ATI and NVIDIA updates

Are most of you installing the entire package...(i.e driver, PhysX, HD audio, GF Experience, 3D controller, etc...)?
I usually only install the driver itself plus PhysX and HD audio.
I've had zero freezes or instability with 355.98 or any other driver on W10-64 with GTX970.
Is it possible the other components are causing issues?
Had crashes with Singapore for FSR, many have had screen freezes. I think it's something to do with the light-filled buildings which keep changing colors, because it was fixed by changing some settings - not sure which one did it, but it might have been HDR, special effects or crowd/wind.

Same thing happened at Singapore(GPVWC in rFactor 1), and that was fixed by running in DX8 mode.

I only install the driver and PhysX. The above shows it's clearly something to do with tracks, and not drivers.
I only install driver.

Run driver extraction to a archive then cancel, delete all folders other then Display Driver and NV12.

I found if you do that it does not make errant folders on C:\ for the extras.

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Hello guys.

Well, reading comments and trying to find a better solution.
My Rig is:
i7 5930X - 32 Gb DDR4 2800 Mhz - GTX 980 SLi - SSD. ( 5760 X 1080 ).

With single card I was getting aroung 120 FPS max graphics, 15 visible cars, HDR on, about 98% GPU usage. Placed second card today and got same FPS, sometimes less, and around 65% GPU usage on both cards or less.

Tried to setup nVidia Inspector as some guys posted in another threads, but nothing. Tried rF2 stock setup on Inspector and tried Lego 2, but still the same.

Last nVidia driver, W10 64 bits, and all drivers updated. Does anyone has a clue?

Actually I tought that it would be able to get at least 30% more FPS in SLi, but no.

Thanks for the help in advance...
Hello guys.

Well, reading comments and trying to find a better solution.
My Rig is:
i7 5930X - 32 Gb DDR4 2800 Mhz - GTX 980 SLi - SSD. ( 5760 X 1080 ).

With single card I was getting aroung 120 FPS max graphics, 15 visible cars, HDR on, about 98% GPU usage. Placed second card today and got same FPS, sometimes less, and around 65% GPU usage on both cards or less.

Tried to setup nVidia Inspector as some guys posted in another threads, but nothing. Tried rF2 stock setup on Inspector and tried Lego 2, but still the same.

Last nVidia driver, W10 64 bits, and all drivers updated. Does anyone has a clue?

Actually I tought that it would be able to get at least 30% more FPS in SLi, but no.

Thanks for the help in advance...

Is it CPU usage or FPS you worry about.

If it is FPS Spinelli has done a big thread year back maybe ? on how to get good SLi scaling I thought ?
Is it CPU usage or FPS you worry about.

If it is FPS Spinelli has done a big thread year back maybe ? on how to get good SLi scaling I thought ?

Durge, actually it's both.
I tought that more GPU usage more FPS right? But I just realize some shuttering wich I had a lot on iRacing and disappeared with SLi now, and I got a lot on rF2 with SLi.
Anyway, yes I read all Spnelli thread about it and tried it, but no sucess. Really weird...
I have memory loss :p ....... but think it was 3D vision you get the better scaling.
Are most of you installing the entire package...(i.e driver, PhysX, HD audio, GF Experience, 3D controller, etc...)?
I usually only install the driver itself plus PhysX and HD audio.
I've had zero freezes or instability with 355.98 or any other driver on W10-64 with GTX970.
Is it possible the other components are causing issues?
I don't install HD audio, GF Exp., or any of other weird things like Miracast audio or whatever. I only install the two 3D Vision things, PhysX, and Display/Graphics/Video drivers or whatever it's called. I also make sure to always checkmark the perform-clean-install button. Once the install is complete, I reboot my PC even if the driver install doesn't prompt me to do so.

I always use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller). See my sig for slightly OCD'd video driver uninstall/install step-by-step instructions, lol.

Durge, actually it's both.
I tought that more GPU usage more FPS right? But I just realize some shuttering wich I had a lot on iRacing and disappeared with SLi now, and I got a lot on rF2 with SLi.
Anyway, yes I read all Spnelli thread about it and tried it, but no sucess. Really weird...
It could be Windows 10, drivers, or both. I use 8.1 and drivers were/are 353.30 and scaling was very good in 2D (always been good in 3D).
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So... are there any news regarding AMD drivers and performance? Haven't updated for quite some month now... using an older card here.
I read sn article explaining why a lot of the times Nvidia GPUs are faster than AMD...

