So....who has PCars?

i know the what they mean with the ai.... ive in my second season of karts and yes it happens... ive had great races with the ai , not quite as good as rf2 ai but theyre challenging. YOu just have to race super clean and when you know their characteristics (some corners not dare to overtake on) you can have fun.
Hi all.

I really hope pCars gets better. As of now, IMHO, I just wasted $49.99 for a pretty picture. I have been trying hard to make it work and feel like rF2 or maybe close to it. Not a chance. The graphics are stunning, no doubt, but nowhere the hyped up videos they were showing before launch. All cars I've tried seem to have bad rack and pinion steering with a huge slop in the middle. I bet there's some setting somewhere to take that up but I haven't seen it yet. FFB seems like an afterthought with nearly random bumps here and there to make it do something. Some cars support both stick and paddles and they are enabled both at the same time! It's fun trying to shift. If you leave the stick on N, the paddles will go through N on every shift. Hey, I'm sure that's something I need to change but out of box, it's screwed up.

Then there's Steam. I don't want it. I don't want that running in the background calling home and pulling updates while I'm doing other things. I don't want any other game from Steam. But I have to have it to run pCars. I bought my digital copy from GameStop thinking that it wouldn't need Steam - wrong. At least Amazon warns about this up front.

Overall, it feels like they were shooting for consoles as main target and compromised a lot on the PC version. I keep hoping an update will make it all better since the graphics are so great.


It doesn't do it while playing games unless you tell it specifically to do it. Steam as a digital store front is good.
It doesn't do it while playing games unless you tell it specifically to do it. Steam as a digital store front is good.

I'd rather say that it's not as evil as it could be. It does track how much you use a game.
Difference with people .............I dont go to other developer forums bagging the opposition ( like 1/2 of you are now and you do the same at AC and pCars forums ) p

I am not even registered at pCars or AC forums, but I use both.

I am just glad I can enjoy them all.


Try hards :rolleyes:
For the Darwin sake, I loled...

Graphics are a piece of art, all the rest are a piece of you know what.

Sheesh man look where you were middle of track almost.

Gee like anyone knows pCars knows to give Ai as much room as you can " initially " ........then they won't run into you.

I never have accidents like that in pCars ......... just dumb driving, sorry :)
In that video I just see the person steering onto where the AI is.

Yeah G

Still if he was out on edge of track he probably could have got away with it.

One thing I like better about pCars Ai for visual immersion is how when they pass inside they will immediately take the racing line at exit and chop you off, like real.

I have to drive online rF2 with good F3 mates to get that.

In rF2 they are 200% more intuitive for sure but they don't shut the door fast enough.
will end my thoughts on pcars with this...

anyone who still thinks its an arcade or simcade or whatever , hasn't driven the McLaren f1 at zolder....

because in my eyes that's just as difficult to drive as any of rf2 road cars...
ive just found some great ffb settings....

and I will say it feels as good as the cobra, I can feel the whole tyre flex through my wheel, it feels awesome...
for me ffb and physics is on par with gsce and possibly RF2. If it had real road well.....
pcars tyre physics bad>?? ... get out of here..

maybe some cars are worse than others, but the good ones are good,.!!
You know that i'm going to k..ll you if it is otherwise and i wasted my money. :rolleyes:
let me warn you ffb will not feel good out of the box, you really have to alter them.. heres what I used as a base..

Go into the "calibrate FFB" menu and set the following (parameters not mentioned should be left at default!):

Tire Force = 100

Deadzone Removal Range = 0.03
Deadzone Removal Falloff = 0.02

Relative Adjust Gain = 1.37 (sometimes it shows 137 and leaves the " . " out)
Relative Adjust Bleed = 0.30
Relative Adjust Clamp = 1.33 (sometimes it shows 133 and leaves the " . " out)

Scoop Knee = 0.12
Scoop Reduction = 0.08

Soft Clipping (Half Input) = 0.60
Soft Clipping (Full Output) = 1.79

I set the Wheel ffb like he has, and set my car FFb (yes like rf2 has specific car ffb settings, and not just one) slightly different. if anyone wants me to post my car ffb settings I can..
It wan't save your life. :D No seriously i'll wait a bit longer before i get upset about all the bugs i read about, but thank you in advance, i''ll come back to you and your settings soon. ;)
Pcars is simcade with dodgy unconvincing physics and mystery ffb settings.
SMS and the big investors made fools of everyone.
will end my thoughts on pcars with this...

anyone who still thinks its an arcade or simcade or whatever , hasn't driven the McLaren f1 at zolder....

because in my eyes that's just as difficult to drive as any of rf2 road cars...

