So....who has PCars?

I haven't played much pcars yet, but at the moment my guess would be that the core physics are good. Numb ffb and/or absence of pumps on the road might give a impression of simple/bad physics. also some cars are better made than others. Good ones behaves very nicely in my opinion.
Seems that some people have knowledge of the cause of certain issue in game (AC, RF2 etc).

How do you know that its the physics fault?

For the very limited time I've spent in Pcars Porsche ,too me it feels somewhat similar to a degree as URD Darche did for the ' first' laps for me( a little lifeless), I then sent the URD Darche to the garage and made it come alive.. Im guessing Pcars pooch may tune up the same in regards to making it feel better anyway than default..( not that Im expecting rf2 like feel )

First corner I took in Pcars I thought WTF worst understeer ever. then I took all the deadzone out of steering centre(must be about 20 degrees either side as default) and made it turn.
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I knew eventually this thread would turn into a "rF2 fanboys" mud slinging contest. If you like something or don't like something, it's clearly because you're a "fanboy" of something else. :p


I have not seen a single person say it replaces rF2 and pCars lovers freely admit ISI is better physics......... what's the problem ? :)

I rather have 3-4 new cars per year that are as good as rF2 AC Cobra, than 60 cars all with more or less same feeling

" Mum !! Can I get both please ! " lol

I only want to online rF2 really.

Offline I am not too bothered how something feels, I still like to lap GPL for a new addon so I guess I would drive anything. :rolleyes: lol

Point being offline I rather have decent Ai , Careers, dynamic weather, better cockpits and sound, I don't want it to be hard work .............imho that is pCars

Some people actually like to master all ( 60) cars in a sim, others like me seldom drive more then a few.

Stands to reason then I can spend same amount of time in more sims with more to choose from and the extra challenge of adjusting style for each physics.

after some hours try and error with the advanced gfx settings, cam and ffb settings finally I found good settings for my rig.
Have to say I can confirm what SMS has announced.
It is in IMO really the best racing game (and they said game) out there.
GFX engine is simply fantastic. Triple Screen is possible but not fully supported (for example the menue screens are stretched of all screens)
Endurance race with LMP1 and Multiclass in the night with rain made me stunning. It's really amazing.
In any case IMO worh every cent.
OK, short comment after 6 hours of driving. I will leave out most pros, as they are known:
- Online is a warpfest, including collision-detection from outer hell
- AI is a bumpfest with weird balance and performance at given strength
- Some cars react somewhat similar to rF2, for example the clio, but then it is forgiving as hell
and you can more or less flat out all the time
- Some cars feel and react just weird.
- Tyre-physics (and suspension-physics) is nowhere near the fidelity of rF2
- feeling for road is good though. Good cars feel like a good rF1-mod.
- online lobby and technique is easy and good!
- some annoying bugs like times don´t count sometimes etc.
forgot: Some cars seem to be made more difficult on porpouse, in an artificial way while the car does
things it would propably not do when "normal".
ANd there is some weird filtering going on in the controls....
that is what was mentioned here as "lag" - what it actually seems like, but is a "steering-help-dampening"-kind of filtering.
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I find the force feedback tuning system per car very intriguing I must say.
I've yet to completely figure it out, but I really like the ability so customize the ffb in every direction for each car.

People complaining about the lack of vertical forces should try playing around with the Fz slider in the tuning menu.
One hell of a difference that can make. :)
Please, how can you call this thing even a sim-arcade?!
How can he drive like this( going easily over all the kerbs, braking late, flat throttle very turn...) in a heavy rain conditions driving an old race car that doesn't have a high downforce aerodynamic as the modern GT's?!
And look at the car movements from the external camera, it is very strange and irrealistic, specially, during the turns!
if by going over curbs you mean into the dirt it is a weak point in pCARS, there is barely any natural punishment for going off into grass, maybe even wet grass (im prob the only person whos not really tried rain yet). also while idk anything about wet-tarmac physics i would not be surprised if driving in the rain on less than ideal tires w/ cars that dont have the option for them is nerfed some.

just looking at the video i dont see him going over curbs that should upset the car or would in most other sims at any rate.
I find the force feedback tuning system per car very intriguing I must say.
I've yet to completely figure it out, but I really like the ability so customize the ffb in every direction for each car.

People complaining about the lack of vertical forces should try playing around with the Fz slider in the tuning menu.
One hell of a difference that can make. :)
I think you can thank me and some other peoples power, with which the pressure on the dev team at the beginning of the project was very high, in the context of the ffb and it's flexibility. The basics of that sys where already in after some time the project started. The refinmends i couldn't and wan't follow anymore, due to the fakes and bootlickers, they at some point also called ambassadors. I provoked and get my holiday ticked with 1000 euro refund.

