Rfactor 2 vs Iracing vs CARS- a newbs perspective


I did a lot of research into sim racing before buying any of these products, but in the end I now own all 3 now and here is my view and questions from a non-hardcore sim racer fan. My goal is to eliminate 2 of these and have one dedicated racing sim. The fact I'm posting here and not on the other two forums should let you know where my heart is currently. Graphics are the most important to me followed by fun factor and realism just so you know where I'm coming from. I have a i7 3.6ghz quad core, evga gtx590, 6gh 1333 ram, and a momo racing wheel.

Iracing - Of the three I think iracing has the cleanest and most polished graphics, but of the 3 it's the only one that's not in beta and has not been for a while. IFor online play and stats it can not be beat. The points system and promotion really go a long way in making me think about my driving so I realized it better to finish 15th without a crash vs 1st with 3 crashes. It forced me to become a better driver, can't say the same about some of the other clowns online though. I really enjoyed the car customizations/painting, how each car felt different with my momo racer, and how accurate the tracks looked and performed. Of the three sims this one had me holding my breath the most when racing online. The price point killed it for me though, I'm not about to pay 20+ for a tack and car each week to keep racing. As others have stated they need to do a bundle/package deal ... 1 year @ xx price all content included. So Iracing is out, now on to CARS and Rfactor.

CARS - I owned Rfactor first, but after reading recently about CARS and seeing some videos I thought CARS would blow away Rfactor graphically and frankly thought it would be my choice of sims going forward. I started to write a review the other day on why Rfactor over CARS but held off and after playing Rfactor even more had a change of heart. CARS does outshine Rfactor in graphics overall but can't even yet compete when it comes to physics and tire modeling. I bought a junior level membership just to try it and at the moment it's running a close second to my choice in sims.

Rfactor 2 - What impresses me most with this one is the force feedback, simply amazing. I can feel every bump and tire slip. I like the 60's model cars and driving them is has been a real challange for me just to complete a lap, I have a tendancy to think I can speed like I have the grip of an F3 car. Graphically there is a lot going on, and at times it does look the best of the 3. The weather system outshines anything I've seen yet and although at first I hated the look of wet and drying road, I've come to love them. What I'd like to see is road texture imporvment, 3d people improvement and tree/grass improvement. With these I think it can looks as good or better than CARS. The road textures in CARS just seem to shine a little more in the right places comparing both sims in dry weather, overall CARS just look more realistic on the road. I can't really speak much about car handling and physics as I stated I'm still new to this, but the cars do feel more real in Rfactor. At the present I think I enjoy Rfactor more than CARS but it's close and as both develop that could change.

- Will Rfactor 2 have animated pit stops?
- Will Rfactor 2 have voices/pitt crew announcing?
- Will Rfactor 2 have a career mode?
- Tell me about Rfactor 2 modding. As I understand Rfactor was known for the mods, both cars and tracks. Can we expect the same quality of tracks and cars from the mods as we see with the Beta?
- What are your thoughts about these sims? Is there something I should consider I have not?

iRacing, pCARS & rFactor2............

Iracing - Of the three I think iracing has the cleanest and most polished graphics, but of the 3 it's the only one that's not in beta and has not been for a while.

iRacing isn't a finished game, they are in constant (but slow) development.
Thanks for correcting what I said Domi, I thought Iracing had been out for a year and been through several versions now. Lorenzo I agree as of right now CARS is not a sim, there is nothing there to make it a SIM but from what I read there are plans down the road to add these things.
Well, in my opinion, you're forgetting something here: Assetto Corsa.
As for the rest, pCARS is still in ALPHA and rFactor is still BETA, so I think it's too early to start to draw conclusions.
iRacing has a strong foot in multiplayer, but isn't cheap. Graphics wise, I don't think it takes the crown.

I risk that pCARS will be the less "sim" between all the contestants in the end, but gorgeous nevertheless, so probably your choice. Is you're after physics and ffb, my bet would be on Assetto and rFactor2. Until then, GSC (which I currently like *very* much, although it is based on ISI-1 engine).

