Windows 8

Well I totally fail to see your logic in why any company should be obligated to update such old software. The logic about no one coming out with squeals to 7 year old software is totally flawed too. I could spend several days listing games/software that has had sequels to 7 year old software. Hell I could list software with sequels to 30 year old software. They still typically don't go out and update the original releases to work on new OSs. What I can say is there aren't many 7 year old games that there is even a demand for an update. Most 7 year old games are totally dead.

Regardless, what is all the fuss about? ISI is working on a new build.. just give them some time.
"Such old software" ......?....... It's still sold! Whenever they made it, is to no concern whatsoever to people.

The sequels you meant, were a year after release, then after -say- every year. So when it s about 7 years; you have a handful of sequels; then it's no problem; you just go back one version.

When they don't want to "adjust" it to a modern day os; they should stop selling it too. I buy a game in the store, I buy a computer in the store and an os and the last one is W8 nowadays.

Same issue with "where's all the fuss about?"........they are working on a new build, but people still play the original! That community is much bigger as I said, but you choose to look over that.....more cars, tracks, mods and so on.

Now; I got rF running (not in the proper way though) and this issue is closed to me; I can see clearly that it is important to you to keep Tim as a friend (to say it nicely) and thus attacking me as you did now in a mild way, will become more aggressive.
That's nice; go along with that, act like you don't understand me but I won't be responding anymore to this as it is useless.
The argument itself: rF on W8 is not so useless though; see how many people posted in this threat; it IS an issue.
Okay, I understand what you are saying now about sequels. I still don't see how we should be entitled to an update. Anyways, I never said rF1 was irrelevant or no longer played. You are talking to someone who is one of the admins of a very successful league which still runs rF1. I have spent tons and tons of hours developing rF1 plugins and timing/hotlap databases, stand alone utilities and so on and so on for rF1. If anyone thinks rF1 is still relevant it would be me. You have totally missed my point. I make a living developing software so I look at it differently. If I developed software for one OS I would never in my life expect it to run 7 years later, several OSs latter. If you were a developer you would understand how technically difficult that is. In the case of rF1 they are lucky that the only incompatible code is related to TryMedia and it just so happens that they have their own in house copy protection system in place for rF2. This is probably the only reason we are getting an update. If it was something deeper (such as Microsoft totally ditching DX9) then we would probably have to stick with Win7. This is how ALL companies work. No one is going to totally rewrite software to fix something in it's core just to accommodation an OS change 7 years later. Especially when there is a sequel in development. There wasn't anything in the sysreqs for rF1 that said it will work with every OS until the day you die. I can also guaranty that if ISI said they were putting rF2 on hold so they can rewrite rF1's core code to accommodate Win8 that people would throw a little fit like you are.

I don't mean to come off aggressive and I surely am not trying to win Tim's respect. This is just a case of common sense. Also, don't forget that I was coming to your defense in saying I felt you were talking about rF2.

Anyways, you are right, no sense in arguing this anymore. The update will be done soon I am sure.
It has already been said that this is destined to happen, in the mean time I am in no rush to update anyway, after all W7 is happily running all the Sims I have, I may think about it when ISI have a compatible version. There are other good reasons for waiting if the rumblings from Steam and other game suppliers has any grounding. In seven years rF 1 has gone from 32bit XP to running under 64bit W7 more than can be said for some other games.
I think I'm going to have to work hard on this reply so I can get close to the level of absurdity which seems to be required. *cracks knucles* Here we go...
True, but there are few company's having a sequel to a game 7 years later. Plus; I didn't read about any other games who had to DO that.
Are you just this angry all the time, or just on our forums?

No game has to do it, at all. Everybody who purchase rF1 saw no mention of Windows 8 on the system info. Has Geoff Crammond come out of retirement yet to update GP4?

We didn't have to do any update for W8, but we did. The new version works with Windows 8 just fine. Not quick enough to satisfy YOU, but it's OK as far as I can see. W8 has been out a very short time, and so has rF1 v1255b.

That's just a lame excuse; sorry to say that. We are not talking about Ubuntu or things like that here; it's a normal sequel to an existing os that shouldn't be to hard to fix the game to; guys are fixing this problem with a "no dvd fix" ........I can't imagine it's going to take ISI months then.
It didn't. At the same time you were busy ranting, Gjon was testing the update. We released it last week, by the way.

Why haven't my DOS games been updated to Windows 95 yet? Why haven't my Windows 98 games been updated to XP yet? Sportscar GT doesn't work on modern ATI graphics cards, too... You should contact EA.

