Assetto Corsa Respectful Comparison

Ah ok thx, my attention was more on driving the cars while i was waiting for a wow effect which i get with rf2 . Everything else is fine and i can also accept arcade features when i'm not forced to use them and I think it makes driving more intresting for beginner but the feeling is off and that brakes ut for me. It feels very simple and boring. I still hope they remember NetcarPro and mix it with the current patch feeling, otherwise i don't see me seriously using it.
The UI is fancy and graphics are shiny but when it comes down to it AC is just another slowly improving beta like rF2, just AC talks itself up more so people think it is better. In terms of track detail AC is similar to rF2, the trees look similar, billboards seem to load differently but are similar in detail, the sky is a non moving texture so doesn't look good, granted you rarely see clouds in rf2 but they are dynamic. AC has much better lighting and replays look good but is similar to rF in terms of flickering lines in the distance. Performance wise they are similar, I get average 100fps on both games, perhaps alot of the fanfare is that AC may look better on lower performing systems.

When it comes down to physics and FFB rFactor is much better, AC reminds me of Gran Turismo handling, the open wheeler drives arcadey like you can brake very late and throw it through corners very easily, it feels like AC doesn't handle slides and tyre slippage very easily (I know with other cars like the M3 you can slide a lot but it feels like grip comes and goes suddenly, it feels quite structured).
The FFB in AC is like a heavy spring resisting 100% one way or the other with no variation in force, driving with my T500 it is very hard to counter all sorts of slides, turning the power down to 50% it is better but the FFB just feels clumsy, it is lacking in depth and feel a lot compared to rF2.

It seems AC have concentrated on graphics and "fun" handling, it feels lacking in depth in the physics. It's like a Forza or GT5 for PC, which is fine, I will still play it probably, especially when multiplayer is working. rFactor seem to have concentrated more on the core thing of actually driving a car round a track and the feedback it gives, this is the main thing to start with in a simulation of race driving, I don't see (from videos) F1 simulators having good crash physics and graphics.

It is good to finally have AC on the market, we can now see as both games develop and progress and see the speed in which they develop, I expect them to go at a similar pace.
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Well after a few more hours of testing I have to admit the cars felt boring and lacking character,give me a BT20 /Howston G4 around Brianza or megane/camaro around the ring any day.
Well yes, I only play online and I think I have rarely seen them, would be nice if on clear you have the odd cloud or 2.
Well yes, I only play online and I think I have rarely seen them, would be nice if on clear you have the odd cloud or 2.

Clear, is clear, if you want to see one or two clods, use ligh cloud setting, and you will see one or two clouds in the sky. I wonder why some servers don't use that setting... do the sky more alive. I our servers not always but most of time we use clouds, and different time settings to get better visuals and dynamism.
* My experience is very good in Assettocorsa , the FPS are very high compared to RF2 , and the image quality is very good (only 2D trees clash a bit).
* The FFB is similar to iRacing , conveys well , weights very noticeable car . The RF2 is better to tread the road bumps and the curbs .
* The physical I think is the best section, dampenings behave nicely , you know you bring a car weighing several tons . The tires have a very real grip . In RF2 at low speed there is a loss of grip strange.
* The sounds are pretty good the E30 m3 sounds really good , but everything can be improved .
* The clutch does its function , if you do well , the gear does not engage .
* The animations are very good .
* The repeats seem real , suspensions movements + sounds + very real pilots animations .
* The no load times , with three clicks are inside your car on your track.
* Photo Mode is awesome.
* It is very difficult to find a bug , all very correct and looks very professional.

* The worst thing is the lack of go online , AI , game modes ... This simulator end should be something great.
I'm just downloading my beta now from Steam.

Could we have an intelligent discussion that focuses just on the physics, FFB, graphics, etc., details and not get into philosophical issues????