But not that i would have missed something, because what i can read and here from people i believe, it is everything but nothing how we would have expected, when they where talking about a pro sim at the beginning, because i just can see a console game. ;)

I know people call people very fast nowedays, and the unthankfullness is all around. ;)
Update: OK So I implemented the excellent Jack Spade FFB Tweaker File and now the under steer has gone and I have a rather fun, sometimes challenging, very atmospheric arcade racer :-/ With the FFB working the physics are shown up as being completely unrealistic if that's a fair description?

Sadly, this also true for DiRT Rally :(
I think we all got caught up in the "new". This is not even a great arcade game.

Spent 2 full days on this game, going through the Endurance career. After 30 minutes, you just don't want to drive anymore. Lapping GTE cars in an LMP2, they fight you and bump you. AI does not follow blue flags. Makes mixed-class racing obsolete.

Put the tire wear on x3 and the AI pitted twice during a 30 min race while my tires stayed green the entire race. Went from 18 to first because everyone pitted but me :/

Formula cars only have one dry compound.

So many bugs, so many things not finished or left out.

I had fun, but I'm done now :)
I think we all got caught up in the "new". This is not even a great arcade game.

Spent 2 full days on this game, going through the Endurance career. After 30 minutes, you just don't want to drive anymore. Lapping GTE cars in an LMP2, they fight you and bump you. AI does not follow blue flags. Makes mixed-class racing obsolete.

Put the tire wear on x3 and the AI pitted twice during a 30 min race while my tires stayed green the entire race. Went from 18 to first because everyone pitted but me :/

Formula cars only have one dry compound.

So many bugs, so many things not finished or left out.

I had fun, but I'm done now

pretty much felt like that for rf2 at some time or another.

Theres no perfect racing game.. it just doesn't exist sorry. Quicker some people get over that the more they may enjoy these titles.
pretty much felt like that for rf2 at some time or another.

Theres no perfect racing game.. it just doesn't exist sorry. Quicker some people get over that the more they may enjoy these titles.

But rF2 is in constant development.

SMS has already started pCARS2. pCARS1 is done. This is it. No more development except DLC. Maybe a patch or two.
pretty much felt like that for rf2 at some time or another.

Theres no perfect racing game.. it just doesn't exist sorry. Quicker some people get over that the more they may enjoy these titles.

What happened to you man, since pCars is out you completly changed your mind and character or what ? Wasn't you the one searching and looking for nirvana and not a single driving sim was good enough for you ? Or where you just looking for the eyecandy, why this title seems to convience you. Please don't tell me it would be better than anything out there you seem not to like at all before, because i wouldn't believe you anymore, sorry.

Sorry man but exactly this is what i call fake. Now you are on the mission of a moral apostle or what ?
But rF2 is in constant development.

SMS has already started pCARS2. pCARS1 is done. This is it. No more development except DLC. Maybe a patch or two.

i kinda doubt that, probably will be developed for the next year or two.
I can't believe what i see at this very moment, there is really a review of pCars at this moment in the german TV on RTL, and it is not one of the unknown stations in germany.

Ok it was quite short but still.............. :rolleyes:
i kinda doubt that, probably will be developed for the next year or two.

rF1 is many years old and was only updated recently by ISI. Personally I don't think ISI have even scratched the surface yet with rF2. I would hope it's still in development in 5 - 7 years from now.
rF1 is many years old and was only updated recently by ISI. Personally I don't think ISI have even scratched the surface yet with rF2. I would hope it's still in development in 5 - 7 years from now.

oh i expect rf2 to go much longer than a year or two, was speaking of pCARS.
What happened to you man, since pCars is out you completly changed your mind and character or what ? Wasn't you the one searching and looking for nirvana and not a single driving sim was good enough for you ? Or where you just looking for the eyecandy, why this title seems to convience you. Please don't tell me it would be better than anything out there you seem not to like at all before, because i wouldn't believe you anymore, sorry.

Sorry man but exactly this is what i call fake. Now you are on the mission of a moral apostle or what ?

no.... matter of fact I just put on rf2 and I know its the best sim out atm. what I don't get is why people have to hate on pcars... its like there can only be rf2 and if you don't like your not a true sim racer, I call BS to all that, I love rf2 and I also like pcars..

so what....
I could twist it around and ask why i should love it and for what exactly as a true simracer for many years, and if you love it than you are a arcade racer and not a true simracer, and it is ok when you have fun with it, but you have to accept that not everybody looks at it with your view, apart from that i don't hate anything but as example i'm simply are not intrested in gaming like with a console, and so many others as well i guess.
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I could twist it around and ask why i should love it and for what exactly as a true simracer for many years, and if you love it than you are a arcade racer and not a true simracer, and it is ok when you have fun with it, but you have to accept that not everybody looks at it with your view, apart from that i don't hate anything but as example i'm simply are not intrested in gaming like with a console, and so many others as well i guess.