It has to do with AMD cards being built more with parallelism in mind which is not as efficient for today's and yesteryears' systems and software because things can get bottlenecked quickly since most games/software and CPUs aren't great at multithreading. This is also the reason why AMD's GPUs hold a strong advantage over Nvidia's GPUs in full-on DX12 games; the paralellism of DX12, which makes it so efficient and powerful, goes hand-in-hand with AMD's parallelism-focus designed GPUs rather than Nvidia's serial-focus designed GPUs.

Basically, NVidia's cards - with their "serial" shaders (or whatever) - are better for DX11 since DX11 still relatively sucks at multithreading, paralellism, etc. while AMD's cards - with their asynchronous shaders, GCN 1.1/1.2, etc. - are better for DX12 since DX12 is such a leap forward in multithreading, paralellism, etc.

Nvidia's software (aka driver optimization) can only go so far in closing the gap; it's the hardware itself that needs a different design philosophy (which I'm betting will come with Nvidia's next line of GPUs, or the one after that at the latest).

The following articles explain it much better than me:

If you google something like "amd better in dx12 parallelism" then you should get tons of articles and discussion-threads about it.
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any updates or improvements for rf2 in these new drivers ???????????????????
if not why bother posting them without this info ???????????????
seems like all updates are done for certain games these days not for actually improvement for all gaming or am i reading it all wrong ??????????
any updates or improvements for rf2 in these new drivers ???????????????????
if not why bother posting them without this info ???????????????
seems like all updates are done for certain games these days not for actually improvement for all gaming or am i reading it all wrong ??????????

IF YOU DONT LIKE IT coops just FO !


sick of you ^%^&$^& whiners
IF YOU DONT LIKE IT coops just FO !


sick of you ^%^&$^& whiners

remember last time i spoke to you like that you made a complaint to ISI should i do the same ???????? no i won't because i'm not a whining child like you were ...

all i did was ask if it was worth my while to update i don't deserve to be treated the way you obviously don't like being treated.

next time get out of bed on the right side of bed.
Good solid drivers (for RF2) with my GTX780 Ti. Essential update for me - I Fallout 4. ;) 20 hours in 4 days.

Yeah latest drivers with a GTX970 seem to keep improving, the other day with these I had 190fps Belgium carpark when I normally have 180+

Quality with no NVi is good enough too.
any updates or improvements for rf2 in these new drivers ???????????????????
if not why bother posting them without this info ???????????????
seems like all updates are done for certain games these days not for actually improvement for all gaming or am i reading it all wrong ??????????

remember last time i spoke to you like that you made a complaint to ISI should i do the same ???????? no i won't because i'm not a whining child like you were ...

all i did was ask if it was worth my while to update i don't deserve to be treated the way you obviously don't like being treated.

next time get out of bed on the right side of bed.

your first post comes across as very whining with all the ?????????????? try asking reasonably in future then you won't get such an abrupt response! Durge does a great job of posting when Updates are available for Drivers, it's up to you to decide whether they are worth updating too or not.
never complained about durge and his posts and keeping it up to date as i have done this b4 for him as well.
i know its up to me if i would like to try them..
MARC i expected better from you after reading so many of your posts considering you have always been willing to help and DURGE to. But no only more criticism i advise you both to wake up better in the morning or would you prefer i not wake up and ask ?'s that i don't know the answers to?
in future i will read your crap and not ask a thing is that what you want from ppl that are not as talented as you to sit back not learn a thing and never ask ?'s
thankyou both for nothing.
Note for Coops and others

This driver may or may not not help rFactor2

Whether it does is immaterial for me. I COULD NOT CARE LESS !@!

It is nothing but a driver release and discussion thread.

So what ? I Should put up only drivers that 51% of racers say are better...............rely on peeps like you ?

Get a Life lol ;)
ooohhh the DRAMA :D

Well maybe some of you people should realize it is not me that starts it.

You can't display any personal opinion without personal attack.

You can't express any vision for the future without being branded a heretic.

I wish there could be some kind of optimization to allow me to run 16x filtering in rF2 with AA at level 8 instead of 6, keeping my FPS at an acceptable level.
I wish there could be some kind of optimization to allow me to run 16x filtering in rF2 with AA at level 8 instead of 6, keeping my FPS at an acceptable level.
It won't make a massive difference but definitely helps to run 8xAF instead of 16xAF. i promise you that you won't be able to spot the difference :)
It makes a very distinguishable difference. It also does some damage on FPS.
Thanks for the driver link.
What's been going on around here?
I've been in Oklahoma for flight simulator tech training for the past two weeks.
Anything else new?
Geforce 361.43 WHQL

Gaming Technology
Support added for GameWorks VR 1.1 including VR SLI support for OpenGL
applications and support for the latest Oculus SDK.

