GTX 680 4gb running 3 screens and reachin 99º (but not throttling)

Thank you Durge again but nevermind. You tried, i tried, This thing is beyond me.


That plain ignorant

There is a heaps of sensors.......... BETTER then all tools you mention ffs.

They are RIVA TUNER it comes with AFTERBURNER

you can toggtle it on off

you can increase fonts ( rolleyes )

When you guys know nothing what you talk of you still put something down

Dont use it dont ask me again how it works obviously neither of you listened.

Oh oh and it also Logs all history

roll eyes

Ignorant? Don't know what I'm talking about? I think you've lost your mind, man. All I'm saying is don't just use the OSD as you need to be able to see the entire session, not just real-time numbers. Yes rivatuner can do this, including logs, so yes that will work as well.

I don't know what's so ignorant or stupid about that.
Please, no

One last shot: could i have applied too much of a bad thermal paste enough to the heat not reaching heatsink properly?
Ignorant? Don't know what I'm talking about? I think you've lost your mind, man. All I'm saying is don't just use the OSD as you need to be able to see the entire session, not just real-time numbers. Yes rivatuner can do this, including logs, so yes that will work as well.

I don't know what's so ignorant or stupid about that.
Did you report him because of that?
Nope. I've never reported anyone in my life. Why? Did DD get banned?

How's the GPU? Still reading crazy temps?
Nope. I've never reported anyone in my life. Why? Did DD get banned?

How's the GPU? Still reading crazy temps?

Double yes to your 1st questions but why i cannot really tell. Durge flips out for no reasonable excuse very easy in too many places at same time. So, its impossible to answer this :)

And im still getting high temps on full load :/ With basic usage its ok, almost never reaches even 50°. I´m looking for some pc expert to re-apply thermal paste (quality one thermal paste) to see what happens, then i will (if didn´t work) read warranty terms and see if i can do something about. I´m in Brasil, bought on Usa and some relatives bring it to me, i think 2013/2014.

I can't remember if you already answered this, but is the GPU downclocking once the temp gets high? Have you logged a gaming session to check? Check the graph after gameplay to see if there are changes in GPU clockspeeds.
I can't remember if you already answered this, but is the GPU downclocking once the temp gets high? Have you logged a gaming session to check? Check the graph after gameplay to see if there are changes in GPU clockspeeds.

At beginning i was thinking the gpu was not downclocking because i wasn´t loosing FPS. Now i´m not so sure because before i had a wrong perception about downclocking means (i thought it was when game stutters).

I think that what Durge said to me but i misunderstood. Will try that later today.

At beginning i was thinking the gpu was not downclocking because i wasn´t loosing FPS. Now i´m not so sure because before i had a wrong perception about downclocking means (i thought it was when game stutters).

I think that what Durge said to me but i misunderstood. Will try that later today.

View attachment 15607View attachment 15608
Spinelli, do you know if this program (afterburner ou Rivatuner) log graphically (<- maybe this word is wrong)?
It seems i don´t have to turn Rivatuner on to if im logging with msi afterburner, but couldnot find with graphic option

as far as i understand, after two laps racing on rf2: gpu load at 98, gpu temp at 98, power 85
fb usage in % : 50 all the time
bus usage : 20~30
core clock: alternating between 1084~542 (<- i think this mean downclocking em reaches max temp)

memory clock always at 3005 (middle at the graphic)
One strange: voltage limit and ov max limitvoltage at top limit all the time the high gpu usage, gpu temps... start reaching max values
And utilization limit completely the opositte of the two above. Max when idles and lowest on heavy load
max cpu temp 77°
cpu 1 usage max 68 % min 17% on heavier work (playing 2 laps)
2 almost low
cpu 3 usage max 68% min 17% on heaviere work
4 almost low
cpu 5 max 68% ....

cpu 8 almost low
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Wow, CPU temp seems very high as well. If just running RF2, you shouldn't be getting anywhere near almost 80c for CPU temps. Not even close. I think there may be an issue with your PC cooling since both your GPU and CPU are experiencing extremely high temperatures.

