Opinions on Assetto Corsa Physics (1.4)

Stonec, why didn't you comment before on their opinions, but now when I post this video you need to tell I'm wrong.

Propably because this video is BS.

Either way, you can tell what you want but I've never seen a comparison video between rf2 x forza/gran turismo look so similar as rf2 x assetto.

Never EVER saw a comparison video between rF2 and Forza/GT! Wouldn´t make any sense anyway, because this comparison vids are useless and say nothing!
Grow up!
To which platform has their spa being converted and how is the quality? Codemasters conversions in rf2 looked disappointing.
You mean that people who convert AC tracks to rf2 have a lower quality in rf2 compared to the original track in AC? I guess so, because the "modder" who converted laserscanned tracks from AC to rf2 took the visual mesh model and multiplied the number of polygons.
Ok not through a video, but if this video isn't valid, which you'd classify as subjective comparison, why consider so valid the opinions of other guys here who also just rely on their subjective opinion while driving a sim and comparing to another sim they used?

Because it's easier to fit in the argument and the bandwagon always has room :p. But it doesn't help you pick a mod of unknown origins and one from MAK, it won't be showing the best from either side. AC is at least very superior to SCE, but there are aspects of the driving itself that bother me. I would play more if it wasn't for 1- Destroyed online with 3 badly pieced DLC 2- The more interesting cars are too difficult to drive and never last or make it to multiplayer.
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but writing some posts in the forum saying AC isn't good (Mrslfrsl, lamo, DurgeDriven, Gonzo) is valid out of sudden.

Hang on a minute lol

I have never suggested anything is valid or more correct other then " what I feel " on a purely personal level ?

I not going to spend my life worrying what you or anyone else thinks.

You should do the same. :)
Hang on a minute lol

I have never suggested anything is valid or more correct other then " what I feel " on a purely personal level ?

I not going to spend my life worrying what you or anyone else thinks.

You should do the same. :)

Yep... Correcting misinformation (my pet peeve), I find more than called for, but if someone just doesn't care for something, hey it's their loss. ;)
On a general note.
Example: "AC is crap" ...no, you think for what ever reason that this is the case, that is merely your opinion.
Example 2: "rF2 AI is terrible" ...no, that is for some odd reason your experience, and let's try to find out why, but never the less incomparison to industry standards, rF2 AI is not terrible.
Example 3: "sim x is the best sim in the world" Loaded statement, your opinion, I share/do not share the sentiment... let's leave it at that.

Try to make a similar claim contrary to scientific proof, well then you are just being ignorent. If you start stating anything as a fact, do some research before starting any statement with anything but "In my opinion...".
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About right, Golanv. Some people in this thread be like: "nice one pearce, you're right, round of applauses. AC simcade unrealistic hurrr". Then in the 'Bout had it with this AI...' thread some people be like: "Are you out of your mind, you must be doing something wrong, end of discussion.".

;) You know, some people always tend to go with what suits their agenda. No consistency.
About right, Golanv. Some people in this thread be like: "nice one pearce, you're right, round of applauses. AC simcade unrealistic hurrr". Then in the 'Bout had it with this AI...' thread some people be like: "Are you out of your mind, you must be doing something wrong, end of discussion.".

;) You know, some people always tend to go with what suits their agenda. No consistency.

It's easy to play for "team me" when all you need is to beef up that narcissism cup from mug to pint and go with the most popular song on the forum.
AC is really unconvincing compared to rf2 and I wish some people could admit to themselves that they prefer licenses and car models over driving simulation instead of pretending that AC is something that it's not.
AC is really unconvincing compared to rf2 and I wish some people could admit to themselves that they prefer licenses and car models over driving simulation instead of pretending that AC is something that it's not.
Thank god for your backed up input, your feedback was really needed.
AC is really unconvincing compared to rf2 and I wish some people could admit to themselves that they prefer licenses and car models over driving simulation instead of pretending that AC is something that it's not.

Statements like that are really empty in content. You wish that people would come to see AC as you do? Why? You failed to mention, what "it's not"? Keep in mind that if you make a claim, would be nice to see something to back it up, unless you merely forgot the "In my opinion" from your original post, in which case, again... Why?
Statements like that are really empty in content. You wish that people would come to see AC as you do? Why? You failed to mention, what "it's not"? Keep in mind that if you make a claim, would be nice to see something to back it up, unless you merely forgot the "In my opinion" from your original post, in which case, again... Why?