Early indications, not surprisingly, are that AC is great, but FFB might be an issue, especially compared to rF2. I'd love to hear some nuanced opinions and will add my own when I finally get some seat time (which may be a while due to annoying work issues!).
I don't think FFB is an issue from the cars I tried. It feels like the FFB represents the feeling you get from the actual wheel in the car, which for anyone who has driven a car and can distinguish their feet from their hands, would know. The FFB gives you a feeling for what the tires are doing, the grip level, on top of the steering wheel simulation. To me the rF2 FFB tries to give you as much detail from the track as it can through the wheel, since most of us don't have means of adding FFB to our pedals, butts, and backs. But the FFB varies wildly in the cars, in rF2 I usually don't feel confident of the car because of the lack of feel I get from it (with most cars). In AC the FFB varies according to the car you drive but I always felt in control and connected.
Well, I've given it a go, here is my impression:

Well, it's definitely early days. I am going to reserve judgement, but, honestly at this point I would steer people away until a more substantial build is available. I'm not going to go into detail like I said I would earlier, it's just not at a point of comparison. I think it's not even as polished as the Tech Demo, graphically or physics wise.

First take aways:
- Quite grippy
- Heavy steering and FFB.
- Not very detailed FFB
- Anti-Aliasing is not doing its job. There is bad aliasing everywhere. When using nvidia control panel AA (which puts a MASSIVE hit on FPS) things don't get any better.
- HDR on or Off, there is way too much brightness. The scene often looks completely blown out to me.
- Framerates are way below where they should be for the visual quality present. Maxed out I stay around 60fps, with dips to the 40s. From what I see on screen though, it should be much higher.
- External Replays look better than driving in cockpit. This is further querulous as framerates seem to improve in replay mode.
- No visual damage

I drove two cars (M3 GT2 and 458 Italia) on two tracks (imola and silverstone). Both tracks seemed lacklustre to me in visual representation, perhaps it was all of the aliasing bringing it down. It looked worse than the Tech Demo to me, though. Neither track had feel worth noting. The BMW M3 GT2 looks unfinished on the interior. Lots of flat textures, very simple graphically. The Ferrari 458 Italia was much nicer graphically on the interior, seemed close to being finished, if not done. Both cars had unique feel, but FFB was dull and heavy.

I am looking forward to the many updates to come.
I've been searching for option to remove ffb filtering even more than zero, but there wasn't one.
Also i was surprised how easy GT cars are in AC comparing to rF2's GTs.
Overall grip level seems a bit overdone, I didnt lose control of a car when i thought its impossible to save it.
Also.. I've missed 'realroad' feature while playing AC)
Visually it looks really good sometimes, level of details of car is noticeably higher than in rF2 but somehow it doesnt look much better overall. Loch Drummond in the morning/evening will beat AC's any track no matter DOF, motion blur or time of the day (which is very limited currently).
The main thing where AC is better than rF2 is the car physics. You can actually drive this. You can feel when it is going to go out of control before it is too late. FFB in rF2 is miles better, but it can be a matter of perspective. For wheel only simulation, it is sufficient. For all the bumps that you should feel with body, the AC is lacking. I bet it is just a matter of time.

Also, what AC has published is in overall better quality. No ugly stuff is thrown at to the end-users - it builds trust.

It would also seem that AC graphics are good out of the box, while ISI must do magic with it's current engine and still without good results.

Overall, ISI has made some poor high level decisions: sticking to old engine and still making rF2 to be such a ambitious project with so many features that are cool, but not critical; so many unfinished features and making the beta phase to drag; not completing the core stuff (graphics glitches, ugly rain, exploding cars) and instead making new content. It all kills patience and fanbase.

I remember that ISI told for fans, "it will be done when it is done". Let me tell you now - you are done.

Even though rF2 is more complete on this stage, I don't see myself coming back. Had a ... not so good 2 years + 1 year of empty words.

Though I agree on some levels I just want to point out that Asseto Corsa is also built upon the NKpro engine...
Well yes, I only play online and I think I have rarely seen them, would be nice if on clear you have the odd cloud or 2.

As Esteve said, you can have just a few clouds if you set it up in the race settings. One cloud, two clouds etc (I`m sure you know this :p)

I don`t really do online so if it`s set a certain way for that then maybe that can`t be changed(?) or maybe who ever is doing the server could add some clouds/weather?