Show me your best laptimes on the Leaderboard ........... :rolleyes:

You make it sound like it drives like NFS.

..and so not everyone looks at it like you..

u should pick it up may even surprise yourself :)

Sorry man but that isn't very usefull to base the quality or something on, and as i was in i hold also the WR with my PB at any track i've forget with the F1 and some other cars i've ride that time, and that has no special reason other than that you can get used to everything, but that wasn't my point. It was just about msportdan and his frequently changing opinion, which confused me a bit, as he started his mission as a moral apostle.
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..and so not everyone looks at it like you..

u should pick it up may even surprise yourself :)
At some point i sure will do, just out of curiosity on the details and how it will be in my personal environment, but first i like to wait and see how it goes.

So do we agree that each individual has his own view and intrest ?
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How is the online? Can you host your own server? If not, how does the online work? How are pings, is there warping or jitter?

Could pCars be used in a league environment?
How is the online? Can you host your own server? If not, how does the online work? How are pings, is there warping or jitter?

Could pCars be used in a league environment?

I can't see why not except the limits on skins and mods would kill video reviews. ;)

I see it more suited to the sponsored events , open fun races and hot lapping.

I hear they will do Lemans 24H with driver swaps.

Couple races here look okay.

Gessus they talk more then I can type in race. p loool

I know, I know... It's another Empty Box video...

The video is a reaction on a blog-post linked in the video's description.
At first I was like, "too long didn't read" but then I pulled myself together and read it.
Read it :) and of course form your own string of thoughts and maybe... even voice it.

I'm a bit like "it all makes sense now...".

I know, I know... It's another Empty Box video...

The video is a reaction on a blog-post linked in the video's description.
At first I was like, "too long didn't read" but then I pulled myself together and read it.
Read it :) and of course form your own string of thoughts and maybe... even voice it.

I'm a bit like "it all makes sense now...".

lol what a bung fight. your right makes it all come together.

Quite a few laughs best I got was " not even a real sim like Iracing or AC " best bit don't think I spotted 1 comparison in that article comparing to RF2 . Good to see imho, oranges and apples should never be in the same bowl anyway.

which ever way it happened or how it ended up Im not unhappy about owning it.

Keep doing what your doing ISI . Ya Da Bomb!!
What happened to you man, since pCars is out you completly changed your mind and character or what ? Wasn't you the one searching and looking for nirvana and not a single driving sim was good enough for you ? Or where you just looking for the eyecandy, why this title seems to convience you. Please don't tell me it would be better than anything out there you seem not to like at all before, because i wouldn't believe you anymore, sorry.

Sorry man but exactly this is what i call fake. Now you are on the mission of a moral apostle or what ?


Took the words right out of my mouth.
no.... matter of fact I just put on rf2 and I know its the best sim out atm. what I don't get is why people have to hate on pcars... its like there can only be rf2 and if you don't like your not a true sim racer, I call BS to all that, I love rf2 and I also like pcars..

so what....
Agreed...i spend last weekend a couple of hours (15 to be exact) playing pCars. To make it sure, I`m not with the SMS Investment, just bought the Game. I got a lot of Fun during 10 hours, because i spend around 4-5 hours, to get the FFB working :D

As i said somewhere else, too... it`s not rF2, it`s just a Racing Game. But therefore, from my point of view, it`s each Cent worth. 10 hours / 50 € = 5 €. For really good fun and entertainment, I`m really fine with this. Everything else coming now, is on top and ROI ;)

Took the words right out of my mouth.

It must have been while you were kis...


So long as some of the big issues are sussed out, I will probably buy PCars in some kind of sale in future. About the only thing I don't have is GSC and iRacing. I'm sure I'd very much enjoy it, get my fix of what is missing in rF2.

Much like Dirt Rally I reckon, I've been enjoying that a lot lately. Even though there are some pretty weird things, some of the moments in it are great. And of course, it delivers on the things that RBR doesn't and can't. The Welsh forest stuff, with the sun coming through the fog in the treetops, looks great, sound brilliant, drives well.
I assume like PCars, if I could just take the moments that make rF2 feel so "right" and mix it with what makes the others so "right", I would be in heaven XD
Well I have now bought PCars.

I can't judge the game properly yet because the physics / FFB is all over the place and there are enough setting permutations to keep me experimenting for a month or more. Main problems are FFB dropping off in slow turns and terrible under steer which won't dial out with Tow / Roll Bar / Caster / Differential settings or trail braking!

I keep reading good things about Assetto Corsa and reinstalling it to see if I missed something, wasting time playing with settings to try to bring it to life.

By contrast FFB / Physics are excellent on RFactor 2 and there is a good FFB thread on this forum to tweak out clipping and optimise slow speed accuracy. I had a 40 minute single player race at the Hockenheimring in the Spark F2 this week including a 10 minute battle for the lead with the AI beating me into the hairpin consistently, followed by a long battle to pull out enough lead so that I could exit the hairpin in front. It was great fun (if exhausting) due to the physics and FFB which put your senses on edge even if your technique is poor. Real gritty racing against AI! The lead changed place quite a few times.