Difficulty does not equal real life.
only "Real Life = Real life" pal ;)

enjoy and what you like, I like both btw, get online and have some fun, or get on a real track and really have some fun...roll on my next track day, rfactor2 and pCars will do for filling in between the real stuff
Hhmm rf2 Skippy probs the hardest sim car to drive ever, but difficulty doesn't mean realism.

I have a formula Renault track day Friday. I'll tell you how difficult rf2 is compared to real life.

Again rf and ac fanboys wow shame really.
Hhmm rf2 Skippy probs the hardest sim car to drive ever, but difficulty doesn't mean realism.

I have a formula Renault track day Friday. I'll tell you how difficult rf2 is compared to real life.

Again rf and ac fanboys wow shame really.

Again, I guess you have finally found your ultimate sim, hope you enjoy it. No need for ac or rf2, right? XD
Hope it means we see less threads from you, lol jk

And please take into consideration how much the physical forces have an effect on your body and driving when you are doing your trackday. It's brought up over and over again, and yet it still seems to get washed over.

The Skippy isn't actually that hard imo, once you have your throttle control sorted for the funky weight bias, it's easy as.
If you've watched that going faster video, the Skippy is pretty damn close to what I could see in the video. So then take into account your lack of feeling in a sim...

I'd love to try Pcars, but until they release a demo or something, I'm not paying 90 bucks for it.
You what bud? Calling me an aussie?!

;) XD

hey , he's not one of us..

btw the skip is a training car , simple to drive once you have learnt how to drive from training. if you cant drive it at 100% back to school with you
Cmon guys I'm just having a stupid love affair with pcars u know I will come back to my true love when I've had enough of being hit by ai!!!

I know the Skippy is a good car and really rewarding. But gsc and rf will always be top for me ,just for know I'm.enjoying something else and there's nothing wrong with that right?
let me warn you ffb will not feel good out of the box, you really have to alter them.. heres what I used as a base..

Go into the "calibrate FFB" menu and set the following (parameters not mentioned should be left at default!):

Tire Force = 100

Deadzone Removal Range = 0.03
Deadzone Removal Falloff = 0.02

Relative Adjust Gain = 1.37 (sometimes it shows 137 and leaves the " . " out)
Relative Adjust Bleed = 0.30
Relative Adjust Clamp = 1.33 (sometimes it shows 133 and leaves the " . " out)

Scoop Knee = 0.12
Scoop Reduction = 0.08

Soft Clipping (Half Input) = 0.60
Soft Clipping (Full Output) = 1.79

I set the Wheel ffb like he has, and set my car FFb (yes like rf2 has specific car ffb settings, and not just one) slightly different. if anyone wants me to post my car ffb settings I can..

Yes, please do post all settings you can.
I have a formula Renault track day Friday. I'll tell you how difficult rf2 is compared to real life.
Most people under-drive the corner entry, as well as the braking. but then get some understeer mid-corner when they apply more steering lock and therefore think they're actually on the edge of the car's limits/performance. Don't fall into that ever-too-common trap. Also, If possible, try to find out what a top-end open wheel driver's record laptime is.

If you haven't been racing open-wheelers all your life, or at-least consistently for a year or so (and/or aren't very relatively quick) then what you'll almost certainly experience is just that - an "experience", rather than something where you can start analyzing and picking apart all the complex handling dynamics (and therefore compare to sims).

I worked at an F2000 track for a year, (and even instructed some fast up-and-coming hotshot karters) and tons of clients came for 1, 2, 3, or 4 day schools and would talk about how the car is understeering/oversteering, or how it's impossible to take certain corners flat ("the car just isn't capable of doing it" they'd say), or "the car is so grippy! It's on rails!" (under-driving). Needless to say, 90% of them didn't have a clue.

It took about 25 out of 30 of us workers there almost a full year just to be able to properly trailbrake the rear-end around during entry since most would overslow to where they feel some understeer (not understanding that they had to counter-intuitively ignore the understeer and carry even more speed into the corner than you think is possible, and only then will the rear be light enough to rotate on entry - assuming you press and release the brake pedal properly in combination with proper steering input). About 25 out of 30 people still could hardly do this properly and competitively after almost an entire year.

