So....who has PCars?

ISI is not tied to those chains so they dun hafta say wut they want them to say. Plus, u dont hafta say anything abt something good. U let the product quality do the talking.
no, low budget & diff priorities...isi has made some very small but imo important changes to prettify the game UI & now loading screen (UI in particular was a big one for me)

theyre also attempting to get on steam bc they want more sales. i dont think theres any fear of success at all, its just that, like those bands, theyre going to do more or less what they want to do & people can take it or leave it.

Next time Kunos and SMS would only need to revamp their engines for DX12+ , videos of some pretty new content and "green-light" them. :rolleyes:

Just sad for me, so many miss out on the great feel, we have less people to race and well just because ISI deserve better.
Both Assetto Corsa and RFactor forums have WMD and SMS promoters crawling in here and promoting their unfinished and partially stolen product. It is is interesting what is the aim of this - increase the game audience perhaps? Project Cars is already way down Assetto Corsa in Metacritic Ratings, and I guess it is less popular than RFactor 2 too.

- MADNESS engine with elements obviously copied or stolen from RFactor ISI motor engine (brake and tyre temperature UI elements) with the difference that they serve purely cosmetic purposes wihout any effect on Physics in Project Cars
- "Soap" shaped 3D car models, without the detail quality of a serious sim
- a lot of cheap marketing stuff like - "SETA tire model", "Volumetric throttle"
- aggressive PR and paid experts reviews trying to persuade people that "this is the most realistic sim on the market"
- low polygonal flat tracks without proper surface modelling

Physics of Project Cars with "all assists off":

I don't understand what is the point of promoting PCars either here or on Assetto Corsa forums. All people that do any serious digging in their games will realise that this a a pure bluff and go away.

How do I get money back from Pcars?

Lol, I'm screwed. Well, I was not active with it, so my own stupidity. Ahh well, I was there and played some betas and really never liked it, so no loss there really, would never pay that price for it.

You had until the end of April. I requested around the 20th and there was an issue with my refund. I am still waiting for my 25 Euro.
Use the thread as a reason to bitch about anything you like.

Then go and talk about refunds.

Good form. lol
I asked here because i've seen others talk about it here.

I put in 25 usd as junio way back in 2011. I activated the product key in steam like late 2014 and tried couple of builds, it was just not for me. And then I saw others talking about it and tried to see if I also can get my money back.

Is ok that I lost it. I atleast gave em some money to develope a nice arcade game for the consoles. I've driven it with pad over at my friend with xbox one, it's quite fun there, but has no place in my simrig, not feeling it sadly =( Really wanted them to be a good sim. But the dynamics is to strong in rf2 to go back to old ways!

I hope they do better by next title!
ISI made a simulator that happened to be able to be used as a game. By the word "game" I mean we can race each other and/or the AI. That is how I understand it and correct me if I am wrong. Everyone else made a racing game. They all have pro's and con's. To me it seems that there is no "better" when it comes to driving on a PC, there is only "different".
PCars is fun. It is sim, (but then again, sadly, nowadays anything and everything with "pretty good" handling characteristics and/or FFB feel is considered a sim, heck, people even consider the new Dirt Rally an actual sim). It doesn't have that "pro-simness" that rF2 has though.

I could not agree more with Spin.

I tried to explain the " handling characteristics and/or FFB feel " and "inertia" ;) I got from from the 3 titles oinks p ago.

I suggested try F1 Historics, F1 Eve and the 2 Lotus at full speed into Curva del Vailone ( Monza )

Just that one turn in 3 cars told me all I needed to know about what was pro.

Ppl asked me why i think rF2 is a sim.

I told them coz ISI made it for real F1 teams. Although rFpro is not rF2. But...u get wut i mean ya
It seems to me like RF2 is like the indie punk band that is better than all the rest combined but doesn't want to appeal to the masses by becoming "pretty". Fear of mainstream, GranTurismo size success?

Hahaha.. great analogy.
RF2 seems more Spinal Tap than indie too me. The bug count goes up to 11 that is for sure.
Lol, this video shows badly what I meant during this thread.