If you can afford them all, have them all.

If not, then it comes to personal preferences for sure, even pcars is simple, it probably has things that attract to many people and can give them enjoyment, probably very high for casual gamer's list?

What comes to mods, it takes time, but with mods there probably will be a lot of content for rF2 eventually, also ISI has shown lot of content that is coming in the long run, so maybe you get more than you pay for with rF2?

However as I did read that Assetto Corsa will support modding too, it will be interesting to see what it does to modding, depends how different it is to mod of course, there are limited number of modders and for rF1 during the years we got really lot of mods, will that be more or less for rF2, that is unknown.

Racer.nl is free simulator, moddable too, but I don't know how much there are modders today.

RigsOfRods is also free, moddable platform, but it has it's own unique approach and driving is not as good as in others perhaps, but it has some features none of others have. There are modders doing cars for that too, some modders then move around based on what they wish to create etc. but Assetto Corsa might cause some reduction to amount of mods for rF2, there is not knowing until that is released though.

Some months ago I also learned that there are some German sims, moddable too, but I have never seen them anywhere, world racing 2, but it does not look very good with my realism eyes:
Anyway as I did read it being moddable, there are modders probably there too, who knows maybe some do mods for rF2 some day?

I'm sure that there will be lot of mods with various quality, some look awesome and are nice to drive, but nothing what could be called realistic by numbers at least, then there will be some that are not perhaps so pretty and are bit more realistic, sometimes both qualities are in same mod, but it will be bit rare, but that probably depends a bit from several of things, however there will be mods for sure.
Forgive me for my lack of knowledge, but I thought that GSC was pretty much just a mod for rF1, am I wrong in this?
iRacing isn't a finished game, they are in constant (but slow) development.

I think we'll find that pretty much all of this next generation of sims will follow this model--which can more accurately be considered as 'services' rather than a "finished" game. Where with the latter, they ship, release a few minor updates, then start development on the next game. I don't think we'll ever see an iRacing 2...at least not for a good long while. From the sounds of it, rFactor2 will fall more in line with this model as well. They're services that will continually improve, just not in quite so discreet of steps as previous software.
Forgive me for my lack of knowledge, but I thought that GSC was pretty much just a mod for rF1, am I wrong in this?

No and yes, it is based on rFactor engine, similar to GTR, GT-Legends, Race07 etc. But it is also same way product of it's own. I have been planning to buy that one, but it might take some time until I can.

I don't know is ISI likes from links to other sims, but if they license their engine with royalties per sold copy, then they would be all happy to get more people buying Reiza's product too? :D
I think we'll find that pretty much all of this next generation of sims will follow this model--which can more accurately be considered as 'services' rather than a "finished" game. Where with the latter, they ship, release a few minor updates, then start development on the next game. I don't think we'll ever see an iRacing 2...at least not for a good long while. From the sounds of it, rFactor2 will fall more in line with this model as well. They're services that will continually improve, just not in quite so discreet of steps as previous software.

That is exactly what I have been thinking and I think that is good thing as it will generate revenue for companies more steadily, making planning and improving much easier so eventually we end up with better product and it will be easier to pay say 30 a year instead of 150 for 5 years.
Forgive me for my lack of knowledge, but I thought that GSC was pretty much just a mod for rF1, am I wrong in this?

I don't have rf1, but GSC is supposed to be rf1 maxed with very good GFX{textures}, and also impressive sounds, the Camaro probably has the best V8 sounds of any car.
GSC and G27 are probably the greatest combo in sim racing, but GSC also has very strong FFB if you have a high torque wheel.

The two biggest surprises in gaming for me are Fallout 3 and GSC.
2 weeks with iracing with a 2 year suscription and i will not touch any other sim until rf2 goes gold. I love isi sims and will come back but if i want to enjoy racing NOW, iracing is my choice. I have the feeling that im testing rf2, not enjoying it, so i made my decision. I will keep rf2 and visiting the forums every day, this is not a thing of "oh my sim is better than yours" each sim a lot of pros and cons that i dont have time to discuss here, in my case is a feeling about the situation we have NOW.

