K Szczech
Again - post your settings.
At first glance it looks like you didn't set your grass color texture properly. It should be the same size as grass map texture and it should only contain small color variations.
If you want to know how to prepare animation itself and how to render it to texture - this would be something related to 3D modelling software you're using and you should be able to find some tutorials on the net.
Once you have your animation rendered into a series of images, you just give these images the same name and different numbers. Putting it onto gMotor material is pretty straghtforward - just put that name in your gMotor material, select cyclic animation ( or whatever it's called ) and type in all frame numbers.
I haven't done much modding for rF, so unfortunately I won't be able to give you more details. I hope this will be enough to put you on the right track.
At first glance it looks like you didn't set your grass color texture properly. It should be the same size as grass map texture and it should only contain small color variations.
Depends on what you're looking for.Do you know some topic about animated textures ?
If you want to know how to prepare animation itself and how to render it to texture - this would be something related to 3D modelling software you're using and you should be able to find some tutorials on the net.
Once you have your animation rendered into a series of images, you just give these images the same name and different numbers. Putting it onto gMotor material is pretty straghtforward - just put that name in your gMotor material, select cyclic animation ( or whatever it's called ) and type in all frame numbers.
I haven't done much modding for rF, so unfortunately I won't be able to give you more details. I hope this will be enough to put you on the right track.
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