So.....the guys who are still using rF1 and want to update........just forget about them for the time beïng? Not so nice considering it's a big community who have payed money too......
There are guys using rF2 that still want to run 1 once in a while; there are the "big league's", the great mods, cars and tracks.
You said that, not me. You seem to be angry, argumentative, making assumptions, seeing the bad in absolutely everything you possibly can, again. Lighten up, for heavens sake.
You are a valued caller to this forum Timmy, play nice with the kids plz but don't try it on three screens :)
AW: Windows 8

I will set up my new system in an hour with my new I5 3570K, asrock z77 ext4 and 16GB Ram. Now the question is wether to install W7 or W8 on the machine. Tested w8 last week and works great but didn't test gaming performance yet. You think I should upgrade or stay on w7??

Gesendet von meinem HTC One X mit Tapatalk 2
Hi guys,

I have the disk version of rf & since installing W8 I've had crashes, freezes or not even running. I've done a compatibility test & W8 tells me it needs to run in Compatibility Mode Windows XP, so on doing that I am presented with the error message - Cannot locate the CD-ROM: Please Insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK & restart application. Now the CD-ROM is exactly where it should be as starting it in W7 CM it picks up the disc but again will encounter an error on loading or crash in-game.

I'm not sure if I need to re install the game from scratch but I have a separate rf install fro Historic GT & having exact same problem.

Any help would be appreciated.
I don't have the DVD versin so I can't verify if it works on W8 or not. My understanding is it is TryMedia that is incompatable with Win8. And actually it is only the 64bit version that it didn't work with. So I would assume that the DVD version would work just fine on Win8 as it isn't protected with TryMedia.

The only thing I have had to do in Win8 to get rFactor to run is run it as admin. Even if UAC is disabled. So you have to right click and then select "Ran as admin". Or even better, right click on rFactor and then select properties, them click the comparability tab and then put a check on run as admin at the very bottom. You will want to do this on all three EXEs (rFactor.exe/rF Config.exe/rFactor Dedicated.exe).
I don't have the DVD versin so I can't verify if it works on W8 or not. My understanding is it is TryMedia that is incompatable with Win8. And actually it is only the 64bit version that it didn't work with. So I would assume that the DVD version would work just fine on Win8 as it isn't protected with TryMedia.

The only thing I have had to do in Win8 to get rFactor to run is run it as admin. Even if UAC is disabled. So you have to right click and then select "Ran as admin". Or even better, right click on rFactor and then select properties, them click the comparability tab and then put a check on run as admin at the very bottom. You will want to do this on all three EXEs (rFactor.exe/rF Config.exe/rFactor Dedicated.exe).

Cheers Noel, I tried that but to no avail. It keeps saying this program has encountered a problem. I've gone through FAQ, disabled anti virus, removing User folder, changing Graphics drivers, atm nothing works & I can't even load the game up. :( :confused:
Try this. Move all your existing drivers to a backup folder. Leave the UserData folder in place. Just move the drivers within it. Then rename config.ini to config.ini.backup. Then run rF Config.exe (as admin) and configure your video settings. This should create a new config.ini. Now run rFactor.exe (as admin). It should prompt you to create a new driver. If that works, then it has to be a problem with your config.ini or your driver profile. Oh, one other thing, if you have any d3dx9.dll files in your rFactor root folder, rename them to d3dx9.dll.backup.
Try this. Move all your existing drivers to a backup folder. Leave the UserData folder in place. Just move the drivers within it. Then rename config.ini to config.ini.backup. Then run rF Config.exe (as admin) and configure your video settings. This should create a new config.ini. Now run rFactor.exe (as admin). It should prompt you to create a new driver. If that works, then it has to be a problem with your config.ini or your driver profile. Oh, one other thing, if you have any d3dx9.dll files in your rFactor root folder, rename them to d3dx9.dll.backup.

Thanks again but still getting the message 'rFactor has stopped working. A problem stopped the program, from working. Windows will notify you when a solution becomes available.'

When i double click the exe I see the DRM logo (as was the mod i was playing), screen goes black, here the CD drive spin up & then get the above error.
Thanks for your help Noel but found out what the issue was after loads of trial & errors. The incompatibility was with the spotter plugin that I had installed on both my rf installs.
I think I'm going to have to work hard on this reply so I can get close to the level of absurdity which seems to be required. *cracks knucles* Here we go...
Are you just this angry all the time, or just on our forums?