Keep doing isi:)

Tapatalk2, Samsung Galaxy Note.
Can you elaborate on this? If you say it isnt up to rf2 standards, it is a different story.
As far as I know, its target is simming.
I have to agree with Lorenzo. It's very arcade, looks fantastic but that's all. I have a full membership and followed it since day one but have lost interest.
Three very different approaches. The writing looked on the wall for hardcore sim racing titles after the big publishers pulled out chasing console titles, there simply isn't enough money to be made.

So iRacing have gone down the subscription route, ISI funding the consumer product with commercial projects and SMS looking to bridge the gap between what they describe as "real" and "sim" titles (like GT5 and iRacing) with view that the wider audience will fund the niche.

All three will frustrate the hardcore sim racer in one way or other, be it price, speed of development or too many concessions to the console racing audience but we are lucky to have the choice. With all the titles in development there are a core of enthusiasts who want to make a hardcore sim viable, I would imagine an action racing title would be an easier and more lucrative venture.
Can you elaborate on this? If you say it isnt up to rf2 standards, it is a different story.
As far as I know, its target is simming.
I think the big Problem with pCARS is, that it is also developed for PS3 and Xbox360. Those Consoles just can't compete with up-to-date PCs, especially when it comes down to non-graphical evaluation (i.e. Physics simulation). So i think, they will never be able to implement a very good physics-simulation, as long as they develop it for the consoles.
The other thing with pCARS is: for me, it feels very bad in FFB and unrealistic physics-wise...i know, i know, you'll say it's because it is in alpha stage. BUT: there are just few people on the forum complaining about this. this fact, and the fact, that there has been hardly any progress on physics simulation over many updates leads me to the conclusion, that the physics are not really important to them. As you can see, they were able to sell all those memberships with just the graphics. Maybe that's their business-model. But who am i to know :D i hope i am completely wrong, and pCARS will in the end at least be fun to drive (when you have rf2 as comparison) so i will be able to enjoy all the amazing content they will have.
on the OP: iRacing is no option for me, because of the price. But i have lost hope for pCARS, so my bet is on RF2, or maybe Assetto Corsa.
I think pcars is the best overall sim out of rf2 and pcars at this point of time. I have both of them
My 2 cents.

PS, I don't have iracing or AC.
I own the 3 of them too and currently I'm only racing rFactor 2. Even if there are still some problems (it's in beta isn't it!), but the FFB and the realism I get from rFactor 2 is amazing. IMHO, only nKpro can be compared to rFactor 2 when it comes to physics.

iRacing is not that bad at all (apart from the high price!!!) Graphics are good and physics are not bad, but I don't think they are as realistic as rF2 and nKpro. I hate the points system because if I try to push the car to the limit and make a few tiny mistakes you loose lots of points. And I hate that. You cannot push hard without making mistakes....unless you are a pro!...which I am not. The reason I am not playing iRacing? For some reason I can't get up to speed with those guys! I'm like 3 to 4 seconds slower which is a joke. Usually I am 1 to 1.5 seconds slow from the aliens in other sims. Maybe the type of cars in iRacing are not my style or maybe it's something else. Maybe I just can't get it's physics. I don't think I'll renew my subscription for next year unless some cars my style are added. They should also create sessions for nobs like me, as many drivers there I think are pros and very fast, which makes it frustrating for me and not fun.

pCars. Nice graphics, FFB and realism are a joke. I only check it once a week to see the updates, try them and that is it. For now, it was waste of money. Hopefully physics will get better. Also without multiplayer which is crap, AI are freken crazy and maniacs!

Waiting for Asetto Corsa, I guess it will be good too, I hope! And I will surely stick to rFactor 2, for me, there is great future here and can't wait for Gold, more tracks and cars :)

So you have tried pcars, have you?

Yeah, it's getting there, but physics don't feel very good! Also, no multiplayer and AI are crazy (I know you can set them but still crazy, hehe)

So, don't agree with ye mate.
So, don't agree with ye mate.
Thats cool man. What sort of wheel are you using, I'm curious. Maybe its that?