Anyway, rf2 has plenty of clouds and they can look quite spectacular in the right conditions/TOD etc. :)
Guys... I`ve not amanged to get AC yet, I will but not yet.

Any chance you guys that have it could give it a rating when you post about it?

1-10 sort of thing...

I tried it doing some laps with 2-3 cars like the 458 and the 500Abarth and the first things that I can say
Heavy steering and FFB and no details in the ffb!
Needs more tests!
Ps: I don't feel any ffb on the curbs, is it normal?
had another few hours on AC, impressions :

******realised I need to have settings to produce 90 to a 100fps to get a good experience from AC
+this comparison is made only 1 day after AC's release

ffb -very good, nice detail
( whilst AC's is very good on its initial release, rf2 is pretty much unbeatable here so ISI best -in fact I don't think any title can beat rf2 here )
(* I use a bodnar wheel & custom hydraulic brake-pedal set & have everything setup to feel maximum detail)

physics -different for each car, got a decent feel of some of the cars, although the ffb is very good the cars seem to need more "depth" & feel from the tires, its perhaps to early to judge as its only just been released, but right now this is my opinion
( the better ISI cars are very good here so this one goes to rf2 )

sound -seems a tad basic but its not bad ( rf2s sound is in a bit of a mess right now so this one has to go to AC )

graphics - the best ive seen, AC I don't think is beaten by any title at the moment ?, I'm getting all of the effects at 90 to 100fps in triple screen & 3d vision!
just a tad less fps than iracing but top cutting edge graphics
( rf2 hardly runs for me now due to terrible fps & that's with stuff turned down & no AA im very sad to say, so this one is a big one to AC )
cars / tracks quality & fps also seems consistent ( so far ) in AC

* no AI's or multiplayer available in AC yet

UI - its sounds like im trying to sell AC now but its simple the best UI ive ever seen, sharp & professional looking ( AC takes it here )

controls setup veryu quickly in AC too ( Im having a tad few problems at the mo with rf2 )


I'm in slight fear of AC stealing a lot of the potential exposure that rf2 could receive assuming there are some nice builds around the corner ( optimisations/fixes etc ), I believe theres enough for all 3 sims rf2//AC/iracing, I have each of them.

********re.ffb on AC, I had to really find the sweet spot in the AC settings for it to feel very good, also the high fps settings helped to, after that I was happy I was getting pretty much everything the title has to offer at this stage, I think within 2 to 3 months (they claim update every 2 weeks ) I'll be able to decide if its going to be a good usable sim or not
or a painful waste of time title that teases with glimmers of hope etc

ok right now on a scale of 1 to 10 =

for a first initial release beta : 10 (any other beta incomplete first release ive tried has been a total mess)
if it was never going to be updated from now so how it is at this point : 4

if your thinking of buying no need to rush, check out the gossip after the next couple of updates
yet again I have high hopes but no breath holding from me
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Assetto Corsa after 1 day - Nice modern graphics, Nice sounds, need a gamepad can't take it on the wheel, my Gt2 oscillating like crazy around the center, no detail in FFB feels like you drive sack of potato, very gluey feel on track, difficult to judge braking points (that is maybe due to different feel of speed), ugly sky, over saturated colors, over burn hdr, nice interiors but super clean like straight from manufacturer, BT49 is lightly saying a 'JOKE' to me how it drives, it sounds like my lawnmower, no FFB on Apexes when you have sound that you would expect some feedback, sounds like it's very early stage of that Sim, at this day for v0.1 I'm giving it 5/10 so far is just hot lapping game with few cars and few tracks where you can shoot some screenshot. Hopefully soon i recover from that first impression schock and refine above

BTW. Thank You ISI for rF2
@GTClub...what type of wheel are you using?
I have a G25 and the feedback is very much there.
It's a bit 'muted' on some of the rumble strips.
I must admit I like it so far...though I only drove the Ferrari 458 at Vallelunga.
It's a beta, so I'd imagine lots of polish still needs to be done. I remain optimistic...about both AC and rF2.