It's hilarious, the guy brakes hard with 2 wheels in the grass and nothing happens.

SO arcadish.

Both Assetto Corsa and RFactor forums have WMD and SMS promoters crawling in here and promoting their unfinished and partially stolen product. It is is interesting what is the aim of this - increase the game audience perhaps? Project Cars is already way down Assetto Corsa in Metacritic Ratings, and I guess it is less popular than RFactor 2 too.

- MADNESS engine with elements obviously copied or stolen from RFactor ISI motor engine (brake and tyre temperature UI elements) with the difference that they serve purely cosmetic purposes wihout any effect on Physics in Project Cars
- "Soap" shaped 3D car models, without the detail quality of a serious sim
- a lot of cheap marketing stuff like - "SETA tire model", "Volumetric throttle"
- aggressive PR and paid experts reviews trying to persuade people that "this is the most realistic sim on the market"
- low polygonal flat tracks without proper surface modelling

Physics of Project Cars with "all assists off":

I don't understand what is the point of promoting PCars either here or on Assetto Corsa forums. All people that do any serious digging in their games will realise that this a a pure bluff and go away.
The joker in that shift3 vid also is on full throttle on the grass as well.
simcade game yet again from SMS, what else is new
i agree somewhat, you do find these kind of "unrealistic" qualities when pushing the car. But that full lock/ no spin, thing......... yeah ive done and noticed that.
The SMS track record is simcade after simcade, so i think we know in advance that pcars 2 will be another simcade title.
The SMS track record is simcade after simcade, so i think we know in advance that pcars 2 will be another simcade title.

That is because they are with any aids.

I don't get it anyways :confused:, if some guys you drive with regular in rF2 did a pCars session together what changes. ?

Are you going to explain away you slow because its arcade.

lool p
RF2= my simulator realism kicks, not pick up and play.

Pcars= fun get in and drive pick up n play.

GSc= polished realism

Dirt rally= my nearly RBR rally kicks
I don`t understand this Discussion at all...who bought it and isn`t pleased with it...just uninstall it. Who is pleased and fine, have fun! :cool:

From the Day SMS informed us, that pCars would be released on Console, too, it should be clear, it never could be a Simulation like rF2, isn`t it?

My personal experiences: if all Assists are off, it isn`t that arcadish, as some People stated out. It never can reach e.g. the excellent rF2 Tyre Model or could be similar.
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The discussion is a bit absurd, I find. Of course pCARS isn't rF2, because it doesn't try to be. It's just a different kind of title, that was very clear from the very beginning. That doesn't mean it's not a very enjoyable title though. I don't see a problem in discussion it here, but please judge it on its own merits. Anything else is silly imho.
I like Endurance races weather/ night chasing from rear no matter what anyone thinks of me >>>> :( lool

I wait for the Historic Lotus and Circuits as well.

It never can reached e.g. the excellent rF2 Tyre Model or could be similar.

I am more interested can rF3 reach or surpass the "redeeming features" in pCars2. ;)
Some of us don't want to waste our limited time and money on junk.....that said, that's my pro sim bias, i have no idea of how good or bad it is as a game, but it's a simcade title yet again.

Some WMD investors are still disagreeing and cleary have nfi of what constitutes basic driving realism.
Some of us don't want to waste our limited time and money on junk.....that said, that's my pro sim bias, i have no idea of how good or bad it is as a game, but it's a simcade title yet again.

Some WMD investors are still disagreeing and cleary have nfi of what constitutes basic driving realism.

Obviously you never read this or any of the other like comments .......

The discussion is a bit absurd, I find. Of course pCARS isn't rF2, because it doesn't try to be. It's just a different kind of title, that was very clear from the very beginning. That doesn't mean it's not a very enjoyable title though. I don't see a problem in discussion it here, but please judge it on its own merits. Anything else is silly imho.

You made your point with the video, got some laughs, admit you have no actual experience with the sim but just keep posting stuff like "nfi"

Here is another video to watch 100% Ai , no aids, shifter, clutch ......