@ Abriel. Not only me but now 4 people in total have tried both rf2 and pcars on my race Sim setup. All 4 of us like pcars more. Its not just the graphics. We feel pcars acts more like the real thing. Simple.
I have had about 12 or more people in total try rf2 on my setup. They don't like rf2 much at all even though it is a very very good Sim. They like Race injection more. The love the Subaru wrx mod and the NZ V8's a lot more than any thing i have made them try in rf2 sorry. When i tried the Clio in rf2 I fell in love. I'm still in love with it and would consider buying one if I ever needed a cheap little car that goes good. Same with the Megane. Love it. Love most of the cars in rf2 and know they are not finished yet.
I also know there are a lot of things not finished yet in both Sims. But at this point, for value for your dollar, realistic both in physics and graphics, pcars is ahead at this point.

Here's something I suspect, Some people have made a choice on what sim they are going to go with. Its not a choice many of us make quickly. We read what other have to say. We look at the facts behind the history of the developers. we look at as many things as we can think of before we decide what Sim to use. When you look at the history of the developers, we have ISI on one hand. The people that brought us rfactor. One of the best Sims ever made. It stood up to time well IMO.
Then we have the Slightly mad crew. They did other titles too but i would NOT call them Sims in ANY stretch of the imagination.
I wouldn't buy any need for speed or shift title if you held a 50 cal at my head. i hate them.
But pcars, is not an EA game. Its being developed by the people who buy it. I suspect they have more staff than ISI too by the amount of work they seem to achieve.

Hardware may be the difference why some who have tried it may not like it.
I like rf2 a very close second. Remember, the race for the best race Sim has really only began to heat up. Its far from over.
All the best to them ALL.
Graphics are the most important to me followed by fun factor and realism just so you know where I'm coming from.

If this is still your priority list pCARS could be your #1 in some time. They are improving, although not as much as I expected.
Steering lag is almost completely gone, FFB got a little better, but that's it. Graphics are excellent of course, sounds are also decent. You name "fun factor" the second, well to be honest I think that people cannot give you hints which one of those three will please you more, it's a matter of taste after all. And that's the most important point here. Noone can tell you which one's the most suitable for you except for yourself. Since you own all three titles, the choice is yours.

iRacing's subscription model...
Well to be honest, it's too expensive. Not that I can't afford it, but in my opinion it just doesn't deliver for its pricing. And the money doesn't keep bad drivers away either. Overall it's a great sim driving-wise with excellent tracks and textures, but I think you can get better competition in easier to administrate leagues with rFactor or titles by SimBin. Don't get me wrong, iRacing is an amazing sim, but it simply isn't for me for said reasons.

rFactor 2 slowly shows it's potential. It probably won't be a beautiful swan, but once the visual bugs are addressed, it can look quite decent. Take feels3's Croft for example. Very nice texture work, colors and lighting. Even though I think the layout isn't really a challenge, its looks definitely show what's possible in an engine which is still in development. And after all, the "fun factor" for me is the highest in rFactor 2 after all, because I feel pretty pleased by the raw physics, input and feedback. They are excellent.

This Thursday I'll try to get a glimpse on Assetto Corsa and test it a little. Because I own netKar Pro, I also have kinda high expectations on AC when it comes to delivering a hardcore sim.
Thats cool man. What sort of wheel are you using, I'm curious. Maybe its that?

@ Abriel. Not only me but now 4 people in total have tried both rf2 and pcars on my race Sim setup. All 4 of us like pcars more. Its not just the graphics. We feel pcars acts more like the real thing. Simple.
I have had about 12 or more people in total try rf2 on my setup. They don't like rf2 much at all even though it is a very very good Sim. They like Race injection more. The love the Subaru wrx mod and the NZ V8's a lot more than any thing i have made them try in rf2 sorry. When i tried the Clio in rf2 I fell in love. I'm still in love with it and would consider buying one if I ever needed a cheap little car that goes good. Same with the Megane. Love it. Love most of the cars in rf2 and know they are not finished yet.
I also know there are a lot of things not finished yet in both Sims. But at this point, for value for your dollar, realistic both in physics and graphics, pcars is ahead at this point.