No game has to do it, at all. Everybody who purchase rF1 saw no mention of Windows 8 on the system info. Has Geoff Crammond come out of retirement yet to update GP4?

We didn't have to do any update for W8, but we did. The new version works with Windows 8 just fine. Not quick enough to satisfy YOU, but it's OK as far as I can see. W8 has been out a very short time, and so has rF1 v1255b.

It didn't. At the same time you were busy ranting, Gjon was testing the update. We released it last week, by the way.

Why haven't my DOS games been updated to Windows 95 yet? Why haven't my Windows 98 games been updated to XP yet? Sportscar GT doesn't work on modern ATI graphics cards, too... You should contact EA.

You said that, not me. You seem to be angry, argumentative, making assumptions, seeing the bad in absolutely everything you possibly can, again. Lighten up, for heavens sake.

That's right Tim; calling me argumentative and making up my eyes you are just a hypocrite! >> DID I talk about DOS? GP4? And I was NOT angry but disappointed......YOU are making up things to make your point>>pretty pathetic, but hey, guys in here LOVE what you say anyway!

But it's okay; nice way to tread customers........can really tell I bought the game already; now I can drop dead.
We talked about it before; you treat guys who have a problem or a comment like **** in an extremely arrogant way; you should be a salesman with income depended on sales, face to face.
Don't forget; EVEN the guys you don't like, payed money......than it's not okay to say everything, I know, but being disappointed when the damn thing DOES NOT WORK AT ALL!! is pretty normal.
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Hi guys. I have windows 8 pro 32 and 64b. I tried rF on both and it works just fine. Problem starts when i install Microsoft Visual to use rFDynHud for 2012 RFT. When i install it, i cant play online,game cant save settings, cant find user data folder.When i quit the track (off line) it is going at once to pulpit and error pops up that fR stop working properly. Please Help.
That's right Tim; calling me argumentative and making up my eyes you are just a hypocrite! >> DID I talk about DOS? GP4? And I was NOT angry but disappointed......YOU are making up things to make your point>>pretty pathetic, but hey, guys in here LOVE what you say anyway!

But it's okay; nice way to tread customers........can really tell I bought the game already; now I can drop dead.
We talked about it before; you treat guys who have a problem or a comment like **** in an extremely arrogant way; you should be a salesman with income depended on sales, face to face.
Don't forget; EVEN the guys you don't like, payed money......than it's not okay to say everything, I know, but being disappointed when the damn thing DOES NOT WORK AT ALL!! is pretty normal.
The main issue, to explain again, is that by the time you were so angry, it wasn't an issue anymore. v1255b has been out for a while now, and most of what you seem angry about, are things you said. The rF1 page has never (and still doesn't) state it supports Windows 8. We don't support Mac OS, either, but because it doesn't effect you, or just anger you, you don't care.

You've stated before that you are on some medication which affects your mood. I'll guess that's why you're being like this. Feel better.
Last time Tim; I was not angry......
I read the posts back and I still can't see where or from what post you make up I was ever angry. Maybe, if you think people are angry that fast, it says more about you than me.

Don't put me down like a retard also; I had tremendous back pain (hernia) and was not able to walk almost; I got morphine for that.

Mac osx affects me too; I can't play rF on my iMac or mbp; I don't worry about that; that's normal in my eyes so I don't get your comparison. W8 however......should be normal for a game that's still sold new; my opinion.

So, stop putting words in my mouth; it doesn't suit you to make up stuff just to make your point and it's not worthy of a guy in your place.
You came across as such, and come across as such all across the forum (and from the reports that I get, not just to me, so don't think this is just my opinion). Hell, people in this thread even though you were talking about another product!!

And I can't see what's making you angry, or even made you post about this, full stop. Like I said, it was over by the time you even posted.

I didn't. I said you were angry, that is different, and I'd greatly appreciate you not putting your angry words in MY mouth, if you don't want words put in yours (which I am not doing). I also don't understand why you would think it appropriate to use such an offensive term, which I never use, ever.

I can still buy lots of games not compatible with Windows 8 brand-new. Please do some research.

I haven't. But you have with me in this post. One warning (all you are going to get): Calm down. Now. It's over, I'm not playing. I am not even going to permit you to call yourself another offensive word. So, don't.
Wow, we certainly have a very different view on this.......

But; I stop and I am already calmed down; never was that upset, but okay. I just posted here some more (after I said I would stop in this threat) because you addressed me.
Wow, we certainly have a very different view on this.......

