Hi guys!
I've been away for a few days, so some accumulated answers here
K Szczech, did you found a solution for the NormalMap problem on my car?
Sorry, but not yet. I've been a bit busy recently.
I did look into it, but haven't found anything so far. I will let you know as soon as I have a solution.
im stuck on page 53. "this is a simply vertex color map for the grass...". Where can i find this texture?
As you probably figured it out allready - you create it yourself

It's just for coloring grass, so you may start with white image and then adjust it to fit average ground texture color + some variety to make grass less uniform.
Argh....i was using black color for the grass map. Solved!

Black is reserved - it's used by grass generator to skip some areas. It works faster this way.
But the problem i have now is that some grass are popping up when driving. There is a way to avoid this?
This is caused by LodOut being generated for each grass GMT file.
Grass is made up of 40x40 meter areas. Every such area will have 5 GMT files generated, so 20% of grass in given area is placed in each GMT file. One of these GMT files will have low LodOut, next one slightly higher and so on.
This way, 20% of grass in given areas dissapears when you move further away, then another 20% and so on. Grass can generate hundreds of thousands of polygons, even more than one million. With this decreasing grass density there are usually 30-50k polygons rendered at a time. This helps minimizing framerate impact.
While you cannot do anything about it you can make this grass detail switching less apparent to driver by taking care of two things:
1. Make sure your grass have some decent density - if you don't notice individual polygons of grass while driving, you're unlikely to notice some more popping up
2. Take your time with grass color map - if you can adjust your grass color to match underlying ground texture, each detail change will be much less noticeable
Check out first screenshot from Nogaro in manual (page 56). Grass nearest to road is densier and has carefully adjusted color in "grass color map" texture.
Hello, I'm having trouble creating the grass, when I give it to generate poster shoot me an error. Then I put the way I do to generate it.
Make sure both .png files are in either <editor folder>/image (this is preferred) or in folder you have specified as "texture path" in your project options.
If that's not the case let me know.