What model case do you have, are the fans installed correctly?
Well, as i suspected, i get much better results on 3dMark reapplying thermal paste both on gpu and cpu and now my system scores with the majority similar systems

  • Graphics Score
  • 21081
  • Physics Score
  • 11350
  • Combined Score
  • 21645
  • Graphics Test 1
  • 102.91 fps
  • Graphics Test 2
  • 90.42 fps
  • 8 threads
  • 201.95 fps
  • 24 threads
  • 120.17 fps
  • 48 threads
  • 69.13 fps
  • 96 threads
  • 38.14 fps
  • Combined Test
  • 89.08 fps


  • 20745
  • Graphics Score
  • 24660
  • Physics Score
  • 11357
  • Combined Score
  • 21823
  • Graphics Test 1
  • 110.88 fps
  • Graphics Test 2
  • 114.39 fps
  • 8 threads
  • 203.96 fps
  • 24 threads
  • 120.7 fps
  • 48 threads
  • 69.11 fps
  • 96 threads
  • 38.16 fps
  • Combined Test
  • 89.81 fps


Gpu max temp reached 97°
and cpu reached 84° 87° 85° 82°

I know you will say: you have to monitor how it behaves playing rf2 but could you just tell me if these high temps on 3dmark is a problem? (even if during rf2 it tells me another thing?)
Thanks in advance
Can you do a monitor of the GPU core clock during the entire 3D mark test?

97 degrees is a serious problem regardless of test, unless it's a false reading.
Can you do a monitor of the GPU core clock during the entire 3D mark test?

97 degrees is a serious problem regardless of test, unless it's a false reading.

will try to see with msi afterburner
Try creating a personnalised fan profile in MSI aferburner and get the fan to kick in as soon as it starts generating heat.
It does sound like something is faulty though...

edit. missed some posts, sorry above is not relevant anymore

On the other hand cooling is difficult to fail, as long as it's all clean.
High voltages generate more heat so it would be best to confirm that your running stock values.
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Try creating a personnalised fan profile in MSI aferburner and get the fan to kick in as soon as it starts generating heat.
It does sound like something is faulty though...

edit. missed some posts, sorry above is not relevant anymore

On the other hand cooling is difficult to fail, as long as it's all clean.
High voltages generate more heat so it would be best to confirm that your running stock values.
Exactly, I forgot about this. Actually, for now, just use a constant manual fan speed of 100% (full speed). Just choose a manual percentage and disable any "auto" settings and fan profiles. Then see if you still get crazy temps.

I'm guessing the hugely decreasing GPU core clock changes are from the loading screens of 3D mark or something similar - completely normal. I still do see some small fluctuations during seeming normal 3D use, however it seems pretty minor and normal for the auto-boost GPU clock stuff of modern GPUs. Having said that, I used/use a custom bios for my 3 780 Tis (2 EVGA Superclocked reference versions, and 1 ASUS DC2 Overclocked custom version) as I noticed little stutters, and such, which matched up absolutely perfectly with all the small dynamic GPU-core clock fluctuations that the new cards so stupidly use. However, this does not seem to be your issue since notice the stutters at a very specific and repeating interval.

Blast the fans at a constant 100% while redoing the tests (with monitoring software running).
Exactly, I forgot about this. Actually, for now, just use a constant manual fan speed of 100% (full speed). Just choose a manual percentage and disable any "auto" settings and fan profiles. Then see if you still get crazy temps.

I'm guessing the hugely decreasing GPU core clock changes are from the loading screens of 3D mark or something similar - completely normal. I still do see some small fluctuations during seeming normal 3D use, however it seems pretty minor and normal for the auto-boost GPU clock stuff of modern GPUs. Having said that, I used/use a custom bios for my 3 780 Tis (2 EVGA Superclocked reference versions, and 1 ASUS DC2 Overclocked custom version) as I noticed little stutters, and such, which matched up absolutely perfectly with all the small dynamic GPU-core clock fluctuations that the new cards so stupidly use. However, this does not seem to be your issue since notice the stutters at a very specific and repeating interval.

Blast the fans at a constant 100% while redoing the tests (with monitoring software running).

Thanks again Spinelli. Much appreciate you help.

Agree with hugely decreasing gpu core clock from the loading screens of 3DMark.
But i´m having no stutters. I think you are mixing my answer with this guy ( issue.
I´ll do some other tests latter. I´m about to give up again. :/
And now, beside getting better temps after changing thermal paste (cpu/gpu), is stuttering because for some reason gpu power reaches 333% :/
Btw, yes Dalek. I´m using stock values.

View attachment 15661
Thanks for confirming the voltages.
Indeed. The power spikes look bad and they could end up killing it in the end.

For the CPU heat, i'd see 2 things that could have an effect, the card is giving out a lot of heat so maybe cause to effect... and you mentioned that you are running open case with a fan at the side, that can sometimes decrease the cooling.

One question, i gathered you changed the thermal paste, but did you totally disassemble the radiator and clean it at the time ? Around the fan seems like a lovely place for dust to nest...
If you did clean it, then RMA is the way to go.
Thanks for confirming the voltages.
Indeed. The power spikes look bad and they could end up killing it in the end.

For the CPU heat, i'd see 2 things that could have an effect, the card is giving out a lot of heat so maybe cause to effect... and you mentioned that you are running open case with a fan at the side, that can sometimes decrease the cooling.

