That's not really how aquaplaning works, the driver plays no part. It's purely random, and that's a large part in why all the drivers were disturbed, it could literally have been any of them. That corner in particular during heavy rain develops a stream of water. That's why drivers were unhappy about the race not being stopped before that. That's why Brundle went off there in 1994, why Sutil did and probably why Bianchi did (impossible to ask him). The water catches people there every time it rains heavy enough, regardless of speed. I've aquaplaned at 40mph before and my road tires displace a decent amount of water compared to F1 and the speeds they carry even going 'slowly'.
well, I wouldn't argue that aquaplanning can happen at lower speeds, however, any accident will very likely be less violent when going slower.....
Now thinking in solutions, what can be done.....
off course, one thing that can be done, and quite easily so, is have a Safety-car for every single crash/stranded car. It for sure would be safer, but it ruins the race for some, and can give others an unfair advantage. And with current rules, I really hate safety-cars because they take forever, especially when cars have to unlap themselves. Although safer, I'm not to keen on this solution.
So maybe if you have it that way, but a bit less harsh, so for instance not for every single crash, but in addition to the current situation (if the car is in a really dangerous place), also allways put out the SC when a truck/tractor has to come in front of the barrier. It will still ruin the race for some people, but it is better then above situation. (Especially with just a car that broke down, and is right next to a gap in the barrier, nowhere near a place where people are likely to have a crash, for instance on a straight).
You can still go a bit less harsh, by only applying the above in rain situations, although that still might cause some dangerous situations in the dry (but in the dry the drivers aren't very likely to go off under yellow, and still be to much out of control outside off the track the steer clear of such truck/tractor). Although I think that would be a great for the actual race, I don't think I would prefer it this way, after seeing what happenned to Bianchi.
But probably the best option I can think off (besides replacing all those trucks/tractors by cranes that stand behind the barriers), is something I did first hear off in the 24H of Dubai, and then previous year at Le Mans. In the 24H of Dubai, when there is an accident, they don't use a SC, but they display a special flag (see at bottom of this post), indicating a 'code 60', which is used as more fair alternative to a SC. During a code 60 all cars on the entire track may not drive quicker then - who guessed it - 60 km/h. That way the racing isn't disturbed nearly as much (if you are half a minute in front, you will keep more-or-less the same gap once the track goes green again. Pretty fair, and very safe. Then at Le Mans this year they improved it a
bit, by only having a 'slow-zone' near the accident, so that only on the place of the accident you have to drive slowely (their speed had to be 80 or less I believe). In my opinion that would be the best way for F1. Wherever, whenever a double waved yellow is needed, drivers in that area should only be allowed to drive on the speed limiter. (with a bit of a margin ahead of the accident, so that drivers that might miss it the first time might even get a second or third time to slow down, while off course gaining a penalty for failing to slow down the first tim

) I do think though, that this should only be used at any given time a marshall is needed in front of the barrier, or at the very least in case of a truck/tractor in front of the barrier (but not on the actual track itself). When the car or lots of debris is still on track, I do think the SC should still come out in addition the the above rules (so when not in SC cue you'd still have to drive slowly), so that the trackmarshalls have space between the cars to go safely on the racing surface (instead of possible having one car pass every 5-10 seconds, which would still make crossing the track dangerous for marshalls).
I think a speed limit like mentioned above would work way better then current situation. Cars hardly slow down right now. You clearly lose time by slowing down, and you don't want to lose more time then your opponents. So one goes a bit quicker then the other, and then next lap to go even faster etc... Every driver would try to go as fast as they think they can get away with. And then they all drive at the same speed, next one tries to go slightly faster, and since he doesn't really stand out to the rest, he doesn't get a penalty, and the rest go drive that speed as well. You can't leave it to the drivers to reduce to a slow and safe speed. I've had that with Go-Karting as well. Everyone keeps going nearly flatout (maybe sometimes braking slightly earlier). I never felt completely comfortable doing so, but still did, because when the difference in lap times is only a few tenths, losing one or two seconds during a yellow, you'll hardly ever gain back. Most of the times it was safely possible, but even when marshalls are just on the exit of the corner speeds remain high. You can't leave it to the drivers to slow down enough, I think you'll need a hard limit, then no-one gains from it, the situation will be safer, and you can easily penalise those who don't obey (especially in F1, and other top classes, with live data/telemetry available)
EDIT :: whoops, turned out to be a quite long post, sorry about that. I think it should be a good read though, maybe a new perspective for some

And I also forget to add the flag I mentioned, so I will show it now below