Oculus Rift Consumer unit 1 on schedule ( Announced on Twitter )

I can't throw my money at Palmer hard enough. I wish they would announce the price so I know what kind of hole my wallet will have in it when I make my pre-order.

OT - Any new s on CV1 support from ISI? *Hoping*
I can't throw my money at Palmer hard enough. I wish they would announce the price so I know what kind of hole my wallet will have in it when I make my pre-order.

OT - Any new s on CV1 support from ISI? *Hoping*

If its the final working version yes, ISI will work on the official support. We all know the guys have made the DK2 worked with it also.
If its the final working version yes, ISI will work on the official support. We all know the guys have made the DK2 worked with it also.

Last I heard they stopped development with the DK1. They stated that they would support all HMD... but they stopped development on DK2 because the SDK was changing too frequently. And we all know how ISI prefers their development to be at a glacial scale *Wink* J/K... kinda.

DK2 support did not come from ISI. It came from the modding community. And it was hacked together at best. I am talking about honest to goodness CV1 support, as in a toggle for the CV1 instead of monitors.

I might have the above wrong as I have not researched my statements and am going off of my memory of previous posts.
ISI said they will support cv1 but not when. So now it is the time with all facts on the table about cv1 that ISI should make a statement will they support oculus rift on release ? I mean in few weeks preoder will be open so i want to know about buying a 400 euro hardware for reason. And i can tell u why it is important for me. If isi does not support cv 1 on beginning i will wait for htc vive on april.
Last I heard they stopped development with the DK1. They stated that they would support all HMD... but they stopped development on DK2 because the SDK was changing too frequently. And we all know how ISI prefers their development to be at a glacial scale *Wink* J/K... kinda.

DK2 support did not come from ISI. It came from the modding community. And it was hacked together at best. I am talking about honest to goodness CV1 support, as in a toggle for the CV1 instead of monitors.

I might have the above wrong as I have not researched my statements and am going off of my memory of previous posts.
Yup...thats wut i mean. The guys (the community not the ISI team) managed to hack it and got it working :)

ISI said they will support cv1 but not when. So now it is the time with all facts on the table about cv1 that ISI should make a statement will they support oculus rift on release ? I mean in few weeks preoder will be open so i want to know about buying a 400 euro hardware for reason. And i can tell u why it is important for me. If isi does not support cv 1 on beginning i will wait for htc vive on april.
I have no doubt that ISI can do it and they will. With no dates announced by Occulus, i wont expect any dates given by ISI. Infact, if u know ISI, they wont give u any dates. They will work on it and release it when they think its ready. Ive learned this since the BETA period and we all should be patient and not being too....pushy.
my best guess is $399 which is a steal IMO ( I like VR a lot )

I find there doesn't seem to be so much interest on these Isi forums about VR but then I guess that makes sense because sim racers that use VR are all over at Iracing / AC or any simmer using VR wouldn't purchase rf2 due to zero support

not quite sure if ISI are still supporting "on or around" release of the CV1 but then again
I'm so into Iracing now I'm not sure if I really care
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+cv1 units going out to developers ( software houses that have requested them that is) this week with version 1.0 SDK , things are heating up
what I'm expecting from only what I can gather from hands on opinions etc so I might be a bit off :

-CV1 not a big jump in resolution from dk2 -but is improved so I'm guessing a small to medium size jump ( dk1 to dk2 was a big jump )
-screen door still exists but reduced to the point it has to be looked for to be noticed
-physical unit slightly more compact and instantly noticeably lighter than dk2
-noticable response improvement both in display & tracking system ( dk2 75hz , cv1 is 90hz )
-FOV although specs comparable (to dk2) mixed opinions here so I'm expecting similar or maybe slightly better due to optics
-optics better "lens sweet spot" much larger ( with width adjustability confirmed )

I'm really hoping Iracing implements the directional sound ....I'm surprised how much sound adds to simulation experiences so this will add a lot I'm sure ( will use the cv1 headphones for less cables etc & ease )
terrible quality I know ( using phone to record and it's not lined up nicely )
-when rotate knobs on my real wheel the knobs on the virtual wheel rotate to match -brill

a very exciting time to be in simulation racing !
my best guess is $399 which is a steal IMO ( I like VR a lot )

I find there doesn't seem to be so much interest on these Isi forums about VR but then I guess that makes sense because sim racers that use VR are all over at Iracing / AC or any simmer using VR wouldn't choose rf2 due to zero support

not quite sure if ISI are still supporting "on or around" release of the CV1 but then again
I'm so into Iracing now I'm not sure if I really care
Good for you! Enjoy! :)

I'm really hoping Iracing implements the directional sound ....I'm surprised how much sound adds to simulation experiences so this will add a lot I'm sure ( will use the cv1 headphones for less cables etc & ease )
U can post that in iRacing forum so it will reach the correct ppl :)

Btw DK2 has been working with rf2.
terrible quality I know ( using phone to record and it's not lined up nicely )
-when rotate knobs on my real wheel the knobs on the virtual wheel rotate to match -brill

a very exciting time to be in simulation racing !

