SimRacingPL Shader Pack - discussion

Simplest solution to this would be to go to project options and enable replacing of all default shaders with unrestricted ones. Additionally, you may want to rework your lighting settings in .gdb file. I usually go for directional light noticeably brighter than ambient light.

I replaced all default shaders with dynamic tone mapping instead of unrestricted. Is that ok? My track is looking amazing so far and have already done your suggestions by using lighting setting you suggested in the manual and adjusted to our liking.

I have another question you may be able to help me with. I have a GMT in my track that do not light at night. I have tired everything to fix this and can not figure out why as I have it tagged to be lit at night as well. Regards and thanks for the shaders as they are a great addition.
I figured out my lighting at night as the GMT had two parts at each end of the track. I made 2 gmts out of them and thet fixed it.

Now I have a new issue with lighting at night.
Now my grass would light at night before I did anything to it.

Once I applied terrain material to my grass areas they look amazing dueing daytime but do not light at night when omnis come on.
Any suggestions for my grass. And this is not generated grass either.

I had smilar problem with terran shader at Potrero.
There were lots of omnilights, but terrain was made of one big GMT file. I chopped it to 18 pieces and now it works.

There was omnilight support missing in two vegetation shaders, but it was fixed in 0.92a. Terran shader had working omnilight support for a long time. The only thing to keep in mind is that you can only have 4 omnilights per GMT file. This is why you had to cut your previous GMT file into two pieces.

I replaced all default shaders with dynamic tone mapping instead of unrestricted. Is that ok?
Absolutely. It's your choice what lighting model you want to use.
The only thing to keep in mind is that it should be used on entire scene.

So you either add some water, vegetation or other stuff to your track without changing lighting model, or you change lighting model, but then you replace all shaders n track, so entire track will have this lighting model.

Here's Talladega with tone mapping - you can see that my walls can also look dark, but it's perfectly fine, because track is using these shaders everywhere and things look consistent.

And you can watch me and my friend playing the same trick twice to get some nice photofinishes ;)
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I have figured a lot out and enjoying the results so far.

I have one issue that I have not been able to figure out with the Sky Generator.
Everytime I generate a sky in any of my projects it is messed up.
I have changed my settings to your suggestions in the manual as well.

What happens is the sky ends up not blending properly most of the time or I get a funcky red and blue tones sky dome.

I was able to fix 4 out of my 5 tracks by taking your sky dome from a track you guys did and left my sun and moon in there.

Is there a known issue with the sky generator?

My latest try it is 1:00pm and the sky is dark with white static clouds. It then goes to sunrise, sunset, daytime, nighttime with bright sky with night textures. Very weird!
A few screenshots would be helpful :)

I assume you do not have old sky GMT file included in your project. If yes, then edit your project file and remove entire <GMT> block with your old sky.
Other than that you can check if exporter has properly copied all textures. Just export sky to some folder and see if you get the same files you can find in working tracks.

Copying exported skies from other tracks will not work, because sky shader needs some geographical data encoded in GMT file. You always need a clean export.
I have another little problem with one of my cars.
When I assign the shaders for wcwindow (the shader same I also used for all of my other cars), ingame, the windows are extremely bright. I've checked all settings, materials, alpha-layers, spec-maps and so on, but I couldn't find anything strange).

So could this be a "bug"? Like I said, This happend now for ~ two cars out of 200 I already made.
Keep in mind that assigning material from database does not set "T0 Alpha Mode", so make sure you have it set correctly.

T0 Alpha Mode describes how base diffuse texture's alpha channel is interpreted. Since that diffuse texture is not stored in material database, neither is this setting.
The T0 Alpha mode seems to be fine. Here is a screenshot of the windows:

You did a fantastic work on this tool and your shaders gave another life to RF1!!!! As far i can see ISI is far to optain the same results as you, my question is: Are you planing to develop something especial as you did in RF1 for RF2???

Sorry for the offtopic question......
xoa - check alpha channel of base texture.
Usually I use very low alpha for windows texture (and I mean very low). This way base texture does not interfere much with output produced by shader.

Apart from that, you can try clearing specular scale or removing cubemap to narrow it down and see what causes this problem.

As for rF2 shaders I can do even better ones I did for rF1, but unfortunately I will be very short on time for next few months, so maybe later.
To be honest i don't mind to wait for this as i know things will improve exponentially!!! If your saying that you can even improve what you did in RF1 well, no need to say nothing more... Thanks a lot for what you do mate!!!!
Ok here is a screen shot of my sky. This happens everytime I export and all the files are there. I have only had it export right one time in the 11 tracks I have done so far. It seems like something is wrong with the skydome. If I replace it with another one from one of your tracks it looks right but the transitions are not right due to wrong data. any ideas?

View attachment 5685
One thing I noticed is when I open my sky3_dome1 in 3dsimed the texture assigned is sky.tga and the sky3_dome1 from one of your tracks has atmosphere.tga assigned to it. Not sure if that helps or not.

Well, it seems it's like I said - there must be another GMT file in your project that contains material called SKY.
This usually happens when you add old sky files to project. As long as this file exist in project it's gonna mess with sky exporter's materials, so you need to remove it.

Check my previous reply - I've described how to do it.