Here's something I suspect, Some people have made a choice on what sim they are going to go with. Its not a choice many of us make quickly. We read what other have to say. We look at the facts behind the history of the developers. we look at as many things as we can think of before we decide what Sim to use. When you look at the history of the developers, we have ISI on one hand. The people that brought us rfactor. One of the best Sims ever made. It stood up to time well IMO.
Then we have the Slightly mad crew. They did other titles too but i would NOT call them Sims in ANY stretch of the imagination.
I wouldn't buy any need for speed or shift title if you held a 50 cal at my head. i hate them.
But pcars, is not an EA game. Its being developed by the people who buy it. I suspect they have more staff than ISI too by the amount of work they seem to achieve.

Hardware may be the difference why some who have tried it may not like it.
I like rf2 a very close second. Remember, the race for the best race Sim has really only began to heat up. Its far from over.
All the best to them ALL.

Hmmm, interesting. I am using the G25. You got me thinking now. Maybe I have the wrong wheel/FBB settings in pCars? If they are wrong, it will surely not feel right. Is it possible that you share your wheel/FBB settings for pCars? Maybe I could be wrong and with the right settings pCars will feel better. I agree that graphics in pCars are amazing. If I get the physics thing working, it will be great.

Clio in rFactor 2 is awesome IMHO. Only few other cars in other sims come close to this IMHO.

At the end of the day, I will always have/play/race both sims :)

Problem is... well, its not a problem but well..

In my opinion, rF2 comes in dead last in the graphics department when is compared with the direct competitors.

I have all 3 (4, if we count rF1 ), and... ISI have to offer me a AMAZING physics, AMAZING ffb and other AMAZING things, IF the graphics remains the same.

when i do a lap in Barcelona 9am in pCARS maxed out, a perfectly adjusted G27 and no aids, is very difficult to "look" at rF2. Physics in pCARS is.... "easier", when i say "easier" i dont say "arcade" since im not a real driver, i dont know how an F1 is at barcelona, but pCARS is.....i dont know the word, i spin when i want to, i lock when i want to, is easy to find the limits of the car.. i dont know if its realistic or not, but is really really good to drive, i dont know exactly how to describe the feeling.

Then i go to rf2 (also maxed) and... i dont know.

Im almost sure ISI will come with a GOLD sim and i will have it for sure, even if its not my ultimate sim, i will give my suppot to ISI and always will do, but sadly, on year 2012, people will buy what can be seen with his eyes, and if pCARS improves graphics and physics, i can´t see rF2 leading the sims race, unless ISI... u know.:D

Dont be agressive with me for this, i know this is rF2 forum and im not a fanboy (God, i dont like this word) and i know some isi member and its all fine, simply i try to enjoy sim racing, and i cant do with rF2 or pCARS, so iRacing now fills my needs and its the most balenced between the 2.

And sorry if i cant express my words correctly my English is not... very good.

My Opinion.:D
This Thursday I'll try to get a glimpse on Assetto Corsa and test it a little. Because I own netKar Pro, I also have kinda high expectations on AC when it comes to delivering a hardcore sim.

Lucky you! :) Is it at GamesCom? Make sure you gives us a review then :)
Hmmm, interesting. I am using the G25. You got me thinking now. Maybe I have the wrong wheel/FBB settings in pCars? If they are wrong, it will surely not feel right. Is it possible that you share your wheel/FBB settings for pCars? Maybe I could be wrong and with the right settings pCars will feel better. I agree that graphics in pCars are amazing. If I get the physics thing working, it will be great.

Clio in rFactor 2 is awesome IMHO. Only few other cars in other sims come close to this IMHO.