Labeling a statement that is clearly an opinion, as an opinion, in a thread dedicated to sharing opinions isn't called for.
Assetto Corsa is a fantastic game...but there are areas it needs to improve to equal the driving experience of RF2. In defense of AC though, RF2 is the best in the business. I look at separate issues in AC...driving within grip levels and outside of grip levels. Ac does some things in both cases that sort of ruin the immersion for me. I do think they'll eventually get there, but the console release has me a bit worried. Netkar was excellent and that is what gives me hope for the future.
Assetto Corsa is a fantastic game...but there are areas it needs to improve to equal the driving experience of RF2. In defense of AC though, RF2 is the best in the business. I look at separate issues in AC...driving within grip levels and outside of grip levels. Ac does some things in both cases that sort of ruin the immersion for me. I do think they'll eventually get there, but the console release has me a bit worried. Netkar was excellent and that is what gives me hope for the future.

This is my experience as well. AC is pretty bare bones compared to GT/Forza on the consoles but I'm sure they'll still make money. I can't comment on Nkp personally but you're not the only one I've seen who says it has better physics than AC. I'm pessimistic that the physics or ffb will change much: the strengths and priorities of the dev team seem clear at this point. Isi is the same in this regard, though their strengths and priorities are different and I love them for it.
Leave it downloading as you do other things and allocate 45-60 minutes to just drive around in one of their cars. The setup page isn't the friendliest but you won't regret it.

Download nKP v1.3 here: http://kunos.convergenze.it/setupnkp13_final.exe
Activation code: 8Y4004103M471841P

Thanks I'll check it out. I actually did several years ago but I wasn't able to finish configuring it before losing patience and trying out LFS, I think.
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A recent development in Assetto and its updates is the fallout of mods. There are maybe a handful of cars, or less, that are on the latest specs and tires. The very large volatility of modders is a bit worrisome because with new updates that break things, often times a group has disbanded and the car is left in oblivion. There are 4 cars I am awaiting for updates (1991 Mazda 787B, 1998 McLaren, 2014 Formula Renault and the release of Porsche 962C) but the middle two have been in very extensive waiting. The base content itself has almost all cars on tire model 5, instead of the latest 6.

Assetto is the game with the most cars I wish to drive, but it is not the game I want to drive the most. Stefano seems to do whatever he wants and doesn't listen to anyone, and I fear for the future of AC given such volatility (that word again). I really am looking forward to focus to return on the PC side so I can partake in a league, even if it's not running the cars I want to. As it stands, it can still be quite fun but it could be even more.
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What still baffels me, reading through this thread, is why some of you are griping over the physics in Assetto Corsa and the game itself soo soo much. No one forces you to play or even recognize it. Does it influence you negatively in any way?

I don't wanna seem hostile, I just honestly don't get it. Please enlighten me.
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You mean that people who convert AC tracks to rf2 have a lower quality in rf2 compared to the original track in AC? I guess so, because the "modder" who converted laserscanned tracks from AC to rf2 took the visual mesh model and multiplied the number of polygons.

from what I've heard these conversions use the full laser scan mesh, have you seen these tracks and looked at the mesh yourself?
from what I've heard these conversions use the full laser scan mesh, have you seen these tracks and looked at the mesh yourself?
When the person who converted the scanned nordschleife from ac to rf2 says:
"Seeing the original road mesh, it's easy to see what are the top priorities with AC, and they are not physics, but visuals. The 22.8km track, had a total of 33k verts total. That's awfully low. So AC can spend more horsepower on the graphics than rF2, which simulates a lot more things than AC does. It's surprising tho how good the feedback is in AC considering the low resolution mesh."

To me is quite clear the person who converted the track used the visual mesh, which has way less than the mesh built on the laser scan. However yea, is possible the person who converted Spa didn't do the same as the person who converted nordschleife.

However when Gonzo said in this thread, on page 7: "To which platform has their spa being converted and how is the quality? Codemasters conversions in rf2 looked disappointing." To me it seemed like he was not happy with the conversion quality.
When the person who converted the scanned nordschleife from ac to rf2 says:
"Seeing the original road mesh, it's easy to see what are the top priorities with AC, and they are not physics, but visuals. The 22.8km track, had a total of 33k verts total. That's awfully low. So AC can spend more horsepower on the graphics than rF2, which simulates a lot more things than AC does. It's surprising tho how good the feedback is in AC considering the low resolution mesh."