What you want people to believe is the dropkick in that video you posted or any old sim racer would beat this guy driving the same stupid way. :rolleyes:

No matter what sim you drive you have the same Talent, PC, Monitors/s, Cockpit, Wheel ................ and brain between your ears.
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Durge, how did that vid you posted prove sim physics?
I have f1 2012, i can drive that in the wet, so is that a sim now as well?
Has anyone tested the aero model, for example what happens when you lose front/rear wings on fast open wheelers?
we know that their f1 car can carry on driving without any tyres, that's right, it can continue on the rims, lol
I am a WMD member and this is my take on the whole simcade issue. RF2 is like a great documentary film and PCars is like a summer Hollywood action movie. The Hollywood action movie can be very entertaining but, for most people, requires a suspension of disbelief to enjoy.
I am a WMD member and this is my take on the whole simcade issue. RF2 is like a great documentary film and PCars is like a summer Hollywood action movie. The Hollywood action movie can be very entertaining but, for most people, requires a suspension of disbelief to enjoy.

Good analogy. rF2 and the like would never be made into a (hollywood) film. Rush had quite a few moments where I was saying to myself, "No, keep your mouth shut, no one cares why that looked wrong."

If PCars has elements that are closer to sim than other mainstream titles, that can only be a good thing. This being an rF2 forum I don't think a PCars discussion was ever going to omit realism debates, and the rF2/sim nuts are probably missing the point a bit there. But a PCars thread here at all is probably missing the point as well.
You may have noticed that many here{including me} rate Stock Car Extreme as one of the best sims ever made, so it's not like none of us can rate and like other sims, it's moreso that pcars is without question a simcade driving model, and to me, I just can't get past the notion that the physics and ffb define a games sim status.

For example, I know for a fact that GTR EVO has an aero model, however, I don't know whether it's the most realistic or where it stands in relation to any other sim, but it has been included.....but does pcars have an aero model? on earth do they consider it plausible to drive an F1 without tyres?
I don't know much about pCars and have only done a few laps, but can we (i.e. you ;)) mod the tyre curves? e.g. if you increase the drop-off in the lateral slip curve, would it sort out that understeer so you plough more instead of only scrubbing and still getting around, and the lack of a scary edge at the rear too? Would be nice if it was as simple as that.

Obviously fix the rain drops first. :)
Durge, how did that vid you posted prove sim physics?
I have f1 2012, i can drive that in the wet, so is that a sim now as well?

You still miss the point I was trying to make, nothing about physics. :)

We KNOW ........ lol Baron doing that video knows as well, we prefers rF2 feel but loves the environmental immersion of pCars.

You just don't seem to get some people can enjoy many sims, adapt to all, do it well and make it look realistic.

The guy in your video rather waste his time driving bad. lol

Probably sums it up .........
The Hollywood action movie can be very entertaining but, for most people, requires a suspension of disbelief to enjoy.

You rather dedicate yourself to sims with better physics and not waste your time and money on junk, fine by me and everyone here......... I would have to ask though, how you could waste your precious time bothering with this thread to begin with ? lol


Lazza what is not to like about a thread lasts this long without getting closed by Tim, you remember how the last batch of AC and pCars ones went ? lool ;)

.....we would have all been banned from SMS and Kunos forums long time ago. p
rF2 is a Simulator... I have never felt physics like I have in rF2. The tire contact patch and reaction on some cars is fantastic.

Pcars is a console game in a PC... It's Need for Speed XXIII. It's pretty, but the stuff I've seen makes it look very arcade like in the physics department. From inside the car everything seems right and fine, but when viewing other cars from behind or above and the main car, it doesn't seem to have realistic speed and traction. Everything seems a bit sped up and unbelievable. Does that make sense? When you see cars racing or driving you can just tell when they are about to lose it and when they are on the edge of the knife... Pcars seems to go too far over the edge.

