well I've been playing 1.20 quite a bit last nite.
and I'm very impressed considering its on an older engine to rf2, if i didn't know any better i wouldn't think anything of it. The physics are great ..sound is good and the graphics, while not on exact par with rf2 still look good with the better lighting and shaders etc. The cockpits are as good imo and at least you don't get that sill yellow hue over the cockpit like rf.
FFb is miles better than rf2 imo, and thats playing them back to back, rf feels flat and weak and obviously needs a ton of tweaking out of the box.
The tracks even though i don't know many are great fun and offer more variety than ISI vanilla tracks. Ai ring is great to drive and the variety with cars (although little bit more leaned to single seaters) in handling is very noticeable.
Would i say it easier than rf in handling terms….
its a overall more polished sim, and at this rate ISI need to buck their ideas up before reiza start adding more feature like weather RR etc etc.
Don't get me wrong Rf2 is an awesome sim, but seems slow in development, and don't seem eager to add offline replayabiity like a season and leave elements unfinished.
Well done Reiza….
ISI come on