SimRacingPL Shader Pack - discussion

Hi, is it possible for me to use your shaders (sky and water mainly) on my tracks ? (scratch or updates with permissions, working at times with Team Players). Thanks.
Yeah, as long as it's your own work or something done with agreement of authors, then go ahead.
I should stay quiet about this Mod, the Materialtool2 aplication is absolutely fantastic. My bad.

After few clicks I got 10 times more realistic materials. Congratulations for you developpers all.

I'm only struggled at grass creation, it freezes the software.
Grass editor is unfinished. For now it's enough for me, because I know exactly how to use it.
With 0.8 release it should be working and documented.

Same goes for track surface editor - I have almost working version that I will include in next release. Hopefully in a few days :)
Could I have the permissions to use your shaders on my F1 2000 mod (F1 2000 RVR)? Thanks in advance :)
Hey K Szczech,

I did some stuff with the shaders. E.g. I tried to create some light flares, but I'm struggling a bit with that... Once I have exported the .gmt out of the Material Tool 2, rF tells me that there is a texture ("srpl-empty") missing on material 0 and the model doesn't load. 3dsimed says that there's a "Diffuse Map T3" at the material of the light flare, but no texture is assigned. My problem is, that I can't assign a texture in 3dsimed and save, because then, the flare won't be working any more at all.

Could you please help me out?

Yeah, that's my bad actually. s located in SkyFiles folder - copy it from there and everything should work.

As for re-opening exported files in other tools it's not gonna work. These shaders go a little beyond what GMT files were meant for, so I'm using things like texture UV coordinates to store parameters like flare radius for example. Standard editors meant for rFactor won't be able to handle files exported from my tool. Whatever you export - it's final.

Of course you can still work on your meshes, by editing original GMT files (these without shaders) and when you load your project in my tool again - you will see all your changes. The only thing you need to do is re-export.

That's why this tool does not modify any GMT file you added to your project - they remain untouched on disk, so you can still work on them. New GMT files with shaders are exported to another folder.

I quickly prepared this image to show the idea:


On the left is some standard workflow - you work on .GMT files using some editor and then you put that file into rFactor.

On the right is workflow with my material tool - you work on .GMT files the same way, using 3D Studio and then let my tool add shaders on top of that, based on information in the project file.

What's marked in green are files you actually work on using these tools.
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Currently, you can only use predefined animations I've provided (headlights, etc.).

Maybe I'll add a possibility to use custom animations on flares, maybe not :)

For now you can use a simple trick - make rotating flare, set constant radius and set blend angles very close to each other. I've used rotating flares for this safety car:

For afety car I've not used blend angles, so flares are alvays visible, but I've used high radius power for "flash" effect.
If you rather want weak, but flashing light, then flashing should be done with blend angles rather than radius.
Could you please tell me the values at which "Rotation" has to be? At 1.000 nothing happens :(
Rotation=1.0 should be good.
Any non-zero value should make Axle coordinates available for editing - if that doesn't happen then something's wrong.

Use permanent flare for testing. Set max alpha to 1.0, min blend angle to 95 and max blend angle to 96.
Then set min and max radius to the same value.

And of course make axle of rotation point 90 degrees away from flare's direction :) If both axles point in exactly the same direction or exactly in opposite directions, then there will be no rotation.

Check out section 5.4 of the manual and if there are any doubts post questions here - this way I know which parts of manual may be unclear.
Hmm... I set up everything right (I think :)) But something's wrong, doesn't work :(

I've tested your GMT file (the one you exported) and it works.

All I needed to do is to add it to .GEN files.

So 3 things you should look into:

1. See if your .gmt file is added correctly to .gen files - make sure the one you export is the one loaded in rFactor
2. Go to Project => Options and set light glow material name - name it MyCarFlare or something like that. This way your flare materials will be names MyCarFlare0, MyCarFlare1 and so on. Otherwise there may be some conflicts in materials.
3. Add alpha channel to your flare texture - my flare materials are based on alpha blending (do it later, when everything else works).

If anything elsse fails - let me know which version of shader pack are you using (although I believe this shader didn't change since first public version).

As for Rotation parameter it's radians/s, so values around 6.0 will give you like 1 flash per second (it's not accurate and rythm may change a little on different tracks and times of day).

