Post your Screenshots!

That cockpit is wicked man. Not too familiar with a Ferrari, but that Cockpit is awesome.
Agree! mianiak, how did you zoomed into that cockpit? I hope it's not a noob question cause I'm from the old school!

Agree! mianiak, how did you zoomed into that cockpit? I hope it's not a noob question cause I'm from the old school!
No it's not a noob question :D , it's an undocumented feature. In the spinner you hit the right mouse button whilst you have the left down and you can move the car's position around on the spinner. But there is something you also need to turn on in the plr (I think it's the plr, I can never remember what file it is in and I can never remember what it's called), it allows you to zoom in the spinner with the right mouse button. See if someone else knows what setting it is otherwise I will try and dig it up.

LesiU, do you mean normals or 'smoothing groups'? Remember NAGT is a league mod, gotta keep an eye on the polly count.
But if you mean funky normals, that model was originally built in Blender then transferred to max, something weird happened in the transfer process and I never bothered to fix it, Plus I have only been using 3dmax for a few months now and I never knew how to fix it. But I recently rebuilt the shell and it looks a lot better now.

Here is a video of it.

The car is still a wip, about 2 months away I would say.

Here is a closer look at the cockpit.

I've seen the 3D grass video on youtube. Looks great. What's the impact on FPS?
Not as much as I feared - I have GeForce 9600 GT, and a single-core Athlon XP CPU and this track used to run at 80-100 FPS at my computer. After I added grass it dropped to 70-90, so looks like 10% on this track. Clouds are worse since they can take 20% or more.

There are like 1,3 million polygons of grass on the entire circuit in almost 4000 GMT files. All GMT files take 180MB on disk, but placed inside a .mas file - only 20MB. GMT files are organised in such way, that grass density drops further away from camera, so out of over 1M polygons you can see like 30k-50k at one time.
So overall - it doesn't seem so bad.

Now it just needs a nice texture and a good shader to look the way it should.
K Szczech, if I may suggest something you might like to try with that grass is to make the terrain grass texture identical to the 3d grass, fade out the mipmaps and lod the 3d models out sooner.
You could even use a really harsh bump map for distances, like,, make a 256 bump map, then enlarge the canvas to 512 making the 256 you just made the middle mip, then smooth them out as they get bigger.
Know what I mean?

I was experimenting with thick grass a while back, this is what I was aiming for but I stopped with this due to the amount of extra polys involved, I plan to wait until the track is complete before I added this in. In this video each tuft of grass is an individual object.

This is a pretty raw video, but it gives an example of what I'm aiming for. The loding out is visible here but after I add the fading out mipmaps, the transition will look smoother. The fading out mips do work because I have tested it out in another scenario.

hmm,, maybe we should start a new thread?
Yeah, this one is meant for screenshots :)
But no need for new thread - I'm simply not looking for any advice nor feedback. What I posted here is just first working version of grass and I'm definitely not out of ideas yet :)
OK no worries, sorry for offering ideas, I should have realised that you guys know more than anyone else about what your doing. Cheers :)
there is something you also need to turn on in the plr (I think it's the plr, I can never remember what file it is in and I can never remember what it's called), it allows you to zoom in the spinner with the right mouse button. See if someone else knows what setting it is otherwise I will try and dig it up.

Found it :)

I really appreciate your suggestions, the grass tip was very interesting.
And nice model indeed!
On the screen I was commenting about, that upped part going through the middle of the hood had too sharp edges. I believed it was not because small polly count, but more about normals vectors (but I'm not a 3D modeller, so I might be wrong). Oh, and the clay model looks very nice :)
Kudos for creating the model from scratch!
Thanks LesiU! Yeah, the sharp edges is the sacrifice you need to make for low poly models.

You would have 3 or 5 edges on a seam to give it a round appearance, but that can bring up poly counts really fast. For low poly models, instead of making seams, you detach the polys which leaves a line. Basically, it's setting it into different smoothing groups. The shell by itself including hood and bumpers is just over 11k. To give you an example of the difference it can make between 3d seams and separated elements, I have been working on the next lod and have shaved off about 4000 polys mainly just by removing seams.
Mind you, with spec and bump map's and a shadow layer on the livery, you can sort of hide those sharp edges.

Lod AA *you can see the poly count in the top left, the right figure is the poly count of the current selection.

Lod A *ignore the crease down the middle, that's just because it's mirrored, that will be smooth once its done and the 2 sides are joined together.

I want the second one :D
No, really, with relativelly new PC with good GPU, you can handle such without a problem on full details in Full HD resolution (and I'm talking about 30-40 car grid).

Apologies about the framerate counter, I forgot that was there :X

*click for 1920*1080*
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ok then guys this might sound dumb and make me seem thick.. but i really wanna make AWESOME screenies...

do you know of any stupendouse tuts to achive this???...
or is anybody willing to help on the way to greatness???

cheers guys!!
Well, it's like with making photos... you have to have that "something" in your veins, that makes your pics look great :)
hahaha cheers. thanks for that lolz...... :( thought there would be help with after effect work on Photoshop or gimp or what ever you guys use.....
Bit too dark. Think its the contrast or whatever HDR you put on. Also why is it 1151x863
size wise i have no idea,....

no hdr on that..... it was taken at 05.30 am

the best part for me is the tarmac... looks amazingly real i think personally.....
A few shots from our the last FIA GT league race.
No postprocessing. All shots ingame using K Szczech SRPLShaderPack (including flares, Fresnel cube mapping + sun reflection (glass, car livery), trees dynamic glow/contrast, 3d grass (+ dynamic contrast), shaded skids/best line, animated sky and sun)

More shots in our gallery



We're actually league admins, not modders. As any other league admins, we take what we find on RFC or other sites and use it to run a league with some modifications sometimes.
The difference is that people running FIA GT league on our portal are also programmers, so we can enhance tracks and cars visually, too.

The problem is we do not have copyrights to release what we modified.

The only thing we can release is the shader pack itself, but without tools it's useless to a modder. And this is the problem - tools. I have made some of my own, but they have no user interface yet - I just put things like material names directly into source code of such tool and recompile it before I run it.
For someone from outside it may look like shaders are ready, so why not release them? But in fact - first time I've used these shaders I was editing GMT files manually in hexadecimal editor...
The tools I have now are low-level, which means they require knowledge on GMT files and some general knowledge on how rendering in GPU works. I'm working on something much easier to use right now.
When you say recompile, do you mean the shaders are hardcoded and you need to modify the source code, or are you referring to command line parameters? If the latter is the case then I have a question: can this tool be used to set the z bias?
K Szczech referred to programs used to modify materials (replace shader for DX9 materials) or generate particular effects (like 3d grass or best line)
Shaders are not hardcoded - are compiled each time rf starts.
i'd like to congrats the last pictures but I couldn't write your name, sorry! But they're great anyway.

Grass and mud being pulled out of the ground together... is it Photoshop or some new magic shader?

BTW, the is out of work? Can't connect it.

PS-> People don't use Imageshack for hosting, all pictures are being unlinked by this crap.
mud/dirt/smoke/DOF efects are added in PS.
But black Corvette uses custom shaders mak the look closest to reality.

Jorge, is online. Please contact me on PM in case of problems.
