Oculus Rift Consumer unit 1 on schedule ( Announced on Twitter )

I'm not in a hurry, I will buy a VR headset when all the people that will buy their's will sell it because their PC can't make them run smooth and/or they will get nausea from VR. :D
I'm not in a hurry, I will buy a VR headset when all the people that will buy their's will sell it because their PC can't make them run smooth and/or they will get nausea from VR. :D

I wish I were that smart. :(
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Pre-orders going live in T-Minus 48 hours:


The fact they refuse to announce the price ahead of time doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence. Was bracing for 499.99, but beginning to think that may be too optimistic.
Pre-orders going live in T-Minus 48 hours:


The fact they refuse to announce the price ahead of time doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence. Was bracing for 499.99, but beginning to think that may be too optimistic.

cool , great news , but pissed off they haven't announced the price , I'm very interested to see have they made it affordable for the average Joe .
eatherway I'll get it but the more that get it the more games that will have to support VR .
cool , great news , but pissed off they haven't announced the price , I'm very interested to see have they made it affordable for the average Joe .
eatherway I'll get it but the more that get it the more games that will have to support VR .

Playseat sells oculus now for 396$. This would be a good price.
So the rift is available at $599.... a bit more than the projected $350 that was the target

But what stopped me from ordering is the fact that although at todays exchange rate $599 is the equivalent of £410 (without shipping) the greedy gits somehow calculate it as £499 ( $730 ) and I'm not paying that.
So the rift is available at $599.... a bit more than the projected $350 that was the target

But what stopped me from ordering is the fact that although at todays exchange rate $599 is the equivalent of £410 (without shipping) the greedy gits somehow calculate it as £499 ( $730 ) and I'm not paying that.

Now they have announced a price, HTC and Valve have a target to beat... kinda good that they get to go 2nd. Kind of like when E3 came around, Microsoft had to announce the price of the XBone be Sony announced theirs for PS4.

I still don't want VR until there is hand tracking (maybe Manus VR gloves?).
It's a bit steep about 700 euro all in it would cost me , I will wait patiently .
I didn't go in either. Almost 700 dollars once you added tax + shipping. Plus the Oculus Touch controllers will be another 100+. And I was definitely interested in VR for more than sim racing. That's almost 800 dollars. We'll see if Vive can come in at under 1000. If I'm going to be looking at close to a grand anyway, I'd much rather get the whole shebang for the money.

What annoys me is I originally backed the DIY Rift on Kickstarter. But canceled after a couple days because while I love the Rift as a proof of concept, knew DK1 would suck from a usability POV. The fact that 275 dollar pledge came with some Steam store credit + a TF2 digital hat that was easily selling for 75+ made me kick myself. I kicked myself harder when it was then selling for 1000+ on ebay for months. And now they get CV1 for free. Why didn't I just keep the pledge, spend 2 hours with it, and ebay it for tons of profit:( It's not like I didn't know these type of things sell for tons of ebay.

I'm sure CV1 will be selling for a ton too, since it's clearly a small production scale and pre-orders are already into May. But 700 dollars is too much of a risk for me (to get a chargeback on).
Always thought I'd pre order an occulus but think I'll wait it out. The Vive sounds to me like it may be a better bit of kit.
Can anyone explain compatibility with rF2? Basically if ISI support VR would it be occulus and vive or just one?

Sent from my Sony Z3 using Tapatalk
Always thought I'd pre order an occulus but think I'll wait it out. The Vive sounds to me like it may be a better bit of kit.
Can anyone explain compatibility with rF2? Basically if ISI support VR would it be occulus and vive or just one?

Sent from my Sony Z3 using Tapatalk

Hoping that VR is kind cross-platform. I think it would be weird not having your hands in there yet though.
Guys, all international prices are including tax/vat/gst (whatever your region calls it) for that country. You will not have to pay tax on top of the quoted price, they have already said that.

Narrowbackwing, I dont know how you would pay >$1600 euro for a rift but that is obviously your tax system at work not oculus.
Narrowbackwing, I dont know how you would pay >$1600 euro for a rift but that is obviously your tax system at work not oculus.

I think he was referring to the CV1 pre-order for sale on ebay (linked by woodee).
So the rift is available at $599.... a bit more than the projected $350 that was the target

But what stopped me from ordering is the fact that although at todays exchange rate $599 is the equivalent of £410 (without shipping) the greedy gits somehow calculate it as £499 ( $730 ) and I'm not paying that.

You can't calculate your price basically 599USD into GBP. Doesn't work like that...never did and never will. In EU, we have taxes that are included as well. In the US, they also have taxes per state etc so their price varies as well and 599USD is before tax.
Just placed my order for the Rift and it is time for ISI to got off their hinies and get RF2 Rift compatible ASAP
Pretty happy that I get a free one (orig backers ftw!) after seeing that price =D cant wait for VR to happen :)

I don't think the price will seem bad to the sim crowd, we're used to expensive things lol
I'll say it now so Tim doesn't have to later on.

It's done when it's done.
Hinting that ISI is lazy will get you nowhere. Judging by this thread, rudeness and Oculus fans seem to go hand in hand.
Pretty happy that I get a free one (orig backers ftw!) after seeing that price =D cant wait for VR to happen :)

I don't think the price will seem bad to the sim crowd, we're used to expensive things lol

When is yours expected to arrive?
When is yours expected to arrive?