Both simulations have lots of potential.
I suspect overall they'll appeal to different audiences.
Right now, Rf2 is ahead on FF and amount of content while. AC is ahead overall on visuals for things like cars...(I do not like trees and foliage at trackside). That out of focus look doesn't do it for me.
In terms of the feeling you get as a driver sitting in the cockpit looking out, rF2... in paticular with mods like the Megane at Croft or Clio at Loch, still feel more natural.
The menu system in AC is better though not by much.
I wish ISI had brought us a better looking replay system out of the box for rf2...sadly that aspect is stll very much lacking.
It's especially bad and quite disappointing when after years in development, the original looks better than the current one.
I'll run both for a total simracing fix.
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The problem of ISI is that cars do not have a high quality graphically. If the ISI update the graphical models of cars. He will be graphically superior to AC. I hope an update with many graphic details in vehicles. ISI please! Models for high resolution.
The last I read, there will be no rain until next year. To me, that is a basic feature of any racing game and I don't mess around with games that don't have it. But honestly without AI, multi, realroad, flatspotting, rain, damage etc etc, you are buying this game off the hope that one day it'll implement all this and they will be worth a damn.

It's pretty though.

Remember rF2's "early access" equivalent (beta)?

Terrible AI, janky multi that's difficult to pick up race (granted at least some multi was there), no realroad, no flatspotting, completely broken rain, rudimentary damage at best...

It wasn't even pretty.
After playing more I've noticed that AC handles triple screens better than RF2 i.e. the textures remain sharp and high quality whereas RF2 looks noticeably worse when going from 1 monitor to 3, I'm not sure if this is a texture resolution thing or an engine thing.

Also is anyone having a problem with the throttle (noticed it in the 458) where nothing happens for the first ~25% of travel even though it recognizes the input?
RF2 and IRacing > AC. Input lag, bad handling, hopeless ffb, and after netkar pro it's doubtful they'll create the online infrastructure. RF2 is heading the right way, and is only going to get better. Right now I feel happier about buying RF2 than I do about buying AC.
The problem of ISI is that cars do not have a high quality graphically. If the ISI update the graphical models of cars. He will be graphically superior to AC. I hope an update with many graphic details in vehicles. ISI please! Models for high resolution.

I find ISI's official content to be excellent. Mods are variable, but official stuff really is good.
After a two days testing AC I think it is much better in terms of car feeling, car control and behavior is way more natural than in rF2. Graphically obviously it's also better. What it lacks if multiplayer and damage, so in that regard it loses to rF2.
AC has a slight edge over rf2 in graphics, but that's all. For replays, in rf2 we're still lacking a consistent under car shadow, and in AC the shadows only seem to manifest where the car is.

The driving experience is all a matter of perception and people will naturally like one over the other. As far as how "real" AC is, who knows? I have never driven a real Ferrari so I have no basis for comparison.
I still can't understand people who says has better car behaviour than rF2... Formula Abarth totally stable pushing full throttle at 2nd gear tight turns? In real life this car is stiff, low downforce and you have to fight with the wheel (just watch two or three videos...). Street cars are OK, but competition cars are a joke. Formula Abarth bounces like a rubber ball, and even more when you touch kerbs, the car starts to bounce and does not stop in some metters, and even in this situation you can push full throttle with no oversteer signals. And don't try to do "donuts", because you can't, the car stop sliding when you end a semicircle and suddenly gains grip and start to run straight.

With BMW GT2 and Lotus (competition version), the same, no oversteer signals, only if you unbalance the car purposely or push so so so hard in tight turns with shortest gears. In rF2 you can push in 2nd gear with GTR in tight turns, but only when you learn to balance the car and have a decent setup, in AC you can push with no car balancing, you can push hard and the car will not spin, It's a really strange behaviour because from replays and cockpit while only viewing seems OK, but when actually driving, seems arcadish (for competition cars, I feel totally different things with street cars).