Fermi GPUs
As of Windows 10 November Update, Fermi GPUs now use WDDM 2.0 in single GPU
For multi-GPU configurations, WDDM usage is as follows:
 In non-SLI multi-GPU configurations, Fermi GPUs use WDDM 2.0. This includes
configurations where a Fermi GPU is used with Kepler or Maxwell GPUs.
 In SLI mode, Fermi GPUs still use WDDM 1.3.
How have the latest driver updates from nVidia been going? I've read a few things I didn't like, I'm holding off with my version from a bit over a month ago.


Version 4.2.0

 Added AMD Fiji graphics processors family support

 Hardware abstraction layer architecture has been revamped to allow implementation of voltage control via direct access to
GPU on-die voltage controllers (e.g. AMD Fiji SMC) in addition to previously supported external voltage controllers connected to GPU via I2C

*** Please take a note that direct access to AMD SMC from multiple simultaneously running hardware monitoring applications can be unsafe and result in collisions, so similar to I2C access synchronization we introduce global namespace synchronization mutex “Access_ATI_SMC” as SMC access synchronization standard. Other developers are strongly suggested to use it during accessing AMD
GPU SMC in order to provide collision free hardware monitoring

 Added core voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON R9 Fury / Nano series cards with on-die SMC voltage controller

 Added unofficial overclocking support for PowerPlay7 capable graphics cards (AMD Tonga and newer graphics processors family).
Please take a note that unofficial overclocking mode with completely disabled PowerPlay is currently not supported for PowerPlay7
capable hardware

 Added version detection for AMD Radeon Software Crimson edition. Please take a note that new AMD Radeon Software versioning
scheme is not backward compatible so now Catalyst version can be reported improperly if you reinstall older versions of Catalyst
drivers on top of AMD Radeon Software Crimson edition without cleaning the registry up. Until the issue is addressed inside AMD
Radeon Software Crimson edition installer, MSI Afterburner is providing compatibility switch “LegacyDriverDetection” in the
configuration file allowing you to use legacy driver version detection mechanism if you’re rolling back to legacy Catalyst drivers after
AMD Radeon Software Crimson edition drivers

 GPU usage monitoring filtering algorithms, aimed to filter GPU usage monitoring artifacts in AMD ADL API on AMD Sea Islands GPU
family are now disabled by default. Filtering algorithms can still be enabled by power users via configuration file if necessary

 Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI GTX980Ti Lightning series graphics cards with
IR3595A+IR3567B voltage regulators

 Added memory and VRM temperature monitoring for custom design MSI GTX980Ti Lightning series graphics cards with NCT7511Y
thermal sensors

 Now SDK includes detailed documentation for third party hardware database format, allowing experienced users to add voltage
control support for custom design non-MSI graphics cards

 Temperature monitoring for AMD Family 10h – 16h micro architecture CPUs is no longer experimental. Now thermal monitoring on
such CPUs is unlocked by default

 Slightly altered VRAM usage monitoring implementation for AMD and Intel graphics cards. Now total resident bytes are being
displayed as VRAM usage instead of total committed bytes, and allocated blocks are no longer being rounded to 1MB boundary per
block when calculating a total value

 Improved skin engine. Added support for altered USF skins obfuscation scheme used in most recent versions of third party
overclocking tools

 Added Brazilian Portuguese localization

 RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to v6.4.1D
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How have the latest driver updates from nVidia been going? I've read a few things I didn't like, I'm holding off with my version from a bit over a month ago.

I tried the latest one 361.75 last night hoping it might fix the BSOD dxgmms2.sys issue thats going around.
I dont know if it fixed that because with thsi one, my Nvidia Control Panel crashes on launch so cant even configure screens......
Sorry but I am going to say if you have nice gear ( which you do ) and love your sims , well heck why not run Windows 7. :)
Sorry but I am going to say if you have nice gear ( which you do ) and love your sims , well heck why not run Windows 7. :)

Maybe cause Windows 10 works perfectly for some people. I am no fan boy and I am very happy with my PC performance.