But; I stop and I am already calmed down; never was that upset, but okay. I just posted here some more (after I said I would stop in this threat) because you addressed me.
Thank you. Appreciate it.
If a developer sells a product on their site today, it must still work on the operating system of today. There's no getting around that. It's called support.

I do not have Windows 8, but if I had it, I wouldn't be pretty happy if I bought it this week and it didn't work on my OS.

But, having said that, this is by far my favorite game of all time :D Thanks for that!
If a developer sells a product on their site today, it must still work on the operating system of today. There's no getting around that. It's called support.

That is wrong. It's like saying it should work on every PC sold today (we all know some PCs, specially laptops, still have integrated graphics cards and it will not work there).
Anyway, fact is, every software has minimum requirements (hardware AND software).
For rFactor this are currently supported OSes:
- Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000, XP, XP 64-bit, Vista, 7 (will NOT run in Windows 95 or Windows 98 first edition)
That is wrong. It's like saying it should work on every PC sold today (we all know some PCs, specially laptops, still have integrated graphics cards and it will not work there).
Anyway, fact is, every software has minimum requirements (hardware AND software).
For rFactor this are currently supported OSes:
- Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000, XP, XP 64-bit, Vista, 7 (will NOT run in Windows 95 or Windows 98 first edition)

I do not agree. If Fifa 13 wasn't compatible with Windows 8, do you think people would have accepted this and waited for FIFA 14 or 15 to do this?

I think we all know the answer to that.
When was Fifa 13 released? A few months ago, kinda the same time Windows 8 was.
When was rF1 released? 2005. That is 7 long long YEARS ago.

Try comparing with Fifa 2005/06. I wonder how that works in Windows 8 considering you can find many people have problems running Fifa 12 in Windows 8.
Why are we still talking about rF and Win8 comparability? 1.255b is officially available for download on 1.255b was released specifically to add Win8 support. It is like people are complaining just to complain.

I would love it if someone could find a 7 year old game that received an update simply to add Win8 support.
Why are we still talking about rF and Win8 comparability? 1.255b is officially available for download on 1.255b was released specifically to add Win8 support. It is like people are complaining just to complain.

I would love it if someone could find a 7 year old game that received an update simply to add Win8 support.

No complaining at all. Just making a point that is still sold as new should be updated as such, and it has :D Not criticising ISI, as they HAVE updated it. Call it debate, if you like.

By the way, I'll go straight from Windows 7 to Windows 9. Not seeing the benefit for my rFactor to upgrade to Windows 8 ;)
When was Fifa 13 released? A few months ago, kinda the same time Windows 8 was.
When was rF1 released? 2005. That is 7 long long YEARS ago.

Try comparing with Fifa 2005/06. I wonder how that works in Windows 8 considering you can find many people have problems running Fifa 12 in Windows 8.

Fifa 13 is the current finished version being sold in the franchise, same as rFactor 1. That's my point.

Move on.
I agree Noel, that's what I'm saying - people should not take Windows 8 support for granted for such an old game.
Fifa 13 is the current finished version being sold in the franchise, same as rFactor 1. That's my point.

Move on.

And you could say rF2 is the current version being sold in the franchise.
And you could say rF2 is the current version being sold in the franchise.

Well if you considered Windows 8 Beta's to be the current latest versions of Windows at the time before it was actually released, then yes ;)

The state of rF2 BETA is so inferior to rF1 that I got a refund within 8 days.
Well if you considered Windows 8 Beta's to be the current latest versions of Windows at the time before it was actually released, then yes ;)

The state of rF2 BETA is so inferior to rF1 that I got a refund within 8 days.

It's come a long ways though. What build did you try?
If a developer sells a product on their site today, it must still work on the operating system of today. There's no getting around that. It's called support.

I do not have Windows 8, but if I had it, I wouldn't be pretty happy if I bought it this week and it didn't work on my OS.

But, having said that, this is by far my favorite game of all time :D Thanks for that!
Again - it does already. By the time anybody posted about it, it was in-action. THAT is the point. :)

We posted v1255c, for those who have had any issues with v1255b, it should all be fixed.
:) I keep out of this discussion (as promised), but boy.....pfffff...... ;) *toe's curled*

Anyway, 1155b works okay now and nice to see the 1155c!
On a friends install, i managed to get it working by giving his user account full control to his install folder. Then ran the directX installer for good measure...
Hi, I've dvd version, how i've to update? I can't run rfactor in win 8 x64 without this update...
motomorpheus, did you try the DVD version yet? I was under the impression it works on Win8x64.
You are right clicking on the shortcut and selecting "Run as administrator" correct?