I tried It lots of hours...

In AC "sim", oversteer is almost unexistent for competition cars (and some street cars), if you feel the need release throttle pedal, will not be due you are losing the car, 99% of the times will be because you go out of the track due a strange understeer you suffer everytime in mid turn phase and exits.

In the other hand I would like to see that kind of friendly UI in rF2...
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I'm so massively disapointed from everyones comments...

When I read over a year ago that AC would have a brand new physics rather than one developed from NK Pro I was excited because my issue with netkar pro was the steering ffb philosophy of only feeling what a real wheel would feel. Well a real wheel feels dead, even in a race car with great steering feeling, relative to how much feeling you have from the car around you/under your butt, etc etc.

Now I'm reading from everyone that AC is just as bad, if not worse than NK Pro when it comes to this "dead bland wheel giving no ffb cues, but hey its the most realistic true to a real life steering feel" philosophy for ffb.

REALITY CHECK, if anyone has ever driven a real race car and been consistent and done pretty good lap times they would understand that 75% (probably more) of the driving, of feeling the car, etc. IS NOT coming through steering feel. In RFactor engined sims and in IRacing, I can feel things that the car does before I need to correct, it is similiar to real life in that you can make tiny pedal adjustments, stop applying more lock, lift the brake a 5% sooner, etc, so that you don't need to make a correction to the car because you can feel the track and car around you so well that you know how/when/what to do with your pedals and steering, yet with NK Pro and it seems like with AC you get only the true steering feel. This true steering feel only philosphy will make the cars nice and smooth and natural when it comes to corrected slides and generally driving around corners, even at fast speeds, but it doesnt tell you all the tiny things that you need to feel in order to drive a racecar on the limit and consistently lap at that limit constant making tiny corrections and adjustments.

Disapointed AS HELL, but I admit I havent actually tried it yet but have done my fair share of NK Pro testing are people that understand what I am talking about regarding this true steering feel seem to be saying it's just as bad, if not worse than NK Pro in that regard.
I don't know, I think that nK and this put a lot more g-force into the wheel than rF/rF2. Sometimes in rF2 I feel like I'm 'bouncing' off the 'edges' of the FFB, lots of front tires and road surface, without much at all that I am working directly against in a turn. In nK/AC, much like LFS, I feel like I have to work against gravity a bit, which is a HUGE help to tell how hard the car is turning.

I think if there was a similar FFB system in rF2 that I would drive significantly better.
I've put more time in, and played more of the content. Also, my aliasing issue disappeared. The sim is fantastic. I was wrong about my first impressions. It's all there. I'll be spending all my time with it from now on.

As good as AC may be, I can't even entertain buying into this without basics like AI and pitstops. I'm really tired of these long, drawn out beta periods and don't fancy getting involved in another one.
Imho AC is really a good work.
For me the point of force for AC is the weight transfers and the result that this behavior has on the grip levels.

The FFB is under work (for curbs and so on..)

AC is not completed, but if this is a "start".. i think the "end" will be amazing.

RF2 and AC are diiferent beasts, and i'm very happy with BOTH! ;-)
You tried it yet D?

No mate and I won't be.

AC is not for me looks like a sim version of pCARS.

I know from comments it is not going to be better to drive, I think people kid themselves they think it will change much whenever it is finished.
rF2 feels the same it did 2 years ago

Add to that limited modding from what I hear and how would you ever do a Targa for it we already have it in rF2.

I think for instance rF2 Monza looks way more realistic then anything else out there.

GPL and rF are ugly ducklings but have feel and soul. :)

I know that is romantic notion, besides the fact ..........I can't afford it. hehehe.

If you worried about graphics rF2 will look much better in 2 years AC will look the same as it does now.
No mate and I won't be.

AC is not for me looks like a sim version of pCARS.

I know from comments it is not going to be better to drive, I think people kid themselves they think it will change much whenever it is finished.
rF2 feels the same it did 2 years ago

Add to that limited modding from what I hear and how would you ever do a Targa for it we already have it in rF2.