Indeed. Ive tried DK2 with that and its a nice touch :)
hiya Naz

it's posted in the VR section of Iracing too

I tried those plug-ins and tried to get everything to work for about 8hrs, I decided to never frustrate myself and waste precious time like this again and not really used rf2 since
hiya Naz

it's posted in the VR section of Iracing too

I tried those plug-ins and tried to get everything to work for about 8hrs, I decided to never frustrate myself and waste precious time like this again and not really used rf2 since

Others tried successfully :)
Of course its community work by the guys. Need different approach.

Im sure ISI will work on the support. :) Ive never doubted them.

Hope to see u back in rF2 when CV1 is supported! :)
Yup...thats wut i mean. The guys (the community not the ISI team) managed to hack it and got it working :)

I have no doubt that ISI can do it and they will. With no dates announced by Occulus, i wont expect any dates given by ISI. Infact, if u know ISI, they wont give u any dates. They will work on it and release it when they think its ready. Ive learned this since the BETA period and we all should be patient and not being too....pushy.

First this is not true the cv1 is allready finished and in Manufacturing as sdk. 1.0 and early cv1 kits send to dev. in next weeks. 2. I never said that oculus have a realse date or isi should tell a release date. question was will rf 2 oculus ready when cv1 will be out. Doesn t matter when it will be out just is isi and rf 2 read when it comes out ??
They will start accepting preorders in Q1 2016, I suppose just as soon as they are sure of what they will produce. I think there will be a considerable delay between preorders and deliveries, and to hit the stores. I don't think ISI will have a Oculus ready version the day Oculus hit the shelves, can we survive a month or two in the meanwhile?
They will start accepting preorders in Q1 2016, I suppose just as soon as they are sure of what they will produce. I think there will be a considerable delay between preorders and deliveries, and to hit the stores. I don't think ISI will have a Oculus ready version the day Oculus hit the shelves, can we survive a month or two in the meanwhile?

Preoder starts after holiday early in new year and cv 1 release still target on q1 2016 thats what lucky palmer posted by himself. But i don t care about when it will be released question is is isi ready yes or no it is simple as this.
I'm so into Iracing now I'm not sure if I really care
I'm really hoping Iracing implements the directional sound
I decided to never frustrate myself and waste precious time like this again and not really used rf2 since

When we support VR via first-party I can only assume you won't care - because that's what you've said. There is literally no point in you continuing to come here, based on your own postings. I'm going to help you find the right forum by removing access here.

For those that do care, we'll be taking another look once the hardware is in the hands of the public. That's the same answer we've given for a long time. Time does not change anything except your perception.
Guys, ISI will support it when the comsumer version comes out. They've said it multiple times. The consumer version hasn't even been launched yet and people are already (and have been for a year or two) complaining. Come on guys.
When we support VR via first-party I can only assume you won't care - because that's what you've said. There is literally no point in you continuing to come here, based on your own postings. I'm going to help you find the right forum by removing access here.

For those that do care, we'll be taking another look once the hardware is in the hands of the public. That's the same answer we've given for a long time. Time does not change anything except your perception.

" taking another look once the hardware is in hands of public" means it won t ready for cv 1 lunch. Now that was all i want to know because this was not clear by ISI they only said they will support it. But that can be 1-5 month later too. Better wait for vive now.
Tho i'm very exited about all i hear about VR. (tried dk1 once and was blown away) i will wait for ISI bcause thats the only sim i use and if they not going to support it there will be no use for me to buy one (be it Vive or Occulus). So thanks Tim for your statement on this.
I think there's many more interested that are just lurking and waiting. I will be right into it when ISI support it, but I'm in no rush to leap right in. Gotta be done to a decent level, so I don't care about meeting a cv1 release date.

I'd be using it in rF2 and my flight sims, and any space sims that support it. That's probably the extent of my use of it. But to add the next level of immersion to them, I can't think of anything better.
But to add the next level of immersion to them, I can't think of anything better.
I think we can expect also valuable contribution in decreasing latency/input lag. On both hardware side (OLED displays) and software side (AMD LiquidVR and nVidia Game Works VR SDKs). Maybe these technologies will be implemented also to using of classic desktop monitors but they will be available with VR devices first.
Doesn't the consumer release of Oculus Rift and the associated SDK, runtime only support DX11 and up? Unless ISI have a surprise in store I wouldn't get your hopes up. Don't know about HTC Vive.
Last I heard they stopped development with the DK1. They stated that they would support all HMD... but they stopped development on DK2 because the SDK was changing too frequently. And we all know how ISI prefers their development to be at a glacial scale *Wink* J/K... kinda.

DK2 support did not come from ISI. It came from the modding community. And it was hacked together at best. I am talking about honest to goodness CV1 support, as in a toggle for the CV1 instead of monitors.

I might have the above wrong as I have not researched my statements and am going off of my memory of previous posts.

Yup...thats wut i mean by 'the guys'. They did a great job :)
I'll still be getting the rift whether ISI supports it or not. The fact is is that it's going to be great for many games. But I was really looking forward to using it in racing games.