One question, i gathered you changed the thermal paste, but did you totally disassemble the radiator and clean it at the time ? Around the fan seems like a lovely place for dust to nest...
If you did clean it, then RMA is the way to go.

Yeah, its crazy. Since my processor is brand new, i´m pretending to improve with a water cooling (cannot afford lose this kind of money invested): Corsair water coolin H100i (any hints if is this good enough for i74790?)

For the gpu i´m kind lost. I think i have that card for about one year and a half (have to check). According to box is 3 year warranty but i dont know how to rma the card since i´m in Brasil and bought this gpu on Usa. I don´t know if shipping costs worth to do it. I have to research what buyers in my country do when this happen.

I read in a usa forum these days about a guy getting high temps with this same model and when he returned his gpu to the manufacturer, he said they only reeinstal the firmware (don´t how how he knows what they did) and return his gpu from him with normal temps on load.

Anyway, thank you very much for your attention, but could you guys please give some advice on that water cooling model? And if is possible that power supply is causing this malfunction (already change cables but didnt worry on clean it)?
Humm didnt worry on cleaning it ?
It would really be worth confirming that the fins on the radiator are clean... ;)

Get in touch with the maker, they will let you know their process. They might, really not sure, but maybe they might let you send it in locally. Only they can tell you.
I know nothing about water cooling so i cant help you there.
Sorry, forget to mention: already cleaned fans and heatsink at the first time i notice high temps on idle.
And thanks for the tips about rma stuff.

Anyone who can tell something about water cooling, please, dont be shy.

Thanks again Dalek. cya!
Well, could not wait for replies and bought corsair h110 water cooling.
for what i has researched, its good choice. Lets see when arrive.
cooling should help big time. use the push pull method it works the best.
Push/pull is double the fans on the radiator. Instead of only fans on one side of the radiator, - which are either set-up to pull air out from the radiator, or to push air into and through the radiator - you have fans on both sides. This allows for a "push/pull" config because you can use the fans on one side to push air into and through the rad, while the other sides' fans are used to pull air out of and away from the rad.

You generally want the exact same model fans all around.

Push/pull makes more of a difference the thicker the radiator is. For eg. going with a push/pull config on my Swiftech H320 probably only lowers temps-on-load by a further 1-3 degrees C since the H320 doesn't use too thick of a rad (I still went push/pull anyways ;) ).
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Well, could not wait for replies and bought corsair h110 water cooling.
for what i has researched, its good choice. Lets see when arrive.

For cooling your GPU? I thought you had heat issues with just your GPU, so water cooling that would require a specific water block and a custom cooling setup normally. Though there was a bracket device that did allow the use of a cpu water block (such as the H110) but that would still only cool the gpu and not the video memory as well - something a proper gpu water block is designed to do.



There is THIS product that will allow you to use the H110 though it won't be as effective - simply due to the lack of water cooling of the memory : NZXT Kraken G10

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For cooling your GPU? I thought you had heat issues with just your GPU, so water cooling that would require a specific water block and a custom cooling setup normally. Though there was a bracket device that did allow the use of a cpu water block (such as the H110) but that would still only cool the gpu and not the video memory as well - something a proper gpu water block is designed to do.

No, unfortunately not only the gpu is getting high temps. I tryied to optmize system using asus software and my cpu is hitting 100°C. I will solve this first since the cpu and motherboard is brand new and i dont have an optimized case. Only running stock intel heat sink. After sovlve this i will get back to gpu. Thanks for the tips
Even with the stock heatsink, the CPU should never even get close to 100 degrees unless you're overvolting and overclocking, and even then, only when running demanding stress programs like Intel Burn Test, Prime95 (w/ small FFTs), etc. 100 C is like meltdown territory.

Is there a PC shop (Like NCIX or a small place, not a Best Buy or anything like that) near you which can take a look at your PC?

I don't understand the insane temps, even if you have a subpar case. Something else must be off, maybe the case fans are reversed? Maybe the CPU cooler is installed incorrectly? Maybe the fans are always staying at their low idle speeds?

Have you tried resetting everything in the BIOS back to default? There should be an option to set everything back to "optimized defaults".
When i get 100° was after click on some feature of asus software. As i understand this overclocked the cpu to 4.5 or 4.6 mhz (instead the stock 4.0 mhz). As i remember, i,ve reached below 80° degrees before doing that at the same test tool (3d mark).

Besides that, I just got the cooler and the 2 fans and radiator are huge. No way this will fit in my case. I should do better reasearch before buying expensive things. :/

I'm not near my sim rig now. Have no idea for now how i will solve this.
And, again, thank you all for helping me on this.
Spinelli, I will set every thing to default before find a way to install the cooler.