I think for instance rF2 Monza looks way more realistic then anything else out there.

GPL and rF are ugly ducklings but have feel and soul. :)

I know that is romantic notion, besides the fact ..........I can't afford it. hehehe.

If you worried about graphics rF2 will look much better in 2 years AC will look the same as it does now.


Oh, magic fortune teller Durge Driven, what else can you tell me? What else will happen in the future? Will I be the multi-millionaire owner of the world's most successful blowjob factory?

Oh, magic fortune teller Durge Driven, what else can you tell me? What else will happen in the future? Will I be the multi-millionaire owner of the world's most successful blowjob factory?

You'll have to run it by hand until you get some girls...
I don't know, I think that nK and this put a lot more g-force into the wheel than rF/rF2. Sometimes in rF2 I feel like I'm 'bouncing' off the 'edges' of the FFB, lots of front tires and road surface, without much at all that I am working directly against in a turn. In nK/AC, much like LFS, I feel like I have to work against gravity a bit, which is a HUGE help to tell how hard the car is turning.

I think if there was a similar FFB system in rF2 that I would drive significantly better.

You have to have a mix of both though, you can't just have the natural damped springy weighty resistance feeling of a real wheel and just leave it at that just because thats how real life wheels feel. Racing a car is all about feeling the car talking and whispering to you, and over 75% of that communication DOESN'T come from the wheel but from the car feeling around you, under your bum, g-forces, vibrations, feeling the car getting close to slipping under you even though you CAN'T feel/see any slip yet through the wheel or visually, etc. etc.

So if the philosophy is to just go for an as much true to life steering feel as possible, then you loose out on almost all the info that you need to dance the car on the limits consistently WITHOUT GOING OVER THE LIMITS. Once you go over the limits sure the kunos style ffb mixed with visual cues allow you to correct the slide, that's all fine and dandy, but what I am talking about are the tiny feelings that you can't see happening yet but can only be felt through ffb; this is what we in sims need transmitted to us, this is what you need and get in real life (but not through the wheel), and if your sim is going for an as true to real life steering feel as possible than you wont have these feelings at all. These feelings are needed to race and dance with a car properly, without it all you're doing is using your vision and sound cues and then you just make corrections once you already have slid, by then it's too late, it's all about the tiny cues you get BEFORE you need to actually make any corrections.

For example, you need to feel the brakes getting close to locking BEFORE they lock. You need to feel the rear getting light getting close to sliding BEFORE it actually slides BEFORE you have to make any sort of correction. You can feel these things in ISI engined sims even old ones from years ago, you can feel these sorts of things in real life, but you can't, or very much less so, feel them in these pure 100% "true to life" steering ffb styles of ffb. I'm sorry but car's cannot, and ARE NOT driven this way without these feelings, regardless if the feelings come from your wheel, your body, your bum, whatever, your brain needs to feel them from somewhere. THERE HAS TO BE A COMPROMISE WITH THE FFB.
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As good as AC may be, I can't even entertain buying into this without basics like AI and pitstops. I'm really tired of these long, drawn out beta periods and don't fancy getting involved in another one.

rF2 beta has been a great experience from day one for mine.

LiveRacers will add a new dimension for first timers.

I want to get a official ranked rookies room going, get a bigger kick from seeing others improve.

OT lool p

I still reckon all developers are missing getting closer to iRacing's domination in "hardcore" for one biggie iR does not have aids.

Why rF2 can't make 2 version one normal , one Pro ? ( Pro would require full manual controls, every blip and heel and toe would have to be right )

People could buy normal version and get their ranks, even have a ranking requirement to even run the Pro version no matter if you have best sim gear or not.
That would bring it inline with iR, as well stop a lot rookies buying it, but still give them the knowledge it is there to take. ;)

The ranking system could be used by teams to look at prospective drivers to upgrade to Pro version.

Pro version I would look logically and say what can't I use in a real road/ race car. Simple as that.

I am pretty sure not many race cars have on OSD Motec on their windows or wear visual headsets yet most people take HUDs as a normal racing thing.

