Oculus Rift Consumer unit 1 on schedule ( Announced on Twitter )

which games u test with cv 1 ?

Does it rely mater what sim I did use to my test? But to your info it was DCS. Everyone with common sense who plays flight sims can understand that dk1, 2 and cv1 has simply too low resolution.
Does it rely mater what sim I did use to my test? But to your info it was DCS. Everyone with common sense who plays flight sims can understand that dk1, 2 and cv1 has simply too low resolution.

How did you get to try the cv1 in dcs let alone get to try a cv1?
the question is how can u test dcs with cv1 ?

I dint test cv1 I did made typo. Use you common sense before you spam me about mistake like that. I tested DK2 as you should understand without asking silly questions.
Does it rely mater what sim I did use to my test? But to your info it was DCS. Everyone with common sense who plays flight sims can understand that dk1, 2 and cv1 has simply too low resolution.

It's nice you have an opinion and I am sure most people reading your statements of fact can understand that it is only an opinion.

Re DCS. Matt Wagner has said that CV1 in DCS is a leap beyond the DK2 and he is very happy with it in DCS. DCS is the simulator, not the aircraft.

Some aircraft will be easier to fly with lower resolution than others. Different aircraft in DCS have different roles, it's not all about spotting another aircraft as a small dot in the sky. I assume you are not part of a squadron? There are many roles to be filled that are good for VR.

Also, not everyone, in fact a minority, play combat sims. I have used FSX in the rift and flying is no issue as all and a lot more preferable to the monitors.

I dont think you are intentionally trying to lump everything in to one big bucket and saying it wont work, I just dont think you have a broader experience with the rift to know. As someone else asked, yes the sim and the aircraft you are flying are vital to the question of how well suited is the rift.
It's nice you have an opinion and I am sure most people reading your statements of fact can understand that it is only an opinion.

Re DCS. Matt Wagner has said that CV1 in DCS is a leap beyond the DK2 and he is very happy with it in DCS. DCS is the simulator, not the aircraft.

Some aircraft will be easier to fly with lower resolution than others. Different aircraft in DCS have different roles, it's not all about spotting another aircraft as a small dot in the sky. I assume you are not part of a squadron? There are many roles to be filled that are good for VR.

Also, not everyone, in fact a minority, play combat sims. I have used FSX in the rift and flying is no issue as all and a lot more preferable to the monitors.

I dont think you are intentionally trying to lump everything in to one big bucket and saying it wont work, I just dont think you have a broader experience with the rift to know. As someone else asked, yes the sim and the aircraft you are flying are vital to the question of how well suited is the rift.

Well, it is your opinion that I don`t have experience with rift to know. I have dk1 and dk2 and have also ordered cv1. If you feel that rift is fine to flying it is fine to me it is your opinion. I think we are playing flight sims in totally different levels. The question of how well rift is suited to the sims, in my mind not very well :)
Exactly it is opinion! What dont you get about that? I am not stating any facts other than your opinion is not a fact lol. Edit, just to be clear, everything I say is my opinion, everything I read other people say I take as their opinion, until like you did and start saying 'everyone' and then you are saying it's not just your opinion but what everyone else thinks. Thats when subjective topics like this go bad.

I dont think there is 'playing flight sims at different levels'. There are different aircraft/helos/roles. A2A in the p51 in VR is not easy compared to SAR in a helo. I dont find it too hard to do CAS in the rift. I dont do much A2A since playing il2. If you prefer to call it 'different levels' then hooray for you. I don't know if you play by yourself but if you do much MP with squadrons then there are many roles to be had.

As I said, flight sims are not all the same, just because it doesnt suit what you do doesnt rule it out for other kinds of flight. In FSX for GA flight, small aircraft its perfect.
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For point of reference. I am not a Flight simmer. Never have tried to play a hardcore flight sim. However, I have played War Thunder and found the game to be very exciting. THis video does a nice job of showing how the DK2 adds significant immersion to the reviewers sim experience. He uses War Thunder as his reference but also mentions other sims.

Exactly it is opinion! What dont you get about that? I am not stating any facts other than your opinion is not a fact lol. Edit, just to be clear, everything I say is my opinion, everything I read other people say I take as their opinion, until like you did and start saying 'everyone' and then you are saying it's not just your opinion but what everyone else thinks. Thats when subjective topics like this go bad.

I think that you and me are not only in different level when it comes to how we play sims but also when it comes to hardware we are using to gaming/sims. I am only trying to share my opinion about rift based and what experience I have with it and when English is not my native language it is not easy when rift fanboys are playing word games and spam me like you do. You and few guys are making statements that its the end of the world if rFactor2 don`t get vr support soon. Your reply below is good ex. about that. I feel thats when subjective topics like this go bad. :)

I am in the same boat, when I got my DK2 15 months ago I gave up on anything that wouldnt use it, that left AC and iracing.

iracing implementation is as good as i have wanted and with some of their built in macro stuff pit stops are a breeze with voice comms which complement the rift perfectly. I would be happy with any sim that does it the same as iracing, hint hint.