If all else fails, you can always create empty project and just export sky from there (remember to set proper shader lighting model in project options first),
hello someone can pass me by SRPL_ENVMAP01 I have from 4 to 8 for the carbody.
I have a problem: since a couple of days, when i open the car in the material editor, I can't see any reflections. All is very dark. I dont know why, maybe it has something to do with the new version of 3dsimed?
Can you say anything more?
At the moment I don't even know if you're trying to open .GMT files from 3DSimEd in my tool or the other way around ;)
I edited the object with 3dsimed, saved them and opened them with the material editor, added the reflections. But I can't see any reflection in the Editor, when I save them, ingame they are still much too dark.

I switched back to the 3dsimed 3 october release and then all is fine. It seems there is a problem with newer versiona of 3dsimed and the material editor.

Take a look at the changelog of 3dsimed:

The collision volumes for rF2 .GMTs were often incorrect.
The road shaders were not taking the rain/groove/damage inputs.
When importing from rF1, GTR2, RACE 07 etc. the material Fresnel values are now set to min 0.9 and intensity 0.1 as rF2 rejects min 1.0 and intensity 0.
Correction to rF2 materials when texture map is replaced with a framebuffer.


Fix for 'missing interface.dll" message which could prevent activation.
Exporting to rF2 after using Edit->Materials->Erase Geometry could result in a crash.
When importing from rF1, GTR2, RACE 07 etc. the material Fresnel values are now set to ensure the specular and cube shaders emulate the shaders in those games.
You can use my GMT debug tool to compare GMT files saved with both versions of 3DSimEd.
That should provide some useful information of what the difference may be.

It's quite possible my tools don't support everything, since all knowledge I have about GMT files are bits and pieces found here and there plus some reverse engineering I did on my own.
I decided to do my skies as a seperate project just to produce the sky files and it has worked great 98% of the time. Sometimes it gets a quirk where the sky does not get dark like it should. I just end up redoing the sky project and export again and that usually fixes it for me.

Now I started on my vehicles and I have a question. It may have been answered already but could not find it. Is there a way to set the car body to get less reflectivity with the skins alpa channel instead of a spec map? I would like some of my cars paint jobs to have more of a flat (less shinney) than others. But dang they look good so far!

View attachment 6002
Yes, there are 4 "T0 Alpha mode" options available in material editor. You will find out more about these modes in documentation.

By the way - if you're using showroom cubemap, check out sample projects - there is one with showroom cubemap and I suggest you try my specular settings from that project :) Those are settings my cubemap was designed for.
By the way - if you're using showroom cubemap, check out sample projects - there is one with showroom cubemap and I suggest you try my specular settings from that project :) Those are settings my cubemap was designed for.

Here is a demo how it may look in rf with KSzczech cubemap for showroom. Of course in that case you have to export 2 versions of gmt into rfactor: for showroom and for racing. Because gmts then additional mas for showroom is small and loads only in showroom - racing is not affected. In any way it's worth it

I have a problem when i generate grass do all the steps but then when I exported this with nothing SCN
Wel, you didn't provide any information, so I can only give you a general answer:

Grass is generated in places where following conditions are met:
- at least one grass type is defined
- pixel on grass map has IDENTICAL color to the one defined in grass type
- there is GMT file in that area and it's visible in grass generator
- materials in that GMT file are marked to have grass generated on them (you should see yellow wireframe in 3D preview)
- additional conditions, defined in grass type, are met (max slope for example)
Whatever textures you use for your grass, you need to copy them to your .mas file or track directory in rFactor.

It's hard to expect rFactor will load textures that you didn't place in your track folder :)
Today the material editor crashed. Since then, as soon i tick "HDR" in the options i get this:

Whats wrong? :confused:
Today the material editor crashed. Since then, as soon i tick "HDR" in the options i get this:

Whats wrong? :confused:
I can only think of damaged files or graphics driver issue. Perhaps there will be some information about failed shader compilation in the log.txt file.

You can also try running editor without any project loaded and see if HDR seems to work there (screen should get brighter / darker as you rotate camera).

hello, anyone has the settings for roada. Thank you.
You can start with settings I presented in the manual.
Check screenshots at pages 66 and 67 :)

In the end it's always best to understand these parameters and work on your own settings, but if you just want to get something started quickly, you can use mine.
I don't have any "ultimate" settings, though.
Here are 4 databases:

Basic 01 - a few materials like billboard, metal barrier or glass.
GP2_materials - materials I've used to upgrade GP2 mod we run in our leagues once.
ZR_Track / ZR_Showroom - used for testing with ISI car

The "Glass No Blend 01" material may be useful for reflections in building windows, if you have specular map.

View attachment 6288

Nothing sophisticated, but may be a good starting point.
That is an old cubemap. It had some filtering errors at edges and some other issues.
I'd recommend using new cubemaps instead. They also contain alpha channel to mask specular reflections below horizon or behind clouds. Old cubemap didn't have that.
Would I be able to use the shaders in the NSR for rfactor mod that Nathan Ritchie converted we are trying to enhance it if so how do you edit the optin for your shaders to improve them.
I'm not sure if I understand the question.
You should be able to use my shaders with any mod, as long as your GMT files are not locked.

If you're asking how to do it, then go to announcements thread and download modding tools and documentation.

I have a very bright white sheet in the car and change the values ​​and SRPL_EnvMap04 and feel the same
Please clarify. What are you trying to achieve and seems to be the problem? What material settings and project options are you using?
Here is a demo how it may look in rf with KSzczech cubemap for showroom. Of course in that case you have to export 2 versions of gmt into rfactor: for showroom and for racing. Because gmts then additional mas for showroom is small and loads only in showroom - racing is not affected. In any way it's worth it

Where can i find those cubmaps??? Are they included in the srlp_shader pack???

Found it, it is!!
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