My hope with PCars is to use it for endurance racing in changing weather for the immersion factor, yet so far the weather works better in RFactor2 with it's drying line and evolving grip. Rfactor 2 just needs to address the variable graphics by delivering more of the high quality, detailed circuits and avoiding the grainy looking ones. I am confident that my money wasn't wasted on PCars because the issues I mention can surely be improved to a level where I can use both "sims" for different moods. Meanwhile I just uninstalled Assetto Corsa again....I still must be missing something with that one.

I have a G25 Wheel and can't see why both AC and PCars cannot issue their recommended settings for the games to behave as the developers intended. That alone might stop bad reviews based on confused settings?

Update: OK So I implemented the excellent Jack Spade FFB Tweaker File and now the under steer has gone and I have a rather fun, sometimes challenging, very atmospheric arcade racer :-/ With the FFB working the physics are shown up as being completely unrealistic if that's a fair description?

OK so after a couple of hours of trying I conclude that actually there is no more fun to be had. The game looks so promising due to graphics but I cannot achieve an enjoyable race, it just feels totally unlike driving let alone racing a car. Biggest waste of time since Rise of Robots hype back when I was a lad and when I was still smart enough not to fall for fault for wanting to believe the hype. This is so far removed from what I read that for the first time that I believe I have been deliberately mis-sold a game.
It must have been while you were kis...


So long as some of the big issues are sussed out, I will probably buy PCars in some kind of sale in future. About the only thing I don't have is GSC and iRacing. I'm sure I'd very much enjoy it, get my fix of what is missing in rF2.

Much like Dirt Rally I reckon, I've been enjoying that a lot lately. Even though there are some pretty weird things, some of the moments in it are great. And of course, it delivers on the things that RBR doesn't and can't. The Welsh forest stuff, with the sun coming through the fog in the treetops, looks great, sound brilliant, drives well.
I assume like PCars, if I could just take the moments that make rF2 feel so "right" and mix it with what makes the others so "right", I would be in heaven XD

The only thing that will keep you going in PCars is disbelief that you haven't got it set up properly or something because that much hype cannot possibly be wrong......I mean I have been watching great you tube clips for months. The wasted time was more costly than the bill which frankly I would rather have donated to RFactor2!
I'm tremendously satisfied with pCARS, even though I'm one of the most hot headed defenders and lovers of rFactor 2.
I'm not a WMD member, mind you, so I don't have a hidden agenda. I'm just a guy who loves racing sims. :)

I think about it this way: pCARS does not try to act like it's something that it isn't. By that I mean, pCARS doesn't try to be rFactor 2.
It's just its own thing, which I find very attractive. I don't feel cheated or disappointed after trying it, like I did with Assetto Corsa.

Kunos claims, in many ways anyway, that Assetto Corsa is some sort of alternative to rFactor 2 quality wise, which it definitely isn't as far as I'm concerned.
It tries so hard to be something it's not, and likely never will be. This is one of the main reasons I don't like AC.
AC has millions of mods, you say? Doesn't matter to me, because no matter how awesome these mods are, they will always be held back by AC's core physics.
A successor to rFactor? Not in the slightest. A true successor to rFactor would need to be both an awesome piece of software AND have millions of mods available.

pCARS is simply pCARS, nothing more, nothing less.
It's tremendously fun to race in, the variety in cars and tracks is great, races are very immersive and exciting.

To me it even feels like the physics are more accurate and life-like than AC's for example.
It very well could be that AC's physics are better, in theory, but they're so badly executed that it really doesn't matter to me in the end.
Physics and force feedback feel great to me in pCARS (no, not rFactor 2 great of course) after having tweaked the ffb settings a bit.
The default ffb settings mask how good the physics truly are.
A "simcade" (not my words) that does a better job at physics than the self proclaimed best sim in the world, Assetto Corsa? Lol, that's pretty hilarious.

People who say that pCARS drives like an arcade game either have it set up wrong, or they're simply biased against it for some reason or another.
There is a lot going on when driving these cars, and they feel more alive than most other racing games, and even some sims.
Tons of little slides, need to make corrections, lock-ups, weight transfer, tire sensations etc. etc.
No it's far from perfect, but it's really great nonetheless. Some of its cars feel like some of the best rFactor 1 mods even, which is pretty damn great considering the type of title pCARS is.

I don't see any point in directly comparing pCARS to rF2. I see rF2 like more of a "tool" than a game, obviously.
pCARS is out to entertain, baffle, immerse, create a spectacle and look gorgeous while doing it.
I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to enjoy both, for different reasons of course. :)