Two things came together at about the same time. I got the OSW and iracing went from what some would call iceracing to as good as I could ask for as well so I havent lost anything without rf2. I still am at the forums regularly though, waiting and hoping because I like all the sims.

See you on the track in Rf2 sometimes in distant the future. :D
I think that you and me are not only in different level when it comes to how we play sims but also when it comes to hardware we are using to gaming/sims. I am only trying to share my opinion about rift based and what experience I have with it and when English is not my native language it is not easy when rift fanboys are playing word games and spam me like you do. You and few guys are making statements that its the end of the world if rFactor2 don`t get vr support soon. Your reply below is good ex. about that. I feel thats when subjective topics like this go bad. :)

See you on the track in Rf2 sometimes in distant the future. :D

I am not saying rf2 will die without rift support, I never have. I am not playing word games with you. I am just stating that your opinion is one thing, which I respect. Not everyone likes the rift. You no longer state it as your opinion when you start saying everyone thinks like you do. It's not word play to point that out.

I have a long history with flight sims. I empathise with you that the rift is not ideal for all flight sims, particularly A2A combat but that doesnt make me a fanboy to point out that it works well enough that a lot of people are getting a lot of enjoyment from DCS and FSX while using the rift.

As to 'we are on different levels with flight sims and equipment', I have never seen you on the ED forums before but if you care to look me up you will see that I have been a member there for a long time, contributed to some mods and made and sold replica A10 pits, thats the instrumentation, panels, controllers etc. CNC milled, laser cut, you name it. If you can beat me on the equipment front you are surely at an elite level :)

Whilst some have made such statements before, metalnwood however has not.

Thanks, you are right, it's not something I am trying to get across.
If you can beat me on the equipment front you are surely at an elite level :)

Do you rely think this was the point I was trying to make? Maybe it was something else, like what kind of hardware(monitors&PC) is used when we are comparing game experience. :D
Do you rely think this was the point I was trying to make? Maybe it was something else, like what kind of hardware(monitors&PC) is used when we are comparing game experience. :D

I have done it all, triple monitors with 4th instrument screen, triple 42" screens with 4th instrument screen, projectors, 3d, rift. I have had basic controllers to replica cockpits on the flight sim, I have had basic wheels and pedals on racing to $1300 pedals, direct drive servo wheels and $700 rims.

My pc, you dont have to worry about that. If you went out today you couldnt get a faster one unless you put in 2x980ti's and we know DCS has not used sli so it doesnt matter, nor has FPS been an issue with only one.

Honestly, I dont know what your point was because you came across a bit too elitist with an attitude of you are playing at an advanced level I couldnt comprehend. It's a silly thing to do, it doesnt prove your point and there is always a bigger fish when you whip out your man card. In your case and in mine. Lets call it even and say that we both have broad experience with configurations and that we dont universally agree that the rift cant be used for flying.

I am happy to move on from 'yours is bigger than mine' if you have real points to make.
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Clearly the world's not going to end tomorrow (without support). But it's a real shame. Especially since at least on the OpenVR/Vive side, they've had stable drivers for a long time now. And are willing to give free dev kits to anyone even remotely respectable. The monetary returns would greatly outweigh whatever else they were working on. It's not like it requires a ton of work. And even if things are a very modest success early on, it's still going to yield more future sales than anything else they could spend minimal time on.
I am happy to move on from 'yours is bigger than mine' if you have real points to make.

Sorry to say this but you are still missing my point. Maybe you think bit about your claim mate :"Thats when subjective topics like this go bad"

Have fun with you rift ;)
Maybe there is a language barrier issue going on here but even if so, you're really getting the wrong end of the stick WhiteShadow.
Whiteshadow, you were having a discussion then you pull out some silly line. Then you say I missed your point and you then say your point was along the monitors and PC.

Now you say I missed your point and it was about something else, not what you just said your point was lol.

I could have discussed the rift, the topic of the conversation but when you feel you are in a better position because of your hardware (or whatever) then I think you dont have an argument left. I have no idea what your point is? Do you know what subjective means? Opinions are subjective, this is what I have been saying.

There is no clear factual statement like you have said along the lines of 'Everyone with common sense who plays flight sims can understand that dk1, 2 and cv1 has simply too low resolution.' That is subjective. This topic is largely subjective because we have so many people with different views on the topic.