I'm not saying that you or anyone aren't/isn't a good enough driver to compare real-life to sims. What I am saying is that a relatively inexperienced (and/or only moderately fast) driver is going to be getting a completely different experience with some track days here and there than a sim-driver and the way we push cars in sims.
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Again rf and ac fanboys wow shame really.
It's not about fanboys. I'm willing to bet most players/drivers are unbiased and just want the best with no loyalty to any company/developer. But I'm telling you "straight-up", PCars is not a sim in the sense that RF2, GSCE, and IR strive to be. The dynamics are fun, yes, they're not arcade, not at all, but they're simplistic compared RF2, GSCE, and IR, let-alone real life.

It's probably easier for some to notice this in the rain. The car dynamics in the rain are more obvious proof of this "videogame trying to be fairly realistic" type of dynamics rather than "hardcore to real-life as possible".

I've driven F2000s in the rain at Mosport , and F1600s in the rain at Infineon Raceway (Sears Point), and trust me, the driving dynamics in PCars are extremely simplistic. Trust me.

This type of "videogame-ish" vehicle behavior in PCars can also be easy and clearly seen with the karts It's more like a light-weight car than a proper kart. You steer the kart into and throughout the corners like a car not an actual kart. And GSCE does not have as advanced an overall physics engine as RF2, yet GSCE displays better kart dynamics than PCars, so it's not all down to RF2's relatively advanced physics engine, but rather just the ISI physics engine in general.

The overall vehicle dynamics (compared to RF2, GSCE, IR, let alone real-life) are simplified and not a "true", "proper" sim. Again though, I still really enjoy the game, it's EASILY realistic enough for me to enjoy :) but it's not on that "hardcore/pro-sim" level, and that is TOTALLY fine with me :) :)
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i know im not going to change yr mind, nor do i really want to, but i will point out that your logic is "poor rain physics = not a sim" is a bit presumptuous...and a little ironic based on what ive seen ppl on here say about driving in the wet in rf2, even if rf2 goes the other way with it. as for the karts, its not a kart simulator, & tbh i dont care too much if they did a poor job on those, & i doubt they did either. my only point being, i personally dont find either of those valid reasons to label it "non-sim", even if they are totally valid points.
I didn't say it's wrong because of the rain, I said it may be more obvious for some people to notice in the rain. Meaning that the people who aren't/can't noticing/notice the simplified driving dynamics in the dry may be able to notice it in the wet.

The rain - or dry for that matter - isn't perfect in any sim obviously, but there's a difference between imperfection and "videogame-ish" & simplistic.

And it's not about being a kart simulator, neither is RF2 and especially pre-RF2 ISI engines (RF1, GSCE, etc.), yet they perform miles better than PCars. It's about overall vehicle dynamics and kinematics, and that is all a result of the overall core physics engine (including tyre model), not some special per-car basis.

P.S. I also said it's realistic enough for me to enjoy the game, and that I do, honestly :). So please don't hate on me just because I'm trying to give my fully unbiased point of view. I'm no fanboy, I have people hating me on both the RF2 forums and AC forums because of my physics-issues posts/complaints/analyzations, lol :)
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Typical of you lot, insult people with childish comments ..............that is all you are capable of.p

Vacuous rubbish.

Why do you give a toss if I or anyone else likes it. ? Please enlighten me ?p

That was not the point of my comment.

How does it affect you ..........( well I can see that, pretty obvious. ) :rolleyes: lol p

Verbal anesthesia.

When did pcars promised it would have the best physics. lmao

If these disaffected investors thought lol that pCars was going to be the Best they were deluded from the outset.p

As we know, the money is in the console consumer crowd segment. The gentleman's statement with regard to the changes in physics since the beginning, arguably relates to a compromise to the physics for the sake of console players.

Saying it was more realistic early builds ? TOTAL BS lol p

Random spewage.

They should get off their high horses and don't worry about what others enjoy. ?

If you say so.

Have a nice internet forum filled day. :)
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Noticed many mentions of SCE suggesting it having one of the good physics and FFB. Setting it up is relatively simple too so I'm wondering why PC didn't simplify setup similarly?

-via iPad
Hhmm rf2 Skippy probs the hardest sim car to drive ever, but difficulty doesn't mean realism.

I have a formula Renault track day Friday. I'll tell you how difficult rf2 is compared to real life.

Again rf and ac fanboys wow shame really.

Best to not be talking about me in the last line but if you are, who cares anyway.