After hearing about the financial problems HTC is having I am seriously questioning whether or not they will get the Vive out in a reasonable amount of time.
Doesn't the consumer release of Oculus Rift and the associated SDK, runtime only support DX11 and up? Unless ISI have a surprise in store I wouldn't get your hopes up. Don't know about HTC Vive.

I remember ISI stated (appologize if I am wrong) that upgrading to higher directx is only a matter of costs vs benefits. As far as I know (as a layman, from popular web sites) directx12 (or vulkan) is a huge step forward, best improvement between older and newer version for many years, allowing far better hardware exploitation.
So I hope the balance between costs vs benefits is finally shifted to benefits and ISI will find reasonable to invest their resources.
Doesn't the consumer release of Oculus Rift and the associated SDK, runtime only support DX11 and up? Unless ISI have a surprise in store I wouldn't get your hopes up. Don't know about HTC Vive.

Good point. I think I've completely forgotten that rf2 is only DX 9. I knew iracing was dependent on getting their DX11 update ready in time, but forgot rf2 had the same issue.

Valve (who's supplying all the software) has stated previously that DX9 was supported with OpenVR. Of course, HTC having the financial issues they are, who knows whether it ever even sees the light of day. And if it does, it certainly isn't going to be cheap. HTC can't afford to sell at cost. They need to sell a product that's making real money.

On a side note, after reading Palmer's latest tweets, I think it's best to brace for the price being at least 499.99 for the Rift. You can obviously add at least a couple hundred to the Vive price tag.
Well, they already readied us for the machine that was going to be required to run the rift with buttery smooth performance. That gave every early adopter the time they needed to get their machine prepared.

They may be still waiting on the price announcement so they dont undercut their manufacturing costs. I suspect they dont know specifically how much they can get their production costs down to yet. I am certainly hoping the cost is less than $500.00 I am really hoping for less than $400, but that may be wishful thinking. I also imagine that they are getting different hardware as better/less expensive products become available. This likely means that a CV2 will be right around the corner. Kind of like how the DK2 came out less than a year after DK1 was launched.

A check of the Rift's Wiki page shows that Oculus is already working on the successor to CV1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oculus_Rift
Doesn't the consumer release of Oculus Rift and the associated SDK, runtime only support DX11 and up?

I've been thinking the exact same thing.

If we are correct on this, we can expect DX11 for rFactor 2, right?

Right guys..?

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Rev up those hype machines XD

I've been thinking the exact same thing.

If we are correct on this, we can expect DX11 for rFactor 2, right?

Right guys..?


When i am correct isi said they will only switch to dx12 one times ? If there is no chance to get cv1 with dx9 running would mean no cv support for rf2. I don t know what isi has in plans but after isi said they will look at cv1 u better have a dx option. I think this will not happen and rf 2 is without vr support. i hope im wrong.........

Q: Any internal talks about DX11 in the future ? Is the move to DX11 much to complex?
A: It’s not about complexity, it is about benefit. There isn’t enough benefit to using it right now, though that does not mean there won’t be benefit going forward (though that might be with DX12, DX13, etc).

Q: Any internal talks about DX11 in the future ? Is the move to DX11 much to complex?
A: It’s not about complexity, it is about benefit. There isn’t enough benefit to using it right now, though that does not mean there won’t be benefit going forward (though that might be with DX12, DX13, etc).

Yeah thats a statment which can be in both ways. Like the dev want to be. But i don t think that we will see dx 12 in the near future 6-12 month. So is cv1 enought benefit to bring dx11 ?
Yeah thats a statment which can be in both ways. Like the dev want to be. But i don t think that we will see dx 12 in the near future 6-12 month. So is cv1 enought benefit to bring dx11 ?

Well, that's the question..
I won't be surprised if ISI takes their time and only provides oculus support after a year or more, but I'm pretty sure they need to upgrade the Dx version to make that happen.

Vroom vroom! *revs hype engine some more*
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Yeah thats a statment which can be in both ways. Like the dev want to be. But i don t think that we will see dx 12 in the near future 6-12 month. So is cv1 enought benefit to bring dx11 ?

"Gjon Camaj Interview 11-07-15


Yes it is possible. But we’ve said that all along


As with most developers, we took a good look at this kind of technology. To do a proper implementation will take a bit a time and that task hasn’t yet reached to top of list yet."

There is no point making something halfheartedly. Virtual reality also need multi GPU support and some of us like me has been waiting this to happen a long time.
VR suport is a huge task: https://developer.nvidia.com/virtual-reality-development
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Gjon Camaj Interview 11-07-15


Yes it is possible. But we’ve said that all along


As with most developers, we took a good look at this kind of technology. To do a proper implementation will take a bit a time and that task hasn’t yet reached to top of list yet.

There is no point making something halfheartedly. Virtual reality also need multi GPU support and some of us like me has been waiting this to happen a long time.
VR suport is a huge task: https://developer.nvidia.com/virtual-reality-development

And what does this mean ? sorry i don t get it.
Unsure if that means we all would have to wait for graphics engine update before enjoying benefits of VR.
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