That would and I believe will be the next evolution, authentic simulation. :)

They have all pushed the boundaries of physics and visual immersion a fair bit in the last decade yet we are locked into the same concept of making one version fit all.

the old line " But but you can just turn the aids off DD ? " ............does not cut it anymore for mine, in fact it never did.

Hahahaha DD is like a 'Ol dog with a big bone hehehehe
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You have to have a mix of both though, you can't just have the natural damped springy feeling of a real wheel and just leave it at that just because thats how real life wheels feel. Racing a car is all about feeling the car talking and whispering to you, and over 75% of that communication DOESNT come from the wheel but from the car feeling around you, under your bum, g forces, vibrations, etc. So if the philosophy is to just go for an as much true to life steering feel as possible, then you loose out on almost all the info that you need to dance the car on the limits consistently WITHOUT GOING OVER THE LIMITS. Once who go over the limits you can just use your vision/visual cues to correct, what i am talking about are the tiny feelings that you can't see happening yet but can only be felt through ffb, this is what we in sims need, this is what real life wheels dont give you and if your sim is going for an as true to real life steering feel as possible than you wont have these feelings at all. These feelings are needed to race and dance with a car properly, without it all your doing is using your vision and sound cues and then you just make corrections once you already have slid, by then it's too late, it's all about the tiny cues you get BEFORE you need to actually make any corrections.

For example, you need to feel the brakes getting close to locking BEFORE they lock. you need to feel the rear getting light getting close to sliding BEFORE it actually slides BEFORE you have to make any sort of correction. You can feel these things in ISI engined sims even old ones from years ago, but not in the "true to life" steering ffb of Kunos. I'm sorry but car's cannot, and ARE NOT driven this way. THERE HAS TO BE A COMPROMISE WITH THE FFB.

I agree with you. I agree that ISI does a great job of telegraphing this stuff through the FFB, but I think that they go too far in that direction at the expense of a planted solid feeling. The word that comes to mind is 'soupy'. Weirdly, I think the way ISI does FFB makes me focus on visual cues MORE than the nk/AC style (especially when learning tracks) because you can't lean into it much at all. I wish I knew how to phrase all of this in proper technical terms, but I don't.

It's way easier to over-drive in rF2, that's for sure. I think people generally underestimate the impact of FFB, actually, and to a large extent it makes or breaks the entire driving experience... it's sort of the lens through which most people interact with the sim.

If it were somehow possible, I would love to play rF2 with nk/AC-style FFB, just to see what it was like.
No mate and I won't be.

AC is not for me looks like a sim version of pCARS.

I know from comments it is not going to be better to drive, I think people kid themselves they think it will change much whenever it is finished.
rF2 feels the same it did 2 years ago

Add to that limited modding from what I hear and how would you ever do a Targa for it we already have it in rF2.

I think for instance rF2 Monza looks way more realistic then anything else out there.

GPL and rF are ugly ducklings but have feel and soul. :)

I know that is romantic notion, besides the fact ..........I can't afford it. hehehe.

If you worried about graphics rF2 will look much better in 2 years AC will look the same as it does now.

Yep... I have to agree. RF2's Brianza and Spa looks way more realistic and better than any of pcars/AC historic tracks. And from what I've heard, rf2 beats AC by miles when it comes to the driving. So I don't know why I should buy this game tbh... I don't feel tempted at all... buy it for the graphics? Well I don't even like the graphics from what I've seen on videos so far. Too much bloom, car looks too clean and too much like pcars like you say... Somewhat an arcadish look over it all. I just don't like it... I think rF2 could look at least as good as this. Of course old content like EVE and Brabham can't compete when it comes to graphics... But upcoming cars like the Eagle, I know it will look good. With higher poly models, better textures and some chrome effect and more realistic looking mirrors I know it could look just as good as AC... And the feeling is already there, I've loved rF2's historic cars since day 1

I wanted to like AC but so far I'm not impressed and yet I won't give them my money ;)
