 looks dated..but it's got its own style...I wouldnt say it looks worst than AC, just different...the replay cameras are really cool..esp the helicopter cams. Performance wise I tried the demo like a year ago, ran like a dog on my 2500k 7990hd system, but 40% off was too good an offer..bought it, frame rate seems to be better but a stuttering mess. Switching between window and fullscreen mode seemed to fix it for its smooth. haven't tried a field of cars yet...i can get steady 50fps on AC with 24 cars so hopefully rf2 can do the same. of course AC have have better licensed content and laser scanned tracks thats one area rf2 is lacking..but it's got historic spa and monaco which is awesome. Looking forward to explore rf2 more.
Would not give it a second thought ;)

Just be nice to have these ProjectCars test guys go one step further and do all new gen sims together.

I am not saying their results are correct but they pretty creditable bunch and I found a things like under clock and rain interesting.

Also the in game settings with pics was handy.

But yeah take it step further and add 3 screen and multi GPU tests for sure

Would make a fantastic article.
I can do those tests.
All you have to do is test amd and nvidia equalent cards with rF2, then find equalent performer to rF2 that is popularly used in GPU tests as a software/game, and just do valuation by approximation.
Close enough, and find out whats what.
All you have to do is test amd and nvidia equalent cards with rF2, then find equalent performer to rF2 that is popularly used in GPU tests as a software/game, and just do valuation by approximation.
Close enough, and find out whats what.

You think close enough is fine, Great !

I do not ! ...... lol ? :)

I would like that site to do a giant test same style is all I said...................

......and what odds if I do ? :confused:


This is the only benchmark I've seen on rF2 with many different cards, from around fall 2013 so pretty outdated.

Thanks mate :cool: I seen all them, trust me.

People don't seem to understand anything I say.

Okay I will speak very slowly.

I want the same test that site did for pCars done with AC and rFactor2 and whatever else they want to put.

I want from 2.5 - 4.5HZ, 19 video cards, triple screens, 4K, single and multi GPUs

I like the style of the results
I like the way they talk
I like their combination of tests

Methodical clear concise and good on the eyes ! :)

If I had my way all benchtests for games would follow that style.
The first rainspray version of RF2 actually had a ton of spray sort of like real life. OK, the pure graphics didn't look realistic/modern but the effect was more realistic since there was a ton of spray.
Another multi-page Assetto Corsa thread in the wrong forum / website

I'm amazed how ISI staff democratically allows it, the vice-versa wouldn't happen.
The first rainspray version of RF2 actually had a ton of spray sort of like real life. OK, the pure graphics didn't look realistic/modern but the effect was more realistic since there was a ton of spray.

Clio same spray than a Marussia... a big NO.

Big spray in real life only happens at high speed. In rF2 a Clio at 100km/h creates stupid amounts of spray.

I want to see this in rF2:

And this (really wet track, high speed, and no F1 spray, in rF2 you get F1 spray with any car):

Here at heavy rain, massive spray, almost imposible to see the car ahead, but not even close to rF2 the way It looks, rF2 create this "spray" at really low speeds:

rF2 still looks like a trail of smoke or steam instead of actual water spray, and allways way longer than real life.
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Another multi-page Assetto Corsa thread in the wrong forum / website

I'm amazed how ISI staff democratically allows it, the vice-versa wouldn't happen.
The last pages haven't been discussing AC at all :) It became more like a coffee place where you talk about anything, though related to sim racing gaming.
Well that is not true, I asked for a comprehensive bench-test for all sims. :)

Back to AC the original poster I agree with and from everything I see not much has changed with builds.

Like I said tried to have a race at Nords, Longford, Bathurst and okay rF2 has a few bugs but AC the Ai dropped like flys and big flips into the air up and along invisible walls makes it arcade looking.

Even Online that sort of thing would put me off, again not all rF2 crashes are realistic but AC and especially pCars are immersion destroying.

Thank goodness ISI thinks "Realworld"
Have a crash in rF2 you can end up over a fence, on top of a haybale , in a river etc ;)
The others you hit a fence just get car pointed right way and way you go back to pits.

Lesmos as a example rF2 you end up in the bushes can't even see where you drive.
Curva Grande understeer and you smack a tree.
Parabolica graveltrap you don't pull up in 50 metres like the rest either.

BTW It is not just about discussing AC, he asked about his compare between sims and what he felt.

It is only fair anyone offers an opinion on his points ?

You do not have to agree with him.
1000% agree with Esteve Rueda!!
You´ve nailed it!

There´s no difference regarding rain-spray between cars and it looks like........ , yes, "steam" is the best term.
Well that is not true, I asked for a comprehensive bench-test for all sims. :)

pCars is used in those benchmark tests because it has the latest tech and it stresses the GPU quite heavily. No big gaming site will do benchmarks of a DX9 title in 2015 I'm afraid. Even AC runs too well on latest hardware to be a proper benchmark game, they always go for the games with most eye-candy.
I run AC with the default PP profile but I've run with it disabled and it still looked fine. It's interesting with the latest updates, especially 1.3 doing so much work on tires and other driving aspects, that pretty much all mods need editing again... which some may recall, was one of the arguments used by some modders to use AC instead of rF2 - "Solid core that isn't changed from build to build."
pCars is used in those benchmark tests because it has the latest tech and it stresses the GPU quite heavily. No big gaming site will do benchmarks of a DX9 title in 2015 I'm afraid. Even AC runs too well on latest hardware to be a proper benchmark game, they always go for the games with most eye-candy.

You know AC with "Full" quality settings runs better then Project Cars.

Show me the compare then, sort of reinforces my point don't it. ;)

Why ? is simple.

ProjectCars shows you do not need expensive specs or overclocking to run it well @1080 which is the most used resolution.

Seems funny they would not want to explore and try to explain the gains in
Pcie3.0 with rFactor2............ even if it is DX9.
Clio same spray than a Marussia... a big NO.

Big spray in real life only happens at high speed. In rF2 a Clio at 100km/h creates stupid amounts of spray.

I want to see this in rF2:

And this (really wet track, high speed, and no F1 spray, in rF2 you get F1 spray with any car):

Here at heavy rain, massive spray, almost imposible to see the car ahead, but not even close to rF2 the way It looks, rF2 create this "spray" at really low speeds:

rF2 still looks like a trail of smoke or steam instead of actual water spray, and allways way longer than real life.
I agree, the implementation wasn't correct (tons of spray at low speeds), and the graphicss weren't/aren't good either (individidual clouds/puffs) but the fact that there was a ton of spray (regardless of speed) was a very, very early starting point in my opinion.