But... It is pretty. Frankly, I was a little disappointed with the Cobra. The model seems a bit cartoonish and the sound is pretty weak. It also doesn't seem as heavy on low speed driving. Tons of body roll... From my memory they seemed better at low speed and had much less body roll. Of course ... I've never driven one.

All the sims have their physics flaws/shortcomings. iRacing, for example, is probably the least sensitive to non-rev matched downshifts. Always seemed that way to me anyway. Do the same shift in pCars or anything else while threshold braking and the rear will want to come around a lot more.
rF2 is a Simulator... I have never felt physics like I have in rF2. The tire contact patch and reaction on some cars is fantastic.

Pcars is a console game in a PC... It's Need for Speed XXIII. It's pretty, but the stuff I've seen makes it look very arcade like in the physics department. From inside the car everything seems right and fine, but when viewing other cars from behind or above and the main car, it doesn't seem to have realistic speed and traction. Everything seems a bit sped up and unbelievable. Does that make sense? When you see cars racing or driving you can just tell when they are about to lose it and when they are on the edge of the knife... Pcars seems to go too far over the edge.

But... It is pretty. Frankly, I was a little disappointed with the Cobra. The model seems a bit cartoonish and the sound is pretty weak. It also doesn't seem as heavy on low speed driving. Tons of body roll... From my memory they seemed better at low speed and had much less body roll. Of course ... I've never driven one.

This is one of this typical unfair comparison videos:
The sound is very similar but in AC it´s to 50% distorted!
In the rF2 half, the car is clearly driven by AI.
So: pointless as always......
Probably sums it up .........

schigara said:
The Hollywood action movie can be very entertaining but, for most people, requires a suspension of disbelief to enjoy.

You rather dedicate yourself to sims with better physics and not waste your time and money on junk, fine by me and everyone here......... I would have to ask though, how you could waste your precious time bothering with this thread to begin with ? lol

When did I ever say any of that? All I said was that Pcars was like a Hollywood action movie and that to enjoy, for most people, it requires a suspension of disbelief. Well, I happen to like an action movie from time to time.

Don't put words in my mouth that I never said. You can worry about what you do with your own time and I will do the same. lol
just did a great feeling lap at snetterton in the clios. I must admit I didn't concentrate no less than I would with the ISI clio, had one slight incident running wide. But the handling does fill you with confidence, and in real life the car does that.

As much as pcars gets dissed it isn't bad, the big patch will fix a lot, and it will be better for it. RF2 and pcars I think is all you need to get a good fix of sim racing. So yes as far as im concerned pcars is a sim, its just aimed at a broader audience, its tyre model is nice. Some cars are bit rubbish some are nice to drive. yes there are some videos showing off things in pcars that you shouldn't beable to do, but you can get a silly video for all the sims out there, im sure even rf2?! I mean look at these :


It has dynamic weather, full race weekends, a good tyre model, challenging AI, good selection of cars and tracks. authentic handling, full car setups, pitstops.

cmon what else does a sim need? So come on guys stop being narrow minded enjoy em all!! Im enjoying this lap>&s=8#.VW9p7e9FAXc
some reason the gears aren't showing?!
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I tell you something:
What was a sim 20 years ago? GP2 / first ISI-games - god-tier?
What was it 15 years ago ? GP3 / GP4......
10 years: rFactor 1 / GTR2 ..... what else?
Now: rFactor 2 / iRacing (?)
In ten years: ???????????????????????????

Someone who is bored can make a complete list of evolution of physics in simracing (surely already done somewhere).
Regarding this list, Pcars is 10 years back!
Simpel as that.

Aside the physics Pcars is a .............good - at least,- maybe when it grows: a very good racing game.
A simulator at the state of this time and possibilities? No.

All is relative, you know?
The patch won't fix anything. The core tyre model and overall core-physics engine is a long development with lots of programming over years. "Plugging in" some different values to that same "core" engine won't change anything. It's the exact same reason why - as amazing as it is - SCE still acts/reacts just like any RF1 car once you start pushing the limits and also going past them. The core physics engine (including tyre model) hasn't changed, but rather, just different numbers/values being plugged into that same core physics model.