Whatever your point, good luck to you.
The point whiteshadow made, about flight sims and resolution is far from being subjective. Resolution is directly tied to the ability to detect an object from a distance. It could be a switch in the cockpit, a reading on a instrument, or a tank 4 Km away, or an entire airfield 20 Km away. If resolution is too low, those object will be reduced to the size of less of a pixel (becoming invisible) at a distance that is a fraction of what can happen on a common monitor. While flying around can be fun, the fun will end when your operativity is reduced by your short sight... Maybe the airforce enlist shortsighted people these days, but it was not so when sight was almost your only instrument.
@GTclub , Vive and rift will only work with PC --- project Morpheus is PlayStation .
The point whiteshadow made, about flight sims and resolution is far from being subjective. Resolution is directly tied to the ability to detect an object from a distance. It could be a switch in the cockpit, a reading on a instrument, or a tank 4 Km away, or an entire airfield 20 Km away. If resolution is too low, those object will be reduced to the size of less of a pixel (becoming invisible) at a distance that is a fraction of what can happen on a common monitor. While flying around can be fun, the fun will end when your operativity is reduced by your short sight... Maybe the airforce enlist shortsighted people these days, but it was not so when sight was almost your only instrument.

Thanks Comante, yes, the resolution is not great enough to make A2A a great experience. Although DCS has tried to address this specifically for VR users by making farther objects larger so they are more visible at range but correct size when they can be rendered well in VR.

Resolution is still objective. Can is be proven that it is subjective? Well, if I take the many people using the rift for flying in many forums then we have a large bunch of people that think it is good enough for them. How does that work if factually the resolution is not good enough?

Sure, it might not be as good as some people want but it doesnt make it factual that it cannot be used. I pointed out in another post that there is all kinds of flying, some easier in VR than others.

I could equally make the argument that if I run at ~7680x1440 then anyone using a 1280x720 screen is off their rocker to think it is acceptable, yet lots of people still do.

In racing, not flying some people say the rift has too low resolution to run but I dont know anyone that has continued to use the rift say they are slower but I have heard plenty of stories of people being faster. Of course it is all subjective, everyone tolerance for it is different.
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I wonder if that approach will cause any lag in more graphically demanding games.
I wonder if that approach will cause any lag in more graphically demanding games.

More than lag, I think the concern would be performance losses.

I hope ISI has a look into it and can sort it out, I'd really love to go back to racing again on rFactor 2 when my CV arrives. I have been out of league racing for over 3 years, and since I tried the Rift I just can't race on flat screens anymore, so I've been holding out waiting for this moment, and it is so close now! I don't think I'm the only one who desperately wants to go with rF2 but will take anything else that has VR support if there aren't any options
More than lag, I think the concern would be performance losses.

I hope ISI has a look into it and can sort it out, I'd really love to go back to racing again on rFactor 2 when my CV arrives. I have been out of league racing for over 3 years, and since I tried the Rift I just can't race on flat screens anymore, so I've been holding out waiting for this moment, and it is so close now! I don't think I'm the only one who desperately wants to go with rF2 but will take anything else that has VR support if there aren't any options

I don t wanna hate against isi but i really think rf 2 will be the last one on vr. I mean they miss every important aspect in terms of marketing last 2-3 years in my opinion even gamestock car has the edge in this things. rf 2 is a good sim no question but in terms of vr i would allready think about to change the game if it comes to cv1 or vr. I mean for my part rf 2 is clear the best sim in physics and i could still manage to get it work with dk 2 but i think cv 1 is to big to miss it even other sims has worst physics. At some point vr will be to great to miss. If not in cv 1 than in the next generation.
More than lag, I think the concern would be performance losses.

I hope ISI has a look into it and can sort it out, I'd really love to go back to racing again on rFactor 2 when my CV arrives. I have been out of league racing for over 3 years, and since I tried the Rift I just can't race on flat screens anymore, so I've been holding out waiting for this moment, and it is so close now! I don't think I'm the only one who desperately wants to go with rF2 but will take anything else that has VR support if there aren't any options

Me to. I'm waiting for rf2 to implement and support OR/VR then I will be back to race again with my Sim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
More than lag, I think the concern would be performance losses.

I hope ISI has a look into it and can sort it out, I'd really love to go back to racing again on rFactor 2 when my CV arrives. I have been out of league racing for over 3 years, and since I tried the Rift I just can't race on flat screens anymore, so I've been holding out waiting for this moment, and it is so close now! I don't think I'm the only one who desperately wants to go with rF2 but will take anything else that has VR support if there aren't any options

i'm in the same boat like you.
i moved to a new home 6 months ago and since them i removed my previous cylinder projection screen and i am waiting for oculus rift to fit my 3 dof motion rig. So i have no other option to play than using the rift and thus i feel i am not gonna play rf2 in many years to come...
I don t wanna hate against isi but i really think rf 2 will be the last one on vr. I mean they miss every important aspect in terms of marketing last 2-3 years in my opinion even gamestock car has the edge in this things. rf 2 is a good sim no question but in terms of vr i would allready think about to change the game if it comes to cv1 or vr. I mean for my part rf 2 is clear the best sim in physics and i could still manage to get it work with dk 2 but i think cv 1 is to big to miss it even other sims has worst physics. At some point vr will be to great to miss. If not in cv 1 than in the next generation.