To me is quite clear the person who converted the track used the visual mesh, which has way less than the mesh built on the laser scan. However yea, is possible the person who converted Spa didn't do the same as the person who converted nordschleife.

However when Gonzo said in this thread, on page 7: "To which platform has their spa being converted and how is the quality? Codemasters conversions in rf2 looked disappointing." To me it seemed like he was not happy with the conversion quality.

The Nordschleife converter is an amateur and have no clue what he is talking about.
20832m x 8m (average width of Nords) / 33000 = ~5.05 per square meter. If he thinks that that is the physics mesh, well that's his prerogative.

Stop converting without permission assholes!
You are going way too far calling Forum members names Mr. Mod-police officer!
Stop this!
If you don´t like that, don´t use it! Simple as that!
The Nordschleife converter is an amateur and have no clue what he is talking about.

Ah yes Pleclair, The very same man who spent 1000s of hours to bring us the Nords that Tosch and DJC took over when he burned out... Complete amateur of course.
You are just embarrassing yourself Golanv.
No wonder he left this community for good. Even back when he was active that was the kind of stuff he had to listen to, and way worse too. No gratitude, just self entitled nonsense. No wonder he got exhausted and had to quit in the end.
just had a look and there are 393000+ verts in the road surface alone, maybe it was a typo
You are going way too far calling Forum members names Mr. Mod-police officer!
Stop this!
If you don´t like that, don´t use it! Simple as that!

No if you do not like it DONT LISTEN lol ? ;)

Rippers are A HOLES hehehe ;)

What do they have ESP ?

How do they know the orginal maker is not going to convert it to the same sim ?

Well ????

A bit hypocritical that DD as only a couple of days ago you were posting screenshots using an illegal ripped track (Oulton Park) on this very forum.
No wonder he left this community for good. Even back when he was active that was the kind of stuff he had to listen to, and way worse too. No gratitude, just self entitled nonsense. No wonder he got exhausted and had to quit in the end.
What are you talking about? I don't know his past work in modding, ok, but for illegally converting licensed content from other games into rf2 should get him gratitude?
What are you talking about? I don't know his past work in modding, ok, but for illegally converting licensed content from other games into rf2 should get him gratitude?

Under permission he converted the Ring originally made some 8-9 years ago by Com8 and brought tweaks, as he learned the process and improved over several months. The falling off was boiled down to a couple of individual "artistic" choices vs some clamoring for authenticity (despite the track layout and geometry being off, anyway) mostly driven by some roadside elevations implemented in the track, plus personal events which kept him away for ~3 months. There was no community embrace for the Assetto 'Ring whatsoever, in fact it was quite the opposite. His words were praising the accuracy and quality of the original work, but with great surprise regarding the detail of the road mesh but citing the differences in games and how they possibly interact, therefore not making a fuss of it.
No, you clearly don't. :)
Thanks for listing his work, since you do know. But I also know that PRC shared Pleclair's converted ac to rf2 nordschleife link. Which means Pleclair had to upload the converted track to a hosting website, and then share the link. And you want people to give him gratitude? You can of course give him gratitude for his past work, hexagramme, since you know his work, but you're also giving him gratitude for his recent actions?
Oh can I? Thank you very much QUF, I'm glad that was cleared up. :)
Classic, dodging all arguments and only focusing on a set couple of words by trying to pass the image you are doing counter-arguments. When you're only just picking certain words and giving it a twist, without actually replying to the argument in my post. This is the 2nd post already, in this page.
Use the ignore button if my presence annoys you. :)

If anyone else disagrees with you, try not to make it personal and stick to the topic of the thread instead.
Just some friendly advice.

Cheers. :)
from what I've heard these conversions use the full laser scan mesh, have you seen these tracks and looked at the mesh yourself?

I've loaded the track in editor. It didn't use the full mesh, he either failed to understand that AC uses separate mesh for physics and graphics, or he wasn't able to convert the physics mesh to rF2 (AC physics mesh vertices are placed asymmetric which probably doesn't work with rF2 as it uses same mesh for graphics and physics). AC Nords physics mesh is more precise (in terms of resolution) than anything I've seen in rF2.