U guys are going for oculus rift without waiting what vive do ? i mean even if the vive coast 1000 euro compared to what u get is better offer in my opinion. Front camara gives u perfect fit to use button boxes etc.

Well it will be a pity to have to jump to the competition for VR support. I love RF2 but they will have to come to the party. DK1/2 have been out for a while now with the community doing all the work to make it happen.
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Well it will be a pity to have to jump to the competition for VR support. I love RF2 but they will have to compete the party. DK1/2 have been out for a while now with the community doing all the work to make it happen.

just made an account to add to this. i bought rfactor 2 quite a while ago because my league switched to it. directly before the switch eventually happened the rift dk2 preorders opened and i was one of the first to jump in and buy one. at that time i thought isi would actually be on time with their support and was looking forward to league racing in my dk2.

once the rift arrived the only sim that supported the dk2 was live for speed. and man did i play the hell out of this just hotlapping in my dk2. after 5-10 minutes i was completely sure that i NEVER can go back to my monitor setup. nomatter what. i would rather drive in my vr headset alone then to spend the time in rfactor 2 without the rift.
i told the people in my league that they would have to understand that i signed off for only one season in hope they would support the rift soon enough for the season after. didnt happen. i looked back in to the forum from time to time but it didnt seem like there was progress. they said in more then 1 thread that the consumer version will be supported and actually closed some or at least one of those threads (as far as i remember). i was disappointed at how isi handled vr, but to be fair we are talking about development kits. so i can at least somewhat understand that it is a hassle to support ever changing runtimes.

in the end i switched to iracing and played about 175 races from november 2014 to december 2015. i havent looked back since. even if the community in a proper racing league is miles ahead of iracing i have to admit that the joy i got out of my dk2 in the countless "public" iracing races were more fun then i had in any league race. the buildup to a race in a league is different and all that surrounds it is better, but racing on a monitor compared to racing inside the rift is freaking night and day.

i never lost hope that they will be ready for cv1 and support it out of the box. but i am not so sure anymore. i would love to go back to my league and drive rf2 with my people. but for me it doesnt feel like isi has love vr somehow. i cant explain and cant understand but we here next to nothing from them. :(

edit: i should add that i of course tested the hacked together community mod support. but that wasnt a good enough experience compared to native support.
U guys are going for oculus rift without waiting what vive do ? i mean even if the vive coast 1000 euro compared to what u get is better offer in my opinion. Front camara gives u perfect fit to use button boxes etc.

Adrian got a free one.
mtojay, i think you have missed this:

They know it's here and if it's going to be the new standard they will implement it for sure. But as always this sim is ISI's product and their decision when to implement or not.
Until then, i will wait patiently but that's just me.
after 5-10 minutes i was completely sure that i NEVER can go back to my monitor setup.

I've heard that sort of thing from a number of people, even with triples.

I've ordered one anyway. April, it reckons.
mtojay, i think you have missed this:

They know it's here and if it's going to be the new standard they will implement it for sure. But as always this sim is ISI's product and their decision when to implement or not.
Until then, i will wait patiently but that's just me.

ah thx man. i didnt see that. thats nice. best part was how he talked about live for speed and how he thought their implementation is fantastic. NICE.
really good to see, that gets my hopes up although i still dont believe we get anything for launch. but we will see.

and of course everybody can wait patiently. but as someone who has already tried and played the last year exclusively with the rift i cant wat patiently anymore. i just cant justify going back to a monitor :)
ah thx man. i didnt see that. thats nice. best part was how he talked about live for speed and how he thought their implementation is fantastic. NICE.
really good to see, that gets my hopes up although i still dont believe we get anything for launch. but we will see.

and of course everybody can wait patiently. but as someone who has already tried and played the last year exclusively with the rift i cant wat patiently anymore. i just cant justify going back to a monitor :)

Your last point about not able to go back i can understand. I think i would have the same. In my case i only play rFactor 2 so until they go and support vr there is no need for me to hurry. And i also want to know which device turns out to be the best.
And i also want to know which device turns out to be the best.

And maybe see those prices drop a bit too? Jeez Louise! :eek:

I see no need to hurry either. Let stuff play out a bit before I decide on VR.
Had a DK2 set too, in the run rf2 won and I soId it. Ranted often enough :p. Now not gonna order untiI rf2 support is there.
How much of a separate effort will be required by ISI to implement each brand of VR? I mean will there be much commonality between them so that ISI doesn't get burdened down as several VR brands dribble into the market? They claim that they will tackle Occulus when it finally goes commercial but what of the others?
Great to see that video and the enthusiasm Tim had for how games can put you in them with the rift, especially in the cockpits.

I lurk here a lot but have not played rf2 since I got the rift. I dont talk about the pros/cons/physics of other games etc but I only play racing games with rift support now as it's more important to me.

It's nice to see that Tim has tried it, likes it and that hopefully he will be able to push it internally.
mtojay, i think you have missed this:

They know it's here and if it's going to be the new standard they will implement it for sure. But as always this sim is ISI's product and their decision when to implement or not.
Until then, i will wait patiently but that's just me.

That has nothing to do with isi its private review. To call vr standard is a long way not before 2-3 years.
I know it's Tim private but don't you think he talked about it @ work? I said: "if it's going to be the new standard" i never claimed it is the new standard.