I agree. I think some ISI devs have been too quick dismissing VR as a whole nitpicking on DK2's shortcomings, which will be 99% solved for CV1. Even if CV1 is not enough for them, I can't possibly see how anybody would prefer ANY screen setup over an HMD that gives you full fov and lifelike resolution (I'm talking about a future HMD here, not Rift CV1). Also, Leap Motion has just been massively upgraded with new software, and most people agree that it's perfectly usable now (and more improvements are on the way). Considering a small business like Leap have achieved this, I'm sure a company like Oculus has something in the works, that's why they bought Nimble VR and they will probably integrate something into CV2 or CV3.

This is a demo of the new Leap software which works with just the old hardware, which is nuts to me. I can imagine them improving it much more when they also release better hardware.

Now, if you don't think this has anything to do with simracing, think again. Right now HUD's are kind of a problem, and you would have to reach for your keyboard or mouse while blind to navigate a menu (floating in front of you or whatever). Now imagine you are sitting in the cockpit and you have the typical screen they sit in front of you, IE:

You can have something like that as a menu and you just touch with your finger to navigate through options. Also you could bring up a virtual keyboard to type if you don't want to voicecomm with the people in the server. All of this while never moving an inch from your playseat. Also, given good enough tracking, it should be possible to map your hands into the game, and see them grabbing the virtual wheel matching the position of your own wheel. Then you should be able to raise your hand naturally to complain or to celebrate victory, while everybody else can see it from the outside too. This probably would take some effort from the devs to implement, but I'm sure it will happen as VR gets more and more commonplace and it starts making more sense to spend dev time in making the experience better

This is the future, and the only problem it has is that people need to try it to completely understand how awesome it can be. Not only that, but even after trying it, right now maybe you will have to be able to be forward thinking and imagine new ways of using this amazing tech. I know a lot of people that weren't impressed by DK2 who were blown away by CV1, and that can only happen if you don't use your imagination to see where things are going to go. There will still be people who aren't impressed with CV1, maybe because resolution isn't good enough for them yet (it is a good one to start IMO after trying it), maybe because of FOV, or whatever, but there's no question things will improve a lot over the years. There will be a point not even people who have invested thousands of dollars in screen/projector setups will be able to dismiss VR. I think some of this folks are going to be the hardest to convince, just because of stubbornness. I probably would be pretty stubborn about it too if I spend $3000 on projectors and suddenly a $600 peripheral gives a better experience, it's hard to admit to yourself that you could have saved so much money just by waiting a little longer before buying

Having said this, CV1 is still not the VR device that will reign in the sim world. Especially because hardware will upgrade quite quickly and it will become old in no time, unlike what happens with monitors. It will take some time until we hit a point where you don't mind when a new VR headset comes out because you are happy with the one you have. When CV2 comes out everybody that has a CV1 and money will jump on it because the resolution and FOV aren't where we would ideally want them, and any improvement will be welcome, especially if we are talking about eye tracking and foveated rendering. Foveated rendering has the potential of letting VR users to have better visuals while keeping the hardware requirements lower than what you would need on a flat screen. That is pretty huge and it's already coming
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Live for Speed is DX9 and it works in the Rift, so I don't think that's relevant. The relevant thing is what will ISI do once this things are out there. They said they will have a look then, so we'll see I guess.

Right now what we know is that Kunos already have their CV1's, and I dunno if ISI doesn't because they didn't ask or because Oculus ignored them
Looking at all the new VR units coming out I am starting to think again of cancelling my pre-order of the CV1. Did I jump in too early, should I wait?
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Has anyone managed to preview the consumer version of the vive yet? And if so, how does it fair compared to the oculus rift cv1?

Best i have found is this (https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/3zw8ta/ces_cv1_impressions_vs_vive/) however it seems it may not even be the vive pre but the older vive dk1 which if so means it's probably no good to gauge off.

Am i right in stating that the vive cv1 has not been confirmed to have the exact same specs as the pre?
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Looking at all the new VR units coming out I am starting to think again of cancelling my pre-order of the CV1. Did I jump in too early, should I wait?

"at all the new vr units coming out" there are only two oculus and vive. And as far as i know vive did not change much from vive pre. So after most test ppl say oculus has the better headset terms of weight/screen and vive the better system. So if u want it only for racing i would go with oculus rift for sure. If u want more and use the room scale or u have button box and need the front camara i would go for vive. What we now is that vive have a fov of 110 oculus did not say anything about fov yet.