At the end of the day, I will always have/play/race both sims :)

Agree. I will always play them all too.
All of my setting in pcars have not been touched. rf2 however, I have only turned up the graphics settings. :cool:
I get about 40-50 fps in both with 12 AI.
Thing is ALOT of people are blinded by pCARS graphics. Best thing i always say is replace pCARS visuals with the beta visuals of rf2 and is it really as good as you think it is, i beg to differ. Does it really immerse you in the game like the driving feel of rF2 does, again no it doesn't. Graphics can only hold my attention for so long personally before cracks begin appearing.

I think AC is gonna turn the sim world upside down as it looks visually like it can match pCARS, i would say it looks more realistic actually but it's gonna have the physics and FFB of a proper next gen simulation like rF2 has. I think you will see the pCARS bubble burst in no time, once they realise what good physics feel like. They don't know right now some of them as they are too obsessed with graphics to give rF2 a chance, but AC is looking great and so will interest them. I am really really excited for AC personally.

I am also excited of what is possible with rF2 visually. I don't care what anyone says, yes right now it's buggy as hell with graphics errors everywhere. But plenty of times rF2's visuals at certain moments have really impressed me. Yes only certain moments but that's enough for me to be confident in the future they will nail it. Car models are not the best right now, shaders and textures are not right now but that can all change aswell as the lighting, The F2 cars i am looking forward to now to see if the models are better.
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Who cares which ones best?! They all have their strong and weak points, they all succeed and fail in areas, they all are available for us...the users....and that's the point: Choice...we have it in abundance!

Sure it would be fantastic to amalgamate them all into one amazing game but that's never gonna happen, so just be pleased with what we've got and what we've got coming...I know I am!
Thing is ALOT of people are blinded by pCARS graphics. Best thing i always say is replace pCARS visuals with the beta visuals of rf2 and is it really as good as you think it is, i beg to differ. Does it really immerse you in the game like the driving feel of rF2 does, again no it doesn't. Graphics can only hold my attention for so long personally before cracks begin appearing.

I think AC is gonna turn the sim world upside down as it looks visually like it can match pCARS, i would say it looks more realistic actually but it's gonna have the physics and FFB of a proper next gen simulation like rF2 has. I think you will see the pCARS bubble burst in no time, once they realise what good physics feel like. They don't know right now some of them as they are too obsessed with graphics to give rF2 a chance, but AC is looking great and so will interest them. I am really really excited for AC personally.

I am also excited of what is possible with rF2 visually. I don't care what anyone says, yes right now it's buggy as hell with graphics errors everywhere. But plenty of time rF2's visuals at certain moments have really impressed me. Yes only certain moments but that's enough for me to be confident in the future they will nail it. Car models are not the best right, shaders and textures are not right now but that can all change aswell as the lighting, The F2 cars i am looking forward to now to see if the models are better.
Good post. You should check out pcars. I think you might be suprised.
Who cares which ones best?! They all have their strong and weak points, they all succeed and fail in areas, they all are available for us...the users....and that's the point: Choice...we have it in abundance!

Sure it would be fantastic to amalgamate them all into one amazing game but that's never gonna happen, so just be pleased with what we've got and what we've got coming...I know I am!
Sir, That is one of the best post's I have read on the subject.
I'm with you. Enjoy them all. :D
Good post. You should check out pcars. I think you might be suprised.
I already have, i was there from the start :) I wouldn't be commenting on it otherwise. Nothing more annoying than people passing judgements on stuff they have not tried.
You should check out pcars. I think you might be suprised.

I have tried and I wasn't surprised. Old good GTR have better FFB and physics than CARS.

Hey, but who cares which is the best...NFS, Test Drive, GT5, Forza, pCARS...Enjoy them all ! :cool::rolleyes:
Good post. You should check out pcars. I think you might be suprised.

I guess you don't know who FONismo is? ;)

I own pCars as well. I was almost immediately discouraged from playing it the moment I bought it as it felt "wrong" to me. I persisted for a few weeks before I stopped altogether a few months ago.

rF2 is not as visually stunning off the bat, but the moment I leave the pits in any car I am completely immersed and it's as if I don't even notice the graphics. That I know is something that lasts a hell of a lot longer than graphics. FYI, I'm a borderline graphics whore. :)
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