The light shows up now! The shader files were in the wrong directory *ashamed*

But I've still 2 problems:

-> The light doesn't rotate (value = 10)
-In showroom: Light is displayed when looking from the whole left side of the car
-On Track: Light is displayed when looking from the whole right side

-> Position
-Showroom: Position is perfect
-On Track: Light is too high

I tried it with shader version 0.79 and 0.83
In my case your .gmt was rotating on track.
In general, rotation works only on track and only when game is not paused. That's simply because rotation is controlled by time of day.

Of course by rotation I don't mean some kind of rotating texture etc. It's the flare direction vector that gets rotated. This will only affect radius or blending of a flare.

As for flare position - there can be two reasons.

First is graphical model offset and that's probably what's happening. If you're using graphical offset then make separate .gmt for track and showroom and manually add that offset value to flare coordinates in editor.
It will seem misplaced in editor, but will be in place in rFactor.

The other case is when .gmt file is set as debris. I don't know the exact rules of calculating debris mesh offset, so it may be inacurate sometimes. New version of editor allow manual corrections. But I don't think that's what's happening in your case.
Ok, I figured out the right settings now and everything works fine now :) Thanks a lot!
Just a short question: How can I reduce that white or lets say bright textures look too shiny? Somtimes I even can't see the painting on the texture. The shader looks good on normal and dark colors (red, blue, black etc) but white etc. are too shiny. How can I fix that?
Less specular? Or if you are not using specular texture, use it because without it, shader uses empty while texture for that.
Hm, take a look at this screenshot. The blue looks "good" in my opinion, but the white is way too shiny:
I've tried using the Specmap of the car but than it looks worse. For the blank_specular I changed the color to gray, that already helped a bit.


This are my settings:
blank specular is 100% white. Usually it is not best choice.
Due to local lighting (showroom) source light may be to high
A can also see very high Fresnel scale comparing to base. It may play a part in the result.

But I bet KSzczech will give you more precise answers
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This mod is superb. rFactor 1 now is looking beautiful with it. If only rFactor 2 looks as good as this!
ISI had locked coreshaders.mas for now - they still have some work to do themselves.

When they unlock it, they will unleash hell... :)
Unleashing hell indeed! :D

Now, pardon me for asking this question, but I really want to be sure: can an end user just drop this mod into the correct directory and then the visual effects will turn up inside the game right away? Or is this a developer tool only?
It's a bit like DirectX - users can install the latest version, but it's up to a game developers to use it or not.

So you can install shader pack and you will see no difference untill you install a mod that takes advantage of it.
It's a bit like DirectX - users can install the latest version, but it's up to a game developers to use it or not.

So you can install shader pack and you will see no difference untill you install a mod that takes advantage of it.

Thanks! I think it's time for me to check regularly once again. Or do you, by any chance, know mods that have been released with this shader pack?

Thanks again for bringing fresh air into rFactor1 arena!
RF1 looks so good with these shaders!!!! :)

Take a look, first pic without these shaders, second one with:

And now the rims... One of the blurry cubemaps I provided will serve well there :)

Feel free to post screenshots here.
K Szczech,

Just wanted to say THANKS for the shaders and tools. This has helped very much in my personal project I am working on. Today I just got the dynamic sky installed on my track and it's definitely taken the project to another level! I am very excited about this!
Thanks for the new pack. Really great work. :)
I've noticed that I get now a bit stronger specular-effect around the sun. Sometime the front-light glass looks like it would be chrome. I'm using the latest 0.91a shader pack.
Thanks for the new pack;)! Great work!.

I have a problem with the SRPL SHADERS, can you help me please?

The problem is: the nose is very white. how I can lower the intensity of white?

View attachment 1494

This is my parameters, i copy from XOA, thanks;)!

View attachment 1495

Sorry for my english.

Thanks for the help;)!
You're using a lot of fresnel scale, which causes surface reflectivity to reach maximum value pretty quickly.
Additionally you can increase specular power to make reflections more focused.

And most importantly - check out the manual - reflection settings are explained there :) It's always best to work with your own settings, than copy someone else's. Simply because you will have better understanding of your own settings.
Thank you for your explanation, I've cleared now i do I work to fix it, thank you very much;).
With these shaders there is so much potential even in RF1! Take a look at my latest unedited screenshots:

